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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Innocent? "When you play the game of thrones you win or you die." A great woman once said that. The Tyrells knew the stakes. Margeary wasn't weeping for Cersei when the trial was supposed to mark her downfall. And Olenna offered nothing but insults and mockery when Cersei came to her sincerely asking for help. Fuck em. Plant some roses in the Sept's ashes and see if they grow strong.


Loved it. And then her using wine instead of water to fuck with Septa. Cersei earned that. "Shame. Shame. Shame."


Yes, now I have to wait! After that finale! The horror

And yeah, I went from "Huh, I heard a lot about this show, might be good" to "holy shit, this is the biggest-scale most epic thing I've ever seen on TV. Puts many movies to shame"

What other movie or show could even come close to matching this one's scope and scale? You're only getting that from another fantasy series or a space opera

PS HBO, please do a Metabarons series

good to know I'm not the only fan of this amazing series


Innocent? "When you play the game of thrones you win or you die." A great woman once said that. The Tyrells knew the stakes. Margeary wasn't weeping for Cersei when the trial was supposed to mark her downfall. And Olenna offered nothing but insults and mockery when Cersei came to her sincerely asking for help. Fuck em. Plant some roses in the Sept's ashes and see if they grow strong.


this makes for a a great troll gif
Anyone else feel like Tyrion is a dead man walking? The good guys can't just keep having wins for the rest of the show and he's pretty expendable now that he's played his part, and his loss would be a big hit to Danaerys.


Anyone else feel like Tyrion is a dead man walking? The good guys can't just keep having wins for the rest of the show and he's pretty expendable now that he's played his part, and his loss would be a big hit to Danaerys.

He's the one character I don't see dying.


semen stains the mountaintops
Why doesn't Dany just stay and rule Essos? Seems much nicer there and no threat of WW

Her whole purpose is to take back the Iron Throne, she's not about to stop now that she has everyone she needs to take back what is owed to her by birth right and besides, she has no idea the White Walkers are real or even a thing to consider.


If they were going to off Tyrion when he was "expendable" they would have done it before he headed back to Westeros. Now he'll be back in the orbit of his brother and sister as well as "playing the game" that he's actually good at. If anything his protected status only increased by the end of this season.


Anyone else feel like Tyrion is a dead man walking? The good guys can't just keep having wins for the rest of the show and he's pretty expendable now that he's played his part, and his loss would be a big hit to Danaerys.

Tyrion had that monologue recently where he talked about how he wants to retire and run a wine vineyard. He's dead.


I'm a Baelish fan from the start. He's a real nobody that tries to play in the great game. Now he's closer to his goal than ever, and this might be his only chance, and he sees his dream shatter apart in front of him. I feel for him deeply.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Anyone else feel like Tyrion is a dead man walking? The good guys can't just keep having wins for the rest of the show and he's pretty expendable now that he's played his part, and his loss would be a big hit to Danaerys.

Hmm. I think he'll end up being the last Lannister standing, actually. Jaime and Cersei are going to fuck each other (over) into oblivion.

Arya will probably get a big reunion. At this point there would be no excuse for her not to hear about Jon or Sansa. The Hound will probably redeem himself, but she'll put him down herself.

I could see Sansa trying to contain Littlefinger as much as possible. She has a better head for politics than Jon. Plus Littlefinger played his hand too early, for once. He laid out his intentions, she can use that. Season 7 will the year of the Sansa Honey Trap.
Hmm. I think he'll end up being the last Lannister standing, actually. Jaime and Cersei are going to fuck each other (over) into oblivion.

Arya will probably get a big reunion. At this point there would be no excuse for her not to hear about Jon or Sansa. The Hound will probably redeem himself, but she'll put him down herself.

I could see Sansa trying to contain Littlefinger as much as possible. She has a better head for politics than Jon. Plus Littlefinger played his hand too early, for once. He laid out his intentions, she can use that. Season 7 will the year of the Sansa Honey Trap.

Who's left on Arya's list? Seeing as she went straight to the Frey's after arriving back in Westeros I'd assume she'll head to King's Landing next to get Cercei before she starts looking for her family.

It'll be funny if she kills Cercei and then Danerys, and the Tyrell and Dorne ladies arrive and find no one left to kill.
Why would Dany even sail a thousand ships into Blackwater Bay? That seems like the worst strategy ever. It would make more sense to split her fleet, have the Ironborn with her on the naval assault, supported by dragons, but have the Unsullied and Dorthraki disembark earlier, and attack by land to flank King's Landing and block any possible attempt to flee or retreat.
They should disembark in Dorne, and move north. Take Casterly Rock first. Then basically surround kings landing on land and sea. Basically starving them out, since they wont be able to be resupplied.


So are Tyrion, Varys, Daenerys, and Melisandre going to keep standing in formation like that, staring into the horizon for the next several weeks?

Looked weird, man.

Or maybe those four get together every morning to look dramatically into the distance, and we just happened to catch them in pose-mode.
I have a feeling Arya is going to kill off characters that are actually good and fuck everyone over.

I dunno. I have this feeling she's going to do things that are just going to fuck everyone over.
With GoT ending soon, I'm shocked HBO hasn't jumped on the Witcher series for rights of a tv series. Get the writters now and have them work on it for 1.5 years before filming.

I can see why they'd want to avoid it. They might feel it'd draw too many comparisons with GOT and might get an unfair shake from viewers because they'll just see it as a "GOT rip off."
The finale and the battle of the bastards are two of Game Of Thrones best episodes ever. Both are easily top 5.

Incredible finish to a great season! Season 5 left a bad taste in my mouth, but this season has me hyped for Season 7!


"playing" dumb? unpossible
How do we know what Lyanna said to Ned? I was underwhelmed by the "reveal". Is it actually confirmed that R+L=J?

Turn up the volume lol. You can clearly hear her say "his name is Aejon (?). Robert will kill him. You know he will."

I think they said they were going to do a twist with the whole Tower of Joy thing. Maybe Rhaegar really isn't the father? Seems like it would be too obvious now, but who else's baby could it be? And why would Bob Baratheon want to kill it? Aerys' son?

That's ridiculous hahaha. So Lyanna and Rhaegar run off together. Then somehow she ends up in King's Landing, where the King seduces her and puts a baby in her. Then Rhaegar unsuspecting that the love of his life got assaulted by his father, whisks Lyanna to the Tower of Joy to go on their honeymoon. Lyanna doesn't mention being raped by Aerys to the Crown Prince, who is unaware that the baby growing in Lyanna's belly isn't his. At this point he tells his two best bros to protect his wife and child with their lives and goes and dies at the hand of the Usurper. Does that make sense to you? Come on bro.

Where has Kinvara disappeared to after seeing her for a minute in one of the episodes?

Ser Daavos Raven Expressed Dany a transcript of his confrontation with Mel in front of Jon. Interestingly enough, one particular line was highlighted above all other, "If he commands you to burn children your lord is evil!" Kinvara was never heard from ever again.


I think Littlefinger was mocking Sansa in that scene. He was smiling at the fact that Jon the bastard was named King instead of Sansa the trueborn being named Queen. Sansa was also the one that won the battle for the Starks yet she still did not get the support of the Northern lords.

That's why her smile fades. She realizes that Littelfinger was right. The Northerners are her half-brother's army not her army. The North is loyal to Jon Snow not Sansa Stark. Sansa feels that she should be the one that is in charge but she's not.

That look from Littlefinger to Sansa was him saying that "I told you so". That's why her smile fades. This scene thus shows that there is potential for future conflict between Sansa and Jon over who should lead the North.


No Scrubs
I think Littlefinger was mocking Sansa in that scene. He was smiling at the fact that Jon the bastard was named King instead of Sansa the trueborn being named Queen. Sansa was also the one that won the battle for the Starks yet she still did not get the support of the Northern lords.

That's why her smile fades. She realizes that Littelfinger was right. The Northerners are her half-brother's army not her army. The North is loyal to Jon Snow not Sansa Stark. Sansa feels that she should be the one that is in charge but she's not.

That look from Littlefinger to Sansa was him saying that "I told you so". That's why her smile fades. This scene thus shows that there is potential for future conflict between Sansa and Jon over who should lead the North.

That doesn't really mesh with the rest of their scenes together though. Sansa had been pushing Jon to be in-charge.


semen stains the mountaintops
I think Littlefinger was mocking Sansa in that scene. He was smiling at the fact that Jon the bastard was named King instead of Sansa the trueborn being named Queen. Sansa was also the one that won the battle for the Starks yet she still did not get the support of the Northern lords.

That's why her smile fades. She realizes that Littelfinger was right. The Northerners are her half-brother's army not her army. The North is loyal to Jon Snow not Sansa Stark. Sansa feels that she should be the one that is in charge but she's not.

That look from Littlefinger to Sansa was him saying that "I told you so". That's why her smile fades. This scene thus shows that there is potential for future conflict between Sansa and Jon over who should lead the North.

But in the scene before that Littlefinger went on about how he wants to be king and he wants Sansa by her side, then he goes on to say that the North will NEVER rally alongside a Bastard that was born in the South (Jon) but will to a true Stark (Sansa) and then was proven wrong when the North put aside their idiotic beliefs about bastards and saw that Jon was a true Stark and King in the North.

At that point Littlefinger has started scheming again since his plan to rally the North with Sansa leading have all but crumbled. He can no longer continue with his old plans, he needs to think of news ones and the new might put Jon in danger, Sansa knows this and that's the look he gives Littlefinger, one of knowing what he is and what he wants and how is now in his way.

Littlefinger royally fucked up by telling Sansa what he wanted and with whom, he usually likes to keep his true motives hidden with whomever he is trying to manipulate but this time someone knows exactly what he is doing.


I'm honestly hoping that what Benjen meant when he said "I'll do what I can" when explaining that he had to continue fighting behind the wall, is that there are more giants; forrest children; and wildlings he can rally to fight the walkers.

Otherwise he'd just be up there... alone... twiddling his thumbs.


I think Littlefinger was mocking Sansa in that scene. He was smiling at the fact that Jon the bastard was named King instead of Sansa the trueborn being named Queen. Sansa was also the one that won the battle for the Starks yet she still did not get the support of the Northern lords.

That's why her smile fades. She realizes that Littelfinger was right. The Northerners are her half-brother's army not her army. The North is loyal to Jon Snow not Sansa Stark. Sansa feels that she should be the one that is in charge but she's not.

That look from Littlefinger to Sansa was him saying that "I told you so". That's why her smile fades. This scene thus shows that there is potential for future conflict between Sansa and Jon over who should lead the North.

This feels like a new trend? trying to imply that Sansa is a power hungry, cold hearted, calculating bitch, after every episode?
Last week we had people saying (including myself, whoops), that she might have wilfully sacrificed the lives of Jon's men because the wildlings are his troops, while the knights of the Vale would be hers to command.
This week, we have Sansa an Jon talking things out, her clearly endorsing Jon and we're back to "oh, she wants to rule". Not really buying it anymore.
Maybe she realized "well, we've been here before, King in the North and all - and Littlefinger can attest that this didn't end well for said King"

Those white ravens - are they literally "yo, we send them special ravens from the citadel to announce that Winter has, in fact, come" or was that some metaphorical shit and they're the announcers of the king having died, similar - yet inverse - to white smoke at the papal conclave?


semen stains the mountaintops
That doesn't really mesh with the rest of their scenes together though. Sansa had been pushing Jon to be in-charge.

Yes, this as well, Sansa has been telling Jon that she thinks of him as a true Stark and not some bastard and that the North would rally with them because of their father.

What Sansa has been telling Jon all season has finally come to pass and she is happy for Jon but worried about what Littlefinger will do now that Jon has destroyed LF's plans.
I'm honestly hoping that what Benjen meant when he said "I'll do what I can" when explaining that he had to continue fighting behind the wall, is that there are more giants; forrest children; and wildlings he can rally to fight the walkers.

Otherwise he'd just be up there... alone... twiddling his thumbs.

Benjen, please stop recruiting giants and other mythical creatures, we've no longer have the budget since Dany set sail for Westeros. - HBO
Those white ravens - are they literally "yo, we send them special ravens from the citadel to announce that Winter has, in fact, come" or was that some metaphorical shit and they're the announcers of the king having died, similar - yet inverse - to white smoke at the papal conclave?

In the scene when Sam first arrives at Old Town, you can see thousands of white ravens flying from the top of the Citadel, so it's probably the way they announce that Winter has arrived, like you say, it's reminiscent of what happens with the pope.


Yes, this as well, Sansa has been telling Jon that she thinks of him as a true Stark and not some bastard and that the North would rally with them because of their father.

What Sansa has been telling Jon all season has finally come to pass and she is happy for Jon but worried about what Littlefinger will do now that Jon has destroyed LF's plans.

I just hope they don't reuse the 'Sansa does something stupid' plot line in season 7.
This feels like a new trend? trying to imply that Sansa is a power hungry, cold hearted, calculating bitch, after every episode?
Last week we had people saying (including myself, whoops), that she might have wilfully sacrificed the lives of Jon's men because the wildlings are his troops, while the knights of the Vale would be hers to command.
This week, we have Sansa an Jon talking things out, her clearly endorsing Jon and we're back to "oh, she wants to rule". Not really buying it anymore.
Maybe she realized "well, we've been here before, King in the North and all - and Littlefinger can attest that this didn't end well for said King"

Those white ravens - are they literally "yo, we send them special ravens from the citadel to announce that Winter has, in fact, come" or was that some metaphorical shit and they're the announcers of the king having died, similar - yet inverse - to white smoke at the papal conclave?

Its mentioned in passing in S2E01 by pycelle that the citadel sent 'the raven' to signal the end of summer and the start of fall... Never specifically mentions the color though.
Its mentioned in passing in S2E01 by pycelle that the citadel sent 'the raven' to signal the end of summer and the start of fall... Never specifically mentions the color though.

This is something I've always been interested in. Are they any links explaining time in this universe because it appears seasons last for years instead of months like the real world.
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