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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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I must admit that I don't understand the reference :-/

Oh. I thought all you sports people were some kind of hivemind. NHL GAF has a member called "Smiley90" known occasionally as Smelly to his compatriots. Has a tag about taking a shit on his finger. He's even Swiss by birth so I thought for sure you were referencing him.


Oh. I thought all you sports people were some kind of hivemind. NHL GAF has a member called "Smiley90" known occasionally as Smelly to his compatriots. Has a tag about taking a shit on his finger. He's even Swiss by birth so I thought for sure you were referencing him.

Haha, no. There's some overlap, but overall, we're pretty separate.

NFL GAF doesn't post dick pics, for instance.


Holla die Waldfee. Scheint aber niemandem was passiert zu sein.

Zur Sprache: Ein paar Fetzen sind ja schon verständlich.
I tried to write you a bio, but all I know about you is that you wish you were German and that you worship the devil. Any other details you'd like to offer up?

- I like to not wear shirts.
- I like LA (much more than expected)
- I hate the Mannings
- I'm the greatest FIFA player in the world

Need more?
I thought it belongs to this wonderful picture from this interesting topic:




Greetings, fellow sailors!
Bin gerade über ein SuperBowl Programmheft gestolpert, hat jemand Interesse? Natürlich neu und kostenfrei, würde ich nach meiner Rückkehr versenden. Bei mehr als einem Interessenten würde ich ein kleines Gewinnspiel veranstalten. :)
AfD versucht (wie zu erwarten war) schon auf den Zug aufzuspringen.

Dichtestress ist aber auch ein wirklich tolles Wort.

As was posted in the other thread, Swizerland is in excelent company on this one.
It must be a proud day when FN, UKIP, AfD et al agree with ones views and actions.
But it has nothing at all to do with xenophobia.


As was posted in the other thread, Swizerland is in excelent company on this one.
It must be a proud day when FN, UKIP, AfD et al agree with ones views and actions.
But it has nothing at all to do with xenophobia.

Yep some of the comments out there are really ignorant.

I love that one dude who's like "So what, the majority of Germans agree that there are too many foreigners in their country. We aren't beating you at your own game."


In a better world the countries where most of their immigrants are coming from would strive to create the same conditions that draw people to Switzerland. ;c


Haven't met all that many, but what makes them entitled?

Most concrete complaints I've heard are from phone support people who complain about the slow talking, haha.


Yep some of the comments out there are really ignorant.

I love that one dude who's like "So what, the majority of Germans agree that there are too many foreigners in their country. We aren't beating you at your own game."

Here I am mate. Got anything to counter? You have no right to point fingers when over half of the Germans think there are too many foreigners in Germany, when you have not even half the quota of foreigners Switzerland has.

But of course, it is a deeply German attitude to point fingers and, of course, whine afterwards whenever somebody brings up World War 2.

Schön den Ball flachhalten, Jimmy.

Does anybody really like the Swiss? The Swiss are such entitled shits.

Geneva is beautiful though.

Downright racist, but then again, nobody cares what the dutch have to say.

Enjoy your inferior cheese.


Here I am mate. Got anything to counter? You have no right to point fingers when over half of the Germans think there are too many foreigners in Germany, when you have not even half the quota of foreigners Switzerland has.

But of course, it is a deeply German attitude to point fingers and, of course, whine afterwards whenever somebody brings up World War 2.

Schön den Ball flachhalten, Jimmy.


You seem like quite the friendly fella.

You know the key difference? We didn't just vote to curb immigration. We also didn't vote to stop minarets and didn't shit on asylum seekers. You made this stuff official.

So yes, regardless of whoever's "game" this is, at this point you're very much beating us at it.

BTW, I have no real problem with Switzerland. Spent most of my life near it, travelled there often and a few friends work or worked there. Really nice country. But the way you and some others are trying to steer this debate away from what it is about irks me.


Ugh, I feel like we're having the wrong kind of discussion.

I don't think the issue should be which country is the worst at handling immigration. Most European countries haven't exactly been flawless when it comes to right wing, anti immigration stupidity in the past few years.

If that 50% number for Germany is true, it's just as appalling and a lot of these people are straight up dumb. I mean, this beautiful country of ours has obviously suffered terribly from these "too many" foreigners.

I just don't think closing down your/our borders is a constructive way to deal with this stuff, and between Wilders/FN/UKIP/FPÖ/AfD and their respective campaigns, I find it hard to believe that the motivation in Switzerland is truly that different and purely rational.


Here I am mate. Got anything to counter? You have no right to point fingers when over half of the Germans think there are too many foreigners in Germany, when you have not even half the quota of foreigners Switzerland has.

But of course, it is a deeply German attitude to point fingers and, of course, whine afterwards whenever somebody brings up World War 2.

Schön den Ball flachhalten, Jimmy.

Wollt ich dir auch gerade raten. Es heißt zwar "Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung", aber generell halte ich es für ratsam, sich vorher gut zu überlegen ob das Thema letzteres auch wert ist.
Downright racist, but then again, nobody cares what the dutch have to say.

Enjoy your inferior cheese.

Oh shit's it's time for a cheese-off!

Also, funny how you mention that nobody cares about the Dutch when your country is as neutral as they come. Honestly, for the overall irrelevance that is Switserland you are pretty, I give you that.

But tell me, besides being the world's piggy bank (which is gonna end soon). What else do you guys do? Enlighten me.

Love the generalisation. Way to comment on an issue that exactly is an issue because of what you just did..

Let's hug it out brother! Let's be neutral.


Oh shit's it's time for a cheese-off!

Also, funny how you mention that nobody cares about the Dutch when your country is as neutral as they come. Honestly, for the overall irrelevance that is Switserland you are pretty, I give you that.

But tell me, besides being the world's piggy bank (which is gonna end soon). What else do you guys do? Enlighten me.

Let's hug it out brother! Let's be neutral.

Women are pretty, men are handsome. I'm a man.

You have the internet at your service, use it. Research the high precision mechanical engineering, and the gold processing.

My country isn't neutral at all, mate. I'm not Swiss. But I've lived in Switzerland long enough to know the facts - and I know a senseless, trendy bashing when I see one. If you insult Switzerland, you have to expect to be corrected.

You seem like quite the friendly fella.

You know the key difference? We didn't just vote to curb immigration. We also didn't vote to stop minarets and didn't shit on asylum seekers. You made this stuff official.

So yes, regardless of whoever's "game" this is, at this point you're very much beating us at it.

I'm a blast at parties.

I've had enough statistical education to know to know that if over 50% of people say that in a survey, even more will vote accordingly. Switzerlands survey had 37% agreement, for example.

Still waters run deep, mate.

Wollt ich dir auch gerade raten. Es heißt zwar "Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung", aber generell halte ich es für ratsam, sich vorher gut zu überlegen ob das Thema letzteres auch wert ist.

Don't be so pissed mate, we're all friends here. You're more than invited to have a solid counter argument.


I'm a blast at parties.

I've had enough statistical education to know to know that if over 50% of people say that in a survey, even more will vote accordingly. Switzerlands survey had 37% agreement, for example.

Still waters run deep, mate.

Did they teach you the difference between the political implications of a non-binding survey and an actual political vote (well, three of them) wherever they gave you your statistical education?

Not saying something like this won't ever happen in Germany (and it'll be a sad day indeed), but at this point in time the Swiss are three steps ahead of us when it comes to turning xenophobic undercurrents into actual political action.


Did they teach you the difference between the political implications of a non-binding survey and an actual political vote (well, three of them) wherever they gave you your statistical education?

Not saying something like this won't ever happen in Germany (and it'll be a sad day indeed), but at this point in time the Swiss are three steps ahead of us when it comes to turning xenophobic undercurrents into actual political action.

Political Science Statistics, to be precise. It was taught by a very capable German professor by the way. Tremendous bloke.

It boils down to this:
1) Delicate matters, like xenophobia-related topics, always score lower on surveys than they do at the actual votings, since people are to a degree too inverted to say what they really think.

2.) When you introduce more democracy to the people, it will introduce a period where people would vote for extreme measures, before they "get used to" the political power. Say Germany would introduce direct democracy tomorrow, the results would be so deliciously more extreme than Switzerland would ever be.

By the way, to whomever asked, did you do your research yet? The pharmaceutical industry, the medical and technological research, and chemical industry say hi. I'm just spitballing here. And, you know, fuck ABB


Political Science Statistics, to be precise. It was taught by a very capable German professor by the way. Tremendous bloke.

It boils down to this:
1) Delicate matters, like xenophobia-related topics, always score lower on surveys than they do at the actual votings, since people are to a degree too inverted to say what they really think.

2.) When you introduce more democracy to the people, it will introduce a period where people would vote for extreme measures, before they "get used to" the political power. Say Germany would introduce direct democracy tomorrow, the results would be so deliciously more extreme than Switzerland would ever be.

I know all that. Which is why it wasn't the point I was trying to make. Please re-read my post(s).

What I'm trying to say is that a) there's a significant difference between hypotheticals ("If Germans were allowed to vote out immigrants, the results might be the same/worse") and results of actual, real-life, it-happened-people-did-it-you-can-count-the-votes-on-physical-pieces-of-paper political actions. (what happened in Switzerland)

And b) that in the end it's totally pointless to have a "well yeah but you suck too!" competition that only distracts from the problem at hand, which is that there's an increasing problem of Xenophobia in a ton of European countries. A problem from which neither Germany or Switzerland are exempt and that should be adressed instead of wasting time on deciding which country is doing worse.


I know all that. Which is why it wasn't the point I was trying to make. Please re-read my post(s).

What I'm trying to say is that a) there's a significant difference between hypotheticals ("If Germans were allowed to vote out immigrants, the results might be the same/worse") and results of actual, real-life, it-happened-people-did-it-you-can-count-the-votes-on-physical-pieces-of-paper political actions. (what happened in Switzerland)

And b) that in the end it's totally pointless to have a "well yeah but you suck too!" competition that only distracts from the problem at hand, which is that there's an increasing problem of Xenophobia in a ton of European countries. A problem from which neither Germany or Switzerland are exempt and that should be adressed instead of wasting time on deciding which country is doing worse.

a.) Not as much a gap as you think there is. Say, the NPD wants to send all foreigners home. Well, they haven't done it, so they can't be that bad.

b.) "You suck too"?
What are you talking about? Have you seen me be apologetic about this whole matter? I stand behind what Switzerland has done. Doesn't mean I can't show anyone their place when they criticize the voting / get them off their high horse. You use the word xenophobe, I'll darn well use it against you.
Women are pretty, men are handsome. I'm a man.

You have the internet at your service, use it. Research the high precision mechanical engineering, and the gold processing.

My country isn't neutral at all, mate. I'm not Swiss. But I've lived in Switzerland long enough to know the facts - and I know a senseless, trendy bashing when I see one. If you insult Switzerland, you have to expect to be corrected.

I've lived in Switserland for almost a month. I've had 2 statistics courses, so I know that that is a large enough sample size.

Either way, thanks for the correction. A well educated, non-pretty man like yourself must be busy, so for you to take your time to tell me absolutly nothing is an honor.

Sorry Germanbro's, I will no longer infest your thread.
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