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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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das erste; he's so horny, that someone could or could not ihm die Eier?

das zweite; i'd eat a hat before i'd touch you up? (like, that shit aint happenin)

IDK MAN dies ist tatsächlich der allerletze grammatike Begriff, den ich gar nicht verstehe.

Nah, sorry. It's

I am too awesome for you to touch me.

Second is correct!

And don't worry. I couldn't really explain it and neither could anyone else apparently. It is a tough one!

Also @dafrocka:

Welcome to GAF! Please keep the meta-discussion in here to an absolut minimum. The thread is mainly for people to ask questions about German or Germany. It is particularly not for Germans to talk about GAF in German. There have been foreign language threads that have been locked and we really want to avoid that.
Don't worry though, you couldn't have known. So welcome again and enjoy.


@ Fritz,

ok thanks for the advice.

Maybe you have to change the topicname, cause people will think you are allowed to speak german here ;-)
@ Fritz,

ok thanks for the advice.

Maybe you have to change the topicname, cause people will think you are allowed to speak german here ;-)

man kann... über Deutsch/Land usw. , aber nicht "oh Mann Evilore ist blah blah und haha ja hier ist ein Link zu etwas das illegal ist aber da es auf deutsch ist kann niemand es verstehn heh heh


Yeah, exactly. I probably should have put it this way: Keep the German posts to a minimum and refrain from any meta-discussion.

I think we have found a pretty good balance in here and vets of this thread will push the discussion back on track. High five everyone!
Kölner hier "An Board"?

Go away!

Hallo GAF! Ich Komme aus Kanada. Ich lebe in Oberkirch für zwei Wochen. Ich sprechen ein bisschen Deustch. Wie geht es dir?

los, du sollst alle die andere grammatik Begriffen überspringen, spring doch mal ins als dass jaaaaaa??

wie benutzt man "schier" ?

und gibt es ne Alternative zu "was ist mit..." (what about...)



los, du sollst alle die andere grammatik Begriffen überspringen, spring doch mal ins als dass jaaaaaa??

wie benutzt man "schier" ?

und gibt es ne Alternative zu "was ist mit..." (what about...)


The same way you use "sheer" and about as often. You pretty much only hear it used as "schierer Wahnsinn" (sheer lunacy).

Do you want to make a suggestion or an inquiry?

For suggestions you could use:
"Wie wäre (es mit) ...?"
"Was hältst du von ... ?

"Was hat es damit/... auf sich?

Yeah, that's the one I was looking for.

what's awesome is that i can see your German grammar in what you were trying to say.

I also love doing that with non native english speakers is using their 'mistakes' (yours wasn't a mistake just stylistic geseltzt) to help me with their language z.B Spanish people saying "more good" "the most tall" to form their english superlatives :p

btw thanks a bunch!
das mag sein
das dürfte sein

? sie werden immer dasselbe übergesetzt

"Das mag sein" hints a bit of a doubt of the person saying it. "Das dürfte sein" means "It could be (but I'm not 100% sure)".
So the first one is "active doubt" of the person saying it, the second is that the person just doesn't know enough about it.


Confirmed Asshole
"Das mag sein" hints a bit of a doubt of the person saying it. "Das dürfte sein" means "It could be (but I'm not 100% sure)".
So the first one is "active doubt" of the person saying it, the second is that the person just doesn't know enough about it.

Well, you also use "Das mag sein" like so:
Das mag sein, aber trotzdem lese ich Twilight.
So it's used like "Regardless" in this case.

"Das dürfte sein" — I only see it used in this way:
Das dürfte eine stetige Funktion sein.
So it expresses uncertainty about a fact there (or, alternatively, a nerdy way of showing off). Always in this pattern: "Das dürfte X sein."
awesome, thanks! in my textbook i found even a list of increasing degrees of possibility from kann, darf, mag, muss used in this respect

Ich könnte es getan
Ich hätten es (tun?)getan können

this is the real question...

I could have done it...
I would have could have done it?

also how is the Zu+ used in anfangen and versuchen; I always say Er hat zu verben versucht and er hat angefangen zu verben

was is richtig was ist falsch and was ist wenig gesteltzt in ugs.?


Confirmed Asshole
awesome, thanks! in my textbook i found even a list of increasing degrees of possibility from kann, darf, mag, muss used in this respect

Ich könnte es getan haben
(I might have done it)
Ich hätten es (tun?)getan können
(I could have done it)

this is the real question...

also how is the Zu+ used in anfangen and versuchen; I always say Er hat zu verben versucht and er hat angefangen zu verben

was is richtig was ist falsch and was ist wenig gesteltzt in ugs.?
Answers and corrections are in the quote.

Both Zu+ sentences are correct.
"Er hat versucht, zu werben" is probably better (the comma is a new thing, see http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kommaregeln#Erweiterter_Infinitiv)

Wtf is "verben"? Are you using "verben" as a placeholder?
For all people who are interested in history (especially German), this article of the spiegel could be interested. Researchers found records of Edison's phonograph (early audio recorder) where the German chancellor Otto von Bismarck and the 90 year old field marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke speak a few words back in 1889. Barely recognizable, yet quite fascinating, especially considering Moltke was born in 1800 and thus it is the only record of a person born in that time.


It's astounding that Bismarck has such a "normal" voice. I thought it would be loud and deep.
Probably mental associations because of his stature and big moustache. :D


Confirmed Asshole
How would you ever be able to check whether this actually is a recording of the people mentioned? I'm highly skeptical this is legit.
How would you ever be able to check whether this actually is a recording of the people mentioned? I'm highly skeptical this is legit.

Edison-Mitarbeiter Wangemann führte Bismarcks Sohn Herbert im Herbst 1889, wenige Wochen nach seinem Aufenthalt in Friedrichsruh, die Tonaufnahme vor - sofort erkannte der Sohn die Stimme seines damals 74-jährigen Vaters. Dies ist für Stephan Puille ein weiteres, gewichtiges Indiz dafür, dass es sich bei den Aufnahmen zweifelsfrei um Otto von Bismarcks Stimme handelt.

hei Kerle;

"dick move" ; das war ein echt dick move seinerseits z.B. Jemand hat uns im Regen stehen gelassen / in einer Patsch, etc. , oder war echt unhoeflich zu einer Dame etc.

ich kann nur von "dreistig" oder 'unverschämt" aber sie genügen nicht, klingen relativ formal ;P


hei Kerle;

"dick move" ; das war ein echt dick move seinerseits z.B. Jemand hat uns im Regen stehen gelassen / in einer Patsch, etc. , oder war echt unhoeflich zu einer Dame etc.

ich kann nur von "dreistig" oder 'unverschämt" aber sie genügen nicht, klingen relativ formal ;P

Ich glaube, Dick Move würden einige verstehen. Aber es hängt wirklich vom Kontext ab. Im Allgemeinen eher "Scheißaktion" oder so was in der Art. Z. B. "Das war jetzt eine Scheißaktion von dir/ihm."


Ich glaube, Dick Move würden einige verstehen. Aber es hängt wirklich vom Kontext ab. Im Allgemeinen eher "Scheißaktion" oder so was in der Art. Z. B. "Das war jetzt eine Scheißaktion von dir/ihm."

Ja, Scheißaktion hätte ich jetzt auch gesagt.
Oh Mann Alter das war ne echte Scheißaktion deinerseits! sie wird mit dir ganz sauer sein, und zu recht!
nice, thanks fellas

what about Filler, in terms of conversation like Floskeln but maybe a bit less negatively connotated. in terms of everything else, just things that are there to take up time, space, etc. Like Kartoffeln and rice are sort of a filler food, water a filler drink, etc.


Oh Mann Alter das war ne echte Scheißaktion deinerseits! sie wird mit dir ganz sauer sein, und zu recht!
nice, thanks fellas

what about Filler, in terms of conversation like Floskeln but maybe a bit less negatively connotated. in terms of everything else, just things that are there to take up time, space, etc. Like Kartoffeln and rice are sort of a filler food, water a filler drink, etc.

also wirklich?? das habe ich gelesen, aber die verdammte Bedeutungen besagten, dass sie nur Füller für Stiften waren bzw. Tintin oder was :p

Danke sehr! wie immer!

auch so was wie; Grown ass bzw. "i'm a gross ass man!/woman!"
#konsolen @ irc.quakenet.org
we are a gaming focused community :)

Haha, cool. You'll have to hear my terrible german even more. Are most people on IRC cool if your german sucks?

Also, does wenn and denn more verbs to the end of a sentence? I forget now. :(

Also, how do you say "worth of"?

z.B. I'm going to buy a million dollars worth of tootsie rolls.

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