Oh, we just formalize it to calendar dates. Dec-Jan-Feb are summer, Mar-Apr-May are Autumn...
Oh, we just formalize it to calendar dates. Dec-Jan-Feb are summer, Mar-Apr-May are Autumn...
When I was listening to Roman history podcasts, I kept thinking about how badass a name for a holiday Sol Invictus was. Something about the way the word rolls of the tongue. Simply glorious.
potato potato.
fucking embarrassing
Then nobody would ever know.
Except you two. And me. Because I can see your edits.
That's no fair!
Just change your post, and I'll change mine.
What do you guys - German or non-German - think about the latest remarks by Steinbrück(opposition's chancelor candidate)?
I would have given him major credit if he had critizised in the words of a grown up man. But this is just rude.
Why ? Did you visit a tentacle porn site and are afraid Mutes is gonna notice ?
No one really knows.
What do you guys - German or non-German - think about the latest remarks by Steinbrück(opposition's chancelor candidate)?
I would have given him major credit if he had critizised in the words of a grown up man. But this is just rude.
Ist aber auch nicht ganz korrekt.
Es gibt die meteorologischen Jahreszeiten (die eigentlich korrekten) und die kalendarischen Jahreszeiten (die eigentlich falschen, die man aber benutzt, weil's einfacher ist sie sich zu merken).
Die meteorologischen Jahreszeiten beginnen am 21. März, 21. Juni, 23. September und 21. Dezember.
Die kalendarischen am jeweils 1. der genannten Monate.
Leute, die keine Ahnung haben, benutzen die kalendarischen und verwirren somit alle besseren Menschen
Posting from german class, need to get used to pronouncing besondere buchstaben qq annoying. Didn't get t last year when I was in Köln but now practice practice
Does every kid feel like its language is kinda like a proto language? Becuase I sure did.
Really poor choice of words on Steinbrück's part, but sadly he's not really wrong so it's not as bad as Berlusconi alluding to our politicians as nazis in the EU parliament.
But tbh. I can't even imagine going back to having a male chancellor at this point, lol
Matriarchs ftw.
Hmm, can mods see what site we browsed before logging on to gaf?
(or do modern browsers prevent that nowadays?)
well, German is a proto language for English, so maybe that's why you feel that way
hmm maybe! I heard they can also see what kind of underwear you're wearing while browsing GAF :/
Hmm, can mods see what site we browsed before logging on to gaf?
(or do modern browsers prevent that nowadays?)
Also "ThoseDeafMutes", are you deaf-mute by any chance or how else did you chose your nick?
hmm maybe! I heard they can also see what kind of underwear you're wearing while browsing GAF :/
Read it and I don't get the reference. Explain yourself!All of my senses are operational, no glasses or anything. The name is a reference to either Ghost In The Shell or Catcher In The Rye, depending on which one you think would be cooler.
Read it and I don't get the reference. Explain yourself!
hmm maybe! I heard they can also see what kind of underwear you're wearing while browsing GAF :/
The trick is to wear no underwear !
Okay, I don't remember this sentence.There is a line that reads "I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf mutes".
Bleib mir wech mit diesem zuckerfreien Zeug. Die richtige Fritz ist aber i.O.
Fritz must be loaded if he has his own brand.
Bleib mir wech mit diesem zuckerfreien Zeug. Die richtige Fritz ist aber i.O.
was ist schlecht mit zuckerfrei
I find pronouncing words in german fairly easy compared to something like French, where it seems that you have to make sounds that only native speakers can do.
I don't think I'll be having anything like that for breakfast.
just don't eat frankfurters again for breakfast