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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]


Pretty sure that was Arya who sent Brienne off. Sansa just talked with LF about how keeping Brienne close would be the smart thing to do, and right after Arya said pointedly that she can be anyone, even Sansa. She needed Brienne gone to get close to Sansa, I guess. To what end, I have no fucking clue.

I don't think Arya has killed Sansa and taken her face.

Littlefinger told Sansa that as long as Brienne was there, she would be honor bound to protect them from each other. To me, Sansa sending Brienne away was about removing that obstacle so she could potentially deal with Arya.
Has it been established that she needs to kill someone to look like them or are you all just assuming that? Legit question, idk. Because if so this writing seems to make no sense at all as to why Sansa sent Brienne away.
Why did Sanda send Brienne to KL?

Also that Night King throw was bullshit.

No warm ups, freezing temps, low visibility and he hit Green Dragon thats like at least 2 football fields away mid flight right on the jugular ? Gtfo. That's some 2k sliders bullshit with stephen curry around 3 pt line. Dude got that Aaron Rodgers arm.

Might as well have Night King telepoty to the side of dragon and shank its ass.
that makes no sense. Why would they act antagonistic towards eachother when they're in private then? Arya's just being a shit.

How do you know it was in private? Littlefinger has eyes and ears everywhere aha. I'm just spitballin' here anyway. No idea really. Arya's acting was proper poor in that scene though, that's what bugged me the most


Why did Sanda send Brienne to KL?

Also that Night King throw was bullshit.

No warm ups, freezing temps, low visibility and he hit Green Dragon thats like at least 2 football fields away mid flight right on the jugular ? Gtfo. That's some 2k sliders bullshit with stephen curry around 3 pt line. Dude got that Aaron Rodgers arm.

Might as well have Night King telepoty to the side of dragon and shank its ass.

Of all the things to take issue with, the omniscient immortal psychic ice zombie throwing a spear really well is what you landed on?

Has it been established that she needs to kill someone to look like them or are you all just assuming that? Legit question, idk. Because if so this writing seems to make no sense at all as to why Sansa sent Brienne away.

She literally has to cut their faces off.

I'm legit surprised people didn't get this. Littlefinger told her that Brienne would be honor bound to step-in and Sansa immediately sent her away. Sansa is scared of Arya, both in terms of what she may do to her physically and what she may do to her hold over the north.

Sansa is setting the table to kill Arya.

Atomic Odin

For those who watched the second trailer, have all the scenes from it been aired already?

The first one that comes to my mind is the
unknown guy who looks remarkably like hound pulling a sword in a Colosseum type structure in this photo

seeing the preview for next week
with everyone meeting in that same kind of structure (dunno the name of the place) it is more or less confirmed. He does that probably after seeing the mountain. CLEGANEBOWL CONFIRMED CHOO CHOO

One more would be Theon staggering on the beach
Of all the things to take issue with, the omniscient immortal psychic ice zombie throwing a spear really well is what you landed on?
A lot. It's just the one i have not seen mentioned.

Edit: man.. Vicerys getting impaled is one of the handful GoT moments I cannot rewatch again.


I think the NK will use the icedragon as some kind of bomb. Have you seen their bellies? It's full of delicious bang-boom magic. Enough to blast a hole in the not-so-great Wall.

7he Talon

Why did Sanda send Brienne to KL?

Also that Night King throw was bullshit.

No warm ups, freezing temps, low visibility and he hit Green Dragon thats like at least 2 football fields away mid flight right on the jugular ? Gtfo. That's some 2k sliders bullshit with stephen curry around 3 pt line. Dude got that Aaron Rodgers arm.

Might as well have Night King telepoty to the side of dragon and shank its ass.
I have no issue with the throw. But I'm still trying to work out why the NK didn't just throw the spear at Drogon with all the hero's him and just kill them all?


I have no issue with the throw. But I'm still trying to work out why the NK didn't just throw the spear at Drogon with all the hero's him and just kill them all?

If you're getting strafed by three F17s, do you shoot at the one that's landed in front of you or the two that are laying waste to your army?

He did throw a spear at Drogon as he took off, after he got Viserion. I'm not sure the Nights King really sees the motely group of characters before him as "the heroes".

7he Talon

People like this episode? I hated most of it.
What did you hate about it? I thought it was more solid than last episode.

If you're getting strafed by two F17s, do you shoot at the one that's landed in front of you or the two that are laying waste to your army?

He did throw a spear at Drogon as he took off, after he got Viserion. I'm not sure the Nights King really sees the motely group of characters before him as "the heroes".
Yeah, I see what you're saying. But would dragon fire really kill the NK that quickly? If so, why didn't she just roast him straight away. Two dragons save the guys on the island and one kill the boss which would kill them all?

Surely he has some idea of who they all are. Maybe not hero's, but two of them have at least ancient bloodlines.


One more would be Theon staggering on the beach

[Next time on / full season trailer spoilers]
I was fully expecting to see that shot come episode 3, after Euron attacked the Iron Island loyalist fleet.
Given how fucked up Theon looks in that shot, I have to imagine it's late in the episode, everyone appears to at least arrive at that ruined colosseum-like structure unscathed.
I just can't believe that Cleganebowl is an actual possibilty at this point.


What did you hate about it? I thought it was more solid than last episode.

Yeah, I see what you're saying. But would dragon fire really kill the NK that quickly? If so, why didn't she just roast him straight away. Two dragons save the guys on the island and one kill the boss which would kill them all?

Surely he has some idea of who they all are. Maybe not hero's, but two of them have at least ancient bloodlines.

The point here is would the Nights King see killing Dany and Jon as ending some threat to him. I mean, if his knowledge of the situation were the same as, say, a show-watcher - he'd know that's probably the case, but as far as we know, he just sees them as meat and the dragons as the real threat of the moment.

Whether or not the fire was a threat to him personally, thousands of his army were getting annihilated around him.

7he Talon

The point here is would the Nights King see killing Dany and Jon as ending some threat to him. I mean, if his knowledge of the situation were the same as, say, a show-watcher - he'd know that's probably the case, but as far as we know, he just sees them as meat and the dragons as the real threat of the moment.

Whether or not the fire was a threat to him personally, thousands of his army were getting annihilated around him.
I just assume because he's kind been around for thousands of years and has some sort of magical connection/history with the Children of the Forest and the Three Eye'd Raven, that he must have some sort of knowledge and insight into the events and people in the world. I don't think he just see's them all as meat. But this is all speculation of course... we have no idea what the White Walkers are trying to achieve, apart from killing all life.


Cersei: We're doing it for this *holds her belly*



Night King: Boop *touches Cersie's baby*

Cersie to Jaime: We're the only Lanisters who matter... again.


I really don't understand the point in having Jon fall into that ice water. There was a LOT of ridiculously unrealistic and poorly written bits in this episode but when Jon fell in that freezing ice cold water and then magically emerged a few mins later I really rolled my eyes. I mean c'mon that whole sequence was completely unrealistic and served absolutely no purpose at all? Jon just ends up back with Danny anyway so why was there any need for it?


I had problems with it overall. The plot holes are almost unavoidable when you're this ambitious. I do wish the chasm in the broken ice was larger. I do wish they made a point of communicating the time here.

I'm almost always willing to say "the travel time is off-screen, just go with it", but Gendry running to the wall, sending a raven, Dany getting it and flying that distance in what seemed like one full day is pushing it WAY too much.

Even little things, like having Benjen say "the Horse can't handle us both in the snow" would make his sacrifice make way more sense than "there's no time".

I really don't understand the point in having Jon fall into that ice water. There was a LOT of ridiculously unrealistic and poorly written bits in this episode but when Jon fell in that freezing ice cold water and then magically emerged a few mins later I really rolled my eyes. I mean c'mon that whole sequence was completely unrealistic and served absolutely no purpose at all? Jon just ends up back with Danny anyway so why was there any need for it?

It's one of their poorer death fakeouts.

The practical reason to do it, I suppose, was to have a reason to break off his clothes and reveal his knife wounds to Dany - who has been asking about the "stabbed in the heart" thing for the last couple episodes.


I really don't understand the point in having Jon fall into that ice water. There was a LOT of ridiculously unrealistic and poorly written bits in this episode but when Jon fell in that freezing ice cold water and then magically emerged a few mins later I really rolled my eyes. I mean c'mon that whole sequence was completely unrealistic and served absolutely no purpose at all? Jon just ends up back with Danny anyway so why was there any need for it?
So he could be shirtless and she could see his betrayal scars.
How else are you ever going to get a shirtless Jon in the cold north?


Jon metaphorically bending the knee was silly because, as Sansa noted, the northern lords are proud. Torrhen Stark, the King in the North that bent the knee to Aegon the Conqueror is remembered as just that - the King Who Bent the Knee. They're already not happy with Jon, they're going to be even more so when they're told the king they created has done the same thing, and they're going to have to bow to a foreign queen... a Targaryen queen at that. The invaders of Westeros and those who destroyed the sovereignty and independence of the North. No, they're not going to be happy.

Either Jon's identity should have been revealed first or Daenerys should have realised the need for an alliance with Jon was greater than her desire to rule over all. Far better that the Dragon Queen and the North come together rather than the King in the North bends the knee and instantly pisses off everyone. I honestly didn't think it was Jon's pride that was holding him back up to that point.

The Night King as a greenseer is interesting. It does explain a lot.

Hound and Mountain facing each other in that meeting next episode, maybe. If he is going there he'll be facing Brienne also. Could be hilarious.


So it's the end of the season already, just one more left. I'm really disappointed that Bran's storyline this season has gone to waste so far. I thought for sure by now that he would be going in the past and we'd get to see more glimpses of things that happen from Robert's Rebellion and prior to that. Perhaps even the Tournament at Harrenhal or Rhaegar singing to the crowds or Rickard and Brandon Stark's death or something. Realizing that he could affect the past, I was hoping for scenes of Bran communicating with King Aerys over and over again, attempting to get him to prepare wildfire for the future war against the Night King, but Bran ends up driving him mad with the voices in his head. "Burn them all!" = the Night King's undead army.

It feels like the first 4 episodes should have been expanded into 7. I mean, we really couldn't get 3 more episodes this season to pad out the lore and give characters more to do? There's many characters this season that we have barely heard from. Some character's story-lines felt really rushed like Jorah finding his cure. There's just 7 episodes left now...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The only thing that really irked me in this episode was the last minute Benjen save. They've done the "mysterious character on horseback saves hero at last minute" A LOT over the course of the series. But it's even more egregious here cause they've done it with Benjen before, and we just had a last minute save with Dany and the dragons.

The writing has been pretty silly and very "TV" but it's still incredibly entertaining. I loved the North of the Wall Suicide Squad.


I really enjoyed the episode, but I still feel weird about it.

This should have been two episodes, and I just don't understand why HBO doesn't give them the money. Why set things up beautifully for 6 seasons just to rush them along at the finish line? I planned on reading the books and letting George properly finish this tale, but now I'm more excited than ever to read the books.

Oh yea, I would have bent the knee outta guilt alone.


Hound and Mountain facing each other in that meeting next episode, maybe. If he is going there he'll be facing Brienne also. Could be hilarious.

Poor Tormund, he stayed at East Watch right? He should have gone south with Jon & co. and see Brienne again. Get all the brothers of the watch to retreat south too. There is no way they can hold the WW when the wall goes down.


The main characters are basically untouchable at this point, this really doesn't feel like the GoT I know and love. Hopefully they'll start subverting our expectations again, because Zombie dragons, Danny saving the day and her and Jon falling in love were some summer blockbuster levels of predictability. Weakest episode of the season.

Also, why are HBO rushing what has to be one of the most profitable and popular shows ever made.


I really enjoyed the episode, but I still feel weird about it.

This should have been two episodes, and I just don't understand why HBO doesn't give them the money. Why set things up beautifully for 6 seasons just to rush them along at the finish line? I planned on reading the books and letting George properly finish this tale, but now I'm more excited than ever to read the books.

Oh yea, I would have bent the knee outta guilt alone.

I thought it was HBO who wanted to drag it out longer, but D&D who is tired of the whole this and wanted it to finish asap.


I really don't understand the point in having Jon fall into that ice water. There was a LOT of ridiculously unrealistic and poorly written bits in this episode but when Jon fell in that freezing ice cold water and then magically emerged a few mins later I really rolled my eyes. I mean c'mon that whole sequence was completely unrealistic and served absolutely no purpose at all? Jon just ends up back with Danny anyway so why was there any need for it?
A. To tie up loose ends and kill Benjan.
B. To have Dany see the scars and to further their relationship a bit more.

It did feel a bit silly but I get why they did it.


I disagree.
This season (and maybe next season) will be looked as to when the show took turn for the worse. What the fuck at some of this writing this season.

The WOW moments have been AMAZING, however it does not make up for poor writing.

Can someone remind me why this season and next were cut down? Shit feels super rushed. LIKE I NEED TO CASH MY CHECK AND GTFO RUSHED.

If this season's writing is any indication, they really don't need D&D to finish it

For real. Fucking hacks.
So next episode at the summit, Cersei will try to do something and we'll see the hound fight the Mountain right? and surely symbolically use a flaming sword to kill him? it seems all but confirmed its heading that way now to me

I don't for a second think Cersei is pregnant due to the prophesy, either that or she is about to die by the hand of the little brother next episode, I mean her days are numbered its clear and both little brothers will be at the summit, so the question is will it be the literally smaller brother and Tyrion kills her when she tries something? or will the more shocking occur and Jamie kills her when she attempts something, realising the bigger threat is the night king?

I swear to god Jon best find out his lineage now too, because Gilly knows (but doesn't realise it) and likely has the manuscripts so Sam could will/ learn it and if not her Bran knows and want to tell Jon, so for him to be away from Winterfell so shit can go down there, he needs to journey to the summit and has the potential to reveal all to Jon

Sansa is obviously setting up to kill or imprison Arya by sending Brien away, but I can't realistically (in show context) see her actually achieving that considering how Arya survived everything she has and Sansa has just been a victim consistently - could we get another Stark death, but it be Sansa? and then Arya takes her place for a while? (both actresses stay in the show that way)

wild theory, could Sansa have her throat slit by Arya and her body dumped in a river and she gets revived and takes the place of Lady Stoneheart?


Poor Tormund, he stayed at East Watch right? He should have gone south with Jon & co. and see Brienne again. Get all the brothers of the watch to retreat south too. There is no way they can hold the WW when the wall goes down.

Yeah, they're seperated again... it'll be a long time for us - not for them, though. And yeah if the wall comes down, there is no more Night's Watch.

The main characters are basically untouchable at this point, this really doesn't feel like the GoT I know and love. Hopefully they'll start subverting our expectations again, because Zombie dragons, Danny saving the day and her and Jon falling in love were some summer blockbuster levels of predictability. Weakest episode of the season.

Also, why are HBO rushing what has to be one of the most profitable and popular shows ever made.

My prediction for a sure death is (potential spoiler, obviously, please don't kill me like that idiot who spoiled Viserion earlier, I'm only making an educated guess)
Bran. He has no purpose once the Night King is defeated, since the world will be safe again for how many thousands of years... or maybe forever. Perhaps it'll be the Night King who kills him, too.


This season (and maybe next season) will be looked as to when the show took turn for the worse. What the fuck at some of this writing this season.

The WOW moments have been AMAZING, however it does not make up for poor writing.

Can someone remind me why this season and next were cut down? Shit feels super rushed. LIKE I NEED TO CASH MY CHECK AND GTFO RUSHED.

They weren't cut down. The plan was to have season 7 be a final 10-episode season, but HBO made it into two seasons of 14 episodes. So if anything, the pacing is slower than it should be.
Really hated the drama between Arya and Sansa, makes no sense. Seems ridiculous that Arya wouldn't understand Sansa's predicament at the time. Hopefully they are playing LF.
Would you? She has no knowledge that the viewer does. As far as she can see, she knew Sansa as a power hungry little grub who got her friend killed by lying and sticking with a Lannister instead of her sister. Sansa was standing with the Queen and Joff when her father was killed and has a letter declaring her side with the Lannister. Stayed at Kings Landing for ages, married a Lannister, is now fucking around with Littlefinger and trying to stake a claim while Jon is gone

Sansa looks dodgy as fuck from the outside without the knowledge of what actually happened.


Yeah, they're seperated again... it'll be a long time for us - not for them, though. And yeah if the wall comes down, there is no more Night's Watch.

My prediction for a sure death is (potential spoiler, obviously, please don't kill me like that idiot who spoiled Viserion earlier, I'm only making an educated guess)
Bran. He has no purpose once the Night King is defeated, since the world will be safe again for how many thousands of years... or maybe forever. Perhaps it'll be the Night King who kills him, too.

That would be such a lame death considering how little they've featured this season (and past seasons). I can't imagine it carrying much weight
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