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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Unfortunately, there's no easy way to determine whether to use -(e)t or -en for Partizip II.
The only rule is:
Starke Verben --> ge- Verb -en
Schwache Verben --> ge- Verb -(e)t
Gemischte Verben --> beibringen - beigebracht
So, this perfekt tense...

I'm trying to find out whether there's any rule to figure out whether a verb's ending is regular or irregular (as in, -en+(e)t eg gemacht vs unchanged eg angerufen - I already know about the ge- vs unchanged rules, for verbs with specific beginnings eg ver- -> vergessen).

Can't find whether there's an easy one (the "well it follows the imperfekt"answer doesn't really help, since you then need to know it anyway :p), so I'm starting to think that there is actually no easy rule and you just have to learn all of them. Halp?

you just learn them auswendig.. most verbs are these ones; gemacht, getan, gekackt, vermasselt, etc.

these 'gegeben, gerufen,' usw. sind nicht so häufig wenn ich mich nicht irre.


ahaha seriously? when did you do highschool? :D I remember Die Prinzen from my childhood days in the early 90s. wow.
oh well, there is not much fun german music, or maybe there is but im just not the guy for it. I tolerate Frittenbude or Supershirt, not a big fan but i like the fact that germany is getting their own sound this way.
At least we have quite a few good books ;) maybe you should read something not so hard to understand from a german author.

Not that long ago actually, from 2003-2007. It wasn't until I looked up the music videos for some of those songs that I realized how old they were. Man..those music videos...

It was a lot of Die Prinzen, and for whatever reason, Ich Bin Cool.
Does trifft have another meaning other than meet? Is it commonly used? I was watching Tagesschau and one headline was Opel-Chef trifft zurueck. Just sounds weird if it also means hit back, why wouldn't you use another word?


Confirmed Asshole
Does trifft have another meaning other than meet? Is it commonly used? I was watching Tagesschau and one headline was Opel-Chef trifft zurueck. Just sounds weird if it also means hit back, why wouldn't you use another word?

That's either a typo or a misread on your part, it's supposed to say "Opel-Chef tritt zurück".
Does trifft have another meaning other than meet? Is it commonly used? I was watching Tagesschau and one headline was Opel-Chef trifft zurueck. Just sounds weird if it also means hit back, why wouldn't you use another word?
I think you misheard. "zurücktreten" means to resign, which is what happened today.
was für ein Wort! Schmuddelecke hahaha

übrigens mag ich dies;

„Hasbro hat Pech, denn die Ponys sind jetzt im Internet, und da kommen sie nicht mehr heraus.“ In der Tat kann Hasbro wenig gegen den Ponykult im Netz tun, und warum auch?

allerdings dieser "warum auch" verstehe ich net ganz.. so wird es auch auf einer Weise benutzt, die ich noch nicht beherrsche. Könnt ihr mir irgend so einen Tipp dazu geben? Der "auch" der eher "eben" bedeutet und nicht "zusätzlich" bereitet mir Sorgen ;_;


was für ein Wort! Schmuddelecke hahaha

übrigens mag ich dies;

allerdings dieser "warum auch" verstehe ich net ganz.. so wird es auch auf einer Weise benutzt, die ich noch nicht beherrsche. Könnt ihr mir irgend so einen Tipp dazu geben? Der "auch" der eher "eben" bedeutet und nicht "zusätzlich" bereitet mir Sorgen ;_;

Well, the meaning is something like "why would they?". I guess it's just a phrase. I cant really explain what the auch is doing there myself.


Confirmed Asshole
I'm pretty sure "warum auch" is the opposite of "warum nicht", and that's all. (Of course, it's also a phrase, like Fritz points out.)


If I want to tell someone they look nice (casually), do I say:

Du siehst gut aus

I thought Du & Sie are both forms of "you", so wouldn't that be like you you?

/note, I've never taken any german before; just browsed some conversational german websites.

Also, how do you say the equivalent of "oh, fuck" when you realize you're in trouble?


If I want to tell someone they look nice (casually), do I say:

Du siehst gut aus

I thought Du & Sie are both forms of "you", so wouldn't that be like you you?

/note, I've never taken any german before; just browsed some conversational german websites.

Also, how do you say the equivalent of "oh, fuck" when you realize you're in trouble?

"Du siehst gut aus" is perfect. "siehst" means look. It has nothing to do with Sie.

It's perfectly fine to say "Oh, fuck" in german. Even my father says "Oh shit" all the time. 'Proper' German would be "Oh, Scheiße".


Go to a bar, order an Alt.

Or maybe don't

Sorry, I don't have anything else to offer.

I googled it:
Adipositas ist das Fremdwort, sie bedeuten aber meines Wissens das gleiche. Wenn du mit einem Mediziner oder Wissenschaftler sprichst, kannst du Adipositas verwenden, aber sonst ist Fettleibigkeit passender.

Ah, that makes sense. I was wondering if that was it since it was using that when referring to research but the dictionary I was using just listed both as obesity. Thanks!

Edit: Can anyone recommend a website or book for german grammar? I think my vocabulary is pretty good, at least for the time being but I feel uncomfortable still in my sentence structure when I want to say longer sentences. And I know how commas and other grammar is different than english and I just want to fine tune it. I think people can understand me but at times I sound crappy because I don't feel my grammar is good enough. Like the last post I would say "Ah, das macht Sinn. Ich habe dedacht dass eins war ein medizinisches Wort weil es mit Forschung benutzt war aber mein Wörterbuch hat gesagt dass beide obesity bedeutet.

Can you say "sagen" for "the dictionary says..."? Should I have broken the sentence in half before the aber since it's really long?


Edit: Can anyone recommend a website or book for german grammar? I think my vocabulary is pretty good, at least for the time being but I feel uncomfortable still in my sentence structure when I want to say longer sentences. And I know how commas and other grammar is different than english and I just want to fine tune it. I think people can understand me but at times I sound crappy because I don't feel my grammar is good enough. Like the last post I would say "Ah, das macht Sinn. Ich habe dedacht dass eins war ein medizinisches Wort weil es mit Forschung benutzt war aber mein Wörterbuch hat gesagt dass beide obesity bedeutet.

Can you say "sagen" for "the dictionary says..."? Should I have broken the sentence in half before the aber since it's really long?
Besser ist "im Wörterbuch steht ..."

As for a German grammar book, you probably can't go wrong with a Duden: http://www.amazon.de/dp/3411040483/
Besser ist "im Wörterbuch steht ..."

As for a German grammar book, you probably can't go wrong with a Duden: http://www.amazon.de/dp/3411040483/

Ah, that's right. I remembered there was another way of saying it but I couldn't think of it. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll pick that up then. How bad was the grammar in my edit out of curiosity? Thanks again for the help.

Edit: Holy shit, 1300 pages!?!?! I don't know if I want to be that fluent in German. :p


Ah, that's right. I remembered there was another way of saying it but I couldn't think of it. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll pick that up then. How bad was the grammar in my edit out of curiosity? Thanks again for the help.

Edit: Holy shit, 1300 pages!?!?! I don't know if I want to be that fluent in German. :p
The grammar was very good. Only some minor mistakes:

Ich habe gedacht, dass eins ein medizinisches Wort war/ist, weil es mit Forschung benutzt wurde, aber im Wörterbuch steht/stand, dass beide obesity bedeuten

Think of the upside with that book: You'll never need another German grammar book again ;)
The grammar was very good. Only some minor mistakes:

Ich habe gedacht, dass eins ein medizinisches Wort war/ist, weil es mit Forschung benutzt wurde, aber im Wörterbuch steht/stand, dass beide obesity bedeuten

Think of the upside with that book: You'll never need another German grammar book again ;)

Haha, nah definitely seems thorough which is good. I'm definitely getting it, I was just assuming it would be 200-300pgs. tops and it was over 1300. :p

the mark

Ist ja cool, dass es hier so einen Thread gibt. :)
Grüße aus Berlin an das "deutsche Gaf" und alle, die hier sonst so lesen/schreiben.


ach entschuldige, habe mich vertippt, ich kenne wohl den unterschied ;) Ist der Zweck dieses Themas, von anderen ständig korrigiert zu werden? das nervt, sage ich erst mal :p haha. bin wohl kein Muttersprachler, bestimmt merkt man das an mein Schreiben aber ich möchte in GAF lieber unkorrigiert bleiben, von dem Stress habe ich genug auf der Uni -_- ). Nimm es mir nicht übel, ich weiss es war von dir nett gemeint :D

elitepartner.de kenne ich auch aber wenn die dafür Werbung machen, dann heisst es dass sie nicht kostenlos ist. für schwule Männer gibt es gayromeo.de aber "been there done that", habe kein Bock auf schnellen Sex.

ich möchte eine Seite finden wo Männer und Frauen zu finden sind, interessante Menschen, die nicht so auf Sex fixiert sind. Eben so etwas wie Okcupid aber in Deutschland wäre mir sehr passend.

Neu.de is quite good if you live in a more populated area.
They're middle range price-wise and have some nice features. I'm a member myself, but I only pay for it during promotions where it's 5€/month ;)
And I met my new GF via this site :D
I'm done with A1, GAF, but I feel like I know nothing yet. I couldn't keep a conversation even if I wanted to.


cus you don't know anything and never will with this shit. My advice; get the fuck away from theses A's B's and C's Firlefanz/Geschwafel/Kram, und just start doing your own thing. Great thing about books and newspapers is that they don't move while you go for the dictionary

great thing about t.v. (online) is that it's always running



i'm mostly just a lurker but a german gaf meetup would be interesting

even though i know no one here and i never read any of the usernames o.0


going to munich in late july for 10 days, any fun stuff for a college kid to do? :)

Drink some Tegernseer/Augustiner or some Weissbier (can't help you with the latter, as I hate it.

Spend an afternoon/evening in the sun in Englischer Garten (lots of topless chicks, if such a thing appeals to you). Olympiapark is nice too.

Watch guys surf on the Eisbach, a famous creek on a corner of the Englische Garten.

There's a big BMW museum, and also the Deutsche Museum if you like science/engineering.

Visit the Glockenbachviertel, it's very gentrified by now, but still nice. I like to take the tram there.

Can't really think of too much else right now, but I'm sure you'll love it, seriously great city.


going to munich in late july for 10 days, any fun stuff for a college kid to do? :)

Plenty of stuff to do in Munich and outside. Andechser Dunkel is the best beer, don't believe anyone telling you otherwise. Actually, you could even go on a trip to Kloster Andechs :).

There used to be a place called Schwabinger 7 (left Munich years ago), but it's a dark pub and you're there in summer so any Biergarten will be great. Prager Frühling near there was a usual next stop back then a little bar/club with crazy wallpapers.

Cheapskate tip: There was a place near the train station called, I kid you not, Euro Youth Hotel (or Hostel, don't remember). Much better than its name suggest. It had a bar with the cheapest Augustiner in Munich, nice atmosphere with young people, German and foreigners. Great place, smack down in town centre. Maybe some local can confirm that it still exists?


I would confirm, but I'm not in town atm, sorry.
I think the Schwabinger 7 is closed by now, but all around is one of (if not THE) Munich's nightlife districts. Lots of young people, but a bit too crowded for my taste.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Germany GAF,

As some of you may know, I moved to Stuttgart recently. Is Batman coming out in Germany this weekend? If so, where's the nearest IMAX next to me that will play it? I don't care about ignoring German subtitles anymore. I just want to see it.

Preferably IMAX 3D. Dankeschön!


Germany GAF,

As some of you may know, I moved to Stuttgart recently. Is Batman coming out in Germany this weekend? If so, where's the nearest IMAX next to me that will play it? I don't care about ignoring German subtitles anymore. I just want to see it.

Preferably IMAX 3D. Dankeschön!
We have to wait another week: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1345836/releaseinfo

There seem to be four IMAX theaters in Germany but only the one in Bremen looks like it will be showing Batman. The ones in Speyer and Sinsheim are only for technology and nature stuff and I can't find any information about the Phantasialand IMAX. Bremen is not anywhere near Stuttgart though. Does it have to be IMAX?


Germany GAF,

As some of you may know, I moved to Stuttgart recently. Is Batman coming out in Germany this weekend? If so, where's the nearest IMAX next to me that will play it? I don't care about ignoring German subtitles anymore. I just want to see it.

Preferably IMAX 3D. Dankeschön!

It's coming out an the 26th (with previews on the 25th).

I cant really recommend a cinema in Stuttgart but 98% of the cinemas will show the dubbed version of TDKR. You'll need to find a cinema that'll show the OV (original version) or OmU (Original mit Untertiteln = with subtitles). You wont find an IMAX cinema anywhere near Stuttgart but the biggest screens in our normal multiplex cinemas should be comparable to the American LIEMAX screens (roughly 10m*22m).

Edit: I just googled a little bit and http://www.innenstadt-kinos.de / http://www.ufastuttgart.de/ / www.cinemaxx.de could be reasonable options. The 'Metropol' (part of Innenstadt-Kinos) will show TDKR in English on the 25th but i dont know if any good tickets are still available. I guess that Stuttgart-GAF will help you out soon enough.
"von wegen" wenn es nicht "wohl kaum" heißt? bin ein Bissel verwirrt, denn ein Kommilitone von mir "von wegen X Y oder Z" ausgesprochen in einer ernsthaften Manier... daher hat welcher eine andere Bedeutung?? Alleine kann ich das net hinkriegen


"von wegen" wenn es nicht "wohl kaum" heißt? bin ein Bissel verwirrt, denn ein Kommilitone von mir "von wegen X Y oder Z" ausgesprochen in einer ernsthaften Manier... daher hat welcher eine andere Bedeutung?? Alleine kann ich das net hinkriegen
Wahrscheinlich meinte er damit "was X, Y oder Z betrifft". Ich glaube das steht in keinem Wörterbuch und wird auch nicht von jedem benutzt.
cus you don't know anything and never will with this shit. My advice; get the fuck away from theses A's B's and C's Firlefanz/Geschwafel/Kram, und just start doing your own thing. Great thing about books and newspapers is that they don't move while you go for the dictionary

great thing about t.v. (online) is that it's always running


I disagree, I think you need at least a little bit of a structured basis. Having classes to learn the german at least was a huge help and I still need to improve my grammar but ya, after a while you sort of have to want to learn it yourself. Once you start reading/listening you start getting used to more used verbs and such also which is important but to not sound terrible I think you need to learn the grammar from somewhere especially if you're a native english speaker since there's so many things we just don't have in english.

Germany GAF,

As some of you may know, I moved to Stuttgart recently. Is Batman coming out in Germany this weekend? If so, where's the nearest IMAX next to me that will play it? I don't care about ignoring German subtitles anymore. I just want to see it.

Preferably IMAX 3D. Dankeschön!
Ya, it's definitely next week for Germany. I've been threatening all my german friends that I'll spoil the movie this friday when I go to see it since they have to wait a week! :D
Drink some Tegernseer/Augustiner or some Weissbier (can't help you with the latter, as I hate it.

Spend an afternoon/evening in the sun in Englischer Garten (lots of topless chicks, if such a thing appeals to you). Olympiapark is nice too.

Watch guys surf on the Eisbach, a famous creek on a corner of the Englische Garten.

There's a big BMW museum, and also the Deutsche Museum if you like science/engineering.

Visit the Glockenbachviertel, it's very gentrified by now, but still nice. I like to take the tram there.

Can't really think of too much else right now, but I'm sure you'll love it, seriously great city.
Thanks guys, will check it out, how is the club/nightlife there? ive heard mixed things.


Germany GAF,

As some of you may know, I moved to Stuttgart recently. Is Batman coming out in Germany this weekend? If so, where's the nearest IMAX next to me that will play it? I don't care about ignoring German subtitles anymore. I just want to see it.

Preferably IMAX 3D. Dankeschön!

Be prepared to watch it on a smaller screen. OV (Original Version) and OmU (with german subtitles) don't have enough people interested in it to be shown in big theatres. Hamburg and Berlin are the exceptions. No IMAX though.
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