Wasn't there even a guy smashed by the bell and then burnt?
I never felt the need to remark on this until now but god that scene in the distance is reminiscent of 9/11. While I never really cared for Tommen as a character, I found the entirety of this scene with him staring at the destruction, with the screaming in the background, and the knowledge spinning in his mind that his mother just murdered his wife and half her family in an act of ultimate spite and it is pretty much horrifying to me.
Then he jumps with no hesitation whatsoever and you instantly pity him. he lost everything through no fault of his own and appeared to be going down in history as a terrible king. He was useless as fuck, but he has to be sympathized with on some level. He is inbred for one, although he didn't seem to know that, but he also had a coddling psychopath mother.
well, dude kinda had a choice to make between his mother and his wife, and he chose his wife.I never felt the need to remark on this until now but god that scene in the distance is reminiscent of 9/11. While I never really cared for Tommen as a character, I found the entirety of this scene with him staring at the destruction, with the screaming in the background, and the knowledge spinning in his mind that his mother just murdered his wife and half her family in an act of ultimate spite and it is pretty much horrifying to me.
Then he jumps with no hesitation whatsoever and you instantly pity him. he lost everything through no fault of his own and appeared to be going down in history as a terrible king. He was useless as fuck, but he has to be sympathized with on some level. He is inbred for one, although he didn't seem to know that, but he also had a coddling psychopath mother.
Did he even know that his mother wasn't there?
Did he even know that his mother wasn't there?
Loved the finale, some observations:
Maybe Cersei could have postponed Tommen's death by going to see him while the Mountain was still there and could have prevented him from jumping but she sought revenge on Septa Unella first. However, killing his queen terminated any link between them anyway.
Did he even know that his mother wasn't there?
Mountain Rape? My first thought was he was gonna tear her eyes out. "Last face you will ever see" Ok she saw the mountains face but he aint exactly living. So my thought was he is gonna tear her eyes out and torture her and keep her in the dungeon until she dies.
I saw no sign of him moving into a position of raping her or any of the sort. I mean I would not put is passed Cersei or the Mountain, I just saw no inclination of rape.
He is. Do you really think someone who 'died' off screen in GoT is actually dead?
I wasn't sure at the end of last season, but then Brienne confirmed earlier this season that she chopped Stannis' head off.
I never felt the need to remark on this until now but god that scene in the distance is reminiscent of 9/11. While I never really cared for Tommen as a character, I found the entirety of this scene with him staring at the destruction, with the screaming in the background, and the knowledge spinning in his mind that his mother just murdered his wife and half her family in an act of ultimate spite and it is pretty much horrifying to me.
Then he jumps with no hesitation whatsoever and you instantly pity him. he lost everything through no fault of his own and appeared to be going down in history as a terrible king. He was useless as fuck, but he has to be sympathized with on some level. He is inbred for one, although he didn't seem to know that, but he also had a coddling psychopath mother.
Anyone else initially think the Mountain was going to Tommen's room to kill him?
Its possible that Cersei kept Tommen in that room specifically so that he would have a good seat for the devastation.Cersei would never do that. My first thought was that she was protecting him from whatever she was planning.
What's worse is I think he knows all this happened because he didn't take his mothers side. The minute he started making decisions on his own he put Cersei into a corner and he didn't even realize it.
"I'm not going to kill you I'm just gonna hurt ya, really, really, bad"I'm kind of confused on the Mountain/Unella scene.
Cersei acted like she has no plans on Unella dying today but Mountain seems extremely unlikely to not just rape and kill her there.
The music really made that scene. It perfectly reflected the growing panic and realization that something was very wrong. One of the best use of music mirroring the feel of a scene I saw in a long time.
The music really made that scene. It perfectly reflected the growing panic and realization that something was very wrong. One of the best use of music mirroring the feel of a scene I saw in a long time.
Chaos is a ladder. Stirring shit up is how he works. And it's not only about the Iron Throne. As he said himself, Littlefinger wants everything. Cersei named him Warden of The North so I'm sure he feels it's rightfully his.Still don't understand how it would serve LF's ambitions to have Sansa fight Jon for control of the north? I think LF did want Sansa to try and seize the moment to rally the north behind her, in the hope that she would then join forces with LF to ride south and take King's Landing. The north supporting Jon as 'King of the North' throws a wrench in those plans but I don't think it really makes Jon an enemy of Littlefinger since Jon has no ambition for the Iron Throne.
Chaos is a ladder. Stirring shit up is how he works. And it's not only about the Iron Throne. As he said himself, Littlefinger wants everything. Cersei named him Warden of The North so I'm sure he feels it's rightfully his.
And he can't since he revealed his hand to Sansa and told her what he truly wanted, Sansa knows Littlefinger will never directly betray or harm Sansa, but he will anyone in his or Sansa's way, be it friend or foe.Cersei would name him Warden of the North if he brought her Sansa's head. He hasn't done that and I don't think he will.
The second after I saw this scene, I KNEW this would be GIFed.
I can't wait to see The Hounds reaction when he sees his beloved brother and what has become of him.Fucked this up and posted in the wrong thread. But for those that wanted to see the mountains face.
I think the implication was definitely rape. I think most people saw that scene that way because that's how it was intended.
I'm pretty sure she's already had him named Warden of The North, at the end of this scene. Not that it really means a whole lot when she could take it away whenever she wants.Cersei would name him Warden of the North if he brought her Sansa's head. He hasn't done that and I don't think he will.
And he can't since he revealed his hand to Sansa and told her what he truly wanted, Sansa knows Littlefinger will never directly betray or harm Sansa, but he will anyone in his or Sansa's way, be it friend or foe.
It's like Superman letting lex Luther know that his true weakness is kryptonite.
He goof'd.
I'm pretty sure she's already had him named Warden of The North, at the end of this scene. Not that it really means a whole lot when she could take it away whenever she wants.
I'm kind of confused on the Mountain/Unella scene.
Cersei acted like she has no plans on Unella dying today but Mountain seems extremely unlikely to not just rape and kill her there.
Anyone else initially think the Mountain was going to Tommen's room to kill him?
Besides the Lannister and army of King's Landing who else of note stands with them? All signs point towards King's Landing being sacked. I had envisioned a real war taking place when Daenerys returned. However the alliances she's made puts her in a league of her own.
I think Cersei sought revenge on Tommen too. She wanted him to see his world fall apart. After she was rejected by him some episodes ago, he was dead to her. After Myrcella's death, she might have come to terms with the prophecy that all her children would die. The prophecy might not have been true, but as soon as she started believing in it, it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. She also didn't care much about his death, wanting him burned and tossed with the remains of the sept.
I can't wait to see The Hounds reaction when he sees his beloved brother and what has become of him.
I can't wait to see The Hounds reaction when he sees his beloved brother and what has become of him.
Highly intriguing. There's got to be some really juicy piece of information he'll uncover to justify the Citadel storyline. We already know how the White Walkers were created and we know how to kill them. I don't think killing the Night King and ending the long winter will be as simple as sticking dragonglass/Valyerian steel in him or burning him up with dragon fire.Puzzled by the spheres from the Citadel/ show intro. The Citadel angle with Sam is intriguing, I expect him to be the "scientific" equivalent of Bran (the show has brought up several "Wizard" references to Sam) but Qyburn is not to be underestimated either.
I'm having difficulty remembering who Tommen's Hand of the King was? I assume it was someone caught in the blast because shouldn't the throne pass to them when the king dies?
Also wouldn't Jaime be the most senior Lannister now? Isn't it essentially his house now? Can't remember if his uncle is dead also?
Kevan Lannister, I believe. Tywin's brother. And yes. He was in the Sept.I'm having difficulty remembering who Tommen's Hand of the King was? I assume it was someone caught in the blast because shouldn't the throne pass to them when the king dies?
I'm having difficulty remembering who Tommen's Hand of the King was? I assume it was someone caught in the blast because shouldn't the throne pass to them when the king dies?
Also wouldn't Jaime be the most senior Lannister now? Isn't it essentially his house now? Can't remember if his uncle is dead also?
Also wouldn't Jaime be the most senior Lannister now? Isn't it essentially his house now? Can't remember if his uncle is dead also?
I'm sure in the long run he wants control over everything. But Jon Snow is a fairly predictable 'ally'. He is simple, he is focused on the north. If all Littlefinger wanted was chaos, he would never have helped Jon and Sansa retake Winterfell.Chaos is a ladder. Stirring shit up is how he works. And it's not only about the Iron Throne. As he said himself, Littlefinger wants everything. Cersei named him Warden of The North so I'm sure he feels it's rightfully his.
I don't know how anyone can like Cersei. The Night King is more human than her. This did catapult her from simply "evil bitch" to "A-tier villain".i'm starting to like cersei more and more, i was hoping that something like this would happen
it seems weird how the lords accepted Jon even after they've seen how easily rattled he was in that battle, you don't want your leader to be sentimental and emotional, so that scene didn't make much sense to me
sansa would be a lot better leader, she's become legitimately clever character (i used to hate her for being useless)
Early in this season I was super down on the show but I have to admit that it's kind of redeemed itself in the last few episodes. However, it's kind of silly that Margery's storyline ended without anything playing out. The whole thing felt sort of pointless.
Fucked this up and posted in the wrong thread. But for those that wanted to see the mountains face.