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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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Looking like Jon and Sansa gonna get it in.

Upon learning his heritage, Jon says to Sansa, "I suppose we can share mum and dad's room actually..."


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I don't agree. Westeros in chaos, wide scale horror. Massive fleet of survivors must fight to make a home in Essos where they are completely unwelcome.

Westeros is a lost continent - perhaps forever. Or perhaps heroes will one day rise to free the land of the horror.....

It would be a very daring finish to the story - and like I said, 0% chance - and much more interesting that what we will probably get.

Hmmm...It just so happens that new subdivisions are currently being planned in and around Dragon's Bay. This is the true payoff for the Mereen storyline. A safe home for the refugees of Westeros.

"Confess. Confess. Confess. Confess: It felt good, beating me. Starving me. Frightening me. Humiliating me. You didn’t do it because you cared about my atonement. You did it because it felt good. I understand. I do things because they feel good. I drink because it feels good. I killed my husband because it felt good to be rid of him. I fuck my brother because it feels good to feel him inside me. I lie about fuking my brother because it feels good to keep our son safe from hateful hypocrites. I killed your High Sparrow and all his little sparrows, all his septons, all his septas. All his filthy soldiers. Because it felt good to watch them burn. It felt good to imagine their shock and their pain. No thought has ever given me greater joy. Even confessing feels good, under the right circumstances.”


Cersei fucking Lannister, my god. A queen fit for a special type of king:


I hate Cersei with all my heart. What she did to Marg will never be forgiven. But I'd be lying if I wasn't 100% team Cersei for that 10 minutes she had Ursepa, Ursella, whatever the hell her name is. Everything about that scene was perfect; from the wine baptism, to the, "What? Now? Today? You're not going to die today." The delivery of that remark was beautiful.

ps. Don't Cersei and the Night's King look fab together? Their outfits sorta match too.


This feels like a new trend? trying to imply that Sansa is a power hungry, cold hearted, calculating bitch, after every episode?
Last week we had people saying (including myself, whoops), that she might have wilfully sacrificed the lives of Jon's men because the wildlings are his troops, while the knights of the Vale would be hers to command.
This week, we have Sansa an Jon talking things out, her clearly endorsing Jon and we're back to "oh, she wants to rule". Not really buying it anymore.
Maybe she realized "well, we've been here before, King in the North and all - and Littlefinger can attest that this didn't end well for said King"

Those white ravens - are they literally "yo, we send them special ravens from the citadel to announce that Winter has, in fact, come" or was that some metaphorical shit and they're the announcers of the king having died, similar - yet inverse - to white smoke at the papal conclave?


It's the result of this video rather than the scene itself.
Why doesn't Dany just stay and rule Essos? Seems much nicer there and no threat of WW

She doesn't know about that, nobody does, except the North now.

I mean, the Maesters -of Oldtown, apparently?- sent white ravens ( "dark wings carry dark words", S1) to announce winter has come. If they knew about the WW they would have sent the blackest ravens they could find.
I do wonder what Sam is going to discover there, if anything. Probably something old and buried, like what the real deal with the 'Lord of light' is, since they wouldn't have knowledge about the White Walkers or anything like that. Edit: but he could get related to Jorah Mormont's search for a cure and what the doom of Valeria was about. We have see its remains on the show, and that it draws stonemen for some reason.

as for who Dany is going to (have to) marry: winter, of course. There is that whole "when the sun sets in the east blah blah blah" thing to consider (brought up every season so far. I believe she told the Khals that this season, episode 4 or 5). She cannot give birth to a child in life, but we did see a baby get turned into a white walker and presumably grow into an adult anyway. So clearly being a WW doesn't affect growth, or the magic bypasses it. But it's not going to be that simple anyway, so whatever.

I'll miss Jonathan Price on this show though. That smug smile, that last realisation.
They also did some neat things with left-right mechanisms at the start, with Tommen looking from the right to the left (so basically from 'the future' towards the past) and later from left to right before his suicide. Cersei is looking to the right at both scenes, which is her looking towards the future in both cases, or in this case the sept blowing up. So that set is gone now. And the seven with it? Time to bring back the old gods. Everybody seems done with that though.
The rest of the episode was a bit more mundane, if we accept that it is more interestingly shot (the lighting on that 'talk' between Dany and Dario in particular, as well as Tyrion being made to look the same size as Dany. A giant at last. ), but more focused on 'getting it done' than the intensity at the start of the episode.

Also, when the fuck did Aria get back from Bravos? And Varys's teleport, lol. The sense of scale in space and time is really fucked up on this show.


How does seasons work in Game of Thrones? It seems forever for Winter to arrive.

It's been years since I have read the first couple of books but if I remember correctly, seasons take years. For example Stark children never seen a winter in their lives and considering that Robb was about 15 years of when he died, it gives you a rough estimate.


How does seasons work in Game of Thrones? It seems forever for Winter to arrive.
They vary but generally last up to a couple of years. In the timeframe of the show Westeros is in the midst of an abnormally long Summer that has lasted about a decade and that's why there was so much worrying about Winter even before knowledge of the Night's King spread, because people were afraid that an equally long Winter would follow.


I think Littlefinger was mocking Sansa in that scene. He was smiling at the fact that Jon the bastard was named King instead of Sansa the trueborn being named Queen. Sansa was also the one that won the battle for the Starks yet she still did not get the support of the Northern lords.

That's why her smile fades. She realizes that Littelfinger was right. The Northerners are her half-brother's army not her army. The North is loyal to Jon Snow not Sansa Stark. Sansa feels that she should be the one that is in charge but she's not.

That look from Littlefinger to Sansa was him saying that "I told you so". That's why her smile fades. This scene thus shows that there is potential for future conflict between Sansa and Jon over who should lead the North.

Based on the fact that they established that Sansa doesn't quite want to be in the position to lead the North and rather Jon take it, I think Sansa's real concern here is that Littlefinger is gonna fuck everything up for the North.

That's why her smile fades because the North is united against Jon Snow but just like with Ramsay Bolton, they don't know the enemy. The enemy was Joffrey, Sansa was blindsided. But learnt lessons. The enemy was Ramsay. Sansa learnt lessons and thinking like Ramsay won Winterfell back.

Now the enemy is Littlefinger. And Sansa is the only one who knows.

The true Catelyn Stark replacement. She is the support Jon needs, that is her role and she knows it.
Based on the fact that they established that Sansa doesn't quite want to be in the position to lead the North and rather Jon take it, I think Sansa's real concern here is that Littlefinger is gonna fuck everything up for the North.

That's why her smile fades because the North is united against Jon Snow but just like with Ramsay Bolton, they don't know the enemy. The enemy was Joffrey, Sansa was blindsided. But learnt lessons. The enemy was Ramsay. Sansa learnt lessons and thinking like Ramsay won Winterfell back.

Now the enemy is Littlefinger. And Sansa is the only one who knows.

The true Catelyn Stark replacement. She is the support Jon needs, that is her role and she knows it.

Yeah, I don't know why the average GoT viewer is apparently unable to read faces properly, but LF's face remained confident (smug, actually) all the way through, even though he seemed disappointed by people rallying around Jon. But this is LF we're talking about: "chaos is a ladder", and the one thing he can't exploit is lack thereof.
It was good to see Sansa straight up deny him and his 'dreams' though. Seems everyone is slowly getting over that whole 'get the throne' thing. Too bad they got fucking dragonlady on the way, otherwise this might all actually work out.

Jon can be burned btw (for those who forgot), since we got that in Castle Black in S3 I think. That was obviously before being brought back, so that might not apply now.

You know, one thing that does bother me about the show now clearly being 'tv writing' and not being adapted from a superior source, is the lack of ravens for news. Even the maesters aren't keeping up anymore. Might be important for the kingdoms to know who is their king / queen and all.


Anyone else notice how wary of Jon that Mel was when he approached her in judgement, but when Davos directly threatened her, she was nonplussed and all but rolled her eyes at him despite being visibily shaken up at being called out for her murder of Shireen?

Also, Varys is officially the best teleporter.
Before they kill off Cersei they need to do something to make her unlikable again for it to have an impact. Yeah what she did was pretty bad but I think people kind of cheered her on and thought she looked bad ass on the throne.

She's going to kill Tyrion. The entire Internet will want to burn her.


Innocent? "When you play the game of thrones you win or you die." A great woman once said that. The Tyrells knew the stakes. Margeary wasn't weeping for Cersei when the trial was supposed to mark her downfall. And Olenna offered nothing but insults and mockery when Cersei came to her sincerely asking for help. Fuck em. Plant some roses in the Sept's ashes and see if they grow strong.




Before they kill off Cersei they need to do something to make her unlikable again for it to have an impact. Yeah what she did was pretty bad but I think people kind of cheered her on and thought she looked bad ass on the throne.

She's literally a terrorist. You're cheering on terrorism.


What a perfect episode.

- Cersei nuking the Sept, holy shit, glorious. I despise her and everything she's done, but I was #teamCersei in that moment
- Jaimie putting Walter Frey back in his place, the look on Walter's face was priceless
- Dany actually delivered on her performance this time. Her acting is on and off this season, but the scene in the throneroom with Tyrion was absolutely great. Perhaps it helps to be acting off of Peter Dinklage
- A very brief scene with Bran, but oh my, what a scene. We learn Jon's true heritage, holy shit, what a gamechanger. Not only does this mean that Jon is potentially Dragon-riding material, if word gets out he's not Ned's son, his claim as King Of The North is gone, his claim to the Iron Throne is all the more stronger.
- The throneroom scene where the northern houses swear their allegiance to Jon gave me goosebumps, I was only slightly annoyed with how Lady Mormont pronounced "call".
- Littlefinger outright saying his only aim is to ascend the Iron Throne with Sansa at his side was great. The non-verbal acting in that scene was phenomenal
- Arya, cold as ice.

But the best scene is reserved for Cersei's torture of Unella. By the fucking Gods, the old and the new, how great was that. You could feel every ounce of hatred Cersei had for her, especially after she had just blown up the Sept and every Sparrow in it, but she had reserved a slow and painful death for her tormentor. Unella wasn't supposed to die in the Wildfire, quickly and relatively painless, Cersei was going to stretch this out as far as she could.


I think Littlefinger was mocking Sansa in that scene. He was smiling at the fact that Jon the bastard was named King instead of Sansa the trueborn being named Queen. Sansa was also the one that won the battle for the Starks yet she still did not get the support of the Northern lords.

That's why her smile fades. She realizes that Littelfinger was right. The Northerners are her half-brother's army not her army. The North is loyal to Jon Snow not Sansa Stark. Sansa feels that she should be the one that is in charge but she's not.

That look from Littlefinger to Sansa was him saying that "I told you so". That's why her smile fades. This scene thus shows that there is potential for future conflict between Sansa and Jon over who should lead the North.

Nah dont think so
This was a little neat detail that I don't think alot of people noticed-(Atleast on here I haven't noticed~)
Not to be obnoxious but I thought it was fairly obvious.
What a perfect episode.

- Cersei nuking the Sept, holy shit, glorious. I despise her and everything she's done, but I was #teamCersei in that moment
- Jaimie putting Walter Frey back in his place, the look on Walter's face was priceless
- Dany actually delivered on her performance this time. Her acting is on and off this season, but the scene in the throneroom with Tyrion was absolutely great. Perhaps it helps to be acting off of Peter Dinklage
- A very brief scene with Bran, but oh my, what a scene. We learn Jon's true heritage, holy shit, what a gamechanger. Not only does this mean that Jon is potentially Dragon-riding material, if word gets out he's not Ned's son, his claim as King Of The North is gone, his claim to the Iron Throne is all the more stronger.
- The throneroom scene where the northern houses swear their allegiance to Jon gave me goosebumps, I was only slightly annoyed with how Lady Mormont pronounced "call".
- Littlefinger outright saying his only aim is to ascend the Iron Throne with Sansa at his side was great. The non-verbal acting in that scene was phenomenal

But the best scene is reserved for Cersei's torture of Unella. By the fucking Gods, the old and the new, how great was that. You could feel every ounce of hatred Cersei had for her, especially after she had just blown up the Sept and every Sparrow in it, but she had reserved a slow and painful death for her tormentor. Unella wasn't supposed to die in the Wildfire, quickly and relatively painless, Cersei was going to stretch this out as far as she could.
Lyanna was still a true Stark.

Though the teleport talk is getting pretty grating. It's really not hard to employ common sense there.


Neo Member
Awesome Season Finale, loving the fact that they are just going lightspeed now.

After that final shot with Cerci on the iron throne, I couldn't help but wonder if next season we'll maybe get a scene were Dany and Tyrion will get to kings landing, fight their way to the iron throne, smash open the doors and find none other then Jaime sitting on the throne once again with the "mad queen" dead at his feet. Just like all those years before.
Not sure why some think Sansa is pissed about John, to me it was clear that little finger was pissed because his plans are ruined and Sansa realised this and since she already established she doesn't trust him she knows that he is going to try and get John out of the picture (most likely by getting him killed).

Her reaction was like 'fuck, he is gonna try and fuck shit up for John. I need to watch out for that now'.


I think the obvious meaning of Sansa/Littlefinger last scene is that now Jon is an enemy of Littlefinger and Sansa is afraid of what this may lead to.


I think the obvious meaning of Sansa/Littlefinger last scene is that now Jon is an enemy of Littlefinger and Sansa is afraid of what this may lead to.

Yep. And she knows that she will have to be the one to thwart him because no one else around is up to the task.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
In my world Margaery has secret dragon powerz and walked away from the fire no probs at all, except naked of course.


She'll show up riding on the same horse as Stannis.

But the High Sparrow got vaporized. He's not coming back unless he's like Dr Manhattan or something.


You know, one thing that does bother me about the show now clearly being 'tv writing' and not being adapted from a superior source, is the lack of ravens for news. Even the maesters aren't keeping up anymore. Might be important for the kingdoms to know who is their king / queen and all.

Yea, now that we don't have the books defining character travel time, Game of Thrones is following the usual tv writing rule of "Characters will be where they need to be, logical time progression be damned" (Though Varys being on the ship with Dany and Tyrion makes sense as being a while from when he was in Dorne considering Martell and Tyrell ships were part of Dany's fleet, which is a great detail that so many people continue to miss)

Not that it matters really. I appreciate it when writers actually chart out travel time and pay attention to that, but if the plot requires it, especially for something like Game of Thrones, which is finally moving in a focused direction after 6 seasons of glorious build-up, convenient time progression and teleportation is something I can get behind.


Or locking a nun in a room to be raped by a zombie.

is that the consensus, btw?

my girlfriend was like "uuuuuh, mountain rape? wtf?"

i was thinking it was more like, him breaking each of the bones in her body, one by one, with his brutish strength. Torturing her to death.


is that the consensus, btw?

my girlfriend was like "uuuuuh, mountain rape? wtf?"

i was thinking it was more like, him breaking each of the bones in her body, one by one, with his brutish strength. Torturing her to death.

It's kinda weird that people instantly concluded rape specifically. I mean... yeah, the mountain is going to torture her. So rape could be part of the package... but... why do people instantly think rape and rape only? Weird.


What say you, friends

Will GENDRY return in S7 or not?

seeing as he's utterly irrelevant for EVERYTHING by now ...
he might have been some fancy plot-twist seeing as he's the one true heir of ol' Bobby B., but noone in their right mind would try taking away the throne from Cersei now
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