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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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will learn eventually
no no, you misunderstand me. I love my Hochdeutsch, I only speak hochdeutsch and I cannot stand people who speak heavily accentuated.
i think the direct translation to high german has a weird ring to it!

Nononono, people need to use their accents more. There's nothing more horrible than hearing a German speaker without any accent. Language sounds horrible without a local flavour.
Nononono, people need to use their accents more. There's nothing more horrible than hearing a German speaker without any accent. Language sounds horrible without a local flavour.

Obviously, Australian accents are the best, but what are some good German ones in your opinion?
Obviously, Australian accents are the best, but what are some good German ones in your opinion?

I liked bavarian accents but I now associate some bad memories with it :p so I switched to prefering austrian accents, I hope nobody kills me for saying this but they can sound a bit similar. all the other ones are kinda sucky :S (I'm so sorry haha)

what the heck, this is some third world shit

yeah german police is not really friendly either :p I guess this shit happens everywhere


what the heck, this is some third world shit

A friend from bavaria pointed this out to me on the weekend. It's just unrelated incidents but fuck.

I have NO idea. It seems they can't handly stressful situations of any kind anymore. The Rosenheim area seems to be the worst, but overall, I don't think you need to be afraid of the police over here.
My experiences with the police to date were all pretty relaxed.

Yeah. It seems like the problems will be adressed now after the media jumped on it.
Where are you all from in Germany anyway? I know Raindoc is Austrian and Feedinghand is Mexican (and I am aware that Mexico is not part of Germany, before somebody says it...).

why not start with C? ;)

Australia is already dangerous enough without doing silly things like that :D


i really dig that accent. i want a gf from berlin.

Dat Prussian...

I liked bavarian accents but I now associate some bad memories with it :p so I switched to prefering austrian accents, I hope nobody kills me for saying this but they can sound a bit similar. all the other ones are kinda sucky :S (I'm so sorry haha)

You know who had an Austrian accent? Hitler!


A friend from bavaria pointed this out to me on the weekend. It's just unrelated incidents but fuck.

Yeah. It seems like the problems will be adressed now after the media jumped on it.

I hope so, yeah. All the cases are pretty difficult to disentangle I think, at least the ones I read somethin about.


If I'm prepared for zombie apokalypse I can deal with them too. bring it on bitches!

Ziviler Ungehorsam! High 5!

My family is Frisian but I was born in Bonn and grew up in Celle, Lower Saxony. Celle is presumably the only accent-free city in Germany, so accents are lost on me. I like them in small doses. My favorite would be baltic-german but this one is going to die soon. It's probably because so many cute old ladies speak it it's just so soothing. Can't even find a proper example on yt.
Australia is already dangerous enough without doing silly things like that :D
Dunno, it seems that the transition from learning C to Java is a lot more easier than the other way around. People coming from Java usually struggle with the idea of pointers and manual memory allocation.

As far as german cities, I'd like to visit Dortmund
bvb got me interested in the city
My family is Frisian but I was born in Bonn and grew up in Celle, Lower Saxony. Celle is presumably the only accent-free city in Germany, so accents are lost on me. I like them in small doses. My favorite would be baltic-german but this one is going to die soon. It's probably because so many cute old ladies speak it it's just so soothing. Can't even find a proper example on yt.

Everybody has an accent, Fritz ;)


This thread moves so fast :O

Thinking of vacation for summer, probably gonna visit Austria because I REALLY need to go to Vienna and practicing the language is a ++. But if I go to district with my fellow people I won't even hear a word of it :p
Where are you from and why do you speak so many languages?

I'm from Montenegro, and well I'm not exactly fluent in Spanish and Italian but have a lot of experience with both, from young age traveled a lot to Italy, watched TV in it, family member(s) speak it etc. Spanish I learned at conversation level just from watching retarded soap operas lol, but need some practice to get at level I want, and I'm working on it. Sad I didn't learn French though, 8 years in school and nicht. Had different mindset back then and was hard to catch up :\
I'm from Montenegro, and well I'm not exactly fluent in Spanish and Italian but have a lot of experience with both, from young age traveled a lot to Italy, watched TV in it, family member(s) speak it etc. Spanish I learned at conversation level just from watching retarded soap operas lol, but need some practice to get at level I want, and I'm working on it. Sad I didn't learn French though, 8 years in school and nicht. Had different mindset back then and was hard to catch up :\
not serbian, bosnian or ukranian? i'm disappointed ;)
Do i mean dialect? I mean dialect right? Okay I mean dialect!

I'm not quite clear on what you're arguing here. If everybody except your region has an accent from your perspective, then would you not have an accent from everybody else's perspective? Please correct me if I have an incorrect understanding of what an accent is. Something like "a way of pronouncing words particular to some group".


I'm not quite clear on what you're arguing here. If everybody except your region has an accent from your perspective, then would you not have an accent from everybody else's perspective? Please correct me if I have an incorrect understanding of what an accent is. Something like "a way of pronouncing words particular to some group".


A dialect is more or less a variation of a language, e.g. BE, AE, Canadian English, or, to be more on topic, High German (=/= Standard German), Bavarian, Saxonian, Prussian etc.
An accent is a variation of pronouncing a language because of deifferent influences, the most common one being an accent of non-native speakers speaking a foreign language.


not serbian, bosnian or ukranian? i'm disappointed ;)

Ofc, I also speak Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian(99.999% same language for unaware), understand Slovenian and Macedonian(and Bulagrian since Macedonian is dialect of it really) highly, good understanding of all other Slavic languages, eastern more so than western ;D


tbh I liked it more when the beatsteaks sang in english

Remember when the Beatsteaks were still good? Those were the times, man. Good times, simpler times.

one of the best shows i've ever seen was in Lindau, Umsonst & Draussen Festival in summer 2003.
the Beatsteaks had just released "living targets" (which i still love) and the crowd was fantastic.
it was an open-air show and Arnim climbed onto the balconies of adjacent buildings and did a frontflip from the top of a speaker-tower into the crowd. unfortunately not crowdsurfing using a surfboard, but still...
it was also the first time i heard "Hey Du" and think it's great, but my favourite song would be "God Knows" from "Living Targets".


I'm not quite clear on what you're arguing here. If everybody except your region has an accent from your perspective, then would you not have an accent from everybody else's perspective? Please correct me if I have an incorrect understanding of what an accent is. Something like "a way of pronouncing words particular to some group".


A dialect is more or less a variation of a language, e.g. BE, AE, Canadian English, or, to be more on topic, High German (=/= Standard German), Bavarian, Saxonian, Prussian etc.
An accent is a variation of pronouncing a language because of deifferent influences, the most common one being an accent of non-native speakers speaking a foreign language.

Yeah, had to look it up but this. I think the English word accent has a broader meaning than the German word Akzent. That's what got me confused.
you're from tasmania right?
I believe theres some AWESOME landscape there

1/3 national park by area, extremely clean air, seemingly endless forests and greenery until you get into the cities. Also some great beaches on the west coast (although all the major urban centres are in the south-east).



And this is the view from a hill about 3 minuets on foot away from where I live:

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