Atomic Odin
So again what's to stop NK flying over the wall now? Will the wall magic hold in that case?
So again what's to stop NK flying over the wall now? Will the wall magic hold in that case?
Could it be that he has to make a roll against the control strength if he tries to warg into something that is already under another's control? What are the Night King's stats?
Strength: 99
Scowling: 99
Freeze Resistance: 99
Dexterity: 90
Intelligence: 50
Ability to close the gap on a small boat: 0
Fucks given about dragons: 0
HP Unknown
24 hour ban bet says that Jamie is the one that ends everything Cersei.
He's probably riding the dragon now.
Both Tyrion and Arya have received a downgrade in their smarts, now that the show writers don't have the novels as guides.
I love the music when Robb cuts off Karstarks head man, so good.
I know; totally random 4 seasons ago stuff.
That dragon is going to burn that wall down.So again what's to stop NK flying over the wall now? Will the wall magic hold in that case?
I fully expect him to start blasting portions of the wall down with his undead dragon.Seeing as the next episode is the final for the season, I'm pretty sure we're gonna be seeing him flying over the Wall. I doubt anything will be stopping him.
Seeing as the next episode is the final for the season, I'm pretty sure we're gonna be seeing him flying over the Wall. I doubt anything will be stopping him.
Seeing as the next episode is the final for the season, I'm pretty sure we're gonna be seeing him flying over the Wall. I doubt anything will be stopping him.
Tyrion, the grand strategist who lost two battles in a row, admitted to Jaime that he never anticipated that he would abandon Casterly Rock, and who formulated what has got to be the single dumbest plan ever put together on this show. But yet after all of that, had the galls to talk about seeing shit from your enemy's perspective so that you could see what their moves were and counter it.
Buddy has been doing lots of this,
this season, and nothing to show for it. Him telling Dany not to save them was just, agh. A few episodes ago he told Jon that he believed him. If Jon doesn't come back with a zombie to convince Cersei to agree to a truce, so that Dany could send her armies north, they're all going to die anyways.
I fully expect him to start blasting portions of the wall down with his undead dragon.
He only needs to break through a section big enough for his soldiers to start marching through.
Do we know which dragon was it that got wasted? Rhaegal?
Actually, that's kind of an interesting question...
Are White Walkers afraid of water?
The Night King didn't pursue Jon's boat. The White Walkers in particular kept their asses waaaaay back from the frozen lake. None of them have really twigged to the idea of just taking a short jaunt onto the ocean to circumvent the wall.
Maybe ice-men don't handle submersion as well as wights?
24 hour ban bet is a waste of anyone's time to enforce. Make it 24 months and see if anyone takes you up on it.
Is it still a fire breathing dragon or is it now an ice breathing dragon?
Well in this episode we saw wights emerging from the water to grab Tormund, plus they somehow had to attach chains to Viserion.
But undead being put off by bodies of water is a trope that's been used before
Fuck.. is Jon The Snowman the fuckin man or what?! Everytime Jon sees that Night king he gives that old fuck that look 👀 like he wants to square up.
Fuck.. is Jon The Snowman the fuckin man or what?! Everytime Jon sees that Night king he gives that old fuck that look 👀 like he wants to square up.
Jon was SO goddamn ready to take him on.
Fuck.. is Jon The Snowman the fuckin man or what?! Everytime Jon sees that Night king he gives that old fuck that look 👀 like he wants to square up.
Jon was SO goddamn ready to take him on.
He will have to otherwise what's the point of having a dragon?I bet that Viserion won't have the ability to fly, badly damaged or ripped wings and he will breathe ice instead.
So again what's to stop NK flying over the wall now? Will the wall magic hold in that case?
Dragonfire is wayyyy more potent than regular fire though. Turns humans to ash in one second flat without any bones remaining. Modern cremation ovens take an hour per 50kg of body weight (according to Wikipedia), so that should give you a rough idea about dragonfire. If that dragon can still breathe fire the wall is fucked lol.It's either that or melt it down. But the wall is so freaking massive, even dragons pale in comparison to it. It would take ages to melt a wall, even with dragon fire.
We still don't know if the magical barrier is kinda like the goal line in the NFL. An invisible barrier that extends indefinitely
Would a dead dragon still have fire?
Fuck.. is Jon The Snowman the fuckin man or what?! Everytime Jon sees that Night king he gives that old fuck that look 👀 like he wants to square up.
Yeah there's some logistical issues here. I think magically the night king could give it the ability to create ice breath instead of fire. But what about healing itself? Say you injured its wings, could it heal itself in time and fly again?
Maybe reanimating a dragon which is basically an embodiment of magic is different from reanimating a human.
I want to say the dragon would have ice instead of fire because of the diametric opposition of the Lord of Light to the Night King, but that's pure speculation on my part.
I feel like fire is just something that's effectively unknowable/inaccessible to the White Walkers on every level, though.
That's the thing though. Being turned doesn't mess with your biology. Your heart doesn't start beating again from being reanimated. So if we assume dead dragon = biological fire is extinguished then being reanimated doesn't mean it will breathe fire or even ice for that matter. Unless NK used a special revival magic that wasn't used on the wights.
That's the thing though. Being turned doesn't mess with your biology. Your heart doesn't start beating again from being reanimated. So if we assume dead dragon = biological fire is extinguished then being reanimated doesn't mean it will breathe fire or even ice for that matter. Unless NK used a special revival magic that wasn't used on the wights.
I understand Tyrion not being as clever with war time strategies as he is with peace time strategies, but at this point even Tyrion should be smart enough to figure out that he should probably leave war advice to Jorah or really anyone else.
I'm not really seeing the weird logistical issue here. Does a zombie bear still do bear stuff? Yes. Does a zombie person still move around, use weapons, and wear armor? Seems so. Does a zombie mammoth still carry soldiers? Yes. Does a zombie giant still have giant strength? Yah. Does a zombie Hodor still hold the door? TBD.
A zombie dragon probably still flies and breaths flames. I'm don't think the zombie master having ice affinity changes that.