You have a reason for thinking he's town?Ya'll have a reason to lynch Squidyj btw? I hope so.
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
No, pretty null to me since they haven't posted much of interest. Which is why I'm wondering where the Scum LIGHTS are coming fromYou have a reason for thinking he's town?
Wouldn't have chosen squidy or crab but well let's see the flip so
you spent large parts of the day fosing me. don't play mr. innocent.
Shit, got distracted by Horizon. Bother.
squidyj said:Good morning to another wonderful day at Lynchwood Acres!
It appears you are Sawneeks, and you are an Ordinary Resident. That means that while do not have any special abilities, your vote counts just as much as that know-it-all Sorian down the hall! You are aligned with The Retirees (TOWN).
Weve got all sorts of activities planned for you today, so I hope you can attend! Ive heard rumblings that some of the staff have been getting a little...disgruntled as of late and have been taking out their frustrations on the poor, poor retirees. If you could help us figure out which ones, Id appreciate it!
You win when all threats to The Retirees have been eliminated.
Good luck!
Natiko said:Good morning to another wonderful day at Lynchwood Acres!
It appears you are batsnacks, and you are an Ordinary Resident. That means that while do not have any special abilities, your vote counts just as much as that know-it-all Sorian down the hall! You are aligned with The Retirees (TOWN).
Weve got all sorts of activities planned for you today, so I hope you can attend! Ive heard rumblings that some of the staff have been getting a little...disgruntled as of late and have been taking out their frustrations on the poor, poor retirees. If you could help us figure out which ones, Id appreciate it!
You win when all threats to The Retirees have been eliminated.
Good luck!
Vote: squidyj
If we aren't going to get rid of the nuisance today, I'd much rather keep crab around as he occasionally deigns to give a big worthwhile posts and assume he will continue to do so as the game goes on.
squid has been pretty low impact, which was his mo as scum in mini. or he is town less likely to contribute than crab.
I was waiting for Natiko
but hey I'm you want it now
VOTE: squidyj
i was trying to be optimistic, but yeah...
vote: squidyj
Oh, I never explained it.
I don't see a reason for town squidy to say this. Of all the shitposters in this game, he singles me out as helping scum? Bare in mind this was fairly early in the day and only a handful of us were even attempting to play mafia. Yeah, I don't buy that, so I don't see any reason for town-squidy to make this post.
I've actually made a very similar post to this before. In Price is Right (where I was scum) I made some overly flippant remark to Karkador in an attempt to demotivate him and effectively frustrate him out of the thread (it worked more than expected and I immediately regretted it).
It worked here too. I saw that post and closed the thread, only coming back when I realised squidy is scum.
I see he just got a vote, convenient but I'll take it.
VOTE: squidyj
(Incidentally, Blarg also made a similar post today. This doesn't seem his style though so I'll put that down to the good old "Blarg being Blarg" explanation.)
everyoneone, bad news.
I didn't even get any pudding before I died wtf
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
why did the swamped wagon collapse so abruptly?
I usually spend more time on these, but I've been sick all game and haven't taken notes. I know, shame on me and all that. This will have to do for D1 as after this I'm heading to bed and tomorrow I'll be at work so it'll be mobile only at that point.
1. *Splinter [m] - Lean town. A bit all over the place, but that feels similar to DR3 so I'm not going to let it be a sticking point yet. Generally to the point and prodding, inquiring, challenging people.
2. Burbeting [m] - Lean town. Limited posts but the ones that have come had some focus. The one voting Kalor most of all.
3. Lone_Prodigy [m] - Who are you?
4. franconp [m] - Null. Some good posts and insight, but also some iffy moments with getting overly aggressive with Faddy and really pushing hard against people's votes. Null for now, doubt I would vote here.
5. Kalor [m] - Lean scum. I dunno, Burb's points are as good as any towards someone thus far. Not a strong case, but it's a case which is more than I have for most.
6. Sorian [m] - Null. Doesn't seem as focused this game as the previous ones I have had with him. Not sure that it's indicative of anything. As usual I'm not going to try and read Sorian at this stage because it seems futile.
7. Crab [crustacean] - Null. The way he came in today didn't really leave a good impression. Even if he did generate discussion he did it in an anti-town method.
8. nin1000 [m] - Who are you?
9. squidyj [m] - Lean scum. Wants to argue that shit posting is anti-town, but what of merit is there in his posts? Not much. Maybe he's just cranky, I dunno. I can only work with what I'm given.
10. Kawl_USC [m] - Lean town. Generating discussion, trying to weed through the crap. Pretty solid feelings here.
11. Swamped [f] - Lean town. Really flew under my radar initially but upon looking back her posts have been inquisitive, shared opinions, and been primarily good contributions.
13. TheWorthyEdge [m] - Who are you?
14. CCS [m] - Null. Lets see some more actual contributions. You did pretty well with this in mini maf from what I saw. More please.
15. Blargonaut [m] - Null. Not a clue here, but I appreciate that you're posting actual sentences consistently. I'll abstain until another day with hopefully more to work with.
16. Verelios [m] - Lean scum. Prods LP, gives up and moves vote to Swamped seeking insight, Swamped has far more posts of validity than Vere does yet the vote remains. Odd. For someone that has wanted opinions from others has shared surprisingly few himself.
17. Kyanrute [m] - Lean town I guess. Kyan is kyan, talk crazy yes me thinks. Fuck if I know, but in the middle of his zany posts he's putting more out there than most players in this game.
18. Faddy [m] - Null. Explained it previously, save me the trouble and just look that up.
19. WhereAreMahDragonz [f] - Lean scum. Something about your tunneling on Faddy doesn't sit right with me. Almost every post of substance from you this game has mentioned your concern about Faddy. I get that Faddy doesn't look great currently, but you seem to have blinders on. Possibly scum trying to latch onto the only "safe" thing to push against.
20. Bronx-Man [m] - Lean town. Explained it previously, save me the trouble etc.
21. acohrs [m] - Lean scum. Really feels like you're trying to play the part of town again and avoid the pitfalls you fell into as scum in Zelda by just not engaging about actual game discussion too often and when you do it's often in a joking manner.
22. OceanicAir [m] - Who are you?
23. StanleyPalmtree [m] - Null but closer to scum than town. I dunno, I think I just read Stanley as scum every game and it's always wrong. Maybe I should just accept it, but that seems like a bad move on my part. Anyways, spends the first part of the game shit posting then comes back intermittently afterwards to give brief opinions while also complaining about shit posting. Odd.
24. gryvan [m] - Who are you?
Lean Town
Lean Scum
Who are you?
Fake edit: Fuck me, I ended up putting in a bunch of time to this after all. Guess I failed at slacking too.
Did the message specify anything about the poison?
I consider Kyan's vote suspicious exactly because he was the *first of anyone to jump on Squidyj without any relevant reason. That's the perfect way to slowly set up an easy lynch come day end while cooperating with one or two scummates.With squidy flipping town, I want to look at who voted for him.
I don't considered Kyan's vote suspicious because it was the first and a wagon didn't immediately develop. I also don't distrust Sorian's because it seems like a very strange time for a scum vote, more likely town ensuring no tie.
With Nat dead, that leaves:
Thoughts on where the most likely scum is?
Also, apparently no lethal neutrals/vig unless doctor/roleblocker was successful.
Did the message specify anything about the poison?
also because Pop Mafia is still a horrible nightmare I cannot purge
You sure were fast on jumping on asking about poison. Unless we assume two people were poisoned? Especially confusing since now Crab seems to serious claim that he has been poisoned.
Scum trying to fish on information (check if the flavor of the "poisoning" matched their role PM)?
VOTE: Kalor
You sure were fast on jumping on asking about poison. Unless we assume two people were poisoned? Especially confusing since now Crab seems to serious claim that he has been poisoned.
Scum trying to fish on information (check if the flavor of the "poisoning" matched their role PM)?
VOTE: Kalor
Natiko as a NK is pretty interesting choice. I think this post could be looked at again.
I'm taking a look at end of D1 voting again before going to bed.
You sure were fast on jumping on asking about poison. Unless we assume two people were poisoned? Especially confusing since now Crab seems to serious claim that he has been poisoned.
Scum trying to fish on information (check if the flavor of the "poisoning" matched their role PM)?
VOTE: Kalor
In Pop mafia Sawneeks asked from poisoning target about information on the poison (in order to make sure the poison shot had gone through). She was called out from it, but not enough to actually warrant a lynch.
He already claimed to be poisoned. Why would I verify it?
^Burb, do you honestly expect me to believe that you are this dense?
I consider Kyan's vote suspicious exactly because he was the *first of anyone to jump on Squidyj without any relevant reason. That's the perfect way to slowly set up an easy lynch come day end while cooperating with one or two scummates.
The gif could have been potentially a dense joke. And now with Crab seemingly claimed poison too, it's possible that your hypothetical poison shot was targeted at him, so you tried to question Stanley to find out if the poison PM was different.
Fine observations but do you have a conclusion for this? You didn't actually say which of these you think are more or less likely to be scum.Following on from my previous post, the votes and their explainations.
Reasonable at the time, although noted that it wasn't revised after it became squid v swamped.
Had already explained why leaning squidy, vote is at least consistent with rest of play.
Referencing the squid v crab dilemma. Again did not revisit after swamped became an option.
Regardless of the reasoning, makes an actual case beyond resigned "I hate being forced into this decision".
Fine observations but do you have a conclusion for this? You didn't actually say which of these you think are more or less likely to be scum.
I see nothing in Crabs post implying he has been poisoned. He says someone has been poisoned. I'm sure he can clarify but he more than likely means Stanley.
The gif could have been potentially a dense joke. And now with Crab seemingly claimed poison too, it's possible that your hypothetical poison shot was targeted at him, so you tried to question Stanley to find out if the poison PM was different.