I need someone to explain to me where they got those chains on the fly like that.
Maybe the night king planned this all out to get one or more of the dragons
I need someone to explain to me where they got those chains on the fly like that.
Dany's first scene in this episode is them talking about how it's a brave but stupid plan. And the plan nearly worked with them luring a small group in and ambushing them. Do YOU read what you write? Because some of your posts straight up imply that you're basically angry that all the characters didn't die.
Where has Bran gone?
I need someone to explain to me where they got those chains on the fly like that.
Protagonist has plot armour, shocking.
Did you ever see what happened to Ned? There's a reason people are saying the show feels different now.
Jon's trying to keep the walkers from swamping Drogon.
I wish you could have seen my mental reaction. Literally: "Man ... RDreamer is going to have a week long meltdown over this"
Where has Bran gone?
I'm pretty sure Drogon and the guys could have handled the handful of Zombies that were coming lol.
I've come to accept this is a different Game of Thrones from what we've known in the preceding seasons. And with this, just enjoying it for the spectacle it now is.
Stuff I don't have a problem with:
- Dany making it there so quickly. If it's like a 100 miles or so, she can probably cover that in a couple hours easy, if not sooner, I would assume.
- NK waiting around for the crew to die. Sure, they have time on their hands. Why not just wait a few days and just wait for them to freeze to death instead of risking more of your troops. Only weird thing is that they ultimately decided to charge in anyway. So what was even the point of waiting?
Stuff I laughed at:
- Random huge ass chains they happened to have brought with them, which conveniently came in handy to drag a dragon out of the lake. Maybe the NK anticipated the dragons coming and brought it just for this situation? How could he even have known this?
- Benjen coming by in the nick of time, and taking a second to look at the still-faraway horde and saying "no time", when he could've just used that time to hop on the fucking horse and ride away with Jon. Felt super random and pointless. Like why even have the Snow fakeout in the first place? It's like D&D just remembered Benjen still exists and needed to wrap up a loose end. Jon should've just gotten on the damn dragon before if he was gonna make it back alive. No reason to waste precious screentime with that lameness.
- Gendry, who's never seen snow before, is somehow a marathon runner in it, impervious to huffing in lung-freezing air with every stride.
Where has Bran gone?
I'm sad, man. I honestly don't want to have a meltdown but it's like seeing your baby turn into a flat earth believer or some shit, lol. I really wanted to believe this episode would pull me back into the fold and give hope to the rest of the show like a lot of the penultimate seasonal episodes have done. I had so much misplaced hope and it's been devastating.
Certainly not warning anyone about Littlefinger....
The Plot Dungeon
Bran is sitting where Ghost is currently chilling, in the void.
Seriously when is the last time we saw Ghost.
You'd think a scene with a direwolf and dragon meeting would be badass.
Try nearly 2000 miles.I've come to accept this is a different Game of Thrones from what we've known in the preceding seasons. And with this, just enjoying it for the spectacle it now is.
Stuff I don't have a problem with:
- Dany making it there so quickly. If it's like a 100 miles or so, she can probably cover that in a couple hours easy, if not sooner, I would assume.
My alarm bells have been going off for a few episodes now, especially last week whenI'm doubling down on my "Daenyrs is about to die" theory. The talk of succession felt like validation for the upcoming chaos.
Call me paranoid but people coming in here with this Bran = Night King business is starting to look more and more like a spoiler.
How is it mediocre writing? The show established seasons ago that the white walkers are not only getting closer to the wall but also that some splinter off into groups or go off alone, in fact that's quite literally the first instance of us seeing white walkers is seeing that fact proven. The dead roam freely outside the wall. Hell there's even an implication that it was a trap all along considering one wight just happened to not be affect by the magic of the leader of that group.There happened to be a small group there. They had no way to know they'd find a separate group of white walkers other than convenience from mediocre writing.
Jon and Tourmond=the entire group now? Literally none of these characters were even seen North let alone fighting white walkers.All these characters knew from facing the white walkers before was that they were always an army, but hey, have this random group of scouts and have one of them arbitrarily singled out of the magic binding thing so you can take it with you.
It was a plan from a character who has shown all season that he's quite terrible at plans but his only hope of resolving things the way HE wants them to go, without as much bloodshed.It was not a "brave but stupid plan", it was an embarrassing excuse from below-average writers to move the plot forward. Stupid can't even begin to describe how obtuse and unbelievable the whole thing is.
Ok then..It singlehandedly destroyed the credibility of every character that didn't call out the complete retardedness of it all.
They're already ripping off World of Warcraft enough.
They were waiting for the ice to refreeze so they could cross the lake to kill them.
There's no indication that they brought the chains with them, but rather that time passed and they went to get the chains at another location.
Please go back and watch episodes 1-3 so you can realize you should have hated the show from the beginning.
The whole fetch quest is stupid to begin with. Just have Cersei send a scout and report back. Done and done.
The whole fetch quest is stupid to begin with. Just have Cersei send a scout and report back. Done and done.
Bran is not a 'character' anymore. He is a plot device that only shows up to deliver information.
They cemented this by having him absent in Season 5, and Season 6 being his transition to this history vehicle.
As the night watch, Jon and co -did- run into smaller isolated groups of wights before. That's what they were aiming for, while visibly staying within hours of Eastwatch by foot.There happened to be a small isolated group there. They had no way of knowing they'd find a separate group of white walkers other than convenience from mediocre/rushed writing.
All these characters knew from facing the white walkers before was that they were always an army, but hey, have this random group of scouts and have one of them arbitrarily singled out of the magic binding thing so you can take it with you.
It was not a "brave but stupid plan", it was an embarrassing excuse from a below-average attempt at writing to move the plot forward. Stupid can't even begin to describe how obtuse and unbelievable the whole thing is.
It singlehandedly destroyed the credibility of every character that didn't call out the complete retardedness of it all.
Call me paranoid but people coming in here with this Bran = Night King business is starting to look more and more like a spoiler.
I doubt Cersei would come to the realization that Westeros is fucked. All she cares about is being the only person to sit on the iron throne. She'll probably come up with some shit to kill the rest of the dragons off.what would be cersei reaction to the news that dany lost a dragon? maybe she will realize there is something bigger coming for all people on westeros?
That's just the light reflecting. The eyes are gems.
Nothing special.
Isn't that just a reflection ?
Doesnt seem like a reflection. Maybe Bran warging?
Doesnt seem like a reflection. Maybe Bran warging?
Doesnt seem like a reflection. Maybe Bran warging?
My only problem is the fact that there's no real way of determining how much time has passed between some scenes so it just ends up looking stupid.
Don't give D&D any ideas.Warging into what, the sword? LOL
Don't give D&D any ideas.
Dany is such a crap actress I'm sorry. There are cartons of milk with more emotion.
Like Season 1 episode 1-3?
I've watched Season 1 probably 5 or 6 times now. It's one of my favorite seasons of any show ever.