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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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i'm starting to like cersei more and more, i was hoping that something like this would happen

it seems weird how the lords accepted Jon even after they've seen how easily rattled he was in that battle, you don't want your leader to be sentimental and emotional, so that scene didn't make much sense to me

sansa would be a lot better leader, she's become legitimately clever character (i used to hate her for being useless)

I can't stand Cersei. She's my most hated character after Joffrey and Ramsay. I'm glad that it seems just about the whole world is coming to kick her ass.


Jaime is Lord of the Rock, yes. Which will be interesting since Cersei is relying on Lannister forces to support her claim and he might just turn on her.

So Jaime controls the Lannister army?
Surely once he realises that Cersi is mad and there is a huge army on the way he kills Cersi and bends the knee for Daenerys.

Maybe Jaime and Daenerys would be a good match. I know he killed her Father but she probably agrees that he needed to die anyway.
Jaime and Tyrion are still on good terms aren't they? Could Tyrion persuade Daenerys to marry her Brother for the good of the realm?


Should not be allowed to breed
I must have misunderstood the John targaryan thing.

Didn't Ned Stark sister wisper "dont let robert find out" ? as in, he is robert baratheon son?
John Stark Baratheon?

Where are you guys getting the targaryan thing? Aren't ALL targeryans blond and ALL baratheons brunet, like Ned found out in season 1 looking at the family tree book?


She doesn't want Robert to find out because she thinks Robert will kill him since he's both a rival heir to the throne and lovechild of Robert's enemy + his betrothed.

People are getting it because the war started over Rhaeger "kidnapping" her so he's the only possible father.

lord quas

I can't be the only one who thought this episode was terrible... I completely lost my appetite for another season, won't be watching GoT anymore


So Jaime controls the Lannister army?
Surely once he realises that Cersi is mad and there is a huge army on the way he kills Cersi and bends the knee for Daenerys.

Maybe Jaime and Daenerys would be a good match. I know he killed her Father but she probably agrees that he needed to die anyway.
Jaime and Tyrion are still on good terms aren't they? Could Tyrion persuade Daenerys to marry her Brother for the good of the realm?

Jaime does control the Lannister army. What you proposed is a possibility. However, remember that Jaime said to Edmure he would burn the world down for Cersei. Jaime might go full heel.

Jaime and Tyrion are not on good terms- Jaime even said that if he knew Tyrion was going to kill Tywin he would have never released him from his cell.

lord quas

Lol probably not the only one, but definitely one of the few.

Maybe it was because I was tired while watching it, but it was some of the most predictable television I've ever witnessed... I just don't know if I can't stand Emilia Clarke and Kit Harrington's acting for another season


I must have misunderstood the John targaryan thing.

Didn't Ned Stark sister wisper "dont let robert find out" ? as in, he is robert baratheon son?
John Stark Baratheon?

Where are you guys getting the targaryan thing? Aren't ALL targeryans blond and ALL baratheons brunet, like Ned found out in season 1 looking at the family tree book?

No, the implication is Ned can't tell Robert because the baby would be in danger, and Ned has to promise to raise the baby as his own to keep it safe. First off, it wouldn't make logistical sense for the baby to be Robert's since him and Lyanna were never intimate or together at any point, and Lyanna had been away with Rhaegar for a considerable amount of time when Ned finds her.

Remember, the "official" story is that Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna, raped her and murdered her. What we didn't know is that it resulted in a baby, a baby that is half Targaryen. This is also the only feasible explanation that Rhaegar would have had members of the Kingsguard guarding the tower with Lyanna in it, instead of guarding the actual king. Every other Targaryen, man, woman and child, had already been killed at this point during Robert's Rebellion, save for baby Dany and Viserys. If Robert found out that the "rape" of Lyanna resulted in a Targaryen baby he would have had it killed instantly.
I must have misunderstood the John targaryan thing.

Didn't Ned Stark sister wisper "dont let robert find out" ? as in, he is robert baratheon son?
John Stark Baratheon?

Where are you guys getting the targaryan thing? Aren't ALL targeryans blond and ALL baratheons brunet, like Ned found out in season 1 looking at the family tree book?

Robert was in love with and supposed to marry Ned's sister. He also has a crazy temper and isn't the best guy. If he found out she had a kid with another man, that kid would be dead.
I must have misunderstood the John targaryan thing.

Didn't Ned Stark sister wisper "dont let robert find out" ? as in, he is robert baratheon son?
John Stark Baratheon?

Where are you guys getting the targaryan thing? Aren't ALL targeryans blond and ALL baratheons brunet, like Ned found out in season 1 looking at the family tree book?

Yes because they kept the bloodline pure and had relations with relatives.

Ned figured out the incest thing because

1) all the rumors
2) the three kids were all gold of hair, when the odds of that happening were extremely slim considering the father had dark hair.

Jon is Stark + Targaryan, so having black hair doesn't mean he isn't Targaryan.

Robert was in love with and supposed to marry Ned's sister. He also has a crazy temper and isn't the best guy. If he found out she had a kid with another man, that kid would be dead.

Well, that and that kid would be the rightful heir to the throne. That's why the Lanisters killed Oberyn's sister and kids, they were threats to Robert.


Maybe it was because I was tired while watching it, but it was some of the most predictable television I've ever witnessed... I just don't know if I can't stand Emilia Clarke and Kit Harrington's acting for another season

The episode has literally universal acclaim. Not one bad review from a single reputable outlet in existence. Most think it's one of, if not the, best episode of the series.

Also, Kit's been pretty good for a few years now.
The episode has literally universal acclaim. Not one bad review from a single outlet in existence. Most think it's one of, if not the, best episode of the series.

Also, Kit's been pretty good for a few years now.
Arguably... Episode 9 and 10 were the best two episodes of television, ever.

lord quas

The episode has literally universal acclaim. Not one bad review from a single reputable outlet in existence. Most think it's one of, if not the, best episode of the series.

Also, Kit's been pretty good for a few years now.

Hm, maybe I'm just burned out on GoT or something :/ I'll try to rewatch the episode later


I must have misunderstood the John targaryan thing.

Didn't Ned Stark sister wisper "dont let robert find out" ? as in, he is robert baratheon son?
John Stark Baratheon?

Where are you guys getting the targaryan thing? Aren't ALL targeryans blond and ALL baratheons brunet, like Ned found out in season 1 looking at the family tree book?

He's not Robert's son. Robert would just want anyone with a claim to the throne killed.

The Targaryen thing comes from the fact Rhaegar allegedly kidnapped Lyanna, when in reality she ran off with him and had a child. Lyanna was never with Robert. Ned found out that any child produced by a Baratheon with a blonde spouse resulted in a child with brown hair. Lyanna had brunette hair and Rhaegar had blonde, and they produce... a child with brown hair. So nothing is contrary to Ned's observation even if he made the observation for Baratheons and not Starks.


Is zombo-mountain capable of thinking for itself or does it just follow orders? I don't remember if that was ever covered anywhere. Though I guess living mountain had also seemed oddly respectful towards Cersei, but maybe it's because she promised him people to kill.

I can't remember the scene well, but someone made a comment about him and Zombie Mountain turned to the guy menacingly, as if he understood to a certain extent.


Jaime does control the Lannister army. What you proposed is a possibility. However, remember that Jaime said to Edmure he would burn the world down for Cersei. Jaime might go full heel.

Jaime and Tyrion are not on good terms- Jaime even said that if he knew Tyrion was going to kill Tywin he would have never released him from his cell.

Yeah based on Jaime's previous speech I'd maybe expect a full heel turn but that look he gave Cersi at the end of the episode suggested that she's gone too far this time.

I haven't really seen many people discussing Jaime and Daenerys marrying but seems like a very smart alliance to me.
The Lannisters married into the previous invading conquers last time as well.


So Jaime controls the Lannister army?
Surely once he realises that Cersi is mad and there is a huge army on the way he kills Cersi and bends the knee for Daenerys.

Maybe Jaime and Daenerys would be a good match. I know he killed her Father but she probably agrees that he needed to die anyway.
Jaime and Tyrion are still on good terms aren't they? Could Tyrion persuade Daenerys to marry her Brother for the good of the realm?

Jaime does control the Lannister army. What you proposed is a possibility. However, remember that Jaime said to Edmure he would burn the world down for Cersei. Jaime might go full heel.

Jaime and Tyrion are not on good terms- Jaime even said that if he knew Tyrion was going to kill Tywin he would have never released him from his cell.
What makes people think that Jaime would turn on Cersei? As Ryseing pointed out, just a few episodes ago Jaime was willing to kill everyone at Riverrun just to get back to her.


Yeah based on Jaime's previous speech I'd maybe expect a full heel turn but that look he gave Cersi at the end of the episode suggested that she's gone too far this time.

I haven't really seen many people discussing Jaime and Daenerys marrying but seems like a very smart alliance to me.
The Lannisters married into the previous invading conquers last time as well.

Jaime/Dany is the wild card, and the route I personally hope they take. There is that whole thing about how he killed her dad though, and Jaime might not offer a ton politically compared to Jon.
What makes people think that Jaime would turn on Cersei? As Ryseing pointed out, just a few episodes ago Jaime was willing to kill everyone at Riverrun just to get back to her.

A few episodes ago, she didn't destroy their strongest alliance and indirectly killed his son.


What makes people think that Jaime would turn on Cersei? As Ryseing pointed out, just a few episodes ago Jaime was willing to kill everyone at Riverrun just to get back to her.

Jaime has lived his entire adult life being branded as the dishonorable Kingslayer, which has defined who he has become. But he always had the knowledge that he killed the Mad King to save thousands of lives, because it prevented Aerys from destorying King's Landing with the wildfire. Now Cersei has used that same Wildfire to destroy the Sept and part of the city, killing many innocent people and resulting in the suicide of their last child, and now proclaimed herself ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

I'd say he has a little motivation to be wary of this new, cold and incredibly scary Cersei.


People do want their leaders to show emotions, have heart, lead them into battle fearlessly, be complete bad-asses and inspire them. And heck, in the history books that victory will probably be described as a brilliant tactical move by Jon.

Sansa is smart but she's still a young girl and it would have felt REALLY strange if the lords of the north did some big "Queen of the north!" thing for her. Lady Mormont inspires more confidence than Sansa does.
Personally, I would much rather have smart ruthless general instead of emotional one. The reality is that Jon had plot protection, he never would have survived otherwise. It was just plain stupid illogical move. Even Sansa knew that Rickon was as good as dead.

For a while I really thought that Sansa intentionally pulled a Braveheart on Jon (Arrows cost money. Use up the Irish. The dead cost nothing.) I thought she didn't want to lose any more Vale troops than she had to considering she had no ties to the wildlings.

I can't stand Cersei. She's my most hated character after Joffrey and Ramsay..

I understand what you mean. I just love what she brings to the show. She's obviously vile from a human standpoint, but I love that she does whatever it takes.


semen stains the mountaintops
The episode has literally universal acclaim. Not one bad review from a single reputable outlet in existence. Most think it's one of, if not the, best episode of the series.

Also, Kit's been pretty good for a few years now.
People fucking looooooooooooove these two episodes.


I didn't think they could top Battle of the Bastards and then they did it in the next episode.

The Real Abed

RIP random person killed by a fucking church bell.
Doesn't even matter. They'd have died anyway.

That Wildfire caused such a big explosion that even if Margy and her family had escaped, they didn't have nearly enough time to get far enough away from the radius too. I'd say they got a better death by staying inside.
Doesn't even matter. They'd have died anyway.

That Wildfire caused such a big explosion that even if Margy and her family had escaped, they didn't have nearly enough time to get far enough away from the radius too. I'd say they got a better death by staying inside.

That shockwave rekt a pretty good distance around the Sept too.
What makes people think that Jaime would turn on Cersei? As Ryseing pointed out, just a few episodes ago Jaime was willing to kill everyone at Riverrun just to get back to her.

Jaime was threatening Edmure when he gave that speech. He may not actually feel that strongly, but he needed Edmure to think that he did at the time so that he would surrender Riverrun without a fight. Jaime obviously loves Cersei (although it looked like he was disgusted with her at the end of the last episode), but dude was talking about launching babies out of catapults. I think most of it was hyperbole in order to get the desired effect.


The only way I see Jamie killing Cersei is a no win scenario for them and a murder/suicide. Other than that, he won't kill her.


Cersei is such a great villain, because she can appear extremely relatable at some times. I genuinely felt for her this season as she was getting shat on by the king's council, and felt her frustration with the High Sparrow. It's not like I forgot everything she did, but I got it. Then she does this wildfire thing, and you can go back to hating her. That's one of the things I like the most about a villain. Like you see what makes them the way they are, and you understand.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have villains like Ramsey, who the show basically forces into your face every episode saying, "THIS IS A BAD MAN, YOU MUST HATE HIM!"

Not that he didn't have his moments of evil brilliance, but a lot of his story was one sided. I'd say even though he lost the battle of the bastards, he still succeeded in being an awful human being and ruining many, many lives on his way to holding the L.

Also, my favorite part of the past episode remains Ollena talking shit at the sand snakes. It almost feels tongue-in-cheek with the general fan consensus on the snakes.

The Real Abed

That shockwave rekt a pretty good distance around the Sept too.
Yeah. It's safe to assume anyone within a pretty large radius is either dead or severely injured even if inside buildings because that was a hell of an explosion. And everywhere the Wildfire splashed caused even more damage. It's basically fallout radiation that doesn't stick around afterwards but still melts anything it touches until it burns up.

They all ded.

What's the layout of King's Landing? Are there civilians in the buildings around the Sept? Or are they all Sept-related buildings in that area?


I do wonder what happened after that explosion. It felt like some time has passed before Cerise's coronation. The Lannister army was with Jaime and not there; I guess someone would still be in charge of the Tyrell army; would the masses not revolt when their favourite king and queen died along with everyone around the explosion? I assumed Cersei would have scapegoated someone, otherwise she must have made it known that wildfire is everywhere and ruled out of fear.
Season 7 will be the downfall of Cersei. Season 8 will be the Unification of the Seven Kingdoms to create the largest army the world has ever seen vs the White Walkers
Great episode. I think I would give it a perfect 10 if the Arya reveal wasn't so bad. The face pull is a terrible effect. And her talking crap to him before she stabbed him was so....yuck. It wasn't even filmed well. Just a letdown of a scene that failed to have any strong emotional impact of any kind.


What makes people think that Jaime would turn on Cersei? As Ryseing pointed out, just a few episodes ago Jaime was willing to kill everyone at Riverrun just to get back to her.

That was before she blew up a third of the city (that he killed his own king to save) and killed hundreds of innocent people, including Jamie's son, all for personal gain.
I can see Tyrion being the one pushes Cersei over the edge. He told her that one day the debt would be paid, and seeing him with a huge army at his side would certainly turn her joy to ashes in her mouth. Though I doubt she has much joy these days.


Making Game of Thrones put up an interview with Bella Ramsey, who plays Lyanna Mormont. This girl is smart.

HBO: Why do you think Ser Davos changed Lyanna’s mind about helping the Starks?

Bella Ramsey: I think Lyanna realized she was named after a Stark, and her house should be supporting them. Davos spoke to her as a leader of a house, rather than a child, which she was grateful for. He empathized with her, without babying her, which she respected. I think that influenced her decision.

E92 M3

The finale was SO FUCKING GOOD. One of the best and satisfying finale's on TV.

Why can't Wind's of Winter come out already :(


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Game of Thrones finale draws largest audience in history of series with 8.9 Million viewers

That breaks the record for the series that was previously held by the fifth season finale last year, of 8.1 million viewers.

In the coming week, those numbers are expected to only rise as more people watch it on demand or on HBO’s stand-alone app, HBO Now.

The premium cable channel said that the total audience for “Game of Thrones” this season — when factoring in original telecasts, encores, on-demand and streaming data — is averaging 23.3 million viewers per week, a 15 percent bump versus last year, according to USA Today.

The show is only getting MORE popular. HBO better be brainstorming something to replace it ASAP, they don't have much development time left. And as entertaining as those last episodes were, I bet everybody + some more come back next year.

E92 M3

I love how they filmed Tommen's suicide. It just happened - he just abandoned all hope. It was a very powerful scene, yet very simple.
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