Benjen broke the fourth wall by telling us there's no time.
What the fuck have the Greyjoys been doing the last few episodes?
This season really could use more episodes
i saw this awesome video on cold hands. he's got a magic arm, a magic moose and wears an awesome hood.
i mean look at this.
thats where you are wrong, the only person who can pull littlefinger strins is Sansa, and no one else.
maybe she cant really outsmart him, but she is the only one who can emotionally shake him long enough to meet his doom
I personally don't think Sansa will outsmart him at all; she's a useful tool for Arya though. There was a weird argument earlier that Sansa sent Brienne off as a way to mess with LF, but I got the opposite out of that.. Sansa played right into LF's plan as he wanted her to get rid of Brienne.
i saw this awesome video
If Sansa would at least tease him a bit or flirt a little to show him that he might get what he wants some day then sure but she shows absolutely zero interest in him.
Gald you think that. I suggested the same thing the other day but people were quick to shoot down my opinion as wrong. I still think that's the case though. He planted that idea of Brienne in her head.
He's one of the smartest main characters on the show and you want me to believe he's being outplayed by one of dumbest? Sansa? I don't think so, lol.
People complaining about the sloppy writing in the last ep.... I knew this shit would happen eventually. There are just too many threads to wrap up, and too much stuff that needs to happen before the story can end. I expect there to be many more train wreck episodes before this show is through. I guess book readers can at least look forward to a more thoughtfully paced conclusion... uh, some day...
Jeremy Podeswa is a really surprising choice of director for this finale, although then again I didn't expect Alan Taylor to come back despite being pretty integral to defining the look of Game of Thrones in the early years. There's been a slew of surprising choices this year, most of all probably being Shakman who gave us some of the best action directing in the series, behind Sapochnik -- who absolutely has to return for season 8.
I'm curious, who would y'all want to see back to direct season 8?
If Sansa would at least tease him a bit or flirt a little to show him that he might get what he wants some day then sure but she shows absolutely zero interest in him.
Pls just give Sapochnik all 6 episodes.
If Sansa would at least tease him a bit or flirt a little to show him that he might get what he wants some day then sure but she shows absolutely zero interest in him.
Benjen broke the fourth wall by telling us there's no time.
He made a promise to his sister to keep this a secret.
Ned's not going to tell Cat, her scorn helps his case anyway since no one would suspect Jon.
Benjen broke the fourth wall by telling us there's no time.
People complaining about the sloppy writing in the last ep.... I knew this shit would happen eventually. There are just too many threads to wrap up, and too much stuff that needs to happen before the story can end. I expect there to be many more train wreck episodes before this show is through. I guess book readers can at least look forward to a more thoughtfully paced conclusion... uh, some day...
Yeah but that kind of proves his point. Ned's umcompromising honor is why he is dead.
Perhaps GOT borrowed one of the writers from Bungie for this episode.
Theres no time to explain why I dont have time to explain lol
People complaining about the sloppy writing in the last ep.... I knew this shit would happen eventually. There are just too many threads to wrap up, and too much stuff that needs to happen before the story can end. I expect there to be many more train wreck episodes before this show is through. I guess book readers can at least look forward to a more thoughtfully paced conclusion... uh, some day...
Was it HBO or the creators decision to try to finish everything in only 13 episodes, spread over two seasons?
your faith on Arya will be your dooom
I'm surprised they haven't played up this angle.
Cersei told her in S2 that her greatest weapon was between her legs.
Was it HBO or the creators decision to try to finish everything in only 13 episodes, spread over two seasons?
And 90 minutes per for the first five and two hours for the finale.
I said Arya can do it, what are you talking about?
Sansa though, nope. And if she does then it will be the first time where I'll truly admit the writing has gone to shit.
Same here, it would be the perfect way for her to gain some form of control over his emotions. Don't give it up, but tease him enough to want more and keep his mind distracted.
Jon is Aragon Jr. Is it really any different? Well I guess there's incest in this one.
I'm surprised they haven't played up this angle.
Cersei told her in S2 that her greatest weapon was between her legs.
Pretty sure she hasn't even had consensual sex yet. That's F'd up.
The showrunners D&D decided on it. HBO would be happy to keep this running for years but since GRRM doesn't have any books to wrap up the story, they're going ahead and ending it so they can do the series everyone is so hyped about, Confederate, lol.
I said Arya can do it, what are you talking about?
Sansa though, nope. And if she does then it will be the first time where I'll truly admit the writing has gone to shit.
Same here, it would be the perfect way for her to gain some form of control over his emotions. Don't give it up, but tease him enough to want more and keep his mind distracted.
Pls just give Sapochnik all 6 episodes.
I hope the finale's a standout and not as inconsistent as Episode 6.
Really wish Bran was doing something, anything really.
why does sansa acomplishing something mean the writing has gone to shit?
and i mean, even if she has rejected him, she still went to him for counsel when arya started acting all creepy
The show isn't nearly as subtle as poodle pretend. They've been building this Sansa as a student of the game angle for ages.
LF is fucked and they've been telling us that all season long.
I already said why, man, do you even read my posts? lol
LF is one of the smartest main characters on the show, as proven time and time again.
Sansa is one of the dumbest, as proven time and time again.
To suddenly have LF outplayed by Sansa of all people would go completely against so much.
I do not believe LF is untouchable and he can be outplayed, but not by her.
Everyone wants to prop up Sansa and Arya by making LF a dumb fuck.
To be fair, if she and Arya were to be outplayed, I'd expect it to be by a long, drawn out thing like what's been going on between the two of them and not a short "I know what you're doing" thing.
He wouldn't be a dumb fuck but rather it'd be a revelation that the girls truly know how to play the game now.
Arya's skill set isn't really playing the game, though. I agree with you on Sansa's part, though, her storyline has always been about being a pawn in the game and her accending above that but Arya's has always being about being a fighter.He wouldn't be a dumb fuck but rather it'd be a revelation that the girls truly know how to play the game now.
To be fair, if she and Arya were to be outplayed, I'd expect it to be by a long, drawn out thing like what's been going on between the two of them and not a short "I know what you're doing" thing.
To suddenly have LF outplayed by Sansa of all people would go completely against so much.
I do not believe LF is untouchable and he can be outplayed, but not by her.
But Jon would have never "lost" it if Sansa had trusted Jon and told him all the information she had. Lets hope Arya never finds that out or Sansa's skull might acquire a Valyrian Steel dagger.i mean, there are people that wont admit that the battle of the bastards was won because of Sansa.
i mean, there are people that wont admit that the battle of the bastards was won because of Sansa.
she played both Ramsay and Jon like fools
But Jon would have never "lost" it if Sansa had trusted Jon and told him all the information she had. Lets hope Arya never finds that out or Sansa's skull might acquire a Valyrian Steel dagger.
Everyone wants to prop up Sansa and Arya by making LF a dumb fuck. While I don't think the Winterfell storyline is that great, it's okay, all 3 characters are behaving in ways we know they would behave. No one is being written out of character.
Yep. Cersei Lannister will capture Jon, Daenerys, Tyrion, Missandei, Grey worm, Theon, and the Hound. She will sit them all down on their knees, and then break out her baseball bat covered in Dragon scales. The she will go Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe.
Fade to black, and To Be Continued Next Season...
I totally disagree. I think being outplayed by Sansa would be the most fitting end for Littlefinger. She knows him better than anyone alive at this point, and I think it would be fantastic if his affection for her and Catelyn is what ultimately leads to his demise.
of course he would have lost, they were wouldnt be able to lay a succesful siege on winterfell.
I don't think the intent was to ask Dany to come back and save them tbh.I know all the discussions are about the speed of travel, but also when Gendry left and Jon says "tell Dany what happened here" nothing had yet happened.
There was a rumbling (of a horde) in the bg, but I don't know exactly what additional details Gendry was going to provide that Dany didn't already know was a possibility beyond the wall.
He's saying that had Sansa told Jon about the Vale, rather than withholding the information (for adequately explored reason), they would have gone into battle with a much larger army - and won.
Sansa told Jon to wait until they had more soldiers, Jon knew there were no more but Sansa STILL didn't tell him about Littlefinger. Jon would've waited a little longer if only she had told him and would have never had to gotten saved to begin with.of course he would have lost, they were wouldnt be able to lay a succesful siege on winterfell.
I agree that this is how it should play out actually.
But there has been very little reason to believe that Sansa is capable of outsmarting him, plain and simple. And that is my whole argument, and that's why I think it would be stupid.
Just because she's close to him doesn't mean much, he's used to be close to everyone on the counsel and to this day none of them know he put the Lannisters in debt or was involved in Joffreys death, or was the reason behind the War of the 5 kings.
Varys is oblivious but Sansa isn't? I'm sorry but that ain't right.
He's saying that had Sansa told Jon about the Vale, rather than withholding the information (for adequately explored reason), they would have gone into battle with a much larger army - and won.