Autobahnen sind Landessache!
Müssen wir ab nächstes Jahr eine Maut bezahlen, um Seiten auf bayrischen Serverzentren aufzurufen?
Okay, so this is a question that nobody seems to be able to answer because Americans fucking hate public transit, apparently.
When I get on board the bus to go to the train station, I hold out my 2€ coin because it costs 1.5€. Every single time, the bus driver is looking at me like I'm retarded until I mutter "Ich bin banhof gehen." Then, without fail, he goes says something in the tone that clearly is 'no shit, why the fuck do I care.' Nobody else says shit when they get on the bus, so what they hell is he expecting and why is me not holding out the coin enough?
Also, a lot of people use these cards. What are they and how do I get one?
What is "Ich bin bahnhof gehen"?
I'm going to the station?
That's not how you would say that though right?
If you want to keep it short, you can also say "(Zum) Bahnhof, bitte.".
If you want to keep it short, you can also say "(Zum) Bahnhof, bitte.".
Zum Bahnhof, jetzt.
How about that one?
Zum Bahnhof, jetzt.
How about that one?
Well, the "bitte" makes I polite and - at least here in Hamburg - I don't see many people who decorate their words much when talking to a busdriver.But Germans are known for their politeness, so don't keep it short, add some nice cuddly words around it.
Zum Bahnhof, jetzt.
How about that one?
Went on a great free walking tour and met some great folks. I'll probably get a museum card and hit up the insides of the big ones tomorrow und the next day. Who is BerlinGAF these days?
missing Achtung, halt, Bahnhof jetzt sofort!
yours would be even more impolite than Chariots suggestion. like now god damn it.
Maybe I will be in the next video of a person being punched by a bus driver!
I'm here until Sunday.
Want to meet up some time this week then?
This is VERY dependent on where you take the bus, as different areas and cities use different companies and systems.
It is likely that you should get your ticket by yourself beforehand at a machine or even at the machine in the bus. In many cities it is practically impossible to buy tickets from the driver.
If you travel semi regularly it is probably worth getting a "10er" Karte or something similar, giving you 10 rides for a reduced fee.
If you travel regularly it might be worth getting a "Monatskarte" for an entire month without having to worry about getting a ticket every time.
If you travel very regularly you might just as well get "Monats Abo" i.e. a subscription you pay monthly for an even further reduced price.
Okay, cool, thanks. I guess I get the 10er karte from DB online right?
nope, the company offering the local services (bus, subway et al) is usualy not the DB! You will want to go to their website or their machines.
1) Enrol at university
2) Get student ticket (usually free transportation within federal state)
3) ???
4) Profit!
Hmm. Well, I am enrolling in Volkshochschule for German lessons. DOES THAT COUNT?!?!
Boy the english name of NRW sounds strange. I always read something with rhinos and palastine. Saxony and Bavaria sound much cooler.That depends on the different operators. The north of Rhineland-Palatine e.g. belongs to a different operator than the south, so I cannot travel through the state with my student ticket. It's a special case though.
Boy the english name of NRW sounds strange. I always read something with rhinos and palastine. Saxony and Bavaria sound much cooler.
Oh you're right, sorry, I can't brain today.NRW is North Rhine-Westphalia.
El Idiota isn't in NRW bun in Reinland Pfalz.![]()
The NRW Ticket is fairly new I think. When I was in Uni, I had to get a connecting ticket for a bit of the journey. Mightily annoying.@ El Idiota: This is really annoying. In NRW there are also several local 'Verkehrsverbünde' (linked transport systems) such as VRS and VRR, but somehow they seem to managed an arrangement. Still, it often confuses conductors and students.
BTW, do we know each other from another forum?!
Ich hab aufgerüstet (neues Modem, neuer Datenplan):
Geil und direkt von Amazon auch noch.Technicolor (also Thomson) TC7200 Kabelmodem mit integriertem (WLAN) Router - wobei ich das WLAN über meine Time Capsule aufbaue, die wiederum über Ethernet am Modem hängt, da ich zu viel über regelmäßige Verbindungsabbrüche beim Benutzen des internen Funks gelesen habe (war halt gratis und der Vorgänger schon ca 4 Jahre alt).
EDIT: Also, falls wer noch ein Geschenk sucht, oder sich selbst 'ne Kleinigkeit gönnen möchte: HIER NSFW
Dankt mir später.
Well I got a ticket as well, but it only works for VRN. For Rhineland-Palatinate there's VRT,VRN,VRM and RNN, so essentially I can't travel north past Alsenz. Personally I think that's really disappointing that the different companies couldn't agree on a student ticket for the entire region.
So if I want to travel home I can usually spend about 20 per trip, so 40 in total (there and back again).
Want to meet up some time this week then?
Richtige Entscheidung. In Köln gibt's nur Kölsch und Prekariat.
When are you going back anyway? Are you already back in Frankfurt this Thursday?
Klappe zu oder et jibbt Köln-Kalk-Verbot!
In einem kleinen Dorf wohnte einst ein Mädchen mit dem Namen Barbara.
Barbara war in der ganzen Gegend für Ihren ausgezeichneten Rhabarberkuchen
bekannt. Weil jeder so gerne Barbaras Rhabarberkuchen aß, nannte man sie
Rhabarberbarbara. Rhabarberbarbara merkte bald, dass sie mit ihrem
Rhabarberkuchen Geld verdienen könnte. Daher eröffnete sie eine Bar: Die
Rhabarberbarbarabar. Natürlich gab es in der Rhabarberbarbarabar bald
Stammkunden. Die bekanntesten unter ihnen, drei Barbaren, kamen so oft in
die Rhabarberbarbarabar um von Rhabarberbarbaras Rhabarberkuchen zu essen,
dass man sie kurz die Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbaren nannte. Die
Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbaren hatten wunderschöne dichte Bärte. Wenn die
Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbaren ihren Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbart pflegten,
gingen sie zum Barbier. Der einzige Barbier, der einen
Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbart bearbeiten konnte, wollte das natürlich
betonen und nannte sich Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbier. Nach dem
Stutzen des Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbarts geht der
Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbier meist mit den
Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbaren in die Rhabarberbarbarabar um mit den
Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbaren von Rhabarberbarbaras herrlichem Rhabarberkuchen
zu essen.
I'll be in Weimar 3 days prior if that helps any![]()
Richtige Entscheidung. In Köln gibt's nur Kölsch und Prekariat.
Und den Kölner Dom, das Schokoladenmuseum und Dutzende weitere interessante Museen. Die Shopping-Möglichkeiten sind auch gut.
Aber wenn die Koblenzer lieber unter sich bleiben wollen. ;-)
I'll be in Weimar 3 days prior if that helps any![]()