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Gafia 2.5: The Bachelor Party |Mafia OT| One Last Override


Honestly, the post you threw out falls in line similarity with what Sophia posted earlier ala the connection between zipped and flame. I see a lot of one way interaction from zipped to flame which makes me think of a set up rather than scum buddies.

There's at least a bit more interaction between me and zipped and me and flame, but as I know I'm town aligned obviously I know that theory is wrong.

Already conceded that I think there's a stronger link between me and Zipped in terms of bussing each other than there exists between Flame and Zipped. I think it's better logic to be suspicious of me than Flame given those interactions. Unfortunately that logic would be wrong, as I know I'm town.

Also non chronological quotes make that post a bit of a bear to follow give me a bit to parse it.


Already conceded that I think there's a stronger link between me and Zipped in terms of bussing each other than there exists between Flame and Zipped. I think it's better logic to be suspicious of me than Flame given those interactions. Unfortunately that logic would be wrong, as I know I'm town.

Also non chronological quotes make that post a bit of a bear to follow give me a bit to parse it.

I have to get breakfast here in about 30 minutes or so, and that'll make me unable to respond fully until the following hour, so you've got time.
It's better the caveat doesn't make sense right now. It is what it is. But if he is the banana guy and denies it, he will be hurting town. If he isn't banana bro and doesn't deny it, it might hurt town. If he is and comes forward, we can maybe guarantee a scum lynch tonight.

Anyone else with info can potentially make this unnecessary.


Vote Count

gryvan (2)

flatearthpandas (1)

Gorlak (1)

Kawl_USC (0)

Flame_AC (0)

5 votes are needed for majority.

Day 3 ends in:
In loving memory for our tanner:
"So this banana walks into a bar.
Bartender looks him over, thinks about it, says, "You know, I like you. You got a lot of a peel.""

back to business:
FEP I never said that I was free of responsibility, you just kept pushing the idea that me alone was the reason for the "almost fuck-up"

And I don't know if you are town or scum trying to figure out the banana man. At the moment I think you are suspicious. As I said before I fail to see the benefit of revealing that info. My answer remains the same.

I said several times the whole situation was because of my doing. I would likely have been lynched today if things hadn't worked out how they did.

Anyway, if I was scum I would have just nk'd you tonight barring no better target. Sorry for drawing attention to you but believe I'm coming at it like this to protect the town.



Why couldn't you be scum by your own logic then?

Voting Squidyj, a confirmed townie.

Immediately switching your vote over to Zipped...

Started the lynchtrain on me. I know I'm exactly who I claimed... another person on that lynch? Zipped.

Zipped votes for you, claiming he knows he's town...

But then flips over to you while throwing shade on me?

You voted for flame, but your "scum team" here had two townies. Myself as an unconfirmed townie, and Squid who was confirmed. And then we had Flame_AC claim vanilla townie...

OMGUS voted for Cabot, who was a tanner. Effectively town in this scenario.

The moment I suggested that Zipped was suspcious, you threw out this sarcastic reply. Why did you dismiss it so easily back then?

Conceeded to Zipped's logic, even if you claimed you didn't agree with it.

Found my claim harder to swallow than Flame's own claim. I'm town, so what does that mean about Flame? You had both of us on our scum team list earlier, so why couldn't you have been using my claim as an excuse to make him look town?

I'm starting to wonder if the scum team is Kawl and Flame.

Why do you think Kawl is scum? You didn't specify, but you jumped over onto Gryvan saying it was an unesscary claim

Also where's Crimson in all this? He's been awfully silent for the later part of the day..

For your first point I addressed that a bit in the earlier post, it was a point I had already raised myself so doesn't strike me as particularly moving. Not sure why you quoted the second post for this point though, could you enlighten me?

You say I voted squid, a confirmed townie (interesting to note that you yourself said first thing today, damn I can't believe they night killed Squidy, I totes thought he was scum from voting record and posts) however my vote was almost entirely to create a tie and force people to pick a side. I switched to zipped right after when Dorian posted a vote count and I saw I had not accomplished that goal. I thought either of the two were fine lynches day 1. It was interesting to see droplet get pushed instead of Squidy or Zipped though. As scum I wouldn't have killed squid last night as I think he was set up to be our lynch today between this and his weird unvote yesterday.

You then say I started the lynch train on you. And I do believe I was the first vote, which I made and never changed due to finding some of your reasoning and posts unsatisfactory. You go out of your way to say zipped was also on that train but he was the very last player to get on board and it was out of purely a sense of self preservation it seems. He begrudgingly voted for you at day's end, I would hardly call him on the train. The other voters on the actual train of votes include Tanner Cabot (who probably was trying to vote non scum tbh as Tanner), town Squid, Gorlak (who I town read for now). So one confirmed town, one non scum, and an unknown. And knowing I'm town (see how that works, it's convinent as you have shown) it seems to me the vote on you was lead almost entirely by non scum with the only confirmed scum jumping in late with a perfunctory vote more than anything.

Zipped voted me as we approach day end instead of either of the leading candidates which is interesting. We know one is town in sauidy, but know nothing of flames alignment. I still see this as a potential frame up job of flame but again flames flip is the only way to confirm that. His reasoning for voting me is pretty weak in my opinion (also interesting how zipped pulls the I KNOW IM TOWN card you pull several times in this post). He ends up switching to you as day end approaches and it seems clear its you or him. If both of you are scum here, might as well try to get some cred by voting you eh?

Actually, my scum team has had 1 town, thus far. You knowing you are town means jack shit to every one else in the game, sorry. This may become useful in retrospect if you end up flipping, but ATM it means nothing. Sorry love.

I've got a meeting to go to real quick and then I'll address the rest of this post. But overall, finding most of these arguments pretty poor tbh Sophia.


Gryvan came very close to being turbo'd without any real case against him. A lot of people jumped on him really easily. All he's accused of is Star's inactivity? What's the case against him?

Gryvan can you provide a read list for us? Who do you think is scum etc.

Am I missing something? FEP voted no one Day 1? What's up with that?

Personally I feel that



Null Read but feeling a little scummy but not to the point of outright justifying them as scum


So you are going to vote Flame?

I don't think I can get town to go for Flame though but yeah near the end of the day I'd probably vote on Flame
Heya peoples.
so, im really sorry about disappearing, iv been very distracted by real life the last couple of days, but hey, im here now, with 7 hours to spare! what luck.

A quick catch up makes me think that today's most likely lynch targets are Gryvan and Flame_AC (unless im just completely misreading the room) and wouldn't strongly disagree with either being lynched today.

That said, my memory of the previous days has gotten pretty vague, so im going to go back through the thread and hopefully come to any stronger conclusion about, well anyone really.
And even if that search doesn't bear fruit, i will at least make a vote before the days end.

And speaking of bearing fruit, i propose we call the banana giver, the bananaer.



Null Read but feeling a little scummy but not to the point of outright justifying them as scum


I don't think I can get town to go for Flame though but yeah near the end of the day I'd probably vote on Flame

I'm reading it over still, but at first glance Kawl appears to have a pretty strong argument there. It's making me town read him.

Why do you think town won't go for Flame?


I'm reading it over still, but at first glance Kawl appears to have a pretty strong argument there. It's making me town read him.

Why do you think town won't go for Flame?

I also expressed about my 2 theories on either kawl is all town or kawl is scum by creating a discussion between him and zipped.
okay, reviewing the thread, i got nothing but bad vibes from Flame, and its 3 am, not a great time for highly logical deductions, so again im going to have to trust the gut.

Vote: Flame_AC

if anyone wants it, i can elaborate more tomorrow (like day 3 tomorrow, not 12/05 tomorrow).
happy Stanarchy everybody.
I should be awake for day end. We'll see if there's any action. Leaving my vote on Gorlak for now for not answering my question. No longer convinced he's that townie, though not calling him scum. The scum I could have implicated with his assistance is unlikely to be the lynch candidate for today. Just hoping we get the other one.
Actually, fuck it. If there's nothing to say otherwise when I wake up, I'm going to assume my theory is spot on and spill. We should have at least an hour to mull it over.


I see no reason to trust you FEP. I see no reason to confirm anything.

Yeah, withhold that theory till the last minute, because that always helps town. As I said I won't be around, so screw you, my vote stays where it is.


OMGUS voted for Cabot, who was a tanner. Effectively town in this scenario.

The moment I suggested that Zipped was suspcious, you threw out this sarcastic reply. Why did you dismiss it so easily back then?

Conceeded to Zipped's logic, even if you claimed you didn't agree with it.

Found my claim harder to swallow than Flame's own claim. I'm town, so what does that mean about Flame? You had both of us on our scum team list earlier, so why couldn't you have been using my claim as an excuse to make him look town?

I'm starting to wonder if the scum team is Kawl and Flame.

Why do you think Kawl is scum? You didn't specify, but you jumped over onto Gryvan saying it was an unesscary claim

Also where's Crimson in all this? He's been awfully silent for the later part of the day..

Picking up where I left off:
My omgus vote on Cabot was intentionally shitty, I was fishing for reactions and trying to create more activity during on of this games many inactive periods. I came out pretty shortly after this vote and said so explicitly after I believe Flame reacted to it poorly.

At this point, you pivot to my day 1 interactions with zipped.

You were pushing zipped approximately an hour into the game because he had only commented on Cabot's miller claim which was pretty much the center of attention at that point, as first minutes claims tend to be. I thought it was a dumb reason to jump on someone and still do. I countered by creating other discussion and trying to create other topics so that actual reasons for suspicion could be stirred up. In no way did me being sarcastic about you jumping on him talking about Cabot claim mean I thought he should be free of suspicion the whole day.

As far as his logic goes, I can concede that someone's logic is at least internally consistent without agreeing with the conclusion they arrive at. I don't assume it has to be a lie or even a gambit. That's the difference between me and zipped. :lol

Here again comes the "I'm town so by that logic..." Line. That argument doesn't mean anything to anyone at this point. Again after your possible flip it might mean more and others can and should revisit this. As far as why I believed flames claim over yours, your claim came out early enough that I could see it as scum getting out ahead of some slight building heat and claiming vanilla. When flame claimed he was on the chopping block. If he is scum I don't think they have the guts to claim vanilla in the face of 3 other vanilla claims/flips. Scum goes with some sort of fake claim at that point, that's what my gut says. It boils down to that distinction.

This case you built feels very flimsy for me. Obviously that's easier for me to say, but I guess people can compare our points and decide if either case is particularly compelling. Your backing down after reading my other post looks even worse to me. It seems you put together a half baked argument without really believing in it if that was enough to talk you down. That's either poor play or scared scum.

Think scum team may be gryvan and Sophia at this point to be honest. Thought it was Sophia yesterday and her posts today haven't convinced me.


Actually, fuck it. If there's nothing to say otherwise when I wake up, I'm going to assume my theory is spot on and spill. We should have at least an hour to mull it over.

If you are going to spill, spill. No one else has hinted at having any information to share. When you could oversleep or multiple people won't be able to be here for day end, this seems to be a poor play.
And you're helping town how?

Last minute shenanigans have done more good for town than anything else with five posts a day. If I say too much without cooperation I risk exposing prs by being wrong. But yeah, I might do it anyway. Even if I say nothing, your silence hurts town more than you just answering the question.

Are you banana claus? Who was your target?

I will be around at the end of the day to do something valuable with my vote but you're fixing to be actively useless all day, vote included. I had to browbeat you into voting for scum yesterday and I came out swinging for a fucking scum. If you had bit then, we would've nailed zipped without the need for a surprise redirect. Why are you actively avoiding hunting today as well?


This case you built feels very flimsy for me. Obviously that's easier for me to say, but I guess people can compare our points and decide if either case is particularly compelling. Your backing down after reading my other post looks even worse to me. It seems you put together a half baked argument without really believing in it if that was enough to talk you down. That's either poor play or scared scum.

Think scum team may be gryvan and Sophia at this point to be honest. Thought it was Sophia yesterday and her posts today haven't convinced me.

Poor play, scared scum, or whatever, call it what you will. But I wanted to look at the people on the gryvan lynch and see how they handled arguments. The reality is there was nearly a turbo on gryvan, and I'm curious to find out who among them is scum. Your vote and Flame's votes were the most immediately suspicious, followed by FEP's and then Crimson's. The fact that I looked back through all your posts to find convincing evidence, and you had pretty (IMO) solid arguments for them is making me think you're town and we might be on the right track for gryvan and/or flame. Likewise, I can't think of too much of a convincing argument for anything really in that first post even after two hours have passed. That tells me I'm in the wrong about something.

I admit, I'm worried about the worst case scenario: That we end up with Day 5 lylo and nothing better to go on. This game has been fairly inactive, and I want to avoid a mislynch on me long before that. Therefore, I'm not leaving anything off the table, no matter small it might be.

I also agree with you and Gorlak that FEP should tell what he knows. I ruled him out as scum because I couldn't find a justification for what he did at the end of Day 2, but for some reason I'm not feeling the best about him.

I want to hear more from Flame now. He didn't even try to argue a defense when I brought it up, only you did. Likewise, when I asked what he thought was the scum team, he mentioned four names with no justifications for them. Including two people (yourself and Royal) that I am now town reading pretty hard.
If you are going to spill, spill. No one else has hinted at having any information to share. When you could oversleep or multiple people won't be able to be here for day end, this seems to be a poor play.
Sorry, just frustrated. I'll give Gorlak some time to respond unless we believe he is finished for the day and then I'll go.


And you're helping town how?

I'm either

a) banana claus who does not come forward because of reasons


b) a townie effectively protecting the banana claus

revealing the information benefits scum as they can either target me or know that they do not need to target me. I don't understand how you remain to not acknowledge my point on this matter. Let me spell it out for you again:

How many roles does everyone think Banana Claus is worth? Is he worth two to four potential other town prs? Is he worth losing a scum that is under almost no suspicion?


Unless I'm missing something, "scum under almost no suspicion" would narrow it down to Crimson, Royal, and Stanley?
Unless I'm missing something, "scum under almost no suspicion" would narrow it down to Crimson, Royal, and Stanley?
I'm including you, Gorlak, Kawl in that group as well. I think our only likely targets today are Flame, Gryvan, or myself since people are getting uncomfortable.
I'm not sure what you're suggesting right now FEP. I had my suspicions reading your earlier posts, but now I'm lost. We still don't even know for certain what the bananas do or their alignment. What do you mean, are they worth 2-4 other PRs?

If you can guarantee a scum though then you might as well just say it.
I'm not sure what you're suggesting right now FEP. I had my suspicions reading your earlier posts, but now I'm lost. We still don't even know for certain what the bananas do or their alignment. What do you mean, are they worth 2-4 other PRs?

If you can guarantee a scum though then you might as well just say it.
I can't guarantee anything, but definitely not without cooperation from Gorlak. If we feel really good about Gryvan or Flame, might be better to drop it. Maybe you guys can piece things together after I'm nk'd.


Picking up where I left off:
My omgus vote on Cabot was intentionally shitty, I was fishing for reactions and trying to create more activity during on of this games many inactive periods. I came out pretty shortly after this vote and said so explicitly after I believe Flame reacted to it poorly.

At this point, you pivot to my day 1 interactions with zipped.

You were pushing zipped approximately an hour into the game because he had only commented on Cabot's miller claim which was pretty much the center of attention at that point, as first minutes claims tend to be. I thought it was a dumb reason to jump on someone and still do. I countered by creating other discussion and trying to create other topics so that actual reasons for suspicion could be stirred up. In no way did me being sarcastic about you jumping on him talking about Cabot claim mean I thought he should be free of suspicion the whole day.

As far as his logic goes, I can concede that someone's logic is at least internally consistent without agreeing with the conclusion they arrive at. I don't assume it has to be a lie or even a gambit. That's the difference between me and zipped. :lol

Here again comes the "I'm town so by that logic..." Line. That argument doesn't mean anything to anyone at this point. Again after your possible flip it might mean more and others can and should revisit this. As far as why I believed flames claim over yours, your claim came out early enough that I could see it as scum getting out ahead of some slight building heat and claiming vanilla. When flame claimed he was on the chopping block. If he is scum I don't think they have the guts to claim vanilla in the face of 3 other vanilla claims/flips. Scum goes with some sort of fake claim at that point, that's what my gut says. It boils down to that distinction.

This case you built feels very flimsy for me. Obviously that's easier for me to say, but I guess people can compare our points and decide if either case is particularly compelling. Your backing down after reading my other post looks even worse to me. It seems you put together a half baked argument without really believing in it if that was enough to talk you down. That's either poor play or scared scum.

Think scum team may be gryvan and Sophia at this point to be honest. Thought it was Sophia yesterday and her posts today haven't convinced me.

man this gives me batman vibes all over again...reminds me of sorian explaining everything about mafia mechanics for 2-3 pages with logic included when kark was going in hard...and fyi, sorian was scum in batman



... yay, there are no people I have to prepare drinks for today, so no work today :/

On the bright side I get to experience another beautiful gafia day end to the fullest extent! So I'm back.

Who thinks I should say something to see where FEP is going?
... yay, there are no people I have to prepare drinks for today, so no work today :/

On the bright side I get to experience another beautiful gafia day end to the fullest extent! So I'm back.

Who thinks I should say something to see where FEP is going?

I'm kind of curious to know where he's going tbh, especially if he's right about it pointing towards a scum who is going under the radar. But only you know your role to know if it's a good idea or not, and even FEP said that there's no guarantee of anything.


man this gives me batman vibes all over again...reminds me of sorian explaining everything about mafia mechanics for 2-3 pages with logic included when kark was going in hard...and fyi, sorian was scum in batman


Cool, I'll get right on responding and or refuting that point...oh damn well never mind since its some garbo points.

Referring to a past game, a past player who isn't even me. Lol. Scum Kawl is a scared little punk who was afraid to say shit during love boat. This ain't scum Kawl bb.

Sorry I responded to a mega quote post that I felt was misconstruing a good deal of my points to build a narrative, I'll just let that go by unquestioned next time.


Cool, I'll get right on responding and or refuting that point...oh damn well never mind since its some garbo points.

Referring to a past game, a past player who isn't even me. Lol. Scum Kawl is a scared little punk who was afraid to say shit during love boat. This ain't scum Kawl bb.

Sorry I responded to a mega quote post that I felt was misconstruing a good deal of my points to build a narrative, I'll just let that go by unquestioned next time.

well personally i didn't even suggest you to be scum?

Your like 80% town to me atm.

I just said it reminded me of a previous game.

But I guess that made you feel defensive about it? sounds suspicious~


I gotta get back to my meeting. Honestly I just want FEP to spill. But if it's not worthwhile in his mind then that's that I guess. Talk about a tease too.


Vote Count

gryvan (3)

Flame_AC (2)

flatearthpandas (1)

Gorlak (0)

Kawl_USC (0)

5 votes are needed for majority.

Day 3 ends in:


well personally i didn't even suggest you to be scum?

Your like 80% town to me atm.

I just said it reminded me of a previous game.

But I guess that made you feel defensive about it? sounds suspicious~

Well personally, that's the scummiest part about it?

I'm just going to compare this to another poster who was like totes scum guys. Juuuuust saying. Not that I want to be held accountable once he flips town, but you know just putting it out there. Commit to a stance. Don't throw out weak posts and then back pedal immediately when challenged. Similar reason that Sophia got flack on day 1 and 2. Ask her about it in scum chat.


Well personally, that's the scummiest part about it?

I'm just going to compare this to another poster who was like totes scum guys. Juuuuust saying. Not that I want to be held accountable once he flips town, but you know just putting it out there. Commit to a stance. Don't throw out weak posts and then back pedal immediately when challenged. Similar reason that Sophia got flack on day 1 and 2. Ask her about it in scum chat.

Now your being extremely defensive over several posts that in and of itself is weak which you just said. I think it's weak too but apparently you can't really overlook it.

So Kawl feeling a bit pressured there over a couple posts?


Now your being extremely defensive over several posts that in and of itself is weak which you just said. I think it's weak too but apparently you can't really overlook it.

So Kawl feeling a bit pressured there over a couple posts?

Lol you got me bud. I'm sweating bullets over here.

You're right I'm not going to overlook weak ass posts from someone who is close to being lynched that we are asking to actually do some scum hunting from. Step it up.


Lol you got me bud. I'm sweating bullets over here.

You're right I'm not going to overlook weak ass posts from someone who is close to being lynched that we are asking to actually do some scum hunting from. Step it up.

Oh I'm stepping it up, your probably just going on overdrive too~


I don't really see the point of Gorlak and FEP implicating each other as power roles like that. Seems counterproductive. :\

Gryvan and Flame are my vote choices today, but I'm unsure who to vote for.

Flame hasn't come back yet since the unvote. I wanted to hear his opinion. :\


I'm kind of curious to know where he's going tbh, especially if he's right about it pointing towards a scum who is going under the radar. But only you know your role to know if it's a good idea or not, and even FEP said that there's no guarantee of anything.

Thoughts on how the end of day is shaping up?

Gorlak v FEP interestjng?
Gryvan basically a lock for lynch?
Flame a worthy contender?

Or do you think we are barking up all the wrong trees?
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