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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Kann mich noch an den "de-clawing my cats" thread erinnern. Da wurde auch mit "USA USA" unter anderem auch von einem Moderator argumentiert. Quasi wenn ich mich schon erbarme so ein blödes Viech zu holen, dann kann ich es doch auch ruhig so zurecht biegen, dass meine Möbel nicht darunter leiden.

Das erinnert mich an das Arschloch, welches sich eine Benagal geholt hat und dann die Krallen hat entfernen lassen. Wenigstens fiel der Ton in seinem Thread da aber nicht zu positiv aus.
Das erinnert mich an das Arschloch, welches sich eine Benagal geholt hat und dann die Krallen hat entfernen lassen. Wenigstens fiel der Ton in seinem Thread da aber nicht zu positiv aus.

Wenigstens etwas. Irgendwann wird mir wohl eh der Kragen platzen, dann schauen wir Mal wie lange ich überlebe wenn meine "Weisheit" ungefiltert gepostet wird.
'De-clawing' meint das komplette Entfernen der Kralle, nicht das Beschneiden der Krallenspitze, oder?

Ja genau. Argumentiert wurde mit Katzen die draussen sind würden damit Vögel töten (denkt doch jemand an die armen Vögel - echt so geschrieben), drinnen Möbel ruinieren, etc. außerdem ist das in den USA üblich also wo ist das Problem...
'De-clawing' meint das komplette Entfernen der Kralle, nicht das Beschneiden der Krallenspitze, oder?

Ich glaube in dem von mir genannten Thread wurde es recht schön beschrieben. Stell dir vor, man würde dir deine Fingerspitzen bis zum ersten Gelenk am Finger entfernen. Das wäre dann "de-clawing" für Katzen.


Ihr vergesst total auf die armen Vögel!

Aber, bevor sich Gunslingers Vorahnung bewahrheitet: Themenwechsel.
Kennt sich jemand damit aus? Ist das legal, Konten ausländischer Regierungsmitglieder (und/oder deren "Freunden") zu sperren, weil in ihrer Heimat gegen sie protestiert wird?
In Deutschland das Tierschutzgesetz. Davor gilt aber immer noch die Faust des Nachbarn/Freundes/Internets.

Zum 'de-clawing': puh, dachte schon ich bin einer dieser Leute. Aber wir schneiden der Katze nur die Krallenspitze (wie vom Tierarzt empfohlen).
In Deutschland das Tierschutzgesetz. Davor gilt aber immer noch die Faust des Nachbarn/Freundes/Internets.

Zum 'de-clawing': puh, dachte schon ich bin einer dieser Leute. Aber wir schneiden der Katze nur die Krallenspitze (wie vom Tierarzt empfohlen).

Wie gesagt, das ist ja nur Nägel schneiden.

Zur Veranschaulichung:



Sagt mal, gibts ne Möglichkeit, Indexsachen ohne Proxy von Steam zu laden?

Würde gerne Aliens Vs. Predator 2000 Classic haben, aber finde nirgendswo einen Key-Shop im Internet dafür...
A1. Kann Sätze mit Nebensätzen bilden, aber verwendet Wörter ständig falsch.

Dann evtl. Hörbücher für Kinder, z.B. TKKG oder Die Drei Fragezeichen. Dürfte simpel genug, aber auch herausfordernd komplex sein.

Er kommt dann auch schnell genug in die 'Natürlichkeit' der Sprache rein durch Intonation, Rhythmus, etc.


Dann evtl. Hörbücher für Kinder, z.B. TKKG oder Die Drei Fragezeichen. Dürfte simpel genug, aber auch herausfordernd komplex sein.

Er kommt dann auch schnell genug in die 'Natürlichkeit' der Sprache rein durch Intonation, Rhythmus, etc.

Er ist 25. Dürfte sich ein wenig verarscht fühlen^^
Hatte gestern Abend noch früh genug Feierabend um noch mal in den lokalen Saturn hier reinzuschauen und dann haben die direkt am Eingangsbereich eine große Palette mit PS4s da stehen. Wie gerne hätte ich eine mitgenommen, aber meine Vernunft hat gesiegt. :( Die Palette mit den Xbox Ones stand übrigens in der letzten Ecke der Spieleabteilung.Waren auch nur Bundles für €529. Werden die vermutlich nie los.

If only Google had bought them!
Hatte gestern Abend noch früh genug Feierabend um noch mal in den lokalen Saturn hier reinzuschauen und dann haben die direkt am Eingangsbereich eine große Palette mit PS4s da stehen. Wie gerne hätte ich eine mitgenommen, aber meine Vernunft hat gesiegt. :( Die Palette mit den Xbox Ones stand übrigens in der letzten Ecke der Spieleabteilung.Waren auch nur Bundles für €529. Werden die vermutlich nie los.

I still haven't seen any in the wild. Be it MM, Saturn or Gamestop in Munich...
I still haven't seen any in the wild. Be it MM, Saturn or Gamestop in Munich...

It's the first time I saw them in the wild, too. There were at least 20. I didn't expect that at all, which is why it was to tempting to buy one. But I guess a new tablet and a trip to Munich as birthday present for my GF is more important. Gah.


It's the first time I saw them in the wild, too. There were at least 20. I didn't expect that at all, which is why it was to tempting to buy one. But I guess a new tablet and a trip to Munich as birthday present for my GF is more important. Gah.

Come to a nice city for once, damn it.



RE: Whatsapp - hatte/hab ich auch auf dem Handy, aber aufgrund der üblichen mobilfunktarife fast nie benutzt. wieso datenvolumen verbrauchen, wenn ich tausend gratis sms im monat verschicken kann?

Ravensburg is real nice for sure.

As for WhatsApp, there's still tons of mobile plans that don't give you unlimited texts + Group functionality + media stuff like images, videos, voice messages + free across all countries + it feels more immediate due to all these "typing"/read/unread markers/"last online" things.

It's just incredibly simple to use while giving you extra functionality and being dirt cheap.
we have whatsapp groups for our respective families, its great to share where we are or what we are doing without always having to actually call them all the time. xD
we have whatsapp groups for our respective families, its great to share where we are or what we are doing without always having to actually call them all the time. xD

Doing the same. Also, me and my friends have a group to share all the stupid stuff we encounter everyday since we live scattered around different cities.

It was nice having you, whatsapp.


I don't think Facebook's gonna mess with it all that much. Of course there's some network effect (I love the guy in the other thread using a totally superior app, where he already has 3 contacts), but one of the reasons for WhatsApp's success is that it's so incredibly simple to set up. This in turn means that the lock in is relatively low, cause there's several different apps that offer the same functionality with the same low entry barrier.

Sure, you need to get others to download the other app first, but because they all don't require you to go through some complicated sign up process, it's much easier than for other things. For instance, a friend of mine was supposed to pay for his yearly subscription, so he simply switched to a competitor, and got like 10 people to do the same immediately.

I think WhatsApp and Facebook are aware of that.

Also, look at Instagram. The changes are minimal, and they didn't really try to mash their networks together. The only thing that changed was to try to set up an actual business model via ads. But WhatsApp already has that.
The only problem I have with Facebook buying WhatsApp is the inevitable inclusion of ads. WhatsApp's CEO said it won't happen and WhatsApp will remain independent. It might be true, even down the line, but the same was said about Instagram and that one got ads after all.

I'll still keep enjoying my free lifetime subscription.


But Instagram didn't have a subscription model.

Not saying it definitely won't happen, but I think it's less likely. I think people get really creeped out by ads in messaging apps, especially on phones cause it feels very personal.

They're probably interested in all that data, though.
I agree completely. But the point that concerns me is that I expect some data mining shit from facebook after they acquired such a huge phone book with the whatsapp database. And I am unwilling to jump the rope.
(Yup, I'm one of the tinfoil guys)

Whatsapp was nice while it lasted, but the competition already became pretty strong and is going to increase their efforts now that a lot of people are in the 'change' mood.

One of the competitors, Telegram, looks quite simple and not overloaded with gimmicky stuff or in-app-purchase-bullshit (themes, emoticons, etc). In fact, is just looks like a copy of whatsapp (those smilies were PD or CC, anyway), but offers encryption - which could be a nice USP compared to other free messengers.

From the other thread:
I'm pretty sure one of whatsapp's core principles (which is tied to no ads) is that they don't about care our data and will never mine it for profit. It used to be displayed prominently on their website, but I can't seem to find anymore... figures.


I dunno. I've never been hugely afraid of ad-funded companies getting all up in my data, because their users are what they sell. They couldn't afford a huge privacy snafu cause if all the users leave, their business is dead.

And if I was scared, the company I'd trust the least is Google. No one can in any way compete with the breadth of data they can collect and connect. We use their browsers, their OS (on a GPS connected device, with your phone number), their messaging, their storage, their search, their media networks, their social networks, and most of it via a single account. It's insane. Facebook, even with WhatsApp, only has access to a tiny sliver of that spectrum.
I dunno. I've never been hugely afraid of ad-funded companies getting all up in my data, because their users are what they sell. They couldn't afford a huge privacy snafu cause if all the users leave, their business is dead.
Privacy issues were not a problem for Facebook so far.

And concerning Google, you can to a huge degree avoid their applications by either blocking or replacing them.

However, Facebook and Whatsapp is an 'unheilige Allianz' in my opinion.
Privacy issues were not a problem for Facebook so far.

And concerning Google, you can to a huge degree avoid their applications by either blocking or replacing them.

However, Facebook and Whatsapp is an 'unheilige Allianz' in my opinion.

When someone sends you a Youtube link, how do you avoid that?


Heh. I think a polite "I might watch that video if you upload it to Vimeo or Dailymotion" might be more appropriate. If that friend really cares about you, he or she will definitely do that.

Someone should make a "upload this video to Vimeo" extension so only one among our group of friends would have to take one for the team and enter the perilous world of Youtube.
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