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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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Hmm true. I just don't really consider him The Mountain in that sense anymore since they revived him. I think of him as a mindless zombie who just follow orders.

Which is usually true until Cersei specifically introduced him by name, said something about his history, and he took off his helmet.
seems like the fight for the iron throne is kind of one sided now. Starks barely got an army and want nothing to do with it; Lannisters and frays are quite weak, so it would be them vs dorn, highgarden and Dani with her three dragons.


For how much the show likes to make us suffer for killing off beloved characters they really have paid off with spectacular deaths of the most hated.

Viserys Targaryen- A Crown For A King
Joffrey Baratheon- Purple Wedding
Meryn Trant- Mutilated at the hands of Arya
Ramsay Bolton- Fed To the hounds
Walder Frey- The Rat Cook

Who's next?

The Sparrow and his thugs - Your grand plans are up in flames


seems like the fight for the iron throne is kind of one sided now. Starks barely got an army and want nothing to do with it; Lannisters and frays are quite weak, so it would be them vs dorn, highgarden and Dani with her three dragons.

I think the show has set it up pretty clearly that no army can be Dany and her army. Instead her massive army and dragons are there to save Westeros from the WWs, not to fight for the throne in the traditional sense.


"playing" dumb? unpossible

It is known.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Not only does Miguel Sapochnik need to be put behind more episodes, be he needs to be paired Fabian Wagner too. Wagner did the cinematography on the last two episodes as well as The Gift and Hardhome from Season 5, working with Sapochnik's direction on both accounts. And he also worked in the cinematography for The Laws of Gods and Men and Mockingbird from Season 4.

Dude knows how to frame beautifully.
seems like the fight for the iron throne is kind of one sided now. Starks barely got an army and want nothing to do with it; Lannisters and frays are quite weak, so it would be them vs dorn, highgarden and Dani with her three dragons.

Lannisters just sent 8k troops for a meet and greet with Blackfish. They still have a much larger force than the other Westeros houses.


Lannisters just sent 8k troops for a meet and greet with Blackfish. They still have a much larger force than the other Westeros houses.
I'm pretty certain they don't have a force big enough to stand up to the 100+ thousand pain train Dany is bringing to the party.

Also, 3 dragons.


Mountain Rape? My first thought was he was gonna tear her eyes out. "Last face you will ever see" Ok she saw the mountains face but he aint exactly living. So my thought was he is gonna tear her eyes out and torture her and keep her in the dungeon until she dies.

I saw no sign of him moving into a position of raping her or any of the sort. I mean I would not put is passed Cersei or the Mountain, I just saw no inclination of rape.

Besides the Mountain beginning to remove his armor?
Outstanding series finale!

Couldnt have asked for anymore apart from the White Walkers attacking the Wall and maybe even breaking through but I supppose they have to hold back on some things for the coming final two series.

It truly is like a game of chess thats been getting played for the last few years and only now are the final pieces starting to fall into place.

Cant wait to see how this all unfolds!


Holy shit, what an episode. Never imagined a season finale could beat the penultimate episode, but this time it did, even with BotB being an incredible episode on its own too. Goddamn.

Fucking amazing music too, particularly the piano song that played during the first 10 minutes, the one that played during Cersei's coronation and the king in the north song.

After a mostly terrible season 5, season 6 has rekindled my love for the show. Can't fucking wait for the next season!


Thoughts on the finale

Can Dragons kill a Zombie Mountain?

Would be interesting to see

Cersei blowing up the tower along with the Sept, Margerie and many other loyal followers and innocent people. Not a bad way to end that plot. Tommen jumping out of the window, was wondering why the camera stayed looking at the window after he walked off. So she finally made it to the Iron Throne, and boy does a certain Lannister look pissed off. But she got her revenge and a lot more, especially leaving the Mountain to take care of the final nun.

Jon and Sansa don't have much of an army left after the Battle of Winterfell, but they have a few more supporters. Mainly the ones whom didn't support them the first time, so that's a few more. Honestly didn't think they'd accept Jon as the leader, thought Sansa would be the head of the table. Will be interesting to see how she can handle Littlefinger in the next series.

Dany is coming, along with thousands of ships and troops (including the Unsullied and the Dragons). This will be interesting, certainly looking forward to watching her take over the Seven Kingdoms one by one.

As for the Freys, finally some retribution for the Red Wedding from Arya.

Can't wait to see Cersei vs Dany for Kings Landing. And maybe Jamie takes out Cersei and sides with Dany, who knows.


Poor Stannis... should have just waited it all out.

With Cercei having no more children, I wonder who is next in line for succession? Granted, she will likely lose the iron throne before this is all over.
Thoughts on the finale

Can Dragons kill a Zombie Mountain?

Dragonfire is pretty close to being an outright Deus Ex Machina in the setting. Not only can it deal with pretty much anything, even just the results of applying it to other substances can often be enough (dragon-glass obsidian, Valyrian steel, etc.) to do the job.


Dragonfire is pretty close to being an outright Deus Ex Machina in the setting. Not only can it deal with pretty much anything, even just the results of applying it to other substances can often be enough (dragon-glass obsidian, Valyrian steel, etc.) to do the job.

There must be more to it than just forging normal steel with dragon fire though, maybe used some kind of ore only found in Valyria, which would be a cool reason for them to go there.

I just really want to see Valyria.


"You'll be queen. For a time. Then comes another, younger, more beautiful, to cast you down to take all you hold dear."
:( yeah I also thought that, too naive I guess Margaery was nobody after all.

He is. Do you really think someone who 'died' off screen in GoT is actually dead?
Usually not but I see NO reason to bring back Stannis, especially after the tragic end of his family. It's the best scenario for him to be dead having lost everything and having burnt his own daughter.


That library was stupid big. Easily an order of magnitude larger than any enclosed space we've seen on the show.


I did a rough measure off a youtube screenshot. Using the human-scaled objects (stairs, bookcases) as a reference, it's something like an 80m (260ft) clear span. That's twice the size of the Pantheon (worlds largest non-reinforced dome). And it's easily 120m (400 ft tall). The Great Sept could (have) entirely fit inside it without touching the sides. The statue of liberty could put her arms out straight and spin round and round. It's colossal.


"You'll be queen. For a time. Then comes another, younger, more beautiful, to cast you down to take all you hold dear."

Poor Cersei. She was so certain the queen the prophecy referred to was Margaery and failed to see who was truly coming to put an end to her reign of terror.
Well Margaery married both Joffrey and Tommen and changed them more than Cersei would like and Cersei loved her children and the way she had raised them, so in a way I think Margaery was the younger queen from the prophecy.


Lannisters just sent 8k troops for a meet and greet with Blackfish. They still have a much larger force than the other Westeros houses.

I'm not even sure Jaime will defend Cersei, who is just blind to anything outside King's Landing. I guess the main crux would be getting Dany and her people aligned against the White Walkers. Someone has to tell her about it, probably through Sam and Tyrion and then she would have to get the Greyjoys, Tyrells and Sand Snakes to get over their personal grudges against Lannisters and others to recognise there is something bigger at stake and that is why they are in Westeros.


Loved the finale, some observations:

Maybe Cersei could have postponed Tommen's death by going to see him while the Mountain was still there and could have prevented him from jumping but she sought revenge on Septa Unella first. However, killing his queen terminated any link between them anyway.

When Beric was recruiting the Hound to join BWB, he dropped a few cryptic lines hinting going north to fight the walkers so Thoros of Myr replaces Melisandre.

Melisandre heading south, likely to meet Arya in the same area where she told her in season 3 that they will meet again.

Brienne, Hound and Arya are all headed to Winterfell. Arya may intend to continue shortening the list by going to King's Landing but once she learns of the events at Winterfell, I expect her to come home.

LF learns about the size of the army Daenerys commands, uses connection to Lady Olenna (#Joffrey) to get admitted in team Dragons. Sand Snakes will be a problem down the road.

Loved the little detail of renaming Slavers Bay. Leaving the Second Sons to control Meeren and Daario made sense.

Amazing work with the sound throughout the episode. Joining different themes to put a twist on the song of ice and fire was cherry on top. Just excellent work.
Not sure what Jaime made of that coronation scene. Will he be put in a familiar situation and pick up the title of Queenslayer and Kinslayer in one at some point in the future? Cersei definitely beyond the point of no-return now.

I can see that Tommen scene being gif'd and getting a lot of mileage on GAF as a new bailout.gif
Well Margaery married both Joffrey and Tommen and changed them more than Cersei would like and Cersei loved her children and the way she had raised them, so in a way I think Margaery was the younger queen from the prophecy.

It's a prophecy, which will (like pretty much all other things in this universe) be but on it's head in an ironic twist of misinterpretation.

Cersei was queen, then her husband died and she was queen regent, then Margaery came along and took her spot.

She is finally queen again, and she thinks that she has basically gone through all of the prophecy. She married a king, she was queen, and all her children are dead.

Little does she know that Danny is the one who is going to replace her as the younger, more beautiful queen that will take everything she hold dear (which at this point is pretty much Jamie considering everyone else is dead)


Anyone else initially think the Mountain was going to Tommen's room to kill him?

There was absolutely no way Mountain would do that either on his own accord or by Cersei's orders. That doesn't mean that Cersei hadn't accepted Tommen's loss way before it happened.


There was absolutely no way Mountain would do that either on his own accord or by Cersei's orders. That doesn't mean that Cersei hadn't accepted Tommen's loss way before it happened.

Yeah, leaving Tommen alone like that might've been her tempting the prophecy she'd already more or less come to accept. Remember after she and Margaery were imprisoned by the Faith, Qyburn tells her how Tommen had locked himself in his chambers,barely eating and seeing no one. Obviously this kind hearted, devout, fragile little boy would be utterly devastated seeing his mom blow up the Vatican with the his wife, the Pope, and countless civilians inside.


I think the obvious meaning of Sansa/Littlefinger last scene is that now Jon is an enemy of Littlefinger and Sansa is afraid of what this may lead to.
Still don't understand how it would serve LF's ambitions to have Sansa fight Jon for control of the north? I think LF did want Sansa to try and seize the moment to rally the north behind her, in the hope that she would then join forces with LF to ride south and take King's Landing. The north supporting Jon as 'King of the North' throws a wrench in those plans but I don't think it really makes Jon an enemy of Littlefinger since Jon has no ambition for the Iron Throne.

Not sure what Jaime made of that coronation scene. Will he be put in a familiar situation and pick up the title of Queenslayer and Kinslayer in one at some point in the future? Cersei definitely beyond the point of no-return now.
Hopefully that was the end of the Jamie/Cersei relationship. She's basically the Mad Queen now. Jamie has enough good in him that he should be unable to forgive her for burning hundreds of people, including the wife of their son which lead to that son's suicide.
Hoping for a Jamie redemption arc now. The scene with Walder Frey seemed to hint at Jamie not feeling good about that alliance, and maybe starting to have doubts about whether he's on the right side or not.


Not sure what Jaime made of that coronation scene. Will he be put in a familiar situation and pick up the title of Queenslayer and Kinslayer in one at some point in the future? Cersei definitely beyond the point of no-return now.

I can see that Tommen scene being gif'd and getting a lot of mileage on GAF as a new bailout.gif


Hopefully that was the end of the Jamie/Cersei relationship. She's basically the Mad Queen now. Jamie has enough good in him that he should be unable to forgive her for burning hundreds of people, including the wife of their son which lead to that son's suicide.
Hoping for a Jamie redemption arc now. The scene with Walder Frey seemed to hint at Jamie not feeling good about that alliance, and maybe starting to have doubts about whether he's on the right side or not.

aye. While Jamie's all about the "fuck everyone but us and out kids" talk, blowing up an entire church filled with people, killing Lannisters, Tyrells, and Religious fanatics alike - that might be a bit too hardcore, even for Ser Jamie.


Looking at that gif, a lot of the houses around the sept also blew up. Cersei murdered a shit ton of people, including a man that was very loved by the people. Couldn't that unleash a civil war and cause people to rise up against her? I doubt anyone of the common people has any love for cersei right now.
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