This image from one of the GOT reddits had me dying. 360 No Scope NightKingxxx420
Alright fuck this got me. I'm tight.
This image from one of the GOT reddits had me dying. 360 No Scope NightKingxxx420
Great episode. Arya and the Night King can fuck off, though.
I guess I've forgotten, but since when can Dany not have children?
What a weird coincidence that everyone """"predicted"""" that the dragon would be killed and resurrected by the Whitewalkers.
Sansa and Arya have to be putting on a show for Littlefinger. They know he's watching/spying on them, they're setting him up for something. I refuse to believe otherwise.
This is easily the best season of the series thus far. The amount of shit that's gone done, the battles that have happened. It's been fucking LIT.
All of this Arya hate is really bothering. I guess Little Finger has shills on GAF.
Suspension of Disbelief
The term suspension of disbelief or willing suspension of disbelief has been defined as a willingness to suspend one's critical faculties and believe the unbelievable; sacrifice of realism and logic for the sake of enjoyment.[1]
The term was coined in 1817 by the poet and aesthetic philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who suggested that if a writer could infuse a "human interest and a semblance of truth" into a fantastic tale, the reader would suspend judgement concerning the implausibility of the narrative.
Suspension of disbelief often applies to fictional works of the action, comedy, fantasy, and horror genres. Cognitive estrangement in fiction involves using a person's ignorance to promote suspension of disbelief.
Witch cursed her vagina
If the Night King can literally throw an ice spear like it's being racked on Scorpion, why didn't they just throw a bunch of those things at the raid group and impale them on the rock, which they are forced to stay on because of the army of the dead surrounding them?
What's with the hate? wtf
This show has jumped the shark so to speak.
Jon and Co. should have been dead. At the very least, Tormund and Jon should be KIA.
They should have had a more visual choke point to make that fight reasonable and survivable, too much open space for them to get easily surrounded and killed.
If the Night King can literally throw an ice spear like it's being racked on Scorpion, why didn't they just throw a bunch of those things at the raid group and impale them on the rock, which they are forced to stay on because of the army of the dead surrounding them?
Benjin literally coming out of thin air is ridiculous, and made me roll my eyes. Not even going to talk about the time warping. They were on that rock like, what, five days at least for the dragons to get there?
All this effort and spectacle and it's so braindead. Uhg.
#wrightpowerWhat if all three end up on the Night King's side though?
Seeing so many people defending the writing makes me understand how The Walking Dead continues to be on air.
What a weird coincidence that everyone """"predicted"""" that the dragon would be killed and resurrected by the Whitewalkers.
It wasn't a time jump though, that's what people are complaining about
The Night King waited for this.
Chains? WW squad plant with 1 wight not belonging to that particular WW?
Spears in hand?
He knew what was going to happen. Oh my God..
Westeros is like the size of West Virginia apparently. Or maybe a SNES RPG, where you can fly around the world in mode 7 in 30 seconds or less.Man they teleporting has gotten out of hand. It's making the world seem so small.
Oh hey that's a great excuse for basic shit like why the Night King threw a spear at a moving target instead of the stationary one. Great argument right there.A lesson for you whiny man-babies:
Wait this season is only 7 episodes? Who the hell made that decision?
Dany's northern garb was lit though.
It's definitely been the most fun. Watching everything unfold all at once after six seasons of build up.. whew.This is easily the best season of the series thus far. The amount of shit that's gone done, the battles that have happened. It's been fucking LIT.
He was the cutest when they were babies
RIP Viserion![]()
Seeing so many people defending the writing makes me understand how The Walking Dead continues to be on air.
It's a show about dead people, dragons and shit. Things are moving at a fast pace and thank God for it. The show is so much better without all the filler now that we know these are the last two seasons
Nervous about the fact Dany doesn't seem to be at the meeting, makes me think we could get a good few deaths and I wouldn't want Jon to be one of them.Episode 7 Preview