The One and Done
Darth Sansa is cool. Don't hate.
Yup. She's ahead of her siblings now in the Great Game
Darth Sansa is cool. Don't hate.
Ehh Sansa told Jon to be careful and not fall for traps, which Jon proceeded to do right after. Had Jon not been a complete dumbass, he wouldn't have been in position to get killed 100 times but been in a solid defensive position, in which the Bolton army would have attacked.. then the Vale can attack and cause the same damage. The main reason Jon's army got so damaged is not because Sansa didn't tell him, it's because Jon is a dumbass (Jon is one of my favorite characters by the way).This article is pretty much how I think of Sansa's behavior this episode.
She learned from thebestworst. Cersei, Joffrey, and the entire royal court at King's Landing, Littlefinger, Ramsey were all her teachers.
Arya too. Her teachers were the Hound and a band of supernatural assassins
Compared to Jon, who's lived among a brotherhood and has been fighting for the greater good for the entire show, fighting the real threat to all of Westeros
Think about that. Think about what Jon has learned from his experiences since Season 1, what has been instilled in him since Season 1.
Brotherhood, companions, trust, the real fight is in the north, they're fighting to save everyone.
Now compare that to the educations Arya and Sansa received during their times in King's Landing and their travels.
Death, tragedy, torture, cynicism, betrayal, backstabbing, political maneuvering, deceit, the only way to survive is to be emotionally detached and use others as pawns
Is it no wonder that the women have become ruthless and hardened, while Jon is the still-naive, fight-the-good-fight guy?
Ehh Sansa told Jon to be careful and not fall for traps, which Jon proceeded to do right after. Had Jon not been a complete dumbass, he wouldn't have been able to get killed 100 times but been in a solid defensive position, in which the Bolton army would have attacked.. then the Vale can attack and cause the same damage. The main reason Jon's army got so hurt is not because Sansa didn't tell him, it's because Jon is a dumbass (Jon is one of my favorite characters by the way).
Some of the posters here along with the writers of the article would get ned stark'd so quickly in the GOT world.
I'm sure this has been answered, but where was Ghost during that battle?
I'm sure this has been answered, but where was Ghost during that battle?
At the time she used Rickon as a tool to get where they needed to get. But she was right that he was a lost cause, esp with their army being outnumbered. No it's not a surprise that Jon would do everything to save Rickon, because it's not the first nor will it be the last time Jon does something completely fucking stupid. Your last statement makes zero sense. Sansa with her brother is taking back the North, which is needed to restore order and have a semblance of a chance of beating the WW. She just realized that Rickon is dead no matter what, which she was right. She warned not to do anything stupid, Jon says that's obvious and proceeds to do dumb move the next morning. If Jon thinks like Sansa, he would have stayed in position and let his brother die like he would have no matter what.Did you read the article? Sansa is the one that convinced Jon to attack Winterfell to save Rickon.
It's not a surprise that Jon would then do everything to save Rickon. The main reason he attacked Winterfell in the first place was to save Rickon.
If Jon thought like how Sansa does, he would have sent her right back into Ramsay's arms and focused on preparing for the White Walkers instead.
Sansa began to urge Jon to slow it down once a bunch of the Northern houses told them to shove off in joining them to take back Winterfell. As their assumed allies began to back out or not even show, Sansa realized the gravity of their plight- Jon decided to keep pushing forward, allies and troop numbers be damned.
Urges Jon to save Winterfell and Rickon immediately after learning Ramsay has him, in an incredibly offensive letter threatening Sansa with rape again and goading Jon into battle, a Jon who is completely non-committal and seems unwilling to do anything and needs something, anything to convince him to commit -----> The night before the battle, after being frustrated at Jon's seeming resignation at losing, and planning that isn't taking into consideration Ramsay's true nature, she levels with Jon that Rickon is as good as dead, that any shenanigans involving him are sure to be a trap on Ramsay's part, and the best course of action for the imminent battle is to accept they probably won't be able to save him
As the entire group is about to embark on a journey around the North, Sansa sends Brienne to Riverrun to solicit the Blackfish's help in the battle, instead of sending a raven that could be captured and telegraph their plans at this early stage of amassing an army -----> After touring the entire north and finding support for their cause completely lacking and not providing the men they need, with a Jon that is resigned to fighting as soon as possible with the few men they have even if it is a lost cause, Sansa resorts to sending a raven to Littlefinger in the hope it will get to him in time, seeing no other option
Context and subtext matters. This stuff isn't that hard. I feel like it's way simpler than people are making it out to be.
Sansa stuff isn't that confusing if you understand that she's a character with flaws. Her scene with Littlefinger earlier in the season tells you everything you need to know. She doesn't want his help. She wants to prove she is capable in her own right. She feels gross that she has to resort to asking for his help. She stood her ground and told him off and dismantled him, and now she has to sheepishly come back with her tail between her legs. She doesn't want to share that with anyone because she feels incredibly conflicted and ashamed about it, AND she isn't even sure if he's going to show up anyways. I feel like anyone should be able to empathize with the feeling of being ashamed about a decision you've made, and feeling like if you share it with people they'll be disappointed in you and lecture you, even if that's not true. But that requires people put forth the effort of empathizing in the first place.
At the time she used Rickon as a tool to get where they needed to get. But she was right that he was a lost cause, esp with their army being outnumbered. No it's not a surprise that Jon would do everything to save Rickon, because it's not the first nor will it be the last time Jon does something completely fucking stupid. Your last statement makes zero sense. Sansa with her brother is taking back the North, which is needed to restore order and have a semblance of a chance of beating the WW. She just realized that Rickon is dead no matter what, which she was right. She warned not to do anything stupid, Jon says that's obvious and proceeds to do dumb move the next morning. If Jon thinks like Sansa, he would have stayed in position and let his brother die like he would have no matter what.
Sansa stuff isn't that confusing if you understand that she's a character with flaws. Her scene with Littlefinger earlier in the season tells you everything you need to know. She doesn't want his help. She wants to prove she is capable in her own right. She feels gross that she has to resort to asking for his help. She stood her ground and told him off and dismantled him, and now she has to sheepishly come back with her tail between her legs. She doesn't want to share that with anyone because she feels incredibly conflicted and ashamed about it, AND she isn't even sure if he's going to show up anyways. I feel like anyone should be able to empathize with the feeling of being ashamed about a decision you've made, and feeling like if you share it with people they'll be disappointed in you and lecture you, even if that's not true. That feeling that if I tell Jon, he'll just get angry at me, or be disappointed in me, or dismiss me because I'm not a man. But that requires people put forth the effort of empathizing in the first place.
Ehh you're wrong. Sansa is not a war general and leaving the battle to Jon, who the entire Wildling army stands behind makes sense. Had Jon not gone out there like an idiot, his army wouldn't have lost as many men and they would have destroyed the Boltons. But maybe there's an imaginary scenario where Jon has 0% of dying while taking down one of the biggest armies in Westeros with 0% chance of failure. I'd love to hear it. Enlighten us.If thought like Sansa does then he would not have attacked Winterfell at all. He would have let Sansa do it on her own.
Nope, still not making sense, as illustrated by many, many articles already published.Exactly
He might have "trying to save Rickon" in mind, but I do not think it is the main driver, nor why they are in a hurry.I'm saying the main reason that Jon attacks Winterfell is to save Rickon. If he thought that the chance of saving Rickon was 0%, he would not have attacked.
Ehh you're wrong. Sansa is not a war general and leaving the battle to Jon, who the entire Wildling army stands behind makes sense. Had Jon not gone out there like an idiot, his army wouldn't have lost as many men and they would have destroyed the Boltons. But maybe there's an imaginary scenario where Jon has 0% of dying while taking down one of the biggest armies in Westeros with 0% chance of failure. I'd love to hear it. Enlighten us.
Hahaha Fuck I forgot about them too. It never registered to me that suddenly Ramsay had no archers when Jon starts chasing him.Just like they forgot all about the Boltons archers
Not like they would have made a difference against the heavy Calvary from the vale. Maybe a volley or two but that's it.
Yeah that was weird too lol.Arya? What about Cersei? The season opens with her daughter returned to her as a corpse, and the crown prince of Dorne murdered by the same assassins while in their care. Two episodes later, she can't even remember that she had a daughter. By mid-season she and Jaime are more worried about Riverrun than any sort of vengeance on Dorne. There isn't even any mention of them checking on the situation there, sending any messenger, or whatever. It's insane!
Hahaha Fuck I forgot about them too. It never registered to me that suddenly Ramsay had no archers when Jon starts chasing him.
Sansa had the opportunity, straight out, when she asked Jon to wait and he said that they had no reason to as nobody else was coming.I don't understand all this bickering over Sansa's choices. It's not really complex or deep.
- Sansa didn't want Littlefinger's help because she didn't trust him (Option A)
- Sansa wanted the Blackfish and his army because she trusts family (Option B)
- Option B didn't pan out, and in desperation she turned to Option A
- She didn't tell Jon initially because she is ashamed of her relationship with Littlefinger
- She would probably have told Jon if she was included in the planning of the battle, but got petty after he didn't
- Lucky for her it panned out anyway and they saved the day
Narratively speaking, her motivations aside, if they did wait for the reinforcements before attacking, Ramsay would probably have retreated and prepared for a long term siege. So whatever.
I think they all dropped their bows and grabbed their swords to follow the main army after Umber's WHO OWNS THE NORTH??? speech. Lol.
Sansa had the opportunitu, straight out, when she asked Jon to wait and he said that they had no reason to as nobody else was coming.
Details didn't matter so much as waiting about 12 hours to coordinate the attacks.
You think she shut her mouth out of pettiness and shame of her relation with LF?
If that's true I chalk that under stupidity option.
I just realised that Sansa pulled a complete Littlefinger on Jon.
If that's true I chalk that under stupidity option.
He might have "trying to save Rickon" in mind, but I do not think it is the main driver, nor why they are in a hurry.
Jon knows more than everyone that they need Winterfell back asap to mount a base to fight the WW.
With winter being here, huge snow storms are on the way which would make an assault on Winterfell nearly impossible.
Jon had probably written Rickon off at first, particularly after the first exchange, but seeing him running toward him and not doing anything was more than he could do.
Some might call it stupidity, I call it having a heart.
Notice that he did not order a charge to protect himself, as Davos and Tormund knew the plan. He put his own life on the line to try and save his brother.
THEY decided that Jon was too important to lose, and thus said Screw the plan.
Ned Stark told Cersei point blank that he knew about her incest and kids, and gave her the chance to leave after that. He paid for that with his life, doomed Robert, and caused the downfall of his family.
Robb Stark threw away the best chance he had at a strong alliance uniting the North and winning the war because he fell in love with a random battlefield nurse and got her pregnant. He paid for that with his life, doomed his mother, and all his bannermen.
Arya Stark refused an assassination contract she was assigned to, and instead of laying low, she openly booked passage back to Westeros and stood on a bridge waiting to be stabbed to death. She only survived because her plot armor was enchanted with +2 defense against shock death twist.
Bran Stark sneaked out of bed to logon to the Weirtranet after his teacher told him specifically not to connect without guidance. His actions got pretty much everyone killed except his girlfriend. He still didn't get any pity sex.
Jon Snow charged into battle alone and after seeing how it was a trap instead of regrouping with his forces he jumped to the ground and struck a hero pose as the enemy cavalry charged towards him, just waiting to die. He survived and got Play of the Game only because his Ultimate charges from stupid decisions instead.
Rickon Stark's only contribution to the story is to get captured and then to run in a straight line.
If we're talking about stupidity, I'm pretty sure the evidence clearly shows that it is genetic.
What Sansa is doing is on Cat's level right now.I honestly don't think Sansa is as dumb as the other Starks. She would be long dead if she was.
Also don't forget Cat kidnapping Tyrion, and later freeing the Kingslayer behind Robb's back. I'm also not forgiving her for capitulation on the crossing the Twins deal.
People really think she didnt tell Jon because she was ashamed?
Well said for the sansa stuff.I don't understand all this bickering over Sansa's choices. It's not really complex or deep.
- Sansa didn't want Littlefinger's help because she didn't trust him (Option A)
- Sansa wanted the Blackfish and his army because she trusts family (Option B)
- Option B didn't pan out, and in desperation she turned to Option A
- She didn't tell Jon initially because she is ashamed of her relationship with Littlefinger
- She would probably have told Jon if she was included in the planning of the battle, but got petty after he didn't
- Lucky for her it panned out anyway and they saved the day
Narratively speaking, her motivations aside, if they did wait for the reinforcements before attacking, Ramsay would probably have retreated and prepared for a long term siege. So whatever.
I think they all dropped their bows and grabbed their swords to follow the main army after Umber's WHO OWNS THE NORTH??? speech. Lol.
People really think she didnt tell Jon because she was ashamed?
People really think she didnt tell Jon because she was ashamed?
I'm not going to argue that the Starks (like many characters in GoT, Tywin and Oberyn included) do not do stupid things that oftens end up costing them their life and/or their loved ones, often also associated with bad writing (Arya and Bran in particular), but once Jon made the decision to go midfield, that was it. Archer rows were never going to let him ride back, as well illustrated by the scene where he charges forward and a volley of arrows lands right where he had been.Ned Stark told Cersei point blank that he knew about her incest and kids, and gave her the chance to leave after that. He paid for that with his life, doomed Robert, and caused the downfall of his family.
Robb Stark threw away the best chance he had at a strong alliance uniting the North and winning the war because he fell in love with a random battlefield nurse and got her pregnant. He paid for that with his life, doomed his mother, and all his bannermen.
Arya Stark refused an assassination contract she was assigned to, and instead of laying low, she openly booked passage back to Westeros and stood on a bridge waiting to be stabbed to death. She only survived because her plot armor was enchanted with +2 defense against shock death twist.
Bran Stark sneaked out of bed to logon to the Weirtranet after his teacher told him specifically not to connect without guidance. His actions got pretty much everyone killed except his girlfriend. He still didn't get any pity sex.
Jon Snow charged into battle alone and after seeing how it was a trap instead of regrouping with his forces he jumped to the ground and struck a hero pose as the enemy cavalry charged towards him, just waiting to die. He survived and got Play of the Game only because his Ultimate charges from stupid decisions instead.
Rickon Stark's only contribution to the story is to get captured and then to run in a straight line.
If we're talking about stupidity, I'm pretty sure the evidence clearly shows that it is genetic.
Couldn't it just be a case of Littlefinger being Littlerfinger and purposely arriving at the last minute so the bulk of any future force is his? He may not have even told Sansa he was coming.
Is Littlefinger clairvoyant now as well? lol
"Lol, silly girl, leave the strategy and tactics to us men"
Couldn't it just be a case of Littlefinger being Littlerfinger and purposely arriving at the last minute so the bulk of any future force is his? He may not have even told Sansa he was coming. And afterall he is Telepetyr so he could check when exactly to show up![]()
I think Sansa didn't tell Jon because she wasn't sure Littlefinger would arrive on time. That is why she said they "needed more time".
I don't get the ashamed angle as well. "hey Jon, this is LF, he saved my life and he's here to help." It's not like Jon know much about LF anyways.
ps. I know, I know LF married her to Ramsay. But let's take him for his word that he didn't know what Ramsay was.
She also decided not to mention that she'd met with LF to Jon the first time she dealt with him too and hid how she knew of The Blackfish. What simple solution drove that decision?Probably it is, occam's razor and all that. Folks love to argue, pointlessly so.
The part where LF traded her like a horse to Ramsay? Yeah, I bet asking him for help is a rather big chunk of shame.
She also decided not to mention that she'd met with LF to Jon the first time she dealt with him too and hid how she knew of The Blackfish. What simple solution drove that decision?