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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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one of the best shows i've ever seen was in Lindau, Umsonst & Draussen Festival in summer 2003.
the Beatsteaks had just released "living targets" (which i still love) and the crowd was fantastic.
it was an open-air show and Arnim climbed onto the balconies of adjacent buildings and did a frontflip from the top of a speaker-tower into the crowd. unfortunately not crowdsurfing using a surfboard, but still...
it was also the first time i heard "Hey Du" and think it's great, but my favourite song would be "God Knows" from "Living Targets".

That song brought back some great memories. You can't believe how disappointed I was when they released the first single of the new album last year.

nice, but what about those killer spiders

Killer spiders? What, no? Look at him!


He caught that evil, angry bird that otherwise would've destroyed that house.


That song brought back some great memories. You can't believe how disappointed I was when they released the first single of the new album last year.

Killer spiders? What, no? Look at him!


He caught that evil, angry bird that otherwise would've destroyed that house.

That's Australia mainland though.

thanks for the nightmares guys!


We used to have Tasmanian Tigers / Thylacines:


Kind of scary looking, but they were hunted to extinction because people thought they were killing sheep/cattle in the late 19th/early 20th century (when in fact such occurrences were very rare). Some people want to try to do some kind of Jurassic park style resurrection on them, but it seems very unlikely.



We used to have Tasmanian Tigers / Thylacines:


Kind of scary looking, but they were hunted to extinction because people thought they were killing sheep/cattle in the late 19th/early 20th century (when in fact such occurrences were very rare). Some people want to try to do some kind of Jurassic park style resurrection on them, but it seems very unlikely.

did you see "The Hunter" with Willem Dafoe?
my sarcasm meter is off..

I really love grasshoppers and locusts, I think they have a unique beauty. (I actually intend one to be my next tattoo) same with spiders, they are so symmetrical and stuff, I wish more people could see that they are very pretty from a aesthetical point of view. and even harmless most of the time^^


Last episode of Simpsons I've watched was probably about 10 years ago and I'm not even exaggerating, so I never made the connection.

i had no idea what it meant, that's why reading it backwards was the first thing that came to my mind, after the initial moment of: "Hä?"
(i then had to google it for context)
Can't find any user named milkjon, what is the correct spelling?


Oh, Milchjon. Requested ban - 7 days remaining. I should have recalled this since I was the one who fulfilled the request :lol
lets switch to science, then
who is the greatest scientist of all times.

imho Tesla is a pretty cool dude :D
but as a theoretical electronically engineer I have to say James Clerk Maxwell takes the cake!
Who doesn't love the simple elegance of Maxwells Equations‽

rot E = -jωµH
rot H = +jωεE

div εE = ρ
div µH = 0


Tesla is a gansta.

When it comes to medicine: I can't decide between Bilroth and Virchow. :/

He was directly responsible for a number of landmarks in surgery, including the first esophagectomy (1871), the first laryngectomy (1873), and most famously, the first successful gastrectomy (1881) for gastric cancer, after many ill-fated attempts. Legend has it that Billroth was nearly stoned to death in the streets of Vienna when his first gastrectomy patient died after the procedure.
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