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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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I already mentioned this.
If Cersei knows she can't win she will most likely nuke the whole city with wildfire, along with her own army, civilians, and Dany's invading army. Plus, both Bran's dream and Dany's dream on House of Undying scene pretty much supports this theory.

Maybe with Jamie standing right there as well.
I thought the finale was great, but at the same time I don't think I was blown away by anything really. Pretty much due to my obsession with the material I came across the Jon is a Targaryen theory years ago. It had been foreshadow for the entire season that there was going to be an explosion at Kings Landing. Also, I imagined this was going to be the episode where Daenarys was going to head to head west. All those things happened.

Maybe it was the fact that I watched this show on my laptop due to the stupid HBO Now not being available on the PS4. I really do think that alone hampered my enjoyment of the spectacle this season.

The things I liked the best were Tyrion becoming the hand, and the scene with baby Jon.
From a storytelling perspective he wouldn't have exchanged that look with Sansa if he is to remain impotent for the rest of the narrative.
You mean the look of tension because his dream was shattered and the person he cares about most will never love him because he fucked up. That look?
I already mentioned this.
If Cersei knows she can't win she will most likely nuke the whole city with wildfire, along with her own army, civilians, and Dany's invading army.

Would be a tragic time.. All that history gone. All the civilians dead.. The lannister army dead...

I couid almost see a exchange between tyrion and dany "well.. It looks like you didnt have to conquer anything. Consider yourself lucky my queen" ..there are many evils in this world and my sister was probably the worst i knew. Kind of sad she killed herself... I wish it had been me. Ah. Oh well. Time for a drink?"

"what are we going to drink to? There is no throne for me to sit upon! She took it with her!!!"


So basically Dany has submarines with nuclear arsenal.


Okay this conversation made me appreciate this show even more. The fact that Aemon was not only speaking on Ned's leaving to Kings Landing but also Ned's decision/promise in the past is amazing. Right under our noses since the jump.
"What is honor compared to a woman's love? And what is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms?"


No Scrubs
Would be a tragic time.. All that history gone. All the civilians dead.. The lannister army dead...

I couid almost see a exchange between tyrion and dany "well.. It looks like you didnt have to conquer anything. Consider yourself lucky my queen" ..there are many evils in this world and my sister was probably the worst i knew. Kind of sad she killed herself... I wish it had been me. Ah. Oh well. Time for a drink?"

"what are we going to drink to? There is no throne for me to sit upon! She took it with her!!!"

"We could always build a new throne. A better throne. The Iron Throne always was rather ugly anyway." *Takes a drink* "What do you think of gold? Too grandiose?"
Did you miss the sudden shift in Sansa's expression to fear? It's pretty overt.
What does she have to fear? He's not going to touch her or do anything to harm her and I'm sure she knows that and if he tries anything against either Jon or Sansa I'm sure the north will have his head along with everyone in the Vale, or I could even see Arya taking him out. It seems like you're kinda reaching at this point.
Since Jaime is officially head of the Lannister army, I can see him refusing to send help when Cersei needs it. Basically killing her indirectly rather than doing it himself.


What does she have to fear? He's not going to touch her or do anything to harm her and I'm sure she knows that and if he tries anything against either Jon or Sansa I'm sure the north will have his head along with everyone in the Vale, or I could even see Arya taking him out. It seems like you're kinda reaching at this point.

I'm not reaching for anything. Her facial expression changes drastically. It's not a subtle emotion. I'm saying he's not going to be inert for the rest of the show, not that he's going to ascend the Iron Throne.


Do they though? She should have been dead a long long time ago.

You aren't wrong. But she should absolutely be her own undoing. OR Jaime, which is largely the same thing. If Cersie dies in an offensive push by any outsider, I will be pissed. She needs to be directly involved in her own demise.
I'm not reaching for anything. Her facial expression changes drastically. It's not a subtle emotion. I'm saying he's not going to be inert for the rest of the show, not that he's going to ascend the Iron Throne.
Sure maybe he'll stick around for a bit longer, but his chances of doing anything more meaningful than ruling the Vale are over. The Vale doesn't even have much of an army left even then. People are saying he's always two steps ahead of everyone else, but not only did he make a mistake with Sansa costing him the north, he now has two major forces with the white walkers and Daenerys that not only did he not expect, he has no hope of stopping, I doubt he planned for the North to rally around Jon like they did for Ned and Robb either.
Before they kill off Cersei they need to do something to make her unlikable again for it to have an impact. Yeah what she did was pretty bad but I think people kind of cheered her on and thought she looked bad ass on the throne.

Ramsay, Walder, Jofferey were grade a scum we were happy to see die. I would'nt put it beyond the show to somehow make Dany the end game villain given how unbeatable she seems now and how often they make her seem unstable.
I would'nt put it beyond the show to somehow make Dany the end game villain given how unbeatable she seems now and how often they make her seem unstable.
I really think Cersei's use of wildfire on King's Landing on her own army and Dany's army will gut Dany's army's strength to the point where only her dragons are relevant.


Sure maybe he'll stick around for a bit longer, but his chances of doing anything more meaningful than ruling the Vale are over. The Vale doesn't even have much of an army left even then. People are saying he's always two steps ahead of everyone else, but not only did he make a mistake with Sansa costing him the north, he now has two major forces with the white walkers and Daenerys that not only did he not expect, he has no hope of stopping, I doubt he planned for the North to rally around Jon like they did for Ned and Robb either.

Sure, I understand your logic. I just think you can't really count out any of the show's wild cards and there was definitely significance to that exchange.
Before they kill off Cersei they need to do something to make her unlikable again for it to have an impact. Yeah what she did was pretty bad but I think people kind of cheered her on and thought she looked bad ass on the throne.

But not everyone who is has died is "unlikeable." That said, I think she'll mass suicide Kings Landing to screw Dany over.


Water is not wet!
But not everyone who is has died is "unlikeable." That said, I think she'll mass suicide Kings Landing to screw Dany over.

Maybe Dany will sense the trap and go into a nearly deserted Kings Landing with a small force to disarm Cerseis "nuclear option." Their plan will fail and Grey Worm and the Sand Snakes will die in the inferno but Dany will come out unhurt.
Before they kill off Cersei they need to do something to make her unlikable again for it to have an impact. Yeah what she did was pretty bad but I think people kind of cheered her on and thought she looked bad ass on the throne.

Killing her when she's likable is a better way to throw off, and fuck the viewer, something this show loves to do.


Why would Dany even sail a thousand ships into Blackwater Bay? That seems like the worst strategy ever. It would make more sense to split her fleet, have the Ironborn with her on the naval assault, supported by dragons, but have the Unsullied and Dorthraki disembark earlier, and attack by land to flank King's Landing and block any possible attempt to flee or retreat.


Why would Dany even sail a thousand ships into Blackwater Bay? That seems like the worst strategy ever. It would make more sense to split her fleet, have the Ironborn with her on the naval assault, supported by dragons, but have the Unsullied and Dorthraki disembark earlier, and attack by land to flank King's Landing and block any possible attempt to flee or retreat.

Oh look at Commander Duck over here.

The rest of us play Total War too.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
You mean the look of tension because his dream was shattered and the person he cares about most will never love him because he fucked up. That look?
If you think the architect of this fucking mess, the guy who poisoned the hand of the king, the guy who sent the letter to ned stark making him suspicious of everyone in kings landing, the guy who betrayed ned, the guy who poisoned the king and threw his own wife out the moon door is going to take any of this sitting down then you haven't been paying attention.

Sansa is Fucked and so is Jon and they both should very afraid.


Before they kill off Cersei they need to do something to make her unlikable again for it to have an impact. Yeah what she did was pretty bad but I think people kind of cheered her on and thought she looked bad ass on the throne.

Ramsay, Walder, Jofferey were grade a scum we were happy to see die. I would'nt put it beyond the show to somehow make Dany the end game villain given how unbeatable she seems now and how often they make her seem unstable.

I can't see this. Mace, Margaery and Loras were totally innocent, as well as her own uncle Kevan and hundreds of nobles and nearby commoners who were all killed by the blast, which drove her last remaining son to suicide.

While it's impressive how she destroyed her immediate enemies and wound up on the throne, Cersei took a sharp left into outright evil territory with this finale. Any sympathy for her ought to be out the window with Tommen.


You now belong to FMT.
one of the best episodes hands down.

Lady Mormont is my favorite.... I can't stress this enough.

It amazes me that people are still asking Jon Snows lineage, I always thought that the show gave too much detail with the recaps and previously on, but i guess there is a reason.

I need for everyone to understand that Varys didn't teleport. you sound foolish.

Ready for next season
If you think the architect of this fucking mess, the guy who poisoned the hand of the king, the guy who sent the letter to ned stark making him suspicious of everyone in kings landing, the guy who betrayed ned, the guy who poisoned the king and threw his own wife out the moon door is going to take any of this sitting down then you haven't been paying attention.

Sansa is Fucked and so is Jon and they both should very afraid.
People make mistakes and the game he was playing at the beginning of the series is much smaller than the one that's about to take place. You could say similar things about Ramsey and where is he? And I highly doubt they're going to kill off the starks AGAIN especially when their role In the game Jon especially is crucial against the White Walkers and Daenerys.
one of the best episodes hands down.

Lady Mormont is my favorite.... I can't stress this enough.

It amazes me that people are still asking Jon Snows lineage, I always thought that the show gave too much detail with the recaps and previously on, but i guess there is a reason.

I need for everyone to understand that Varys didn't teleport. you sound foolish.

Ready for next season

Plenty of people such as myself never watch the previously on or recaps because they give away too much. I prefer going in as blind as possible.

But even then it would have been impossible to avoid since it's been one of the most commonly speculated and discussed theories for years now.


Yes, now I have to wait! After that finale! The horror

And yeah, I went from "Huh, I heard a lot about this show, might be good" to "holy shit, this is the biggest-scale most epic thing I've ever seen on TV. Puts many movies to shame"

What other movie or show could even come close to matching this one's scope and scale? You're only getting that from another fantasy series or a space opera

PS HBO, please do a Metabarons series
In my opinion, The Wire is up there with it, but it didn't give us our moments of Joy with the bad like GoT does, because it was reality based.

Dany also has the Iron Fleet.

Maybe that is what will happen. Going back to Dany's vision, there might not even be a battle. Cersei will see the massive army approaching from the sea and will just set the whole city ablaze, destroy it all before it can be taken. If I can't have it, you can't have it.
See Below.
I suppose Euron and Cersei will make an alliance.
Exactly, I even expect Dany's fleet might get ambushed by Euron's while helping Cersei and we will see some tragedy at sea.


Correct me if I'm wrong but we haven't seen Casterly Rock yet have we?
My wish is that one day we eventually do, the gold is dried up and I'm wondering if it's just falling apart now? Like if Cersei ever goes back (like she will ever leave that throne now that she sat on it) and she just see's her home city has fallen on hard times.


I can't see this. Mace, Margaery and Loras were totally innocent, as well as her own uncle Kevan and hundreds of nobles and nearby commoners who were all killed by the blast, which drove her last remaining son to suicide.

While it's impressive how she destroyed her immediate enemies and wound up on the throne, Cersei took a sharp left into outright evil territory with this finale. Any sympathy for her ought to be out the window with Tommen.

Innocent? "When you play the game of thrones you win or you die." A great woman once said that. The Tyrells knew the stakes. Margeary wasn't weeping for Cersei when the trial was supposed to mark her downfall. And Olenna offered nothing but insults and mockery when Cersei came to her sincerely asking for help. Fuck em. Plant some roses in the Sept's ashes and see if they grow strong.



Imagine, if you will, that you had the fortitude to not watch a single episode of GoT and have now purchased all 6 seasons on Blu-Ray.

Having successfully dodged all spoilers you are now ready to sit and binge watch 60 episodes in unmatched picture quality.

I wish I was that strong.

But it would probably also have meant staying off the internet completely for years.

I watched the first 5 seasons leading up to this newest one. I was surprised by how many references and spoilers I had come across over the years without even knowing they were about GoT.

The worst part was knowing about Joffrey's death. That would have been 10 times more satisfying if I didn't see coming.
Wow, just wow, such amazing TV. This season was sooo good!

But nooo Margaery! :( Whhhhy? :'(

I thought she was conducting a big plan to smash the religious nuts, now we don't see anything. F**k Cersei, she's just gonna go insane now, lost everything. Dragons otw to f**k you up anyway so oh well.

Lady Mormont is the breakout star this season haha, the Jon Snow stuff is really exciting but obviously Little Finger is gonna mess it all up. Can't wait to see where it all goes! Only crap thing is this is the maximum wait time until we get more now! Waaah!

So good! :D
Innocent? "When you play the game of thrones you win or you die." A great woman once said that. The Tyrells knew the stakes. Margeary wasn't weeping for Cersei when the trial was supposed to mark her downfall. And Olenna offered nothing but insults and mockery when Cersei came to her sincerely asking for help. Fuck em. Plant some roses in the Sept's ashes and see if they grow strong.


That fucking smirk is emmy worthy..


Innocent? "When you play the game of thrones you win or you die." A great woman once said that. The Tyrells knew the stakes. Margeary wasn't weeping for Cersei when the trial was supposed to mark her downfall. And Olenna offered nothing but insults and mockery when Cersei came to her sincerely asking for help. Fuck em. Plant some roses in the Sept's ashes and see if they grow strong.


Yep. The whole Sept explosion was pretty awesome to watch as Cersei finally got to take out her foes. That said, it's also evil as hell with all the other people taken out, so she should be in full 'mad queen' phase now.
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