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Gafia 2.5: The Bachelor Party |Mafia OT| One Last Override


I want to ask everyone a simple question with a simple yes or no answer. the question is this.
"do you believe there is at least one scum in the group of zippedpinhead, flame_ac, and squidyj?"

I'm asking EVERYONE to answer this simple question please.

I think there might be at least one scum in this group.

Currently leaning towards a Zipped/Flame vote, but I'm unsure of who I want to vote for right now.


Still waiting to hear from everyone else on the subject. I also want to ask you not to equivocate when you answer. I don't want your fucking nuance.
Why does Zipped feel like the only direction you'll be going in? You don't have any other opinions on anyone else? You seemed to have more a gut read on him on Day 1 saying he hadn't contributed a single worthwhile post that day...

well the only others i have significant suspicions on right now are StarSketch and CrimsonFist, but i also have major doubts about both those suspicions.
Starsketch for the inactivity, but inactive in pretty obvious ways, if it was a scum tactic to try to fade into the background, then it becoming obvious that thats not working.
Crimson for the very shallow scum hunting, which could very well be done to look like he is helping town much more significantly than he actually is, or that could just be how he plays (as several people so far have attested to).
in both cases im more curious to see how they play out, than i am eager to rill them on it right now.
Zipped on the other hand, i feel much more sure about, and i wana see how they act under pressure. so sticking with a vote him for now feels to me like the best way to go.


Still waiting to hear from everyone else on the subject. I also want to ask you not to equivocate when you answer. I don't want your fucking nuance.

I assume that my previous statement as to who I believe the scum team is covers this, yes?

(That would be a yes)
I want to ask everyone a simple question with a simple yes or no answer. the question is this.
"do you believe there is at least one scum in the group of zippedpinhead, flame_ac, and squidyj?"

I'm asking EVERYONE to answer this simple question please.

Yes, maybe even two.

Scum screws up like that sometimes...


Vote Count

Flame_AC (2)

StanleyPalmtree (2)

squidyj (2)

Zippedpinhead (1)

Sophia (1)

flatearthpandas (0)

7 votes are needed for majority.

Day 2 ends in:


Can I just take a moment to break off from the... inactive lull we have now and talk about something regarding this game? I apologize, but this has been on my mind for awhile, and I need to get it off my chest.

Something about this game is making me terribly uneasy. Not in the sense of fear, but in the sense of anxiousness. I can't quite put it into words, but I guess the best way to put it is that for a 14 player game, it doesn't actually feel like we're playing with 14 players. I found the Droplet train a bit weird, because Droplet was not among my first lynch choices, and I was actually kind of town reading her at the time.

I get the impression that there's a number of players kind of being off to the side, and just not willing to communicate a bit. Take Star for example. Her posting has been very limited and kind of filler-ish. Let me show what I mean. This is all of her posts from Day 2:

I mean, unless it's food poisoning, but yeah that's probably not it.
I could have sworn I posted Something today, but I guess that was yesterday.

Also what is wifom

Mind explaining?
Apparently I was thinking of the post Sophia linked

It is 4 am why am I awake]

It never occurred to me to say something about that, despite it ringing all kinds of alarm bells.

And I will ask again- where is the Sophia vote coming from, or am I just missing something super obvious here.

Probably, yeah.
It's probably too early to ask, but what is the point of this little survey?

Not a whole lot of conversation. Random speculation about the flavor of night time message, some commentary about her lack of posts, asking for an explanation, a minor attempt at defending me (which I do appreciate), and an easy reply to squidyj's question. There's almost barely any attempt at scum hunting here, or question asking, or anything of the such. I'm not really sure what's going on here Star, but I'd like to see more from you. At the end of Day 1 I called you out on your logic in regards to the Droplet vote, and you expressed worry about making a mistake and getting lynched. I don't know if you're suffering from jitters similar to what I used to suffer from, but if you can, try to push it behind you. One mistake is not the end of the world, and nor is getting lynched, but if you're drawing attention to it and not posting, then that's what other people will see too. I said to Gorlak earlier that I can't win a game of mafia on my own. In light of your case, I'd like to amend that statement to say that we can't win a game of mafia on our own. We need to work with other players, and that includes expressing our opinions on the subject instead of just coasting by.

Star's not the only one who's been inactive on Day 2. We haven't heard much about the game from other players too.

After work and just done catching up.

Nukedeggs, I've had not had the pleasure to play with you until now. I hope you will be back.

In regards to the thread, squidyj why open the day with a flame_AC vote? I mean there was a little heat on him yesterday but what do you see that I don't from the end of yesterday?

About the banana, I can think of a couple different things it could be. My thoughts are itcould be a delayed role block or a poison.

It could also do nothing. What did the fruit in PW do again?
Apparently a lot of us had the same question for squidyj all at once.

That will teach me to start a post and Come back to it
For the record, i like gambits, so I assume people that do things I don't agree with are running gambits. #unecessarygambit I also think Cabot is town, as frustrating as that is with the Miller play.

I also didn't find your post worth commenting on, so I didn't. Stanley is still high on my scum list, but largely for the same reasons I would be on people's scum lists. Inactivity and scummy posts. I switched to droplet because the few that voted for her before I did had made a convincing argument. We were wrong; but that didn't make the argument less convincing at the time.
Yes, maybe even two.

Scum screws up like that sometimes...

A whole lot of little from Zippedpinhead, and I think he's more suspicious than Star. He's immediately on Squidyj for opening with a Flame_AC vote, but doesn't really follow it up despite Squidyj giving him a reply. His logic for jumping on the Droplet train was pretty silly too. He votes for Stanley with a typo, then a single post from Droplet responding to people and he's suddenly on the switch? Does nobody find that a little bit strange? Next after Gorlak starts questioning his vote and his opinions on stuff, he simply replies that he likes gambits, and assumes that anyone he doesn't agree with is running gambits? Come the fuck on. Where's the logic in that? Just because people are doing things you don't like doesn't mean they're running a gambit, especially Cabot and his miller play which is textbook example of what you're typically suppose to do as a miller. Lastly, and I know I'm guilty of this myself (HI CABOT~!), but the whole "I also didn't find your post worth commenting on, so I didn't" comment really rubbed me the wrong way. If you really feel that way, then just ignore it. If not, respond it with some more honest opinions. :\

Some people questioned my vote on Stanley on Day 1 versus jumping into the three way tie. I can understand the logic there of questioning it, and I've already argued my point to Kawl earlier. But I'd like to also point out Stanley's posts for day 2 as well. I find it unnerving that he doesn't have much of an opinion this late into Day 2.

i might just be reading into flavor too much, but sophias banana doesn't strike me as a poison,
the flavor of feeling 'fruity and strange' makes me think its effect will be something weirder as opposed to something just objectively threatening.
but i guess time will tell on this mystery.
so this is based more on of a gut feeling than anything specific, but it feels like the only direction ill be going in right now.

Vote: zippedpinhead
yeah you tell em Caboot!
honestly, yeah.

i mean i could just state the obvious about everything, but i think the rest of you kinda had that covered.
i uhh, im really not sure what to make of this.
well the only others i have significant suspicions on right now are StarSketch and CrimsonFist, but i also have major doubts about both those suspicions.
Starsketch for the inactivity, but inactive in pretty obvious ways, if it was a scum tactic to try to fade into the background, then it becoming obvious that thats not working.
Crimson for the very shallow scum hunting, which could very well be done to look like he is helping town much more significantly than he actually is, or that could just be how he plays (as several people so far have attested to).
in both cases im more curious to see how they play out, than i am eager to rill them on it right now.
Zipped on the other hand, i feel much more sure about, and i wana see how they act under pressure. so sticking with a vote him for now feels to me like the best way to go.

More random speculation into flavor, which seems to be a common trend among all three of these inactive players. Why is that? Easy pickings to appear active? I dunno. But the real thing that bothers me here is that we're only 17 hours away from the end of Day 2, and all he really had before being called out on it was a gut read on Zipped... whom he also was gunning for on Day 1. And as we see above, Zipped's contribution has not been significantly huge this day. Then there's that fact that when I called him out on his vote on Zipped, the only other two people he mentioned were StarSketch and Crimson. Star for inactivity, which I can kind of understand if he wasn't almost as inactive as she was, and Crimson for "shallow scum hunting", which I don't agree with at all. Crimson has been a bit passive, yes. But he's been here, he's been questioning the right things when he does post, and he's maintained a strong stance that he's talked about before.

In Day 1, Stanley had some more reads then what he's posted in Day 2, and we see some curious details.

good idea, although this is still pretty early, so any feelings i have right now have about as much depth as a kiddie pool.

Top Town:
Crimson fist
nothing substantial, they have just have been making good points and generating some decent discussion.

Top Scum:
StarSketch - because of the deafening silence
Zippedpinhead - weirdness with that Cabot gambit, with nothing after that felt particularly town-like

also, and i dont mean to get too technical, but here is glorious future-land i have posted today, it just wasn't today for you cavemen yet.
so, you know,
suck on that

Firstly, one of his top town is now dead. One of them he's apparently done a 180 on, with Crimson. and his top scum hasn't really changed significantly. Why the 180 on Crimson, Stanley? He went from your top town to being a suspicious read for shallow scum hunting, despite the fact that, as far as I can tell, Crimson has only increased his posting and scum hunting?

Next, I want to look at someone who a few people have their vote on right now. That being Flame_AC. Immediately noticeable that he has a bit more posts and activity than the other posters.

I think that the coin should be cashed in as it will give us some more information to work with on Day 3. Worst case, we learn nothing, best case we get something out of it. Nuked was an odd kill choice, but I hesitate to speculate on the presence of a switcher. For now it's probably best to assume not and then if something comes up to solidify it, then we discuss it.

On the bright side, cabot is likely to be town considering a visible PR did something to affect him. Could be scum targeting scum though, but for now I lean town.

I agree with the banana being perhaps a poison?

Vote: squidyj
I was thinking yesterday about how I could be viewed as an easy lynch for Day 2, so I knew there was no way I was going to get killed during the night. Scum would of course have noticed that quite a few people had me on scum lists and so they'd naturally push for my lynch the following day. When Squidy is wrong, he'll be able to point to his Day 1 list and say, 'well, it was only a hunch', and he'll be off into the clear with an easy day under his belt.

Immediately throws a vote out on Squidyj without really explain it. When called out on it by Crimson, he jumps to him being an easy lynch for Day 2? As Squidly noted, he was on the lynch train for Droplet on Day 1. His reasons for BEING on that lynch train was because he liked Squidy's argument, and now he's voting against Squidly?

cabot is more confirmed today than yesterday purely because of the chip, some sort of PR affected him and it was more then likely a scum one, at least that's what I think.

Vote: squidyj
Because it's a visible status effect given to a player. Those are usually scum PR's, and so having it done to cabot gives him more credibility in my eyes. I could also see it as a scum play where they gave a suspicious item to an already suspicious miller in the hopes of getting an easy lynch out of him.

Seems to think Cabot is more confirmed because he's got a "visible status effect." As I said before, I don't think I agree with that logic (why can't cabot be lying about the chip?), but I get where he's coming from

Crickets at this party. We need to liven this up!
So Kawl seems to be in agreement that there is a scum between Squidy and Zip, then votes me on the idea that I'm in a group of three that could be scum. Doesn't it make mathematical sense to go with the one out of two first, you got 50/50 odds there.

Asks to liven things up, even though at this point time he's largely just been on Squdiyj. Only some commentary on cabot after that. Gorlak is rather quick to call him out on this, and I'm inclined to agree with Gorlak here. He hasn't really been all that active this day, offering some safe opinions without really jumping on anything extensive. Very easy reads for the most part. I don't know what to think of all this, but he doesn't seem to be contributing a lot here. Kind of coasting a bit. I also don't think Kawl's vote is particularly unusual, especially when you list a potential scum team like that.

Lastly, I want to mention something regarding Gorlak that I noticed. Take a look at these posts.

It's not uncommon in this community to claim ordinary with a ice cream reference. The question is why would you do this? And why would you do this now? I doubt you'd mention it just as a reason for coming back later.
Guys... GUYS... G U Y S... I do not want to have a repeat of Love Boat here, Miller claim and Cop claim which was a "joke". ugh.

squidyj... do I like castlevania? Wait. Don't answer, I'll read the thread some more.

Droplet, my problem with ice cream is that only a few in this game like vanilla flavour. And they should hide this fact as best as they can! While there is a chance you just went to get something to eat, I doubt that somebody brings up this special topic randomly. It's simply handicapped and not to be joked with.

(is handicapped the right word? non-native speaker here ~ german: "vorbelastet")
I can't get my head around squidyj. Just reread the thread and he claimed to be crimsonfist, claimed to be the cop (just a joke, obviously, haha), called out inactives 4 hours into the game (middle of the night for europe btw), Stanley town question shenanigans
and claims no knowledge about my preference towards castlevania (that's odd) ;p
~ I have no meta knowledge about him, fuck meta. Out of all the cop claim is what's getting on my nerves the most. It's ridiculous, never helps town and you can say it was a joke as often as you want, you can never undo it. People naturally will have doubts about it.

He makes a fair point about Droplet though, with or without the icecream she never came back to offer some insight. Her reasoning being she had nothing to say at that time, which is frankly very disappointing. Yes the game is slow, but if you choose to not write anything you aren't exactly helping.

wtf, because you say it was nothing, I should simply believe you? Congrats you must be a great mafia player if you believe everyone is telling the truth, lol.
To be clear: I do not want you to claim. A simple "I will not confirm wether I'm ordinary or not" would've been enough. Don't even start the questioning of why bring up hints, if breadcrumbs can be seen, they already failed. As of now you're very suspect to me and you lean more to being scummy than town.

Next up is crimsonfist and the brigade of "gorlak gonna gorlak" people. I'm very wary of the people giving their opinion this way. Of course a lot of us played gods together, but I want to urge you all to base your opinion on me on actual game behaviour in here. Reduce the meta please.
Crimson seems to believe the ice lady honestly went out to eat some, and gathered some opinions about me only to agree with everyone that I play how I played previously. He's asking some questions and creates discussion, which is good. However that doesn't tell me anything about his alignment, so currently he's a null read.
I'm back. Yesterday was my first evening at my new part time job (barkeeper), I'll have time to read and comment more detailed in a few hours.

Of the top of my mind:

banana and chip? I doubt that scum has a regular second kill in a game with 14 players, that would shorten the game drastically. Maybe it's some kind of one-shot kill (the chip) or one of the claimed items is a roleblock?

The very quiet day end suggest that scum was satisfied with how it went? I know I missed out and I'm sorry. I was surprised to see Droplet gone as she had only one vote the last time I was able to read the day in that phase. My scum suspects were Squidyj, zipped and Droplet. Zipped never answered my post yesterday and just got away with ignoring it. I don't know what to think about Squidyj going for Droplet. I'll look into it later.

Notice the pattern? The moment Droplet made an ice cream reference, he jumped on her about claiming with ice cream. And not just any claim, but specifically an ordinary one. He suspiciously doesn't want vanilla players to be claiming for whatever reason. Why? He suggests the banana and chip are probably not a second kill in a game the size of 14 players, which I'm inclined to agree with. But he also suggests that one of the claimed items is a roleblock. Note that this point, the two people who have died are both ordinary town too. But here's the real kicker:

Sophia any more words from you on that topic isn't going to help town.
Vote count please.

Well, I wanted you to avoid signaling wether you have a pr or not.

You're last statement about cabot was "well, he is scottish". Do you believe him to tell the truth? You seem ambiguous.

The moment I start implying that I may or may not have a power role, Gorlak starts trying to hush me up in the same manner he hushed Droplet up. Not too long after that, he starts going in on me when he wasn't previously.

Huh, I can finally pinpoint what exactly makes me feel uneasy about Sophia this time around.

She often comments on events/posts, but leaves it "open" for interpretation. She implicitly accuses somebody, but refuses to openly say it. I'd have to look for more examples, but those posts were D2 material.

I think Gorlak knows more about the items than he's letting on, and it's no coincidence that two regular townies have died. And seeing as I don't like being told how to play this game, and we're talking about Ice Cream...

As I told Cabot, I am not a witch. I am a robot.

I am RobotNinjaHornets.

I do not think the item is a roleblock, because I am a vanilla townie and do not have a role to be blocked. I've been debating all day if I want to roleclaim or not, and when I should claim. But my frustration and anxiousness regarding the inactivity have made me decide to be open about it now. I think we need to look carefully at the people who suggested the items are a poison and a roleblock, because I'm feeling confident now that there is at least one scum in there. I don't know if that's Gorlak or not, but I'm not inclined to vote him off today because he's been pretty active despite the above.

I know some people don't like my playstyle and have accused it of being scummy, but what I told Gorlak earlier is what I believe. I am not playing to the best of my game right now, and I know that. With this post I'm making a conscious choice to get some things off my chest and put my thoughts out into the opening. I apologize ahead of time if that causes me to make a mistake, or causes my mislynch. Likewise, I apologize for any errors in this post.

I am undecided on where I want my vote to be, but right now I am leaning heavily towards Zipped and Stanley. We'll see later on. Both of them are unlikely to be scum given Stanley's zealousness towards trying to lynch Zipped.
Interesting thoughts on Gorlak...

Perhaps he is the one giving fruit? Because bananas split? I dunno, weird barely relevant connection there but it's something I guess? I don't know if there would be a role that can tell who is a vanilla player though. I think Gorlak might just be thinking that someone saying they're vanilla town makes them a target for scum..... But aren't townies with role powers a higher priority for scum to take out?

As for my inactivity. I've just been struggling to pull out conversation points. the fact that the game is so quiet isn't helping lol.
Whether you're a vanilla or not, I guess I don't see what that has to do with the banana being a roleblock? Not that i see the logic in it being a role block either.
Firstly, one of his top town is now dead. One of them he's apparently done a 180 on, with Crimson. and his top scum hasn't really changed significantly. Why the 180 on Crimson, Stanley? He went from your top town to being a suspicious read for shallow scum hunting, despite the fact that, as far as I can tell, Crimson has only increased his posting and scum hunting?

my suspicion on crimson now is partly because of how i read him town on day 1.
before i hadnt looked particularly closely at Crimson, and the general read i got from him was that he was a very helpful townie.
but recently i went through looking more specifically at his posts, and seeing them in that light left quite a different impression, and all i can use to describe that impresion is 'shallow'. Helpful questions and observations, but they just never seemed to really go anywhere, but (to me at least) they gave a feeling of being more usefull that it they really were.
or maybe im just being paranoid because i overestimated my read on him.
this is a suspicion, not a scum read. its a theory that i will need a lot more information on before i could come to any conclusion about it. thats kinda why i initially didn't want to voice this suspicion this early, but everyone increasing suspicion of inactivity means that really isnt much of an option anymore.



It never occurred to me to say something about that, despite it ringing all kinds of alarm bells.

And I will ask again- where is the Sophia vote coming from, or am I just missing something super obvious here.

I mean I put my reasoning in the quoted post, buddy.


It seems odd to me the first three players outside of myself (2 confirmed, 1 claimed) are ordinaries.

It's either quite a vanilla 14-player game, lies, or we've been extremely lucky.


I'd lean yes on answer to your question, squidy. But there's a few caveats that doesnt make it definitive

1) zipped i always read as scum, blind spot.
2) good chance you are scum.
3) I also have trouble reading Flame and tend to read him scum more than not.

That's some nuance, how about a poem as well?

I am Gorlak
My name's Cabot

I hate poetry
I do not


I want to ask everyone a simple question with a simple yes or no answer. the question is this.
"do you believe there is at least one scum in the group of zippedpinhead, flame_ac, and squidyj?"

I'm asking EVERYONE to answer this simple question please.



Almost forgot, some of the players today have been pursuing other targets outside this group of 3. If you are one of these players please explain how you can believe there is scum in this group of 3 and also not pursue a lynch against any of us.
Not sure i like this directing of the vote. You can believe there are scum there (statistically one in four of us are scum anyway; possibly one in three) but be more sure about someone else.


Sophia your claim is dumb and was unasked for. You continue to show some really weird logic. You claim that I go after all vanilla town roles because that helps ... somehow... ...no, this doesn't make sense.

He suspiciously doesn't want vanilla players to be claiming for whatever reason. Why?

Ordinaries are the shield for Power Roles. If you give away that your role is basically useless, like you just did, scum would simply target somebody else in hopes of killing a power role. If you are telling the truth, you automatically raised the chance that we will face a dead PR tomorrow. That's what I believe and stated throughout the game. The only benefit in being ordinary is not revealing this fact in hopes that scum target you instead of a PR.

He suggests the banana and chip are probably not a second kill in a game the size of 14 players, which I'm inclined to agree with. But he also suggests that one of the claimed items is a roleblock. Note that this point, the two people who have died are both ordinary town too.

Where is the connection between the one and the other?

The moment I start implying that I may or may not have a power role, Gorlak starts trying to hush me up in the same manner he hushed Droplet up. Not too long after that, he starts going in on me when he wasn't previously.

I said earlier that I can't read you. Than you posted more and I started to form an opinion about you. You act suspicious and I brought that up.

I think Gorlak knows more about the items than he's letting on, and it's no coincidence that two regular townies have died.

Please explain this logic please. Are you saying I'm scum and want to take out all the vanilla roles because... ? What? Are you saying I know more about the items and that's why two ordinaries are dead? What? Please, I really don't understand.

I do not think the item is a roleblock, because I am a vanilla townie and do not have a role to be blocked.

This doesn't make sense at all either.

It's a holiday over here, I'll be back later.
Also, Royal isn't in the three. Want to talk about it? Even if he hasn't responded, he's not one of your three. But then, how do you feel, squidy?
Please explain this logic please. Are you saying I'm scum and want to take out all the vanilla roles because... ? What? Are you saying I know more about the items and that's why two ordinaries are dead? What? Please, I really don't understand.
Except this part.
This is a "gorlak being gorlak" meta discussion. But i don't think sophia calling out gorlak jumping on all potential claims, vanilla or otherwise, is particularly scummy. At least someone should be calling it out. Quiet breadcrumbs are whatever, but i like to err more on give all projected info to everyone. Keeping quiet runs the risk of a pr missing it and scum catching it.

But my "gorlak is gorlak" impression after, well, i guess, every game I've played, is that Gorlak chases minutiae others dismiss. and I don't think that's always a bad thing. Particularly here, i appreciate it.

And it's so doubtful about the role info. Even if gorlak is scum, and I've seen him play the same as both neutral and town so i have no idea--could be, maybe likely is, the same as scum--even if he is a vanilla role cop, which is traditionally town, we're all still on fairly limited info except the scum team knowing each other.


It was unprovoked, and I still struggle to believe we've got 3 ordinaries before hitting a PR.

Though kudos to Sophia, she's definitely bringing us closer to hitting that PR if it's true.

RNH could be any alignment.


Claiming ordinary also doesn't resolve her of her passive play up until this point. She should be balls to the walls aggression, she's a cog in the machine, with an ultimate team goal.

I'd expect her behaviour from a PR or scum. She's ruled out one of them.
To be fair, a vanilla should endeavor to be a pr read imo. I've been flip-flopping on sophia. Right now, i think she's town though.

Top 3 town:


Flame, i get why others would be suspicious but i don't have it. Him and Zipped are about equal on posts and read through them, and I'm torn between zipped and squid tbh (zipped not in my list because i do think it's one or the other). Not solid either. Would be an epic fuck up if we passed for some random (like droplet, you assholes) and missed two. Zipped brought that up, not sure why, when he was on the chopping block. Assume he doesn't mean himself, so let's get some color by numbers explanation, huh?


To be fair, a vanilla should endeavor to be a pr read imo. I've been flip-flopping on sophia. Right now, i think she's town though.

Disagree, though surely we both agree claiming ordinary out of nowhere is just bad play if Town?

I think she saw the winds were uncertain and it could swing against her, so she got an early claim out to try and erase suspicion.
Sorry for literally not posting the last 36 or so hours, Wednesday and (to a lesser extent) Friday are my busy days...

Anyway, Sophia, other people have already pointed that out, but I'll just rephrase it in the clearest way possible: How is Scum supposed to know what role you have? Therefore, how does you being Vanilla influence the chance of the banana being a roleblock?

Because it's a visible status effect given to a player. Those are usually scum PR's, and so having it done to cabot gives him more credibility in my eyes. I could also see it as a scum play where they gave a suspicious item to an already suspicious miller in the hopes of getting an easy lynch out of him.
I disagree. Unless it's a one-shot power having Scum give out stuff with optional use is not useful. Once it's figured out using it does no good, why would anyone do it?

Squidy's behaviour has just felt odd. Towards the end of yesterday he started making some decent contributions, but I feel like he could go either way right now, and with how heavy games have been on bussing recently, Flame flipping scum wouldn't clear him for me. Infact, his vote today kind of gives me scum bussing scum vibes. His reaction to the kill also kind of bothers me, especially mentioning the possibility of a switcher, Flame had a similar reaction too.
But Flame was his other candidate for D1. It's not some sudden-change-of-opinion-bussing.

So end of day yesterday. Squid is leading the vote at t-3 hours. Kawl puts in a tie on zipped to shake things up. Droplet had two votes at this point. Nukedeggs throws a bit of shade my way before the tie and cabot jumps on it but no votes.

Flame breaks the tie toward droplet about 2.5 hours before deadline. An hour later Royal and Star seal the deal. End of day is quiet.

Worth noting, droplet vote started with a cabot shitpost and then squidy omgus' her with pretty weak (imo) reasoning. Cabot jumps off.
I don't know if it matters, but I want to point out that Flame created the tie, not broke it as Cabot already removed his Droplet vote at this point. I broke the tie.see this votecount for reference. (That's why I like the votetool with the postnumbers next to the votes and unvotes :p)

I want to ask everyone a simple question with a simple yes or no answer. the question is this.
"do you believe there is at least one scum in the group of zippedpinhead, flame_ac, and squidyj?"

I'm asking EVERYONE to answer this simple question please.

In fact I don't even see why Flame_AC is in there. I'm not saying he isn't Scum (he's quite suspicious in my books; coasting hard), but as far as I'm seeing this you're going after early Droplet voters with this? Why would there be a train if neither you nor Zipped are Scum?

vote: Zippedpinhead

Way less useful contributions today than squidyj (who I'm still kind of unsure of tbh)

It seems odd to me the first three players outside of myself (2 confirmed, 1 claimed) are ordinaries.

It's either quite a vanilla 14-player game, lies, or we've been extremely lucky.
Even if you left out Sophia I'm rather surprised that the first two flips we've seen are Vanilla Townies.

Vote: Royal_Flush
Almost forgot, some of the players today have been pursuing other targets outside this group of 3. If you are one of these players please explain how you can believe there is scum in this group of 3 and also not pursue a lynch against any of us.
Well, I guess that's for inactivity and I kind of deserve it tbh.
Claiming ordinary also doesn't resolve her of her passive play up until this point. She should be balls to the walls aggression, she's a cog in the machine, with an ultimate team goal.
As if Sophia ever played very aggressive... Some people just have their playstyle and can't vary it depending on the usefulness of their Town-Role (If they role Scum things are different, but I think we all know this)

[Flame_AC] and Zipped are about equal on posts and read through them, and I'm torn between zipped and squid tbh (zipped not in my list because i do think it's one or the other). Not solid either. Would be an epic fuck up if we passed for some random (like droplet, you assholes) and missed two. Zipped brought that up, not sure why, when he was on the chopping block. Assume he doesn't mean himself, so let's get some color by numbers explanation, huh?
I mean, I get that you're on mobile but could you please make full, coherent sentences? I really struggle to get what you're saying here. What is "passed for some random" supposed to mean?

Disagree, though surely we both agree claiming ordinary out of nowhere is just bad play if Town?
It surely is.
I don't know if it matters, but I want to point out that Flame created the tie, not broke it as Cabot already removed his Droplet vote at this point. I broke the tie.see this votecount for reference. (That's why I like the votetool with the postnumbers next to the votes and unvotes :p)


I mean, I get that you're on mobile but could you please make full, coherent sentences? I really struggle to get what you're saying here. What is "passed for some random" supposed to mean?
Responding to the second first. What i meant was that if most of us agree we've got at least one scum in the crosshairs, it would be a shame to let them go in another last minute seeing. And we have mostly agreed we have at least one, though the suspicion is pretty split. 1/3 seemed better than 2/9 at the time though statistic l statistically it's the same. When we need to agree on as a vote, maybe the math changes. I'm not the math guy


Well it's not exactly that simple. You can think there's a scum in a group of three, but you feel equally suspicious of all 3, you've got an EV of hitting scum 33.3%. But say there is someone outside of that group you feel pretty damn certain is scum, you can have a higher confidence of hitting scum by voting for them.

I feel this is something we conflate a lot sometimes, and it's the disagreement I have with squidys point of questioning anyone who said yea (which was everyone iirc) but pursuing someone out side of the three. Even if it was just two people, you can say yes to that off voting patterns or whatever, but if you are split dead even on which one is scum it can make good logical sense to vote somewhere else you are more suspicious.


Now if it's a case where it's confirmed that there is scum in a group (like the batman vote deal) that shifts values a bit by putting a fact versus a hunch, but in this case it's hunch v hunch.


Apologizes if I don't get to a response right away. I'm reading the replies, but I'm pretty sleep deprived and can't think straight right now. I want to take a look at FEP, Kawl, and Royal too.


Well an OMGUS reaction certainly helps me look over you better.

I keep going back to when Sophia did all Kawl's defensive work for hm when Flush called him useless, it wasn't a mere statement. It was quoted with evidence. This bugs me.

Now, Kawl or Sophia first is the question?

Kawl attempted to force a tie in D1, and Sophia had the vote outside of all the leaders. Sophia's vote is the more interesting out of the two here.

If we voted one of these two out, who would be missed more if it was a mislynch?

Thoughts going on in my head right now.
One question and a response to cabot's "who would I chose between Sophia and kawl"

Flush, are you looking for a response from me or question? Was this a prod vote? Or am I scum without the possibility of being town.

Cabot, if the vote was a thunder dome between Sophia and kawl with no other options. Based on gameplay so far I would save Sophia and lynch kawl. I feel Sophia (as scum reading of me that she is this game) is far more supportive and structured for town than kawl has been. Kawl has been active but not to Sophia's level. Sophia also has been giving us good reads and insights, I feel that kawl has not been.


I don't like the votes against Sophia, she's made some of the best posts in the game so far and has contributed more than most, myself included.


I don't like the votes against Sophia, she's made some of the best posts in the game so far and has contributed more than most, myself included.

Well actually as others have said she often puts together posts that work well as summaries and create mini narratives but has herself said that her ability to draw meaningful conclusions from that is poor.


Number of entries in my notes: (find this a better metric of contributions than just post numbers)

Cabot/Sophia-28 with Sophia's points usually having a bit more meat on them

Royal-10 (usually meaty points as well)


So I'd agree that Sophia is being active and doing a good job of bringing points up, these numbers doesn't reflect number of meaningful conclusions/firm stances taken though.

If I had to group mine is probably slot around FEP. Gorlak punches above his vote count in terms of points as does Royal. Cabot's noise to sound ratio seems incredibly high but that's the be expected with 2x the number of posts.
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