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Gafia 2.5: The Bachelor Party |Mafia OT| One Last Override


Vote Count

gryvan (3)

Flame_AC (2)

flatearthpandas (1)

Kawl_USC (1)

Gorlak (0)

5 votes are needed for majority.

Day 3 ends in:
Well, Gorlak gets his wish. Let's spill some PRs.

I'll start with mine. X-shot town watcher. Feeling pretty town, I watched Gorlak. He had a visitor. Now, if Gorlak was BC and was role blocked, well that would make some sense. I wasnt the only one to suspect him. And would a role block be town or scum? Would gorlak have seemed town or scum?

And you are spilling this now because of what reason exactly?


Btw as far as flame goes, I think he is just during the ordinary tunnel on me here tbh. I still don't scum read him. I figure scum would have at least drummed up a few reasons beyond his 'gut'.


Btw as far as flame goes, I think he is just during the ordinary tunnel on me here tbh. I still don't scum read him. I figure scum would have at least drummed up a few reasons beyond his 'gut'.

Noted. I'm not sure what to make of it myself. Sadly doesn't look like we're gonna get much more time to discuss it. Leaving my vote as is.


The partiers stream out of Circus Circus onto the Strip, their wallets light, but their arms heavy with stuffed animals.

Someone holds up a stuffed Cornish Game Hen. “When you guys mentioned picking up chicks, that wasn’t what I had in mind. Those crane machines are hard

“Dude, wrong bag. That’s our dinner you’re waving around.”
“Oh, right, sorry.”

The group stops in front of the Bellagio, where the fountain show has just started. Music fills the air and water gushes forth.

“What do you think Swamped and her fiancé are doing right now?”
“I think he’s in the witness protection program.”
“I’m just glad we don’t have to come up with epithets for his name anymore.”

Their thoughts are interrupted by the screeching sound of tires. A taxivan skids onto the sidewalk, narrowly missing passersby and the partiers as it fishtails out of control. Hitting the rail of the fountain, the van comes to a crashing halt.

“Everyone okay?”
“Looks like it.”

The van door slides open and Crab stumbles out, coughing in the smoke. "There you guys are! You won’t believe what the last few days have been like. I missed my flight and had to rebook. then the airline lost my luggage, and the taxi dropped me off at the wrong hotel. What a nightmare, but I'm glad it's over and I'm here now. Where’s the bachelor?"

“He ran home to Swamped.”
“That bad, huh?”

The taxi driver walks up to them, shaking his fist at Crab. “That’s the last time I get in a political argument with you, young man. Look at this mess. I’m not looking forward to filing an insurance claim for all this.”

Everyone backs away quickly, looking around suspiciously.

“Hey, where are you guys going? Someone’s got to pay for this,” shouts the taxi driver.

“Uh, since Swamped’s guy isn’t here, I think I better lay low for awhile,” says Crab. Seeing emergency vehicles approaching, he runs for the fountain rail and jumps in, executing a perfect swan dive.

“The fountain’s not that deep…”
“Whatever, we’re going on without him. Who wants chicken?”

gryvan has been removed from the party.

Welcome to Las Vegas, gryvan/StarSketch!

You are Crab, the prodigal son, banned for our sins, the founder of GAFia. And you have triumphantly returned, ready to complete your quest for vengeance against those that have wronged you… later.

You are Ordinary Town. But that’s okay, mom says you’re special.

You are here for Swamped's fiancé's bachelor party, a celebration before he's permanently recruited to Swamped's team (alignment unknown). In your inebriated stupor, you notice that not everyone is who they seem to be. You can't have anyone ruin the party, so you have been entrusted with the power to VOTE for someone every day in order to remove them from the party. You would get more responsibilities, but you're partaking in borderline-illegal activities that will render you broke and destitute. Voting is pretty much all you're capable of at this point.

You win when all threats to town are eliminated.

Night 3 ends in:

Please note that this will be the final 48 hours night phase. Starting on day 4, we will be moving to 48 hour day phases and 24 hour night phases


Ourubolus is fast asleep in his bed, dreaming of electric sheep and unicorns, when someone jostles him awake.

“Wake up. Geez, who sleeps at 8pm in Vegas?”
“Can’t miss my morning cartoons,” Ourobulus groggily replies.
“Uh… okay. Anyway, we’re going to Paradise. Get dressed.”

Ourobolos swings his legs onto the floor and shuffles towards the bathroom. “Is that a new casino? I hope they have midway games! Give me a minute to get ready.”


45 minutes later, the group pulls up to an adult entertainment venue.

“Welcome to Paradise Gentlemen’s Club!”
“I didn’t lie, did I?”
“Well, no…”


2 hours later, the party is in full swing. Ourubulus is sitting as far away from the group as possible, but just close enough so that he can mooch free beers off them. He keeps his eyes affixed to his phone, refusing to look at the dazzling display of exposed skin all around him.

“We’re out of beer again? Another round!”
“Another lap dance!”
“Hey Ourobulos, have a lap dance. It’s on me!”
“Oh my god you suck,” said Ourubolos really quickly. So quickly, in fact, he may have just said the first letter of each word.

Everyone tries to gasp, but some have their mouths muffled by woman’s lingerie, others are in mid-chug, and one is in the middle of motorboating (you know who you are). Chairs scrape as the partiers push them back. Eyes dart wildly.

Ourubulos stands up in a huff. “I’m leaving. Enjoy your night of debauchery!” He storms out of the strip club, despite the other partiers’ protests.

“Now who’s going to finish all these beers?”
“Since he left, can I have that free lap dance?”

CrimsonFist has been removed from the party

Welcome to Las Vegas, CrimsonFist!

You are Ourobolus. Dictionaries and spell-checkers hate you. Most of GAFia hates you, for what you did to them.

You are a town beloved virgin. This means that you take one extra vote than normal to be lynched. For example, if majority for the current day phase is 6 then the day will not end if you hit 6 votes, instead, you will have to hit 7 votes for the day to end early. If the day timer ends, normal plurality will be in effect. If you are lynched, the next day phase will be skipped resulting in two night phases back-to-back. If you are night killed, the mafia will be unable to perform a night kill the following night.

You have also been entrusted with the power to VOTE for someone every day in order to remove them from the party.

You win when all threats to town are eliminated.

Due to the virgin's death, scum may not submit a night kill during N4. All other night actions will work as normal.

We are now moving to 48 hour day phases and 24 hour night phases

Day 4 ends in:


Sooo... FEP why did you wait literally to the last ten minutes to come forward? If you wanted to do it anyhow why not reveal it earlier? There was no chance to discuss this at all.

What would you have done if I had claimed to be blocked? (this is hypothetical)

I stand by my word and will not say more about my role/movement.


Interesting. We have a big opportunity here. Let's make use of it.

Thoughts on why FEP is still with us despite being our first claimed PR?


claimed town watcher:
5. flatearthpandas [m]

claimed ordinary:
4. Flame_AC [m]
10. Sophia [f]

no claim:
6. Gorlak [m]
7. Kawl_USC [m]
9. Royal_Flush [m]
12. StanleyPalmtree [m]

Am I missing something?


Interesting. We have a big opportunity here. Let's make use of it.

Thoughts on why FEP is still with us despite being our first claimed PR?

I'm kind of surprised. I figured with all that implications that went on at the end of the previous day, they'd take out FEP, Gorlak, or Flame. Maybe they thought Crimson was a doctor or something?

Am I missing something?

Looks right to me.


How do others feel about the last 4 claiming? We have an additional night of actions for any of our PRs.

Let's assume scum has a role block left. I think it might be worthwhile to put all of our cards on the table.

We are at 6 after this lynch, no scum kill tonight, so 5 after that lynch, night kill makes it 2v2, game over.

We need to hit scum in our next two lynches or we lose the game.


A mass claim because we won't have a night kill, huh? Hmm. My gut is saying it's a good idea because it might point out some contradictions in stories if someone is lynched and flips town. My brain is saying "Hold on a second..." but my brain has not been the most functional of devices this game so meh.

Can you think of any drawbacks, Kawl? Or anyone else, for that matter.
Gorlak early posting with the target's role. Interesting...

No vote from Royal yesterday?

I'm kind of surprised to be alive, but kind of not. Easy enough to throw shade at me today since end of night stuff did not end in a scum lynch this time.


Gorlak early posting with the target's role. Interesting...

No vote from Royal yesterday?

I'm kind of surprised to be alive, but kind of not. Easy enough to throw shade at me today since end of night stuff did not end in a scum lynch this time.

Actually, sorry if we are going to go through with mass claim, don't answer that.


FEP and Gorlak, thoughts on what I posted above?

Flame, Royal, and Stanley still to check in, assume stanley will be a bit due to his timezone difference.


I'm kind of surprised. I figured with all that implications that went on at the end of the previous day, they'd take out FEP, Gorlak, or Flame. Maybe they thought Crimson was a doctor or something?

See, I was confident that Gorlak, myself, and Kawl as well would make it through the night.

I feel the mass claim might be better than not as we'll finally get a sense of the type of roles in the game. The no night kill is of course very good, though, what do we think about a no lynch day? Would that help the numbers?
See, I was confident that Gorlak, myself, and Kawl as well would make it through the night.

I feel the mass claim might be better than not as we'll finally get a sense of the type of roles in the game. The no night kill is of course very good, though, what do we think about a no lynch day? Would that help the numbers?

If we don't hit scum today, NL may be good tomorrow. Let's try and hit scum today though.


Alright, I was trying to wait for the 3 other members who haven't claimed some time to weight in.

But given how close the margin of error is I will say that I have the Hated role.

I take one less vote to be lynched.

So at 3 votes I am hammered today.

Flame, if you could perhaps unvote for now, until we have some time for discussion. Everyone can note that your vote is on me for all intents and purposes.


See, I was confident that Gorlak, myself, and Kawl as well would make it through the night.

I feel the mass claim might be better than not as we'll finally get a sense of the type of roles in the game. The no night kill is of course very good, though, what do we think about a no lynch day? Would that help the numbers?

Vote: Kawl_USC

Well, might as well actually start the day.

Hmm.... you were mysteriously absent when I called out Kawl yesterday, only to show up near the end and threw your vote on him. I'm curious as to what that all means now. You also had your vote on Kawl on Day 2....
We can forget that for now. Has come to my attention hated is general a policy lynch right now. If we ML today, which is a possibility, scum wins tomorrow even without a nk.
Recommend we all make read lists, lynch Kawl, mass claim tomorrow and report all night actions, nl, and then wish godspeed on the remaining townies.


But yea you are right, the next lynch needs to be me unless we are 100% on who scum is.

I was hoping it would be someone besides our already claimed town PR who would bring this point up to give me another person I feel good about, but oh well.
And why wouldn't we reverse the lynch and no lynch in this situation, friend?

Because we'll go into tomorrow with your flip as new guaranteed info rather than nothing and we have to lynch you anyway based on your claim. In hindsight I should have kept quiet a bit longer but at this point we should cut along. On that point, we only really need a read list from you, Kawl. Everyone else can make theirs in the ensuing 24 hour night.


Because we'll go into tomorrow with your flip as new guaranteed info rather than nothing and we have to lynch you anyway based on your claim. In hindsight I should have kept quiet a bit longer but at this point we should cut along. On that point, we only really need a read list from you, Kawl. Everyone else can make theirs in the ensuing 24 hour night.

Okay, so can you explain the situation in which I'm town and lying about this?

Cause without any reasoning that supports this, I don't see any argument to be made for lynching me now instead of then.

Either I'm town and actually hated, or I'm lying at this point and am scum. Numbers don't make sense for a second neutral in this game.


Because we'll go into tomorrow with your flip as new guaranteed info rather than nothing and we have to lynch you anyway based on your claim. In hindsight I should have kept quiet a bit longer but at this point we should cut along. On that point, we only really need a read list from you, Kawl. Everyone else can make theirs in the ensuing 24 hour night.

Also, can you go ahead and confirm that you really are the watcher by saying who visited Gorlak N2.
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