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GAFPOP |OT8| Don't Forget the self-clockiesT of 'em all_

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sputum-flecked apoplexy
The artist who can still get on radio?

The artist who doesn't have to embarrass herself with a "too soon" stint in Vegas?

The artist with an anticipated album releasing this year, and many more albums left in her?

The artist who still has full control of all their mental faculties?

That one?

the artist who can only get on radio on feature credits?

the artist who hasn't been able to book a public stage for nearly a decade?

the artist whose last two albums have been anticipated by nobody and bought by even fewer?

the one whose stans resort to vicious attacks on a drug addiction survivor with emotional issues as a way of disguising the abject career failure of their fave?

that one?




the artist who can only get on radio on feature credits?

the artist who hasn't been able to book a public stage for nearly a decade?

the artist whose last two albums have been anticipated by nobody and bought by even fewer?

the one whose stans resort to vicious attacks on a drug addiction survivor with emotional issues as a way of disguising the abject career failure of their fave?

that one?



Yes, the one who has used her starpower to launch nobodies to superstardom.

And cut it out with that "Boo-hoo, poor Britney!" crap. I feel just as bad for her as everyone else, but let's not pretend that her mental issues haven't rendered her a completely shitty entertainer, a FACT her stans like to forget while they've been dragging Christina mercilessly for years, despite her own public issues. Hell, Christina gained a crazy amount of weight in just 2 months in the aftermath of her DIVORCE, and The Army (and yourself) still merciless drag her about it even now after she's lost every excess pound. So don't you dare try to take the high road, sis.

And sadly, I DON'T feel as bad for Britney as I once did, because its become ever so clear at this point that Britney and her team are consciously milking the public's pity for every dime it's worth.

You call yourself getting on a stage and doing CHAIR choreo while lip-syncing even basic musical numbers after putting out a song called "Walk Bitch"? You deserve every bit of dragging you get.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Yes, the one who has used her starpower to launch nobodies to superstardom.

So why can't she do the same with her own songs or albums. Why is it that her 'starpower' only has this magical effect for songs that she only appears in for 30 seconds, often with the GP completely unaware that it's even her?

I can tell you why. The GP is. not. here. for. your. fave.


So why can't she do the same with her own songs or albums. Why is it that her 'starpower' only has this magical effect for songs that she only appears in for 30 seconds, often with the GP completely unaware that it's even her?

I can tell you why. The GP is. not. here. for. your. fave.

Maybe because she hasn't really cared to until recently?

Meanwhile, Christina gracing a track (by a group she discovered) with her background vocals garnered more headlines than an entire album by Britney. #TooBadSoSad


Britney is nothing more than a nostalgia act nowadays. She has nothing left. No looks, no moves, no charisma, no sex appeal. She's very unappealing and boring. She never looks motivated and always comes off as bored. Like she's had enough of the industry and wants to escape it all.

I can definitely see Xtina outlasting her. Xtina still looks amazing and has a lot of starpower. She just needs to get up from that chair and work hard for a smash era. I still believe in her.


This doesn't even make sense. You're just flat-out ignoring Bionic and Lotus now?

At least now you know how the GP feels.

Bionic, even without a tour, outsold Britney's latest album in their first weeks.

Lotus was an album Christina basically shit out to appease her label.

Let me sum it up for you in a way that you'll understand:

Christina's Current Career Trajectory:

Britney's Current Career Trajectory:


And cut it out with that "Boo-hoo, poor Britney!" crap. I feel just as bad for her as everyone else, but let's not pretend that her mental issues haven't rendered her a completely shitty entertainer, a FACT her stans like to forget while they've been dragging Christina mercilessly for years, despite her own public issues. Hell, Christina gained a crazy amount of weight in just 2 months in the aftermath of her DIVORCE, and The Army (and yourself) still merciless drag her about it even now after she's lost every excess pound. So don't you dare try to take the high road, sis.

And sadly, I DON'T feel as bad for Britney as I once did, because its become ever so clear at this point that Britney and her team are consciously milking the public's pity for every dime it's worth.

You call yourself getting on a stage and doing CHAIR choreo while lip-syncing even basic musical numbers after putting out a song called "Walk Bitch"? You deserve every bit of dragging you get.



sputum-flecked apoplexy
Bionic, even without a tour, outsold Britney's latest album in their first weeks.
So now you're just basically arbitrarily comparing first week album sales from different years and eras.

Let me sum it up for you in a way that you'll understand:

Christina's Current Career Trajectory:

Britney's Current Career Trajectory:

This is an excellent portrayal of the delusions that you're wracked with, yes.

I'm reminded of that old Marx brothers joke, "Britney's career is circling the pan, when it looks down and sees...Xtina's career!".


Bionic, even without a tour, outsold Britney's latest album in their first weeks.

Lotus was an album Christina basically shit out to appease her label.

Let me sum it up for you in a way that you'll understand:

Christina's Current Career Trajectory:

Britney's Current Career Trajectory:



Christina's Current Career Trajectory:

Britney's Current Career Trajectory:


I don't see it for Britney anymore. The drive is clearly not there anymore and she is only going to get older and less flexible. What she needs to do is invest in a Britney hologram.

Meanwhile we have Xtina on features, losing weight, performing again, etc. She's poised for a comeback *.*



If heaven's the top of the iTunes charts, then yes Christina's career definitely did go there.

Meanwhile, I wonder when we'll see anything resembling ascension in Britney other than her med dosage?




I don't see it for Britney anymore. The drive is clearly not there anymore and she is only going to get older and less flexible. What she needs to do is invest in a Britney hologram.

Meanwhile we have Xtina on features, losing weight, performing again, etc. She's poised for a comeback *.*

the army can just keep on seething

Legend X's name stays perched on top of iTunes, Broken Spearit stays disappointing the few fans she has left...

Britney Spears's has left some of her most ardent fans disappointed after the star allegedly spent just 'three seconds' with them at an expensive meet and greet.

Fans of the Toxic singer reportedly paid $2,500 for a VIP Meet-And-Greet session during the star's Las Vegas residency, but according to RadarOnline.com, they were granted a window of just three seconds for a photo op before being moved on.

A source told Radar: 'Fans were told before the meet-and-greet that they were not to hug or touch Britney without her permission and they weren’t allowed to bring her any gifts.
'And then once they finally got to meet her it was like smile, take a photo, goodbye. Each person literally got like 3-seconds with her.'

While the price of the meet and greet included a front-row seat to Spears’ Piece of Me show in Sin City, and a bagful of Britney merchandise, the real draw for paying such a hefty price was the chance to actually meet the singer.
And it seems her fans expectations were somewhat inflated - along with the ticket price.

'Fans were anticipating a flashy meet-and-greet with Britney but instead it was just awkward and uncomfortable.'
'She barely spoke. She just smiled and nodded and said ‘thank-you’ a lot,' the source added.
Meanwhile Britney's boyfriend David Lucado joined her onstage at her New Year's Eve - albeit
walking around on all fours.
The 32-year-old singer dragged her other half up for her Freakshow track at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino.
When you're around me
I'm radioactive
My blood is burnin'
I'm turnin' radioactive
My blood is radioactive
My heart is nuclear
Love is all that I fear
Ready to be let down
And now I'm headin' for a meltdown

Tonight I feel like neon gold
I take one look at you and I grow cold
And I grow cold

A religious experience.


roy plz

Are we forgetting Scream and Shout now? I mean, if Say Something is in contention...

Scream and Shout...is that a current single?

every night at her rave reviewed sold out vegas stage show


She's actually descending in that performance (to the tune of decade-old album vocals). She then gets devoured. Fitting analogy for her career, actually.

And rave reviews? Pfft, even you know that's a lie...even the show's GOOD reviews reserve the praise for the production caliber on the show. Most even go as far as to say that Britney contributes little to it.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
She's actually descending in that performance (to the tune of decade-old album vocals).

NOT you knowing more about britney's stage show than me

even britney's haters are here for her

meanwhile i remain having never watched a second of xtina's time on the noise



Scream and Shout...is that a current single?

She's actually descending in that performance (to the tune of decade-old album vocals). She then gets devoured. Fitting analogy for her career, actually.

And rave reviews? Pfft, even you know that's a lie...even the show's GOOD reviews reserve the praise for the production caliber on the show. Most even go as far as to say that Britney contributes little to it.

+ tickets are still available
her show is flopping commercially and critically
Scream and Shout...is that a current single?
No, but what's your point? It went 3x platinum, most of those sales in 2013, and prominently featured Britney.

You're so eager to argue that the general public isn't checking for Britney anymore based on Britney Jean, but then go on to say that Say Something is somehow some sign that Xtina still has pull despite the fact that her solo efforts came and went like a curiously off-pitch fart.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
No, but what's your point? It went 3x platinum, most of those sales in 2013, and prominently featured Britney.

You're so eager to argue that the general public isn't checking for Britney anymore based on Britney Jean, but then go on to say that Say Something is somehow some sign that Xtina still has pull despite the fact that her solo efforts came and went like a curiously off-pitch fart.



No, but what's your point? It went 3x platinum, most of those sales in 2013, and prominently featured Britney.

You're so eager to argue that the general public isn't checking for Britney anymore based on Britney Jean, but then go on to say that Say Something is somehow some sign that Xtina still has pull despite the fact that her solo efforts came and went like a curiously off-pitch fart.

I'm not arguing features, obviously. I'm arguing timing and trajectory.

Scream and Shout was successful, yes. But nothing Britney's done since then has been. And she's done a lot since then.

Meanwhile, pretty much all of Christina's recent career moves have been successful.

One is going up.

The other is going down.

Really, this isn't all that difficult.

EDIT: and psssst! Say Something's already gone 2x platinum.


This and a whole other list of Basketball, Football, Rapper, Male Singer..... Rihanna has been passed around. This isn't a secret lol.

Humor me and tell me all the rappers and singers and stars she's been with.

As far as I can recall, it's been Chris, Matt Kemp, Drake, and a whole list of rumors people like you believe and then slut shame.
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