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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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Looking at the Wiki you're right; LF framed the Lannisters. Must have missed that.

Talking of LF he was looking especially dangerous at the meeting when Jon was "crowned" King o' the North. You could see the fear on Sansa's face.

Apparently in the interviews they are talking about that scene as if Sansa was jealous of Jon, and that her and LF are planning something. Which makes no sense to me. If that is what they were going for then they utterly failed in Direction/Editing lol.


Maybe LF gets pushed in a corner and decides to open the gate of the wall. lol. ultimate chaos ladder.

What if there is an actual song of ice and fire? Barristan said Rhaegar loved to sing, he might have written a song about his love for Lyanna.


Looking at the Wiki you're right; LF framed the Lannisters. Must have missed that.

Talking of LF he was looking especially dangerous at the meeting when Jon was "crowned" King o' the North. You could see the fear on Sansa's face.

yeah she seemed cool/happy with Jon being proclaimed kingindanorf but then she saw LF's damn face.
interesting potential dynamics (if not blown up by white walkers coming of course) between Team Dany and Team North, due to Varys and LF being enemies basically, but potential alliances driven by Jon/Dany and Sansa/Tyrion and Sansa/Olenna since Tyrion and Olenna have no ill-will towards Sansa. and all of them hating Cersei (but then there's the Tyrion/Jamie/Bronn lovefest)


"playing" dumb? unpossible
No he did not.

He did not order a charge, Davos did.
If you watch the scene again, it's clear the only fault with Jon was throwing his life in an attempt to save his brother. Which was honorable, and inspiring to his men.

Breaking the war plan?
That's on Davos and Tormund.

It's also easy to consider Starks as dumb in hindsight (always 20/20) and from a viewer perspective where we get so much extra info, but I'll take the honorable way that inspire people, even if it'll draw the ire of the morally bankrupt in the process.
All you need is to surround yourself with people that are more cunninng/ devious than you and heed their advice.
Ned's problem was that he was isolated in KL (and relying on LF who was plotting against him). Robb did make boneheaded decisions though, true. That happens to guys who think with their boner, it's got nothing to do with "genetics".

But I think that Jon is about ready to see the need for counsel, and it's not like he wasn't seeing it already while agreeing sending Sam to become a Maester.

Again, people like to point at mistakes and call people dumb, but let's look at the whole picture:
- survives being captured by wildlings, and gain their support and admiration
- survived a coup by the "fooking legend" and took an opportunity to stab him in the face
- successfully defended the wall against a huge invading force of Wildlings and Giants
- made the right call in choosing to rescue thousands of wildlings because he saw the larger picture and the war to come
- unknowing help was on the way, made the self sacrificing choice that was at the time the only way (twice, once with Mance, once to try save his brother)
- due to his leadership and decision, becomes Lord Commander of the Night Watch by popular vote
- due to his battle prowess and grounded decisions, gains the admiration of all the houses in the north, becoming King in the North in SPITE of being a bastard
- bashed Ramsay's face in after beating him 1v1 (while being in a much worse state than him), having the insight to trade his sword for a shield
- is not weak when tough decisions have to be made. Executes the ones who betrayed him in the watch, but makes the wise decisions in not executing Mel as she might be of help against the WWs as a Priestess of Light.
- Was resurrected not just out of luck, but because he inspired people (Davos and Ed, ultimately Mel as well) to believe in him

Let's put that in contrast to cunning and devious plotters or plain evil ones:

Joffrey is dead, Ramsay is dead, Pycelle is dead, Tywin is dead, Margery is dead, High Sparrow is dead, Frey is dead, Viserys is dead, Stannis is dead, Umber is dead, Roose Bolton is dead, Slaver Masters are dead or in disgrace, Ser Alliser Thorne is dead, Olly is dead, Theon Greyjoy is... Reek, Janos Slynt is dead, Meryn Trant is dead, Myranda is dead, Balon Greyjoy is dead, Mel is in disgrace, LF's plans are crumbling and all his current power is at the whim of a psychotic child...
And a Ton of these saw their own demise by their own allies or family members.

That leaves: Cersei and Qyburn, isolated and surrounced by ennemies, Euron who plans to offer his "big cock" to someone intent on chopping it, and... ?

The only devious plotters left in somewhat "good" places are Olenna (she lost her whole family and only has revenge left), Tyrion (who paid more than his dues, but is backing the right horse, and he actually is a good person), and Varys (who has plotted overall for the good of the people in the kingdom, even if all that planning is about to come crashing down with the arrival of the WWs)

So yeah... the Stark way is Sooooo much worse, right?


Great post. I'd argue that Jon isn't a Stark (because I'm a greedy asshole who wants him for my team lol), but excellent write up. I only viewed my reaction to Jon's charge from that singular moment, and totally missed how only a guy like Jon could command the loyalty and affection that would cause his army to charge after him to save him.

To be fair, Jon is also technically a Targaryen bastard, since Elia Martell was Rheagar's wife at the time. So even if the whole country was not in a rebel uprising at the time at the hands of Robert Baratheon and everything was nice and peaceful, Jon would still have sat in the corner where the bastards belonged.

You don't know that. If Robert* wasn't an entitled cock who thought women were owed to him, I'm almost certain Rhaegar would have strolled into KL with a second wife around his arms. Notice how chill the Dornish are with their customs? Ellaria is fine with Oby sleeping with every good looking human with a pulse. What's a second wife?

*I seriously can't stand Robert when he talks about Lyanna. He tells Ned in his face about all the "wenches" and women he's fucked. He even tells him how he'd go around and bang a woman in each of the capitals and he dubbed it, "doing the Seven." I'm supposed to buy that this asshole would have been a good husband to Lyanna?

Looking at the Wiki you're right; LF framed the Lannisters. Must have missed that.

Talking of LF he was looking especially dangerous at the meeting when Jon was "crowned" King o' the North. You could see the fear on Sansa's face.

Ok, but first episode of the show there's a scene with Jaime and Cersei watching the body of the old hand being prepared, and it seems like they are talking as if they were the ones who killed him. They even talk about killing anyone else who "finds out," if my memory is correct.
Back in S2 Meli said to Stannis.

Thousands will die at your command, you will betray the men serving you, you will betray your family, you will betray everything you once held dear, and it will all be worth it because you are the son of fire, the warrior of the light.

Any chance that some of this might end up applying to Jon?


Really Really Exciting Member!
Back in S2 Meli said to Stannis.

Any chance that some of this might end up applying to Jon?

Hard to image Jon betraying the few Starks remaining, or anyone for that matter. It's just not him. I think Mel just got confused in her visions and thought Stannis was "the One".


Back in S2 Meli said to Stannis.

Any chance that some of this might end up applying to Jon?

I think you can read the entirety of that applying to Stannis. Thousands died at his command, he betrayed his men, his family, and everything he held dear, and it was worth it because it all led to the rebirth of the true warrior of light.
Hard to image Jon betraying the few Starks remaining, or anyone for that matter. It's just not him. I think Mel just got confused in her visions and thought Stannis was "the One".

I don't see it either, very good chance that she can see prophecies without knowing who they all apply to, all might apply to several different people.

I think you can read the entirety of that applying to Stannis. Thousands died at his command, he betrayed his men, his family, and everything he held dear, and it was worth it because it all led to the rebirth of the true warrior of light.

Well put, much of it applied to Stannis and it all lead to her going back to The Wall and reviving Jon.


2. Went like a dumbass into a vision without his "trainer", was found by the Night King and got his wolf, Hodor, his trainer & army of bomb wielding fairies killed in the process before his training was over. Was also responsible for turning Hodor into... Hodor..

Yeah, what a dumbass. EVERYONE knows that if you see a white walker in a vision and he touches your arm because he can see you (which everyone knows he would be able to!) that he's gonna track you back to your magically protected hideout.
Yeah, what a dumbass. EVERYONE knows that if you see a white walker in a vision and he touches your arm because he can see you (which everyone knows he would be able to!) that he's gonna track you back to your magically protected hideout.
Guy is addicted to fantasy land and doesn't care about anything in the real world. He could have simply listened to his teacher to not go without him, but he refused to do so and didn't listen in other ways as well. He is absolutely responsible for the consequences of that


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Yeah, what a dumbass. EVERYONE knows that if you see a white walker in a vision and he touches your arm because he can see you (which everyone knows he would be able to!) that he's gonna track you back to your magically protected hideout.

That's not the dumbass part. The dumbass part is him constantly doing things he's explicitly told not to do.


^That's fair though.

Guy is addicted to fantasy land and doesn't care about anything in the real world. He could have simply listened to his teacher to not go without him, but he refused to do so and didn't listen in other ways other. He is absolutely responsible for the consequences of that

I mean, didn't listen to the teacher doesn't seem like the full weight of responsibility. He was with the 3ER for ages, he probably could have told him some of this stuff.


needs to show more effort.
Back in S2 Meli said to Stannis.

Any chance that some of this might end up applying to Jon?
You could argue he already has
he betrayed his men by letting the wildlings through
his family by not coming to his family's aid when Ned was killed
everything he held dear: he betrayed Ygritte and has abandoned his night's watch vows.


That's not the dumbass part. The dumbass part is him constantly doing things he's explicitly told not to do.

His teacher apparently wants to be Confucius or some shit and didn't really bother to explain shit. Bran had been going into visions without the teacher all he was told was not to stay in the visions too long and when he got touched by the Night King he hadn't been in the vision very long at all plus he never said to stay away from White Walkers in visions which is like the single most important piece of information apparently. So, he did listen he just wasn't given the full information.
Hard to image Jon betraying the few Starks remaining, or anyone for that matter. It's just not him. I think Mel just got confused in her visions and thought Stannis was "the One".

Couldn't that be interpreted as Jon betraying Dany, the other side of his family?


Ok, fair enough, those are solid counter arguments. My rebuttal:


But he completely disregarded the lives of his men. That's not right bro.

Thats why he is not suited to be a commander. If he wanted to be suicidal he is welcomed alone. Don't bring all your mans to die futile dead.T_T

He didn't command them to charge. He went off alone. He didn't "bring them." Plus they all knew the odds. They all knew that the most probable outcome was defeat. They simply didn't have the numbers to win. They followed Jon because it was their choice. For the wildlings, it was either die fighting on the battle field or be hunted down and murdered like dogs. They chose to go out fighting. Heck Jon didn't even expect it when the mounted soldiers caught up to him. Their choice was to follow their commander to death.

It wasn't just Jon who was embracing death on that battlefield and he was perfectly suited as commander of that force.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
He didn't command them to charge. He went off alone. He didn't "bring them." Plus they all knew the odds. They all knew that the most probable outcome was defeat. They simply didn't have the numbers to win. They followed Jon because it was their choice. For the wildlings, it was either die fighting on the battle field or be hunted down and murdered like dogs. They chose to go out fighting. Heck Jon didn't even expect it when the mounted soldiers caught up to him. Their choice was to follow their commander to death.

It wasn't just Jon who was embracing death on that battlefield and he was perfectly suited as commander of that force.

Dude I recanted my position. You didn't have to quote me :(


Couldn't that be interpreted as Jon betraying Dany, the other side of his family?

The way I see it, she just bungled the visions altogether and didn't foresee that Stannis would just be a step, and not the end goal.

Basically, she needed to believe in Stannis, to make him believe he was the one (and he would indeed go through the betrayals), so that he would be at the right place at the right time (In the North, saving Jon from the Wildlings) and also briging Davos who would be instrumental in persuading Mel to raise him from the dead.

It's very Matrix-y, but basically she was shown what she needed to see in order to set things in motion the way they were supposed to be?

(viewed within universe from the perspective of the Lord of Light R'hllor of course).

So basically I think that Stannis is the one who did the betrayal part, it seems to match pretty closely (unfortunately for Shireen).


Jon Snow
Jon Sand
Jon Stark
Jon Targaryen
The White Wolf
King in the North
Lord Commander
The Prince that was Promised

Jon is gonna have more titles than Dany by the end of the show.

Oh god what if when they meet for the first time, they're at odds. And they spout off title after title.

Do it, DnD.


So since Targaryens are known to inbreed...

Jon x Dany shipping confirmed? It's like my Crusader King GoT mod playthrough has finally came true.

Nah, once Jon and Sansa discover they're cousins, and not siblings, the master bedroom at Winterfell is getting rocked.


Jon Snow tries to unite different groups (Wildlings and Night's Watch) against a common threat (White Walkers). He is led into a trap using a family member (Benjen) as bait. He is left to die alone after his own men turn on him and murder him.

He is revived, and is lost. He feels he failed, saw that there is nothing after death, and has no purpose. He agrees to help Sansa reclaim Winterfell, not because he is driven but simply because it's the right thing to do. He is still lost, not certain what he should be doing, not certain there is a point in doing anything. He requests Melisandre not bring him back should he fall in the battle. He'll go forward whether he succeeds or fails. It doesn't matter.

Jon Snow tries to unite different groups (Wildlings and Northern houses) against a common threat (Ramsay Bolton). He is led into a trap using a family member (Rickon) as bait. He stands alone, facing insurmountable odds, accepting his mistakes and his imminent death.


Only this time, his men don't turn on him. They rally around him, not stabbing him in the back but racing to join him in battle, saving him. He doesn't have to face the fight alone, or die alone.

It's at this moment I believe Jon Snow finds a renewed purpose. He fights hard in the battle. Even when all seems lost, he fights hard just to breathe. To live. The man who climbs out of that pile of corpses and stares down Ramsay Bolton is a man with renewed purpose. The White Wolf is prepared to continue the fight.


Hmmm, I wonder if the Night King can bring back corpses that have been long deceased? Perhaps we'll get zombie Ned Stark!


You can't deny that Cersei, whether you hate her or devilishly root for her, has engineered the greatest single move ever in this show. Hats off you evil sociopath.

Her evil schemes and deeds are more interesting to watch than frustrating.

I hope she goes full on mad queen in season 7 to give me some more solid reasons to hate her character.


You can't deny that Cersei, whether you hate her or devilishly root for her, has engineered the greatest single move ever in this show. Hats off you evil sociopath.

I don't think it was the most clever move, but it was definitely entertaining and impressive as a catastrophic force. But Cersei...

...just keeps on digging.

Every single one of her family's deaths on the show has been a result of her ploting and scheming. Intentional or not. Not only that but she's also had a hand in turning nearly the entire kingdom against the crown.

She's fantastic and spectacular at getting family killed while making enemies of everyone.


You can't deny that Cersei, whether you hate her or devilishly root for her, has engineered the greatest single move ever in this show. Hats off you evil sociopath.
Just saw this on Facebook and shared it, the #beautiful death for Battle of the Bastards was pretty on point too.

And yeah what she did was impressive and I rooted for her the whole time, but I don't think she will be able to navigate the fallout quite so deftly. That's her problem she's awesome at pulling moves it's the follow up she always bungles.
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