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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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well, that was 2 hours wasted. Really underwhelming for me.

I wouldn't say wasted. was fun with you guys though ^-^

edit: summary for everyone who could not be part of this:
yo dawg I heard you like watching people, so we will watch you watching your friend play watch dogs while watching his fb-status updates of you watching him play watch dogs
well, that was 2 hours wasted. Really underwhelming for me.

It was 90 minutes wasted, first quarter of the conf was pretty good!

I wouldn't say wasted. was fun with you guys though ^-^

edit: summary for everyone who could not be part of this:
yo dawg I heard you like watching people, so we will watch you watching your friend play watch dogs while watching his fb-status updates of you watching him play watch dogs

Gawd, the server errors though. I think GAF was down 80% of the time.

And I just figured you'd want to switch back now that it was over, especially given how underwhelmed you were. Obvious, Trab Hirai is a very handsome man.
I wouldn't say wasted. was fun with you guys though ^-^

edit: summary for everyone who could not be part of this:
yo dawg I heard you like watching people, so we will watch you watching your friend play watch dogs while watching his fb-status updates of you watching him play watch dogs

lol pretty much. Anyways, get some sleep now trab :D
It was 90 minutes wasted, first quarter of the conf was pretty good!

Gawd, the server errors though. I think GAF was down 80% of the time.

And I just figured you'd want to switch back now that it was over, especially given how underwhelmed you were. Obvious, Trab Hirai is a very handsome man.

ah. you're right. no use in holding up the flag anymore ;_;
It was 90 minutes wasted, first quarter of the conf was pretty good!
Well, for me it was just the same games with prettier graphics. I'm not sure why Sony keeps pushing the Killzone brand, it seems that no one cared for KZ3. That Capcom game was the only interesting thing for me, and not that much.

Gaming is kinda dead for me :(
Well, for me it was just the same games with prettier graphics. I'm not sure why Sony keeps pushing the Killzone brand, it seems that no one cared for KZ3. That Capcom game was the only interesting thing for me, and not that much.

Gaming is kinda dead for me :(

well it's not like these are the only games out there :p the mainstream market is pretty much fucked up but there are always some little sparks of light

but still, if mutes needs to be held during the microsoft conference, too I'll be probably here :D
KZ3 was very good graphically, but not nearly the mind-blow that KZ2 footage was in 2005 on the showroom. And when they started playing it, we saw the same shit we've been getting all gen, with regenerating red-jelly health, ADS gunplay, constant scripted cinematic events and weaksauce enemy AI. The railgun thing he was shooting didn't even seem that satisfying to use.

Most of my game time is spent in CoH and Swedish grand strategy games, so I suppose it's not like I'm much for conventional tastes anyway :lol
Also, the holiday 2013 release date seems kinda rushed for me. None of the games they showed looked like they were ready to ship in a few months. I expect a bunch of ports to be the launch titles, as always.
Also, the holiday 2013 release date seems kinda rushed for me. None of the games they showed looked like they were ready to ship in a few months. I expect a bunch of ports to be the launch titles, as always.

I expect that the first couple they showed will be ready for launch or a few months after, but half the time they just got dudes up on the stage to talk about games that had barely left conceptual prototyping. Just stupid, padding for time and making it seem like there's going to be more games than there really will be.


Also, the holiday 2013 release date seems kinda rushed for me. None of the games they showed looked like they were ready to ship in a few months. I expect a bunch of ports to be the launch titles, as always.

The first party titles will surely be ready.
As well as the cross plattform titles like Watch Dogs.

Enjoyed the conference so far even though a real highlight was missing.
But compared to 2005 pretty solid with alot of smart features.


Guten Morgen, Krautgaf. Finally caught up on the show.

Honest confession: I don't get the KZ hype. It looked like the typical corridor/guided shootbang game with ooooh purty grafx. Granted, the graphics are neat for consoleros, but I need more than that. Applies to all the games demoed, though.

Speaking of graphics: Dear Lord, that watchdogs demo. Now presented in Screentear-o-rama.

Also: PS4 is gonna cost 4 billion Eurobuckaroos.

No BC is bad, although nobody really expected PS4 to be backwards compatible. Still annoys me. Streaming as a solution, yeah right.

Dat Diablo 3 reveal. Everything makes sense now.

Finally: What the hell was up with gaf. That wasn't "OMG servers are melting", that was "Data center now crater of molten slag" levels of instability.


Guten Morgen Ihr Racker,

so I was probably good not watching the meeting. I was just worried about missing out on GAF anyway.

First thing I read on Gaming was "Friendlist". LOL. I guess PS4 is more or less "just" the expected evolution from PS3. Grafics are gorgeous but how in the world can developers keep up with this? I said it in Gaming: next gen developers will have to build 20 - 60 hours of interactive cgi movies. Just how exactly do you come up with the funding? It's flash but I fear it's also what's ruining the industry.
Guten Morgen Ihr Racker,

so I was probably good not watching the meeting. I was just worried about missing out on GAF anyway.

First thing I read on Gaming was "Friendlist". LOL. I guess PS4 is more or less "just" the expected evolution from PS3. Grafics are gorgeous but how in the world can developers keep up with this? I said it in Gaming: next gen developers will have to build 20 - 60 hours of interactive cgi movies. Just how exactly do you come up with the funding? It's flash but I fear it's also what's ruining the industry.

The increase in necessary budget ought to be relatively modest, as assets for modern games are already created at far larger resolutions and higher poly-counts than the finished product makes use of. UE4, CE3 and so on have improved tools that make them easier and faster to use, which partially mitigates the impact on budgets.

Budgets increased over the last generation from the start, and the same may be true here - but the budgets for first-wave titles won't be that much higher for average third party studios.
Haha, bin ich froh, dass ich nicht wach war um das mitzuerleben :lol

Alles, was ich bisher nachgelesen hab, war ziemlich...okay. Überdurchschnittlich gut. Nix Hype-würdiges.
PS4 kommt und hat bessere Grafik, that is all.
Werd mir die Konsole wohl trotzdem 2 oder so Jahre nach Release holen, wenn dann der Preis ein wenig gesenkt wurde :)


Ist zwar komisch sowas auf einem Videospieleforum zu schreiben, aber jeder, der sich Konsolen und Spiele am Erscheinungstag kauft, hat zu viel Geld.


Dieser Teil der Show stimmt mich jetzt doch etwas nachdenklich, nachdem ich einmal darüber geschlafen habe (als ob):
Ist klar warum die das so gezeigt haben (PS3-"Antithesis"), aber es weckt nach Abklingen des Anfangshype dann doch die Frage: Warum nicht einfach nen PC kaufen? Die Antwort darauf ist auch logisch, aber trotzdem... ist etwas unglücklich, das Ganze.
Ist zwar komisch sowas auf einem Videospieleforum zu schreiben, aber jeder, der sich Konsolen und Spiele am Erscheinungstag kauft, hat zu viel Geld.


Aber mal echt, ich kauf mir in der Regel keine Konsolen beim Release, außer es steht dick udn fett "Nintendo" in irgendeiner Ecke des Kartons.


The increase in necessary budget ought to be relatively modest, as assets for modern games are already created at far larger resolutions and higher poly-counts than the finished product makes use of. UE4, CE3 and so on have improved tools that make them easier and faster to use, which partially mitigates the impact on budgets.

Budgets increased over the last generation from the start, and the same may be true here - but the budgets for first-wave titles won't be that much higher for average third party studios.

Sounds good! When you think about it, a bit more than a decade ago a cgi movie almost brought Square to its knees and now they have to pop out products much more complex than that as often as possible. Kinda makes my head spin.


Ich habe eine mündliche Prüfung nächste Woche. Ich bin ziemlich nervös, weil ich für 15 Minuten über Bücher, verschiedene Themen und Bilder sprechen muss.
Oh god my University has just made me a tutor for an introductory programming unit. Surely there was somebody who applied who was more qualified. Now I have to revise all the stuff I've forgotten from first year.



Was haltet ihr eigentlich von unserer neuen Bildungsministerin?
Ich freu mich auf den Tag wenn sie mal ins Ausland muss und dort als Dr. Wanker vorgestellt wird... :D


War eigt. ganz gut die Präsi, wobei ich selber sagen muss, dass ich bei mir selbst bemerkt habe, dass der "WOW!" Effekt bei guter Grafik keine 5 Minuten mehr anhält - Killzone zb. sah unglaublich aus, aber spielerisch sehr langweilig

Naja, neue Konsole, yay!


Oh god my University has just made me a tutor for an introductory programming unit. Surely there was somebody who applied who was more qualified. Now I have to revise all the stuff I've forgotten from first year.


Well, apparently you were most fit for the position. Does tutor include teaching or is it more of a 1o1 kinda tutoring?

Pfft...einer an der Uni Kaiserslautern heißt Dr. Cuntz. Aber Wanker ist auch nicht schlecht. :D

Haha, unfortunate.
Well, apparently you were most fit for the position. Does tutor include teaching or is it more of a 1o1 kinda tutoring?

New material is taught in lectures, and tutorials are where the students do practical work to try and reinforce what was taught in the lectures that week. It's mainly intended to be a self-study type deal, but the tutor is there to answer questions, help with problems, mark off the work people have completed and so on.

This is the 101 computing unit though, if that's what you mean :p


New material is taught in lectures, and tutorials are where the students do practical work to try and reinforce what was taught in the lectures that week. It's mainly intended to be a self-study type deal, but the tutor is there to answer questions, help with problems, mark off the work people have completed and so on.

This is the 101 computing unit though, if that's what you mean :p

I See. Hope it's paid and/or super prestigious. Although I can see one simply getting a nice kick out of it. I was a guide for foreign students at UoAuckland. None ever needed help all they wanted to do was party. It was horrible ;)
It pays $38 per hour, which I can't complain about, but is only 5 hours per week.

And I mean, obviously the ladies love it. You just walk into a nightclub, mention casually that you tutor computer programming students, next thing you know you have to beat them off with a stick.
It pays $38 per hour, which I can't complain about, but is only 5 hours per week.

And I mean, obviously the ladies love it. You just walk into a nightclub, mention casually that you tutor computer programming students, next thing you know you have to beat them off with a stick.

yeah pretty much :D
It pays $38 per hour, which I can't complain about, but is only 5 hours per week.

And I mean, obviously the ladies love it. You just walk into a nightclub, mention casually that you tutor computer programming students, next thing you know you have to beat them off with a stick.

I took the wrong major it seems. :(
Ist zwar komisch sowas auf einem Videospieleforum zu schreiben, aber jeder, der sich Konsolen und Spiele am Erscheinungstag kauft, hat zu viel Geld.

Heh. At least you get "official" prices in Europe. I remember here in Mexico when the PS3 launched, its price was something ridiculous like 1,400 US dollars. Even now, the price remains ridiculous, I think it's something like 500 dollars. PS3 games are 100 bucks each.

Of course, if you wanna get more fair prices, you have to go to the "black market".


Missed the show because my Internet is a big Johanna.
I really don't like the controller, the only good things about it are the "real" triggers and the material at the grip that seems like rubber. Everything else about it is just weird.

Heh. At least you get "official" prices in Europe. I remember here in Mexico when the PS3 launched, its price was something ridiculous like 1,400 US dollars. Even now, the price remains ridiculous, I think it's something like 500 dollars. PS3 games are 100 bucks each.

Of course, if you wanna get more fair prices, you have to go to the "black market".
"black market" = the US? :D
How much do you pay there for a PS3?

Hier wird aber viel Englisch im deutschen Thread gesprochen. An sich natürlich kein Problem, aber was ist jetzt der Grund?
Die Besucher aus Mexiko und Australien, die noch nicht ganz so fit sind. ;)
Außerdem hieß es mal, dass überwiegend nur die Lernenden hier Deutsch schreiben sollen und die Muttersprachler ihre Hilfestellung dann, so weit es geht, in Englisch verfassen, damit der Thread erhalten bleibt, da kein Mod deutscher Muttersprachler ist. Keine Ahnung inwiefern die Sprache im Off-Topic relevant ist. Die Schweden sind im Community-Forum und reden eigentlich nur Schwedisch.
Missed the show because my Internet is a big Johanna.
I really don't like the controller, the only good things about it are the "real" triggers and the material at the grip that seems like rubber. Everything else about it is just weird.

"black market" = the US? :D
How much do you pay there for a PS3?


Die Besucher aus Mexiko und Australien, die noch nicht ganz so fit sind. ;)
Außerdem hieß es mal, dass überwiegend nur die Lernenden hier Deutsch schreiben sollen und die Muttersprachler ihre Hilfestellung dann, so weit es geht, in Englisch verfassen, damit der Thread erhalten bleibt, da kein Mod deutscher Muttersprachler ist. Keine Ahnung inwiefern die Sprache im Off-Topic relevant ist. Die Schweden sind im Community-Forum und reden eigentlich nur Schwedisch.

Ne, sie können beide machen. Deafmutes liest dieses Thread und das ist ausreichend aber neuer Menschen können nicht auf Deutsch sprechen. Es ist natürlich hilfreich für die Fremdsprachler mit Fragen aber die Muttersprachler mussen nicht mehr nur auf English sprechen. Es ist hilfreich für die Fremdsprachler auch wenn man auf Deutsch sprechen. Es ist egal, aber natürlich nicht jeder person kann auf Deutsch sprechen so gibt es beide Deutsch und English.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen genug und ausreichend?

Forgive any typos, I think I made a lot, I'm sleepy. :(
"black market" = the US? :D
How much do you pay there for a PS3?

Heh. Not really, but I do try to buy games whenever I go to the US ;). By black market I mean, unofficial stores in "flea markets". A PS3 costs probably 100 bucks more than in the US, and games are like 10 bucks more.
Hier wird aber viel Englisch im deutschen Thread gesprochen. An sich natürlich kein Problem, aber was ist jetzt der Grund?
Mein Deutsch ist nicht gut genug, um sinnvolle Sätze leider schreiben : (
Heh. Not really, but I do try to buy games whenever I go to the US ;). By black market I mean, unofficial stores in "flea markets". A PS3 costs probably 100 bucks more than in the US, and games are like 10 bucks more.

Mein Deutsch ist nicht gut genug, um sinnvolle Sätze leider schreiben : (

Meine Sätze sind auch Schieße aber es ist sehr hilfreich. Sie sollen mehr auf Deutsch schreiben.


Heh. At least you get "official" prices in Europe. I remember here in Mexico when the PS3 launched, its price was something ridiculous like 1,400 US dollars. Even now, the price remains ridiculous, I think it's something like 500 dollars. PS3 games are 100 bucks each.

Huh? Where do they sell games in Mexico for 100 dollars?

Games cost 1000 pesos for new releases. A dollar is worth 13 pesos.

So that's 76.9 Dollars per game, but that includes the Value Added Tax (IVA)which is 16%. So without counting the IVA games go for 66 dollars in Mexico which is pretty fair I think, specially considering we're talking about imported goods here which have to be shipped over several thousand kilometers.

Consoles are another story, specially Nintendo consoles which are marked up beyond belief.
I just realised that Icelandic is faaaar superior to German.

And I want to be a Viking. I might need to grow a bear for that. And buy a helmet. I already got the axe.

God dammit Bateman. You said you were going to become a Viking days ago. What's the holdup? Get cracking on that beard.

So that's 76.9 Dollars per game, but that includes the Value Added Tax (IVA)which is 16%.

Australian RRP is $129,99, luckily you can find most for $88 or so theses days :/
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