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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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I forgot Australia is also another censorship-loving nation... I guess Mutes couldn't play the last Mortal Kombat ;)

It's not that hard to get your hand onto these games/movies in Germany.

Sadly for niche movies it will hurt your wallet.
I've ordered I saw the Devil last year for nearly 29€ which is quite expensive for a blu-ray.
Now the price has gone up to 40 €....


they are lazy austrians and not prussian bureaucrats so you're probably right.
i had to deal with them years ago, when i was organizing & promoting shows myself and ever since i have ignored them completely when doing the occasional private "party with live music or DJ".
not living in germany i can't really compare the two, but i wouldn't dare officially promoting a show without contacting them, but a small - non profit - party? who gives a fuck? (not the AKM)

A mutual friend who is working as an event manager and host's all kind of different party's explained how damn aggressive they're here.
It's a damn small city with an population of about 90k people.
I can't imagine how aggressive they might be in Berlin,Cologne or a similar place.

The best video lately
Dye ~


A mutual friend who is working as an event manager and host's all kind of different party's explained how damn aggressive they're here.
It's a damn small city with an population of about 90k people.
I can't imagine how aggressive they might be in Berlin,Cologne or a similar place.

well, like i said. if you're making a living on it, you can't work around them.
if you do an occasional show under the cover of a private party every now and then, without any advertising, chances are the AKM (1) will never hear about it and/or (2) just won't bother, because it's already friday and oh-the-paperwork...


hmmm, what should I dl and play first? PSN + has this:

God of war HD
Infamous 2
Motorstorm Apocalypse
Mortal kombat (i think)

Does Mexico have a seperate PSN or are you located within the US PSN ?

I would go for God of War.
Still kinda boring that list.
German PSN at least got Vanquish on it !

Dieses Video ist in Deutschland nicht verfügbar, weil es möglicherweise Musik enthält, für die die erforderlichen Musikrechte von der GEMA nicht eingeräumt wurden.

Damn they're spying on us.
Does Mexico have a seperate PSN or are you located within the US PSN ?

I would go for God of War.
Still kinda boring that list.
German PSN at least got Vanquish on it !

we have a separate store here, but I have a US account. I managed to get PSN plus with a 1-month free Euro code though.

And yes, I played Vanquish, great game. Couldn't beat it on hard, last boss was tough as heck.


Dieses Video ist in Deutschland nicht verfügbar, weil es möglicherweise Musik enthält, für die die erforderlichen Musikrechte von der GEMA nicht eingeräumt wurden.

Damn they're spying on us.

you. they're spying on you.
i live in austria, i can do whatever the fuck i want and if they won't let me, i'll just move to munich and become the next chancellor.





While it might not be what you're looking for this is pretty much the only german podcast I listen to.


2 physicist & 1 comedian. they do live shows, have a tv series and a podcast about "science & stuff".
but it's an austrian podcast, so they don't speak the cleanest "high german" - also, the episodes are really short.

Regarding podcasts, here's a pretty weird one - even though it's historically significant.

No music, and only two guys talking about tech-related things:

Still trucking along, those crazy guys. Hope they live forever.
Love 'em or hate 'em, they were once just as important as the ORF Computerbox Teletext (page 465?) or assorted magazines (<3) for anyone even remotely interested in "Hitech".

Vielen Dank für die Anregungen!

"Sie sollten [......] hören." Bei Modalverben steht das andere Verb (im infinitiv, auch "Vollverb" gennant) am Satzende. Und Dan Carlin kenne ich schon; ich höre ihn gerne und oft an. Leider aber ist sein Podcast nicht auf Deutsch.
"Sie sollten [......] hören." Bei Modalverben steht das andere Verb (im infinitiv, auch "Vollverb" gennant) am Satzende. Und Dan Carlin kenne ich schon; ich höre ihn gerne und oft an. Leider aber ist sein Podcast nicht auf Deutsch.

I understood perfectly fine, I was being cheeky :p


What do you guys - German or non-German - think about the latest remarks by Steinbrück(opposition's chancelor candidate)?

nytimes said:
During the event, Mr. Steinbrück described former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi as &#8220;a clown with a special shot of testosterone.&#8221; At another point, he extended his remarks to include Beppe Grillo &#8212; a former comedian whose Five Star Movement won more votes than any other party in the Italian elections that ended Monday &#8212; saying that &#8220;to a certain extent, I am upset that two clowns have won.&#8221;


I would have given him major credit if he had critizised in the words of a grown up man. But this is just rude.
What do you guys - German or non-German - think about the latest remarks by Steinmeier (opposition's chancelor candidate)?


I would have given him major credit if he had critizised in the words of a grown up man. But this is just rude.
What he said might be true, but he's not in the position to say it.
28th February is the last day of winter for Northern Hemisphere, surely? It's the last day of Summer here and we have flipped seasons.

No one really knows.

In the USA and Canada (and sometimes in Britain) the season is regarded as beginning at the solstice and ending on the following equinox[8][9] – in the Northern Hemisphere, depending on the year, this corresponds to the period between 21 or 22 December and 20 or 21 March. In the UK, meteorologists consider winter to be the three coldest months of December, January and February.[10] In Scandinavia, winter traditionally begins on 14 October and ends on the last day of February.[11] In many countries in the Southern Hemisphere, including Australia,[12][13] New Zealand and South Africa, winter begins on 1 June and ends on 31 August.


28th February is the last day of winter for Northern Hemisphere, surely? It's the last day of Summer here and we have flipped seasons.

that's what i thought, but the rest leaves me confused.
these are the dates i learned in school:

spring: march 21st
summer: june 21st
fall: september 23rd
winter: december 21st

EDIT: brotkasten saves the daytes
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