Game of Thrones is in a Lost like situation...
Shit. The Lost comparisons have started. This show must be going downhill very fast.
Game of Thrones is in a Lost like situation...
Probably something akin towhat would be cersei reaction to the news that dany lost a dragon? maybe she will realize there is something bigger coming for all people on westeros?
Call me paranoid but people coming in here with this Bran = Night King business is starting to look more and more like a spoiler.
Dany is such a crap actress I'm sorry. There are cartons of milk with more emotion.
People come up with the weirdest shit in here. (myself included)
Basically all fanfic or speculation are potential spoilers then!
Doesnt seem like a reflection. Maybe Bran warging?
It's shit like this I just cannot take seriously
You're nuts.
A lot of the hyperbole since this episode aired is a bit ridiculous, really.
Emilia Clarke was one of the standouts this episode.
He's right. She's terrible.
I needed a good laugh. Do you honestly think we're getting that kind of subtlety when the show is going a hundred miles an hour?![]()
Doesnt seem like a reflection. Maybe Bran warging?
Warging into what, the sword? LOL
I want this now. Bran can warg into inanimate objects. He could be a chair or some shit lol
They were waiting for the ice to refreeze so they could cross the lake to kill them.
There's no indication that they brought the chains with them, but rather that time passed and they went to get the chains at another location.
SeeShe's been phenomenal this season. Probably the best character
It's shit like this I just cannot take seriously
She's been phenomenal this season. Probably the best character
I don't think we need any indicator since majority of the time I can attribute it to, "time has gone by." if something seems to have happened way too fast. But just look at this thread and you can see people think this shit is happening second by second.there is a reason why movies like civil war and rogue one have huge "THIS COUNTRY" "THIS PLANET" when the story moves to other places
we need a big sign that says 36 HOURS LATER or what?
And to continue the Lost analogy, no matter how convenient the writing becomes for Game of Thrones, I doubt it would ever sink to the the lowest of lows of Lost season 6, the terribly produced exposition dump "Across the Sea" so I'll probably have a more enjoyable time watching season 7 of Game of Thrones than I had watching season 6 of Lost.
Dany is such a crap actress I'm sorry. There are cartons of milk with more emotion.
The chain thing was completely stupid. NK should of raised the dragon like he did in front of Jon. That would of had much more impact.
And really, they could of handled the dragon scene a million times better. They could of been all escaping and the NK chucks his spear, only to have one of the dragons sacrifice itself to save the the day.
It's shit like this I just cannot take seriously
The character and the performance aren't the same thing. It's like she has one level and sticks to it no matter what the hell is happening at any given time.
Yes exactly those 3 episodes.
1, 2, and the first 20 minutes or so of episode 3 in the very first season.
If the passage of time and how it's portrayed is now ruining the show for you, I don't see how you can equally consider the first season to be one of your favorite seasons of any show ever.
Oh yeah, I'm sure they'll do an exposition dump, but they'll produce the hell out of it to make it watchable. For all their faults, I don't think they'll pull off an Allison Janney struggling to speak Latin moment. And I really don't want to be proven wrong, so crossing my fingers that they don't outdo Lost.Never say never. They're running out of time!
I don't think we need any indicator since majority of the time I can attribute it to, "time has gone by." if something seems to have happened way too fast. But just look at this thread and you can see people think this shit is happening second by second.
I would trade a thousand Danys and Jons for one Tywin scene.
If it's a weirwood chair I'd say it's possible.I want this now. Bran can warg into inanimate objects. He could be a chair or some shit lol
Of all the dumb shit this episode I've seen very little mention of The Hound acting like an 8 year old with the throwing of rocks at the zombies and then missing, which leads to them realising the ice has re-frozen. So bad.
She's better in this season than she is normally, but she's still Dany. Way better characters in the cast.See
It's shit like this I just cannot take seriously
She's been phenomenal this season. Probably the best character
Should've replaced all the 60 minutes of people naming Dany's titles and her whining about her dragons and replace it with just Tywin looking angry.Talk about a one trick pony
Although it's a damn good trick
She's better in this season than she is normally, but she's still Dany. Way better characters in the cast.
She's definitely better this season. It's kinda funny how the plot-line for two most complained about actors finally converged, and it turned out that they have a pretty good chemistry between them.
Group shot of last episode's MVP ravens:
Like, even if I were to hand wave all the weirdness of that plan and how it worked there's a fundamental failing of the director and the writers to show the absolute tension of sitting with the Night King staring at them for what might be three or four fucking days. How do they not show that? We got none of that tension.
Dany is such a crap actress I'm sorry. There are cartons of milk with more emotion.
And tbf, one of the major plot hole for a good while has been "why is not the person with three motherfucking nearly invincible dragons not dominating everyone and everywhere already".
That episode was rather meh
Poor writing, particularly the whole Winterfell soap opera garbage
I feel like the whole stupid as fuck "let's march into the abyss to catch a walking dead as proof so Cersei will totally join us and not be her usual backstabbing piece of shit like always" was purely designed so that the Night King would get a hold of an undead dragon to create some excitement for the grand final battle to come.
And tbf, one of the major plot hole for a good while has been "why is not the person with three motherfucking nearly invincible dragons not dominating everyone and everywhere already".
It would literally be that, staring at each other. How would that create any source of tension? It would be boring to watch as it would be boring to sit through for the characters POV.
It shows them waiting in the day, It shows them waiting in the night, it shows Thoros dying, them waiting in the day some more, it shows them waiting some more and The Hound getting antsy and throwing stones like a dumb cunt.
What would create more tension for you in this situation? The real complaint should be how they managed to brave the cold, especially those who aren't northerners.
And trust me, the passage of time in the first few episodes is equally as stupid.
It would literally be that, staring at each other. How would that create any source of tension? It would be boring to watch as it would be boring to sit through for the characters POV.
It shows them waiting in the day, It shows them waiting in the night, it shows Thoros dying, them waiting in the day some more, it shows them waiting some more and The Hound getting antsy and throwing stones like a dumb cunt.
What would create more tension for you in this situation? I'd like to know, because all the scenarios I think of in my head are pretty stupid. The real complaint should be how they managed to brave the cold for a few days, especially those who aren't northerners.
And trust me, the passage of time in the first few episodes is equally as stupid.
I mean these are literally some of the most hardened dudes on the show. They certainly felt dread watching a dragon of all things die.That's fair, but for a lot of these characters this is the first time they've seen the NK. They did a shit job at creating any sort of dread.
Call me paranoid but people coming in here with this Bran = Night King business is starting to look more and more like a spoiler.
I want this now. Bran can warg into inanimate objects. He could be a chair or some shit lol