is that the consensus, btw?
my girlfriend was like "uuuuuh, mountain rape? wtf?"
i was thinking it was more like, him breaking each of the bones in her body, one by one, with his brutish strength. Torturing her to death.
He doesn't matter to anyone.
Am I losing my mind or did the credit theme sound like the Targ+Stark themes mixed together?
seeing as he's utterly irrelevant for EVERYTHING by now ...
he might have been some fancy plot-twist seeing as he's the one true heir of ol' Bobby B., but noone in their right mind would try taking away the throne from Cersei now
What say you, friends
Will GENDRY return in S7 or not?
didnt lilfinger / varys know of his bobby b's lineage though
maybe lil finger / the spider can worm it into their side's advantage
*wishful thinking*????
Why even discuss the show if you can wave away all logic and make up your own standards because "it's a show"?I think it doesn't matter either way because it's a show.
Awesome Season Finale, loving the fact that they are just going lightspeed now.
After that final shot with Cerci on the iron throne, I couldn't help but wonder if next season we'll maybe get a scene were Dany and Tyrion will get to kings landing, fight their way to the iron throne, smash open the doors and find none other then Jaime sitting on the throne once again with the "mad queen" dead at his feet. Just like all those years before.
Of course he will.
Literally every other major character that isn't dead has come back this season. Gendry is, as far as the audience is concerned, the rightful holder of the throne. There must be something planned.
I'm thinking the red woman runs into him and something something.
Stannis had that 'advantage'.
lineage is all but irrelevant now. It's entirely about power now. (see: houses of the north refusing the call of house Stark, Kartstarks and Umbers even siding with house Bolton))
I think its clear that rape was the main goal, I mean the mountain has already been established as a rapist and I can't see him mending her broken bones etc from torture and the way cersai spoke was along the lines of 'here is your new play thing to have your fun with'is that the consensus, btw?
my girlfriend was like "uuuuuh, mountain rape? wtf?"
i was thinking it was more like, him breaking each of the bones in her body, one by one, with his brutish strength. Torturing her to death.
ooooh yes, melisandre ! and she's on her way south, too! interesting :>
yeah, but im thinking maybe someone in ~power~ can use him as their pawn???
I think its clear that rape was the main goal, I mean the mountain has already been established as a rapist and I can't see him mending her broken bones etc from torture and the way cersai spoke was along the lines of 'here is your new play thing to have your fun with'
Plus him taking his helmet off was the equivalent of him undressing to get down to business.
Okay, pack up guys. Close the thread, we're done here.I think it doesn't matter either way because it's a show.
Why even discuss the show if you can wave away all logic and make up your own standards because "it's a show"?
And that's some CW level drama. That's not what happens. Sansa knows who little finger is and what he wants. Jon being named king of the north means that little finger may not have the births support when he pushes for the crown. Sansa realized that Jon is a threat to what little finger wants. That's why she looks the way she does.I think Littlefinger was mocking Sansa in that scene. He was smiling at the fact that Jon the bastard was named King instead of Sansa the trueborn being named Queen. Sansa was also the one that won the battle for the Starks yet she still did not get the support of the Northern lords.
That's why her smile fades. She realizes that Littelfinger was right. The Northerners are her half-brother's army not her army. The North is loyal to Jon Snow not Sansa Stark. Sansa feels that she should be the one that is in charge but she's not.
That look from Littlefinger to Sansa was him saying that "I told you so". That's why her smile fades. This scene thus shows that there is potential for future conflict between Sansa and Jon over who should lead the North.
Oh, alright. I see where you're coming from and I agree. Cheering on fictional villains doesn't make an audience member a fan of real life tyrants or their atrocities.Because I think it's ridiculous to tell someone, "you're cheering on a terrorist" almost as if this isn't a show and almost like we don't routinely cheer on horrible people. If we did this then all discussion would just boil down to, "you like The Mountain? Well, that means you're cheering on a rapist!.
I'm all for discussion every inch of this show, like anyone who has been following the GoT thread this season, but I find it a bit insulting to almost paint someone as a terrorist sympathizer because they like Cersei.
This reeks of people actually thinking thinking someone is a real life sociopath or a lesser human being in real life because they liked Walter White at the end of the show.
If that terrorist comment was purely in jest than I apologize but I've seen this same line of thinking in Breaking Bad discussions and I'd hate for people to bring it here.
is that the consensus, btw?
my girlfriend was like "uuuuuh, mountain rape? wtf?"
i was thinking it was more like, him breaking each of the bones in her body, one by one, with his brutish strength. Torturing her to death.
Got a link to that?
Yes. It's the Stark theme mixed with Dany's theme.
It was actually in the episode before the credits, when they proclaimed Jon the King of the North.
Full song is here. The melody begins at 2:00.
Also: the reason we haven't seen Brienne back with the North Gang is totally because she is off being Captain Phasma right now, yes? Episode VIII is shooting right now if I'm not wrong.
lol they don't film it live.
In my world Margaery has secret dragon powerz and walked away from the fire no probs at all, except naked of course.
So just two left on Arya's list right? Cersei and Melisandre.
The Mountain
Beric Dondarrion
Thoros of Myr
Llyn Payne (the actor got cancer so he stopped being on the show but he has since beat it, who knows if he will ever come back)
I'm sure there are more but those are the ones that are still alive and that I remember.
I'll be voting for a Lannisters second term after this is done.So on point. That's why I will be voting Snow this coming election.
"You'll be queen. For a time. Then comes another, younger, more beautiful, to cast you down to take all you hold dear."
Poor Cersei. She was so certain the queen the prophecy referred to was Margaery and failed to see who was truly coming to put an end to her reign of terror.
Mountain Rape? My first thought was he was gonna tear her eyes out. "Last face you will ever see" Ok she saw the mountains face but he aint exactly living. So my thought was he is gonna tear her eyes out and torture her and keep her in the dungeon until she dies.
I saw no sign of him moving into a position of raping her or any of the sort. I mean I would not put is passed Cersei or the Mountain, I just saw no inclination of rape.
Remember Oberyn's speech at the Trial by Combat. The Mountain is infamous for raping and killing his sister. No need for it to take the mask off if the job is just to break Unella's bones. Cercei was going full throttle there. Disturbing.It's kinda weird that people instantly concluded rape specifically. I mean... yeah, the mountain is going to torture her. So rape could be part of the package... but... why do people instantly think rape and rape only? Weird.
Stop crying I fixed it lol.
What say you, friends
Will GENDRY return in S7 or not?
The damage is done.
For how much the show likes to make us suffer for killing off beloved characters they really have paid off with spectacular deaths of the most hated.
Viserys Targaryen- A Crown For A King
Joffrey Baratheon- Purple Wedding
Meryn Trant- Mutilated at the hands of Arya
Ramsay Bolton- Fed To the hounds
Walder Frey- The Rat Cook
Who's next?
What say you, friends
Will GENDRY return in S7 or not?
I think the implication was definitely rape. I think most people saw that scene that way because that's how it was intended.
It's more to do with who The Mountain is and his affinity to raping and murdering.Apparently but what implications? I am gonna watch that part again this evening and check but I don't remember any part of the dialogue or his movement to suggest rape. Not like they haven't shown rape before pretty straight forward.
It's more to do with who The Mountain is and his affinity to raping and murdering.
Apparently but what implications? I am gonna watch that part again this evening and check but I don't remember any part of the dialogue or his movement to suggest rape. Not like they haven't shown rape before pretty straight forward.
But seriously, the whole "teleportation thing" could have been mostly fixed with a few nods of arriving or leaving at/from a certain location. Like when Theon and Yara suddenly appear in the throne room could have been salvaged by a tiny scene of their ships arriving at Mereen. Or the confusion of Varys on the ships could have also been remedied by putting Oleanna or the Dorne crew on another ship.