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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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Frankly, if Bran going across enables the White Walkers' invasion of Westeros, and it only happens because somehow no one thought of it after the exact same thing happened at the tree, and the Raven didn't warn them because of some fate bullshit... that would be very disappointing.

Seriously, if all the Night King had to do was grab someone's arm and let them go so they could get past the wall he'd have done it already. I can't for the life of me think that this is the key to the WWs getting past the wall.


So since Targaryens are known to inbreed...

Jon x Dany shipping confirmed? It's like my Crusader King GoT mod playthrough has finally came true.
Jon is Stark too though, dark hair, pale white, incest seems more cultural then programming, I assume. He loves and protects his (to his knowledge) sisters. Unless I'm completely wrong because I've not read the books but following the laws of the show I'm not so sure it's in him to be that way. Dany is another story.


Jon is Stark too though, dark hair, pale white, incest seems more cultural then programming, I assume. He loves and protects his (to his knowledge) sisters. Unless I'm completely wrong because I've not read the books but following the laws of the show I'm not so sure it's in him to be that way. Dany is another story.

If Jon gets with Dany it'll either be political or it will be because he doesn't know his parentage yet setting up an Oldboy situation. I'm guessing the latter.


I don't expect Dany and Jon will get married. Only because I'm betting Dany sacrifices her life (and her goal of ruling) in order to save the realm from the white walkers. This will leave Jon to reluctantly pick up the pieces and be the first good king in a long ass time.


I don't expect Dany and Jon will get married. Only because I'm betting Dany sacrifices her life (and her goal of being Queen) in order to save the realm from the white walkers. This will leave Jon to reluctantly pick up the pieces and be the first good king in a long ass time.

From Kings Landing, to The Wall, to the afterlife reunited with Drogo and Son.

I'd prefer this over them getting married. I'd prefer the WW's to destroy humanity over them getting married, lol.


After all these seasons, I still don't care about Dany. I care far more about the people who surround her like Tyrion, Varys, Worm, Missandei, even Fedorah Jorah. But her as a character, meh. The only real thing that got me involved with her character was the years long anticipation of when the hell she was gonna leave.

In the first ep of Season 7, I hope Dany falls off the boat, and Missandei finally gets her chance to lead.


semen stains the mountaintops
Hope we see Lightbringer in season 7/8.

It's probably a nightmare to film but the visual would be amazing.


They are bigger, not only in the books but also in the TV show, but the other members often go unmentioned or just have very minor roles and then get forgotten. An example of this is Alton Lannister:


He appears in season two and is cousin to Jaime and the rest but it is not son of Kevan (eventually killed by Jaime). A Reginald Lannister also appears in season two, when Tywin is in Harrenhal.

I always confused him with Gendry. they look and sound similar


Shouldn't Dany hate Varys? He's the reason she sent Jorah away the first time, because he sold her secrets to him. Weird to see him on the ship with the rest of the crew.


semen stains the mountaintops
Shouldn't Dany hate Varys? He's the reason she sent Jorah away the first time, because he sold her secrets to him. Weird to see him on the ship with the rest of the crew.

Varys was working for Dany the whole time, I think the whole assassination attempt stuff was more the other people and not just Varys. It's like when an undercover cop has to do crack or something.


The way Littlefinger was behind all the horrible shit that happened, Varys was behind all the good that happened.

Varys is best bro.


He wasn't working for Dany. Dany did despise him, but Tyrion talked him up to her regarding him probably being the reason Dany was able to escape death for so long as a child. Still, I'd have enjoyed a scene with them meeting and hashing it all out.


Varys was working for Dany the whole time, I think the whole assassination attempt stuff was more the other people and not just Varys. It's like when an undercover cop has to do crack or something.


The way Littlefinger was behind all the horrible shit that happened, Varys was behind all the good that happened.

Varys is best bro.
What if Lyanna's baby was actually Varys, and the reason he wants Dany to rule is because he's a Targareyan?



semen stains the mountaintops
He wasn't working for Dany. Dany did despise him, but Tyrion talked him up to her regarding him probably being the reason Dany was able to escape death for so long as a child. Still, I'd have enjoyed a scene with them meeting and hashing it all out.

I don't mean that Dany knew about Varys or that she was ordering him around, what I mean is that Varys was actively working to help her out from the beginning. Feels like he knew Robert's reign was a messy one and shit was not gonna work out and one day he would need Dany to come over and retake the throne, so he aided her in whatever way he could without getting his head cut off in the meanwhile.

At least that's what it seems to be cus if that's not that case, then that scene with Illyrio in the crypts/dungeons/tunnels doesn't make any sense.
What if Lyanna's baby was actually Varys, and the reason he wants Dany to rule is because he's a Targareyan?




Seems possible.

Is it just me or did they purposely use a shot of Baby Jon doing Jon's pouty face?


Shouldn't Dany hate Varys? He's the reason she sent Jorah away the first time, because he sold her secrets to him. Weird to see him on the ship with the rest of the crew.

Tyrion and Dany talk about this in hardhome. Tyrion argues that he had to oversea the assassinations to survive but that Varys was also responsible for Dany ever making it out of Westeros alive


Water is not wet!
Shouldn't Dany hate Varys? He's the reason she sent Jorah away the first time, because he sold her secrets to him. Weird to see him on the ship with the rest of the crew.

Might have something to do with Viserys still being alive at that point.


semen stains the mountaintops
Tyrion and Dany talk about this in hardhome. Tyrion argues that he had to oversea the executions to survive but that Varys was also responsible for Dany ever making it out of Westeros alive

Interested in seeing season 5 again cus I don't remember this scene.

I've watched all the seasons a bunch of times over with other people but season 5 is the only one I've only watched once. There's probably a bunch of stuff I've forgotten about.


Varys was working for Dany the whole time, I think the whole assassination attempt stuff was more the other people and not just Varys. It's like when an undercover cop has to do crack or something.


The way Littlefinger was behind all the horrible shit that happened, Varys was behind all the good that happened.

Varys is best bro.

They ruined his character for precisely the reason you state.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Jon isn't a Targ name. They deliberately blocked out Lyanna naming the baby. Could have been "His name is RhaegarRapedMeTwice..." for all we know.

Lol I keep hearing her say a name that start's with "A". It sounds like she's saying "Aejon" :/
But Joffrey is also loved by the people so the story might not actually be like that...


Sure that's true, but we don't know what he was like before. I mean if he was willing to go to war where he was considered to be on the weaker side, he must have loved her. He would never do that for Cersei. I always assumed he became like that, because of the death of Lyanna. Maybe Lyanna made him a better man, but of course we can only speculate.

I thought the war didn't start till Aerys killed Ned's father and brother?


Going through the Season 1 thread I found this post:


man rewatching the show up to now i cant shake the feeling that theres no way jon is actually neds son. anyone agree?

the constant repetition of like "i am neds son!" "you are the bastard of ned stark" etc etc just makes it seem like theres no shot in hell of him actually being what everyone assumes he is

and then the scene where he asks ned to talk about his real mum and ned is all sad and shit

makes it seem like hes obviously the son of the dead stark sister whatever her name was and neds taking care of him

altho why the fuck would he need to hide him if he was, so i dunno maybe this theory falls apart

maybe the dead older brothers son? but then i dunno if the timelines match up

or hes just not a stark at all lol

funny how rewatching them didnt change my opinion of any of the characters at all, just reinforced everything. tyrion, jon, arya and robert 4 lyef.


Late to the party, just caught up. I'm assuming we've already talked about Cersei's outfit, right...?

Also, was it just me or did Walder's death fall a bit flat? I mean, the dude was responsible for executing the Red Wedding, but when Arya appeared I was just like - okay?


Lol I keep hearing her say a name that start's with "A". It sounds like she's saying "Aejon" :/

Looked like Aegon to me, and given that's when Ned suddenly gets the "he gets it" look on his face I think that's when he realized she wasn't actually kidnapped.
Late to the party, just caught up. I'm assuming we've already talked about Cersei's outfit, right...?

Also, was it just me or did Walder's death fall a bit flat? I mean, the dude was responsible for executing the Red Wedding, but when Arya appeared I was just like - okay?

He didn't do shit the whole show, even during the wedding. I dunno about the book but the entire Frey family are depicted as weak for the whole show. The only thing they've ever done right was plant their house in a good spot so they can charge people for going across.

Not only that, but Arya is a "trained assassin" now. Her killing a frail old man isn't unbelievable.


Neo Member
I don't expect Dany and Jon will get married. Only because I'm betting Dany sacrifices her life (and her goal of ruling) in order to save the realm from the white walkers. This will leave Jon to reluctantly pick up the pieces and be the first good king in a long ass time.

Maybe Jon and Dany do get married, for political reasons, and then they fight the White Walkers. And then Dany sacrifices herself to save the realm, and then everyone is like:

"Daenerys saved Westeros with her life. We must respect her sacrifice."
"So what should we do? Raise a statue?"
"Nah, let's make her husband the rightful King of Westeros!"
"That makes sense"

And the Jon is like:
"For the third time, I don't want to fucking rule. I didn't want to at the Wall, I didn't want to in the North, and I sure as fuck don't want here"
"Shut up and wear this crown"

Jon: =(


I'm re watching the first season and totally forgot how bitch and spoiled Sansa was lol

she said something like " mother please tell father to let me marry Joffrey please I love him"

poor Sansa little did she know about what was gonna happen to her.
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