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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Ey dieses Wetter geht mir auffen Sack.
Seit Monaten nur eine graue Suppe...

Echt mal. Nervt total, dass wir schon viel zu lange keine Sonne mehr hatten.

Gestern wars bei uns furztrocken, plötzlich hats volle Kanne angefangen mit schneien und ich denk nur so "Ey, Wetter, geh schlafen, du bist besoffen".


Übermorgen haben wir März, da sollte langsam mal der Frühling auch anfangen, stattdessen bummeln wir im tiefsten Winter rum mit so viel Schnee, wie ich noch nie vorher erlebt hab.
Echt mal. Nervt total, dass wir schon viel zu lange keine Sonne mehr hatten.

Gestern wars bei uns furztrocken, plötzlich hats volle Kanne angefangen mit schneien und ich denk nur so "Ey, Wetter, geh schlafen, du bist besoffen".


Übermorgen haben wir März, da sollte langsam mal der Frühling auch anfangen, stattdessen bummeln wir im tiefsten Winter rum mit so viel Schnee, wie ich noch nie vorher erlebt hab.

Na wenigstens gibts bei euch schönen Schnee :) Wenn ich aus dem Fenster schau, dann seh ich nur grauen Himmel und Regen, Regen, Regen.
to quote obama :


Where do ya live?



See also this page in the thread.


Schnee wäre mir egal, dass heisst nämlich 0 Grad und Sonne. Das wäre mir lieber als 8 Grad, Regen und ein Grau in Grau Panorama jeden Tag.

GENAU! Ich versuche jetzt so viel wie möglich draussen zu sein (bei Tageslicht). Morgens ins Büro laufen dauert etwa ne halbe Stunde. Mittagspause im Freien +45 min. Der Spaziergang heute morgen tat schonmal gut.


Ich muss gestehen, ich mag Schnee. Ich hab's auch lieber zu kalt als zu warm. So ein richtig knackiger Winter ist was Feines, da macht das Kuscheln Spaß, heisse Getränke haben plötzlich eine Daseinsberechtigung, flauschig-warme Betten erhalten +150% auf morgendliche Dunselqualität.

Insofern passt mir das derzeitige Wetter schon, aber ich vermisse einen schönen Winterspaziergang - mangels Sonne ist das zur Zeit nicht wirklich erquicklich.

Dementsprechend schließe ich mich hiermit blutenden Herzens verbindlich der öffentlichen Meinung an:

It's easier to heat up than cool down. It's also a strange thing to say, but the feeling of being cold and then curling up in a blanket to keep warm is one of my favorites. I think it must be childhood memories of cold winters, but I just love the feeling so much.
It's easier to heat up than cool down. It's also a strange thing to say, but the feeling of being cold and then curling up in a blanket to keep warm is one of my favorites. I think it must be childhood memories of cold winters, but I just love the feeling so much.

yeah I actually like winter too, I won't complain :]


Schnee wäre mir egal, dass heisst nämlich 0 Grad und Sonne. Das wäre mir lieber als 8 Grad, Regen und ein Grau in Grau Panorama jeden Tag.


It's easier to heat up than cool down. It's also a strange thing to say, but the feeling of being cold and then curling up in a blanket to keep warm is one of my favorites. I think it must be childhood memories of cold winters, but I just love the feeling so much.

agreed. winter > summer



2,99 für eine Currywurst. Ich glaub die spinnen bei McDonalds.

und sie sieht auch noch richtig scheisse aus... (zumindest die bilder die ich gesehen habe, bei uns gibt's die glaub ich nicht - aber wer geht auch schon für ne currywurst zu McD?)
Was wondering why it was so dark when I woke up just now. Turns out it's 5.30am


And why do those sausages have orange/yellow stuff on them? Is that what a currywurst is? Does that just mean curry-sausage?
Hot ketchup and curry powder.

Ah ok. In Australia and New Zealand, "Ketchup" is "tomato sauce". I'm not sure why that's relevant to anything but there you go.

why do you wake up so early? :O

I didn't mean to. My alarm was set for 7am. But I may as well stay up now that I'm awake. I slept at midnight so I did at least get 5 hours.

Nothing. Köln is an awesome city. Yet a little "weird". For a history-student it must be quite interesting. Especially if you're standing in front of this:

There are quite a few places I wouldn't mind seeing. One of the most disappointing things is that Prussia's old capitol is part of a Russian enclave called Kaliningrad Oblast. I suppose I can still go see the old historic buildings, but...
Ah ok. In Australia and New Zealand, "Ketchup" is "tomato sauce". I'm not sure why that's relevant to anything but there you go.

I didn't mean to. My alarm was set for 7am. But I may as well stay up now that I'm awake. I slept at midnight so I did at least get 5 hours.

that's crazy I need about 10 hours of sleep everyday :X

omg dat ratio...I never realized I had so many posts in that thread. I need a life
Ah ok. In Australia and New Zealand, "Ketchup" is "tomato sauce". I'm not sure why that's relevant to anything but there you go.

I didn't mean to. My alarm was set for 7am. But I may as well stay up now that I'm awake. I slept at midnight so I did at least get 5 hours.

There are quite a few places I wouldn't mind seeing. One of the most disappointing things is that Prussia's old capitol is part of a Russian enclave called Kaliningrad Oblast. I suppose I can still go see the old historic buildings, but...

Prussia's main capital was mostly Berlin. But I heard from most old East-Prussians that Königsberg was beautiful.

that's crazy I need about 10 hours of sleep everyday :X

omg dat ratio...I never realized I had so many posts in that thread. I need a life

And most of them are irrelevant.
that's crazy I need about 10 hours of sleep everyday :X

I average 6-7 usually. Although sleeping 10 hours a day does sound nice. I would probably sleep that long if I was in a German winter, too.

omg dat ratio...I never realized I had so many posts in that thread. I need a life

I was kind of surprised to see you chart, although your ratio was much better than mine so don't worry. Plus...


Prussia's main capital was mostly Berlin. But I heard from most old East-Prussians that Königsberg was beautiful.

Yes, that's why I called it the old capital. It's supposed to be full of beautiful castles and other historically significant buildings. I also want to see the perpetual diet at Regensburg although I don't know if that's still standing.


I also want to see the perpetual diet at Regensburg although I don't know if that's still standing.


If you mean this one it still stands in all it's glory just like (most of) the rest of the inner city. Make sure to visit Kneitinger if you are there for good local food and great beer.
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