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Gafia 2.5: The Bachelor Party |Mafia OT| One Last Override


Vote Count

gryvan (3)

Flame_AC (2)

flatearthpandas (1)

Gorlak (0)

Kawl_USC (0)

5 votes are needed for majority.

Day 3 ends in:

Just updated for the new page and because I'm out for lunch for about a half hour.

Edit: I modkill people who shit talk 50ppp
Thoughts on how the end of day is shaping up?

Gorlak v FEP interestjng?
Gryvan basically a lock for lynch?
Flame a worthy contender?

Or do you think we are barking up all the wrong trees?

Since FEP has backed off, that whole exchange seems counterproductive. I don't see any reason to go further into it than that.

I'm as happy with a Gryvan lynch as I was at the start of the day. Nothing which has happened today has changed my mind on that.

Flame is an ok lynch candidate, and would give us more information on the day end yesterday. He could be scum, but I feel happier with a Gryvan lynch right now.


Seeing as you're here and nobody else appears to be, what do you think of Crimson right now, Kawl?

His contributions feel very low impact today. Less than I had expected of him. Some of that may be due to me missing the first day and a half where he seems to have posted more?

Last post is okay and answers my questions but doesn't exactly do above and beyond.

Read bored town from him?


Since FEP has backed off, that whole exchange seems counterproductive. I don't see any reason to go further into it than that.

I'm as happy with a Gryvan lynch as I was at the start of the day. Nothing which has happened today has changed my mind on that.

Flame is an ok lynch candidate, and would give us more information on the day end yesterday. He could be scum, but I feel happier with a Gryvan lynch right now.

Yea mostly agree on the FEP situation. Not sure what the whole goal there was. It was pretty clear earlier today that Gorlak wasn't going to answer his question.

How do you feel about Sophia?


His contributions feel very low impact today. Less than I had expected of him. Some of that may be due to me missing the first day and a half where he seems to have posted more?

Last post is okay and answers my questions but doesn't exactly do above and beyond.

Read bored town from him?

Yeah, I was kind of reading that too.

The only thing that immediately strikes out about him is the votes he put down. Squidy on Day 1, Flame_AC on Day 2. But he also had a vote on Zipped, and I can't find anything or remember anything to really change my read on him. So seems like fluff.
Huh, we're really spiking up the activity these last few hours, aren't we. I surely won't complain.

So you're saying that two or three members of the scum team may have been on the droplet lynch train? Of the other two people for that day phase, we have Zipped who had three voters (Cabot, Stanley, and Kawl), and squidly with three voters (Gorlak, CrimsonFist, and Droplet)
If you count Zipped, then yes, I see a strong possibility that two Scum were on Droplet, since one of the alternatives would have been Zipped. All three Scum on the other hand... Man, that would be a risky safe. Not sure about that.

Gryvan came very close to being turbo'd without any real case against him. A lot of people jumped on him really easily. All he's accused of is Star's inactivity? What's the case against him?
Voting patterns.

well personally i didn't even suggest you to be scum?

Your like 80% town to me atm.

I just said it reminded me of a previous game.

But I guess that made you feel defensive about it? sounds suspicious~
It sounded to me like you were suggesting Kawl is Scum. The subsequent exchange is just silly.

Crimson and Royal have been pretty quiet. Royal doesn't have a vote either. Hm.

Vote: Gryvan

Yes, that's intentionally not highlighted since I don't see a reason to bring us into turbo range.


Stating where you stand is good enough I suppose. Although being only an hour and a half out, being at L-1 isn't a huge deal.

Well, Royal just indicated where he stands on it. Seems like we're thinking along the same lines of not wanting to turbo when there's so little activity.

Between Gryvan and Flame, I'm voting Gryvan because of the voting patterns. Star had some really crappy and weird votes. The standout vote being her Day 1 vote on Droplet. Likewise, when I called her out on Day 2 she didn't have much to say in the way of influential opinions. Gryvan himself hasn't really helped much. Not offering much in the way of opinions, posting a scum read on Flame and yourself when I felt you provided a pretty good counter-argument.

Also what you said about Flame is still ringing in the back of my mind, and nobody offered up a real counter-opinion to you on that... The biggest thing against Flame right now is how quickly he gave up on providing a counter-argument combined with the fact that he listed a bunch of people as potential scum, but never really backed any arguments for them.

Both of them feel scummy to me at any rate. But if Gryvan fips scum, it might clear Flame a bit due to Star voting for him .


Gryvan's weak defense make me think he isn't scum. Scum would put up a better fight than this.

To be fair, you're the other potential lynch target and haven't pushed out much of a defense either.

Why did you feel the way about the scum you mentioned earlier? Do you still feel this way after seeing the existing arguments?


Gryvan's weak defense make me think he isn't scum. Scum would put up a better fight than this.

When it's mostly voting records and suspicion carrying over for star that he can't really defend I can see scum just having to grimace as a lynch comes in. There honestly isn't much he can say to wriggle out of this one. Although contributing more seriously might have helped.
Depends on what you mean by that? This is the final hour, yes. :\

Last thing before I fell asleep was gryvan saying he was stepping it up and that kawl was in overdrive.

Gorlak kind of disappeared. Implication being either he isn't BC or didn't give an item yesterday.


Last thing before I fell asleep was gryvan saying he was stepping it up and that kawl was in overdrive.

Gorlak kind of disappeared. Implication being either he isn't BC or didn't give an item yesterday.

I did not implicate anything. You rephrasing your question does not change my answer. I will not confirm wether or not anything.
Who thinks I should say something to see where FEP is going?

This sounds like Gorlak was considering playing ball. I backed down, tried to give him more specific opportunity to consider. This way not answering could still imply either him being BC or not with a more specific qualification necessary. If we're still playing coy though...


That's one away FEP. If you've got something to say, say it. Otherwise end this farce of a discussion if you would be so kind.
Let's assume that Gorlak is BC. Let's assume no one claims fruit received because no one got one (I really hope this is not actually G's same weak reasoning of wanting to keep scum's potential bc targets numerous). Let's assume Gorlak tried to give one and failed. Why?

Gave to squidy. Target immune. Role blocked. Missing anything?
Are we assuming that cabot lied about the casino chip then?

Nobody got a banana because: role blocked, gave to dead person, gave to neutral ascetic serial killer cop (or other invalid target), one shot item, there is no banana and Sophia lied.


Are we assuming that cabot lied about the casino chip then?

Nobody got a banana because: role blocked, gave to dead person, gave to neutral ascetic serial killer cop (or other invalid target), one shot item, there is no banana and Sophia lied.

Until someone speaks up about a casino chip or banana, it's hard to tell. I can't fathom why someone wouldn't speak up about it unless they're scum tho. :\


Or whoever received the banana realized it could be related to the failed lynch and decided to keep quiet as it might deter scums attempted lynch today.


Vote Count

gryvan (3)

Flame_AC (2)

flatearthpandas (1)

Gorlak (0)

Kawl_USC (0)

5 votes are needed for majority.

Day 3 ends in:


Also, once again I ask questions for Flame, and once again he has disappeared. No vote either. What the hell is up with that?


2 item giver outers seems a bit excessive for a 14 person game. One person had an explicit motive to lie considering his role. That's my thoughts on banana coin gate 2016
Phrasing was weird but yes, not claiming from the recipient. Sure, maybe there never was one and Sophia is lying.

But if it was Gorlak and if he did try and give an item, perhaps he was roleblocked.
Cabot may have lied. I don't think there's a town reason for anyone to keep quiet about a chip. Gorlak thinks it's worth having PRs spilled to avoid scum's BC pool going from 6 to 5 potentials if he isn't BC. I hope no one received a fruit with the same opinion.


Also, once again I ask questions for Flame, and once again he has disappeared. No vote either. What the hell is up with that?


I got distracted by a book.

I don't see why others view Kawl as town so strongly. Nothing he has done has made me feel he was town, instead maybe a neutral or scum. I know the numbers aren't as likely for him to be a neutral, but I still think that is more likely than him being town.

Vote: Kawl_USC

I'll keep it here unless Gryvan gets enough votes to almost lynch me.



I got distracted by a book.

I don't see why others view Kawl as town so strongly. Nothing he has done has made me feel he was town, instead maybe a neutral or scum. I know the numbers aren't as likely for him to be a neutral, but I still think that is more likely than him being town.

Vote: Kawl_USC

I'll keep it here unless Gryvan gets enough votes to almost lynch me.

No specific arguments, or anything really that's just pointed out? Just a gut read...?


Also, I think the coin from cabot is a complete lie which he was hoping to use to eventually get lynched when no one else claimed it.


I looked for arguments for why Kawl could be scum and presented them to everyone long before the timer came out. When he provided some counter arguments, I couldn't find any counter-arguments of my own. That led met to believe I was wrong there. Nobody else until now had any counter-argument to Kawl, save for an ambiguous comment by FEP related to his role claim and some "defensive" claims throw on him by gryvan... and now you're claiming you gut read Kawl scum 30 minutes before the deadline and without any real strong arguments? After being away and missing a lot of the big conversation?

Does anyone else (other than Kawl) not find this a bit strange?
Well, Gorlak gets his wish. Let's spill some PRs.

I'll start with mine. X-shot town watcher. Feeling pretty town, I watched Gorlak. He had a visitor. Now, if Gorlak was BC and was role blocked, well that would make some sense. I wasnt the only one to suspect him. And would a role block be town or scum? Would gorlak have seemed town or scum?
Which is why I wanted Gorlak to confirm. He could also have a doctor on him. Almost definitely not a cop.

Also, Flame voted Kawl yesterday. Don't need to dig too hard to find evidence of previous suspicion.



Since he has not confirmed or denied him being the banana man, I think assuming this was a roleblock could be problematic. If Gorlak is an ordinary, it could be any number of roles.

To confirm, Gorlak only had the one visitor?
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