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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Jaqen H'ghar would be on their level. Littlefinger couldn't handle him. But Arya is nothing like that. Arya is like D-league faceless man, not an all-star.

Arya killed all the Freys in one fell swoop. I don't think Westeros has ever seen a solitary murderer on Arya's level.

If Jaqen is, as you say, S-tier to Arya's D-tier, why the hell is anyone still alive at all? How can houses exists with thousand year long histories with the Faceless Men running around? If Arya can end an entire house. Jaqen should be able to wipe out half a country.


Arya killed all the Freys in one fell swoop. Given the rates the Faceless Men charge per kill, I don't think Westeros has ever seen a solitary murderer on Arya's level.

Because if Jaqen is, as you say, S-tier to Arya's D-tier, why the hell is anyone still alive at all? How can houses exists with thousand year long histories with the Faceless Men running around? If Arya can end an entire house. Jaqen should be able to wipe out half a country.

Because you're forgetting the religious death cult aspect of it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Snowstorms are still storms breh.
Because you're forgetting the religious death cult aspect of it.

I am not. And I'm very emphatically reminding you that Arya is not beholden to the "religious death cult aspect". She is completely free from those kinds of self-imposed limits, which is the difference between her murderous potential and Jaqen's. She sees herself as above all codes of honor or law or business or religion. She is limited exclusively by her personal ties.


If Arya takes Littlefinger's face, who does she double-cross?



How can houses exists with thousand year long histories with the Faceless Men running around? If Arya can end an entire house. Jaqen should be able to wipe out half a country.

They don't go running around murdering people for fun. We see Jaqen kills the three people to let Arya, Gendry and Hotpit escape, but this was only because Arya saved Jaqen and his two fellow prisoners from a fiery death trapped in the cage. He owed his god three lives, or however it was he phrased it.
I thought the White Walkers brought winter?

"He brings the storm" remember that quote from Jon?

I don't think they bring Winter in general but they do have influence to make Winters far more horrible. I mean let's not forget the Night King can literally make Snow Storms that basically instant kill people


Snowstorms are still storms breh.

I am not. And I'm very emphatically reminding you that Arya is not beholden to the "religious death cult aspect". She is completely free from those kinds of self-imposed limits, which is the difference between her murderous potential and Jaqen's. She sees herself as above all codes of honor or law or business or religion. She is limited exclusively by her personal ties.

I answered your "why are there any houses at all in Westeros?" question.

But beyond that, no one is denying that Arya can kill people. That much is obvious, she could kill Littlefinger any time she wanted. What we were talking about is outsmarting someone like him, which she has never proven herself to be capable of doing. Killing a bunch of bumbling Frey idiots does not serve as evidence that she is intellectually capable of sparring with high level spy masters like Littlefinger or Varys, especially if they have reason or incentive to see her as a threat, which Littlefinger does.
I don't think they bring Winter in general but they do have influence to make Winters far more horrible. I mean let's not forget the Night King can literally make Snow Storms that basically instant kill people

Jesus I didn't know that!

Well, least they have the dragonbal-



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Why do you think she needs to "spar" with him at all?
Are you telling me the storm killed the people? I thought the storm was cover and his zombies did the actual killing. I swear you could hear swords being hit off stuff.

Oh really? I thought the snow storm was so cold it just killed everyone. I guess I read that scene wrong lol

Well still, the dude can obviously control the weather of some sort considering he made a snow storm appear out of nowhere. So I would think that White Walkers can indeed influence Winter itself


"playing" dumb? unpossible

Yeah sure when they all died. But I'm asking if the storm killed them or the zombies? Think about it, right after the silence they get attacked by skeleton zombies and not the freshly dead wildlings. If the storm killed them, how were there wave after wave of skeleton and long dead zombies crashing, climbing, and attacking the gate mere moments after that silence?
Yeah sure when they all died. But I'm asking if the storm killed them or the zombies? Think about it, right after the silence they get attacked by skeleton zombies and not the freshly dead wildlings.

Yeah that's a good point. But given how many Wildlings were out there you would think it would be a prolonged killing that would take a bit. The scene makes it seem like they almost all instant die at once.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I mean, the discussion is about if he is a "match" for her. No?

Yes, so we're comparing their strengths and weaknesses.

+ Good schemer
+ Lifelong experience
- Middle aged unathletic man

+ Valyrian Dagger
+ Little girl James Bond
- Not the sharpest tool in the shed

Stage: Winterfell


you can hear the sounds of grunts and sword slashing skin. It's very very hard to hear but it's there.

But you should hear screams since they were all screaming right before the fog hit them. But then it just stops.

Either way, it's probably artistic license for the scene, because it's not like cold weather should stop at a door like day after tomorrow lol.
Are you telling me the storm killed the people? I thought the storm was cover and his zombies did the actual killing. I swear you could hear swords being hit off stuff.

It did seem like there was an avalanche far back.

It was either that or it was just a cost effective way of showing the wights run through everyone without much effort.


There's no denying that he brings some storm with him though and damn that music at the tail end of 4 min mark.


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Oh dear


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Last Week Tonight as well.


There are so many conversations that haven't happened. Like why would Gendry talk about his dad he never met to Jon, who's dad he met the one time and not tell Jon he was with Arya for like a year? Why did Jon bring up serving with Jeor Mormont to Jorah and not bring up that he also served with Aemmon Targaryen to Dany? Why did Jorah not tell Jon that he was cured by a Night's Watch guy knowing that Jon also served at the Wall?

Ugh and where the hell is Greyworm, the Sand Snakes, Yara, and everyone else? Why is it that we had three episodes of Euron teleporting cross continent and now things are at a standstill in terms of development?

And the whole Jon Snow's Magnificent Seven plot line is stupid. They need to stop listening to Tyrion's dumb plans. He's going to get them all killed.
Ugh and where the hell is Greyworm, the Sand Snakes, Yara, and everyone else? Why is it that we had three episodes of Euron teleporting cross continent and now things are at a standstill in terms of development?

Greyworm is stuck in Casterly Rock. Sand Snakes are dead. Yara is still being held captive by Euron.


There are so many conversations that haven't happened. Like why would Gendry talk about his dad he never met to Jon, who's dad he met the one time. Why wouldn't he tell Jon he was with Arya for like a year? Why did Jon bring up serving with Jeor Mormont to Jorah and not bring up that he also served with Aemmon Targaryen to Dany? Why did Jorah not tell Jon that he was cured by a Night's Watch guy knowing that Jon also served at the Wall?

Ugh and where the hell is Greyworm, the Sand Snakes, Yara, and everyone else? Why is it that we had three episodes of Euron teleporting cross continent and now things are at a standstill in terms of development?

And the whole Jon Snow's Magnifent Seveb plot line is stupid. They need to stop listening to Tyrion's dumb plans. He's going to get them all killed.

Because people don't care. There is no need for "development" we are at the end of the series. Things just need to progress and happen now.
I am surprised we've seen nothing more of Euron / Yara yet. Like I figured they would be dealing with that the next episode after she was captured


Greyworm is stuck in Casterly Rock. Sand Snakes are dead. Yara is still being held captive by Euron.

I know but is he dead? Did Euron take Casterly Rock? Why was he able to get there in half an episode but it takes him 3+ episodes to get back? In the meantime, the Lannisters already took Highgarden, Jon Snow was a prisoner for a couple of weeks, and he made his way to the Wall from Dragonstone.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Euron's only job at Casterly was to sink Greyworm's fleet I think. I doubt he wants to tussle with the Unsullied. The question is where are the Unsullied now, still holding Casterly Rock or marching back to Dragonstone, and where is Euron? I assume he's on the west coast because he clearly didn't manage to ambush Jon and co. on their way northwards.


I am surprised we've seen nothing more of Euron / Yara yet. Like I figured they would be dealing with that the next episode after she was captured

I'm glad they haven't went back to Euron and Yara. Knowing how D&D write, she almost assuredly is being tormented and abused while captive. We don't need to see that. Not anymore.
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