Should be in Hamburg tomorrow by 6pm local time. Do we have a Hamburg-GAF?
I'm at work til around 8:30. Could meet up for a hot punch (non-alcoholic) at the Weihnachtsmarkt near the Alster if you like to?
Where are you staying?
Should be in Hamburg tomorrow by 6pm local time. Do we have a Hamburg-GAF?
If you've spent as much time in Palatinate as I have you're kinda forced to mock Saarland. Sorry.
I'm at work til around 8:30. Could meet up for a hot punch (non-alcoholic) at the Weihnachtsmarkt near the Alster if you like to?
Where are you staying?
The cool kids live in Rhineland-Palatinate.
No they don't.
Me.Should be in Hamburg tomorrow by 6pm local time. Do we have a Hamburg-GAF?
But I am sick and have to stay in bed.
Or do you want to join me in my bed..
Hostel is just near the central station, Steintorplatz 3. Where is Alster?
You're about 5 minutes by foot from where I live.
Alster is a river/almost lake at the center of Hamburg. It's nice there and it's like 2 subway stations or a 10 minute walk from the central station.
The area right behind your Hostel is a bit seedy, BTW. But I assume you'll be at the Generator, which looks nice and modern from the outside.
Not worth my time
wow, cool. If you ever happen to be in the Würzburg/Bamberg area or just want to visit cool places then send me a message. There's another gaffer who was stationed in Germany (he's US military) who can vouch for me not being a creepy weirdo. He's back in Texas now, though, unfortunately.
Tausche Faymann gegen Merkel.Fuck politics in this country. Everything's FUBAR.
Tausche Faymann gegen Merkel.
Österreich ernennt 27-Jährigen zum Außenminister
Vom "Geil-O-Mobil" zur Diplomatie: Sebastian Kurz wird der jüngste Außenminister in der EU. Der österreichischen Regierung gehört er schon seit knapp drei Jahren an. Befürworterin der Vorratsdatenspeicherung soll Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte werden
Andrea Voßhoff ist die Wunschkandidatin der Union für das Amt der Beauftragten für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit. Als CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete stimmte sie für den Bundestrojaner und Websperren
What happened this time?
Am sitting in the Generator hostel right now. You still up for tonight Jon?
Jupp. Da weiß man doch schon was uns blüht. Passend auch, dass es wieder ein SPD Mann ist. Genau so wie damals, als der Clement zum "Superminister" gemacht wurde. Wirtschaft - und Arbeit. Haha.Und der Wirtschaftsminister verantwortlich für die Energiewende, na klasse...
Darüber hinaus sitzt er im Aufsichtsrat (Personalausschuss) des fünftgrößten deutschen Zeitarbeitsunternehmens DIS Deutscher Industrie Service, nachdem er als Bundesminister noch den gesetzlichen Rahmen für Leiharbeit liberalisiert hatte (Gesetz für moderne Dienstleistungen am Arbeitsmarkt).
Looks like Austria is handling things differently... but then again, what foreign policy influence do they have?
Copyright infringement on US army bases in Germany:
You should totally risk it. Please gimme a call when Lt.Col. MacKenzie from JAG shows up.Wait.
You can't watch porn in Germany?????????????????????????
Warum können sich SPD und die Linke nicht vertragen, RRG hätte so schön sein können.
I mean, that's funny and all, but jesus christ. How do you people survive knowing that your every move on the internet is being monitored and you're likely to get fined for doing...well, shit anything?
I mean, that's funny and all, but jesus christ. How do you people survive knowing that your every move on the internet is being monitored and you're likely to get fined for doing...well, shit anything?
Welcome to the Internet of tomorrow!
Don't use P2P for anything else than Freeware, i.e. no series, no movies, no porn, no music. It's totally monitored in Germany and you get an 'Abmahnung' (cease-and-desist order combined with a monetary fee) quite regularly. It became a big business some years ago and still is.
Streams are fine. Or at least seemed fine -->
Can confirm that Mutes is a swell guy.
Hope my affinity to beer and getting lost didn't put him off Germans too much.
Welcome to the Internet of tomorrow!
Don't use P2P for anything else than Freeware, i.e. no series, no movies, no porn, no music. It's totally monitored in Germany and you get an 'Abmahnung' (cease-and-desist order combined with a monetary fee) quite regularly. It became a big business some years ago and still is.
Streams are fine. Or at least seemed fine -->
You got lost in your own city?
Welcome to the Internet of tomorrow!
Don't use P2P for anything else than Freeware, i.e. no series, no movies, no porn, no music. It's totally monitored in Germany and you get an 'Abmahnung' (cease-and-desist order combined with a monetary fee) quite regularly. It became a big business some years ago and still is.
Streams are fine. Or at least seemed fine -->
Don't you work for the US government?
Austria's still a land of bliss for that matter. Filesharing is not illegal per se, so the authorities don't care.
At the same time ISPs do not have to provide user data without court order, which is impossible to get in a civil law case, without an official investigation.
My provider (UPC) has demonstrated in the past that it won't provide any user data without said court order (Telekom did), so for now I'm fine.
Since I'm on a Macbook Air running OS X only, don't have a jailbroken phone andpornmovie streaming sites exist, there's not much reason to download "wild stuff" anyway.
Jetzt wo das Jahr sich dem Ende neigt, nominiere ich "Revolverheld - Das kann uns keiner nehmen" als schlechtestes Lied des Jahres. Kein anderes Lied erinnert mich an alte arbeitslose Alkoholiker und Penner, die schon um 12:00 Uhr in ihrer Kneipe stehen und sich mit ihren Freunden über alte Zeiten auslassen und wie unfair doch alles ist und die bösen Politiker und hastenichtgesehn. Nicht mal die Hosen kamen mit ihrer ganzen Nostalgiescheiße so bekackt rüber, wobei deren letzte Single auch sehr nach 'ran kam.
You wouldn't believe how fucking expensive it is to watch TV shows if you don't stream. I've tried and I've decided it's just not worth it (so instead I barely watch TV series). Thankfully there's some streaming services popping up, so maybe once I get faster internet I'll just switch to those even if they still suck and are overpriced.
If people actually had to pay for porn and TV shows they'd have no money left.
*Rostwürstel pun*I do know. Murica was like that 10 years ago.
BUT - if Nurnberg was a woman, I'd impregnant her. I fucking love this place.
Jetzt wo das Jahr sich dem Ende neigt, nominiere ich "Revolverheld - Das kann uns keiner nehmen" als schlechtestes Lied des Jahres. Kein anderes Lied erinnert mich an alte arbeitslose Alkoholiker und Penner, die schon um 12:00 Uhr in ihrer Kneipe stehen und sich mit ihren Freunden über alte Zeiten auslassen und wie unfair doch alles ist und die bösen Politiker und hastenichtgesehn. Nicht mal die Hosen kamen mit ihrer ganzen Nostalgiescheiße so bekackt rüber, wobei deren letzte Single auch sehr nach 'ran kam.