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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Gehts hier jetzt auch um Bärte? Wasgehdn!

Bin dabei!


oje geht mir auf der ps3 aber auch öfters. ich hab allgemein ein schwaches nervenkostüm.

haha! bei mir musste ein 360 controller dran glauben. Das war aber noch zu Bad Company 1 zeiten.

normalerweise hör' ich einfach auf zu "spielen" wenn ich mich aufrege - und gut is.
aber heute war's damit noch nicht getan...
aber ich konnte ihn wieder zusammenflicken - und er funktioniert sogar noch ziemlich gut... ("X" und "quadrat" benötigen jetzt etwas mehr druck, sonst ist alles beim alten, sogar die trigger).
Hallo DeutschGAF!




fucking PS4 announcement disrupted all my plans. didn't learn anything today. I even tried, opened the books etc, but instead I went back online to check on the news. FML.

gotta be strong tomorrow.
Huh? Where do they sell games in Mexico for 100 dollars?

Games cost 1000 pesos for new releases. A dollar is worth 13 pesos.

So that's 76.9 Dollars per game, but that includes the Value Added Tax (IVA)which is 16%. So without counting the IVA games go for 66 dollars in Mexico which is pretty fair I think, specially considering we're talking about imported goods here which have to be shipped over several thousand kilometers.

Consoles are another story, specially Nintendo consoles which are marked up beyond belief.

My mind is kinda stuck in the days where a dollar was 10 pesos (which was a long time ago), so you're right. But then again, there's no reason why games should be that expensive, considering that there were times where Microsoft did some competitive pricing (600 pesos for new xbox games and stuff)
Now that we're talking about the war (sorry about that), I'm curious to know... how do germans get taught about WW2 in elementary school? Is it covered in elementary school? How do teachers explain what happened?
sorry for mentioning the war
Now that we're talking about the war (sorry about that), I'm curious to know... how do germans get taught about WW2 in elementary school? Is it covered in elementary school? How do teachers explain what happened?
sorry for mentioning the war

Why would they teach about something like WW2 in elementary school?


Now that we're talking about the war (sorry about that), I'm curious to know... how do germans get taught about WW2 in elementary school? Is it covered in elementary school? How do teachers explain what happened?
sorry for mentioning the war

It's been a long time for me (26 - 22 years ago) so might not hold true today: We didn't have actual history classes in elementary school just Sachkunde (social studies). I think we approached the topic through little child appropriate stories. Like a story about a jewish child that got bullied and stuff like that. The first real confrontation was at home in my case (my grandfather was executed by the nazis and my whole family on my fathers side was in concentration camps so there was always an open discussion about it) and reading Anne Frank's Diary at school.
It's been a long time for me (26 - 22 years ago) so might not hold true today: We didn't have actual history classes in elementary school just Sachkunde (social studies). I think we approached the topic through little child appropriate stories. Like a story about a jewish child that got bullied and stuff like that. The first real confrontation was at home in my case (my grandfather was executed by the nazis and my whole family on my fathers side was in concentration camps so there was always an open discussion about it) and reading Anne Frank's Diary at school.

Can't imagine how delicate that would be to explain. Especially when family members were involved.


Can't imagine how delicate that would be to explain. Especially when family members were involved.

You're right. I never thought about it. The topic was never taboo although I definitely didn't get the real scope of it all. I think I'll have to ask my father how they explained everything to us.


I don't even know how I was first introduced to Germany's past.

But we didn't larn about it in school until the second school. And then it was one of the lopngest subjects :D

Rerun of Beauty and the Nerd... kill me PLEASE DO IT


A lot of German TV is like a freak show or a human zoo, look at all those crazy people, let's laugh at them, because they are weird.

nerds, freaks, messies, unemployed, fat people singing, weird people singing, thin ugly people singing.

In 10 years they will give them swords and let them fight in the thunderdome.
How much European history do you guys get taught? In Australian schools, Germany never got mentioned outside of the world wars. I had never heard of the Holy Roman Empire until I started playing historical strategy games and got interested enough to look it all up online.


How much European history do you guys get taught? In Australian schools, Germany never got mentioned outside of the world wars. I had never heard of the Holy Roman Empire until I started playing historical strategy games and got interested enough to look it all up online.

French Revolution and the prelude, Everything about Germany, some stuff about the UDSSR I think these are the biggest subjects about Europe.
Worse than King of the Nerds ?

Those afternoon RTL shows - which I unfortunately can't watch anymore due to work - are a guilty pleasure of mine. So fucking stupid, so over the top, yet so hilarious.

Niggemeier has a wonderful summary/transcript of an episode:

It's honestly* probably the best or at least most amusing TV show Germany has produced in quite some time.

*Alright, maybe not.

assi-tv highfive
(aber beauty & the nerd war selbst mir nach 2 folgen zu viel dummheit.) currently watching geek love
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