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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Das könnte nen perfekter Tag werden. Barca verliert, Shaaraway spielt Bombe und PS4 Reveal. Empfehlungen für besten in D'land ruckelfreien Stream?
DE Streams bzw. vielleicht sogar EU san alle dieselben twitch dingsbums kommt mir vor.

Langsam und der Translator ist wohl auch ein fleischgewordener translate.google.com Typ.


still have no clue what i'd need a "share" button for...

EDIT: THIS is the first PS4 footage we're shown? no offence, but it looks like a Wii U title to me.
It's over. And GAF is finally back up.

It was good but their best stuff was packed into the first 30 minutes. It did not need to go for 2 full hours, and they should not have had people like Square Enix announcing announcements, and devs showing off concept work :/
man this was disappointing! the witness really seemed to be the only cool und original game.

Watchdogs = Assassin's Creed + Sleeping Dogs
yeah had to think of sleeping dogs, too. mixed with some deus ex:hr aesthetics
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