And the Flood fucks them all...keep it going! I like this game.
Reapers > "Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh."
save for any deus ex machina
And the Flood fucks them all...keep it going! I like this game.
So how many times is Jon going to be staring off at certain death, only to be saved by a last minute miracle? It happened twice this episode.
What the fuck were the Chidren of the Forest on when they made the Night King?
Had to tie up that loose end....we're at the final stretch all loose ends have to be tied up or cut loose.Benjen just coming back to save Jon at the last minute and then dying right away was so cheap.
did you mean except, and not expect? because otherwise I don't know what you're trying to say here.Hmm, I see, expect when he told us this isn't the case anymore.
Is this supposed to be suggesting Bran is the Night King? And if so, why would he have attacked himself at the tree?
I don't know if there has ever been a time in this show's history where I actually enjoyed watching it. It's more of a morbid curiosity for me. For so long it was a depressing and loathsome comedy of errors where good people died because that's what was the most shocking, and now all of the sudden everyone is allowed to make the stupidest decisions possible with no real repercussions.
Someone tell me again why Arya is picking a fight with her sister instead of killing Cersei.
Aside from the stupid shit about Benjen (are you fucking kidding me, "there's no time"? Just get on the goddamn horse idiot), that was a great episode.
Man I hope this white walker problem is completely dealt with early and we get back into the politics between living, breathing human beings with actual emotions and character development.
I don't want a fucking LotR epic battle between humans and CG baddies nobody cares about to end the entire series.
So how many times is Jon going to be staring off at certain death, only to be saved by a last minute miracle? It happened twice this episode.
What the fuck were the Chidren of the Forest on when they made the Night King?
How to make the ultimate weapon:
Brings the storm: check
Can raise the dead: Check
Can turn babies to White Walkers: Check
Immune to fire: check
Has the throwing arm of 100 Tom Bradys: Check
No contingency plan to shut this shit down: Check
They show the Night King in human form back a season or two ago with the children of the forest, right? Or am I going crazy...
Could have still rode the horse to the wall with him at the very least.I think it was more "there's no time to explain that I'm a reanimated corpse and cannot pass the wall with you."
Desperate people do desperate things.
I generally don't care about the whole ship thing, but I have so much inner turmoil towards Dany and Jon. The chemistry there is actually pretty solid, but dude she's your aunt.
Also wondering how Cersei gonna fuck them over like the treacherous hag she his. Kinda wishing Jamie kills her next episode no matter how unrealistic that is.
Man I hope this white walker problem is completely dealt with early and we get back into the politics between living, breathing human beings with actual emotions and character development.
I don't want a fucking LotR epic battle between humans and CG baddies nobody cares about to end the entire series.
Yeah The Children probably should have thought that shit through a little more before creating him
did you mean except, and not expect? because otherwise I don't know what you're trying to say here.
and I don't think Bran was prepared to say everything he felt to Meera when he said what he said since he's still just a kid. I don't put all stake into everything any character says.
And I don't understand why you have such a hard time coping with the fact that I have a different perspective than you do.
They show the Night King in human form back a season or two ago with the children of the forest, right? Or am I going crazy...
Dany is Jon's aunt, what? Is this a book thing, or am I forgetting something from a past season? I thought Jon's mother was a prostitute.
if the loose ends are just cut loose instead of tied, they won't disappear. they'll still be there as an eyesoreHad to tie up that loose end....we're at the final stretch all loose ends have to be tied up or cut loose.
The first scene of both the books and show have the White Walkers. Can't imagine them not being in the final mix.
I think this episode was where the show jumped the shark. I'm fine with an undead dragon, hell I was expecting it but they way time and travel works is rushed and awful. Not to mention all the fake almost dying, it's shit dying.
The beginning fan service was the best part.
Dany is Jon's aunt, what? Is this a book thing, or am I forgetting something from a past season? I thought Jon's mother was a prostitute.
Yeah, I'm not looking forward to whatever trap Cersei has planned. Tyrion's flaw in predicting Cersei is what Olenna Tyrell said, that she didn't have the imagination to predict Cersei's cruelty.
What am I not seeing?
This. Almost ruined the fucking episode for me. After all these seasons they get played like fucking fiddles? I mean come on. It can't be this easy.I feel like all the hard work the show put into building Arya and Sansa's characters is just being thrown in the garbage. They used to be my favorites now they're both just annoying and stupid.
I never got this complaint. I don't give a shit about travel times, just get on with the story.
Benjen saving Jon can be explained away because he communicates with the 3ER.
So that's fine, as you can imagine Bran is controlling the scenario.
What am I not seeing?
Man I'll be hugely disappointed then. It's like hey let's make the signature strength about this story be the intriguing politics and great layered characters, but at the end let's toss all that aside and just go with fantasy tropes tropes tropes.
Sansa is on the tall side for a girl, but she isn't really that tall in general. She's about 5'9 I think. So average height or a bit under for a guy.
But I was just joking around.
Emelia Clarke is like 5'2
Dany is just a height queen
doesn't look anything like Bran.
Bran is not the Night King. A few seasons ago they showed how he got created by the Children of the Forest. The 3ER kept the Night King in check and now Bran has to do the deed. Remember when Bran was getting stormed by wights after getting marked, uncle benjen saved him because the 3ER told him to rescue Bran. Bran probably used the same powers to save Jon Snow
Exactly. Martin uses what his audience wants against them. This entire season has been fanservice. That's not what made me a fan.
I think this episode was where the show jumped the shark. I'm fine with an undead dragon, hell I was expecting it but they way time and travel works is rushed and awful. Not to mention all the fake almost dying, it's shit dying.
The beginning fan service was the best part.
Where exactly is this info from that he communicates with the 3ER?
The first time Benjin showed up since the first season was after the 3ER died...did he say something like that? I don't remember.
Would be cool if that was the case and it was Bran helping out.
Prepare to be disappointed then, ever since Hardhome they are setting up NK as the final/main threat.
Dany is Jon's aunt, what? Is this a book thing, or am I forgetting something from a past season? I thought Jon's mother was a prostitute.
Guy in the back fighting imaginary wights
Well, these characters do often make mistakes and get themselves killed. Even the most intelligent ones.Sounds like you don't put any stake into what characters say, actually.
First of all, he hasn't said "I'm not Bran" multiple times, he only said it one time. And second of all, I have explained to you 3 times already how I've interpreted his arc to have been him putting for an effort to improve his behavior with his family over the course of time. If you don't share that perspective that's fine, but you don't need to have a condescending attitude just coz you don't agree.I either believe the thing Bran has no said multiple times, and has been shown to us by his whole change in demeanor that has shocked Meera and Sansa alike, or your interpretation that the show hasn't actually portrayed at all.
all you're doing here is having a "i'm right, you're wrong so deal with it" discussion with me. and that's not a discussion. you're not interested in hearing what i have to say and respecting it, only saying your perspective is the only one to go byAlso, this is a forum, you discuss things. That's what I'm doing.
Man I'll be hugely disappointed then. It's like hey let's make the signature strength about this story be the intriguing politics and great layered characters, but at the end let's toss all that aside and just go with fantasy tropes tropes tropes.
Where exactly is this info from that he communicates with the 3ER?
The first time Benjin showed up since the first season was after the 3ER died...did he say something like that? I don't remember.
Would be cool if that was the case and it was Bran helping out.
Absolutely. I said it last week (or the one prior) but previosu seasons killed characters off no questions asked if they did something as stupid as the beyond the wall expendables did. this season everyone gets bailed out of nowhere with really jarring reality breaking plot armor. Again if youre enjoying it enjoy it but the spectacle to me isn't worth these writing issues.
Prepare to be disappointed then, ever since Hardhome they are setting up NK as the final/main threat.