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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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Unconfirmed Member
Marco Polo on Netflix is also really interesting there. Kubilai Khan is stealing the show.^_^ I can't wait to see when Kubilai Khan start sending his fleet to attack all other countries here.^_^

Couldn't make it past the first episode due to everybody speaking English.


Couldn't make it past the first episode due to everybody speaking English.

Well, nothing they can do there sadly. I mean, the movie will flop even worst if they tried to make all the actors speak in Chinese right?T_T Not to mention if the show followed the history completely, they will need to find all those Japanese, Indonesian, Brunei's, Thailand people to speak their language when they attack. And that will cost crazily expensive.T_T


Unconfirmed Member
Well, nothing they can do there sadly. I mean, the movie will flop even worst if they tried to make all the actors speak in Chinese right?T_T Not to mention if the show followed the history completely, they will need to find all those Japanese, Indonesian, Brunei's, Thailand people to speak their language when they attack. And that will cost crazily expensive.T_T

That stuff just bugs me, and takes me out of the show/movie every time.


Huh. Does it bother you in secondary world stuff like game of thrones, where they really shouldn't be speaking English either but it's narratively convenient?

Lol. That's harsh Cyan. While i do agree some way with you, considering i come from a country who had ties on the history of Kubilai Khan, it is not going to be nice seeing them ignore my country language.T_T

And also the fact that Marco Polo is a more or less following a history, it may makes it more difficult to accept versus GoT which is some kind of alternate fantasy world.^_^
Don't mention Rome or Deadwood to me. Both shows ended too early, right before the big budget series model came into effect. Both shows had execs say like a year or two later, "Oh, if we'd known what's possible now we'd never have cut them off."

And yet both shows continue to cease to exist.



Wu! Swengen! San Francisco Cocksucker!


"playing" dumb? unpossible
No, I'm not, at all. The show has portrayed Daenerys in a very positive light, and she's in a very positive light because the people she's facing are pretty terrible. However, Daenerys, soon, will not be contrasted with these terrible people, she'll be in Westeros, where her enemies will include (but not be limited to):

Jon Snow
Sansa Stark
The Tyrells
The Lannisters
The Freys
The Boltons
The Iron Born (who aren't in Theon and Yara's group)
The Wildlings
Dorne (?)

And anybody else who won't recognise her as the queen of Westeros, which is the vast majority of the cast). She's made it quite clear as to who and what she is, and that she intends to conquer the land with 'fire and blood', a path she committed to as she burned the Dothraki Khals alive. The lands she sacks? Now rife with Dothraki who, in traditional Dothraki fashion, will begin to plunder the dead and rape the survivors as we've already seen (and perhaps take slaves, at which point Daenerys is now also in conflict with Dothraki tradition). We've already seen Daenerys have followers who've witnessed what she's done and ignore her afterwards; we saw it when the Dothraki abandoned her in season two, we saw it in Qarth, and we've seen her unable to quell an uprising/rule the city effectively in Meereen. We've never seen Daenerys rule effectively, or been shown as a particularly competent ruler. She has a strong adviser in Tyrion (when it comes to politics), but not many otherwise. Nothing we've suggests the Dothraki will behave differently just because they're with Daenerys. And as Daenerys is the self-righteous type, she's not exactly going to be one to make compromises, take a democratic approach, or forgive those who act against her as we've seen when she crucified every Master regardless of the instability that would create in Meereen.

She is being portrayed as highly heroic, yes. She is also being portrayed as somebody who intends on conquering Westeros. She is somebody who literally burns her enemies alive. And she is somebody whose solution to trouble (Qarth Warlocks, witch in season one, Astapor Master, Masters, invading fleet, Dothraki Khals) throughout the show has always been through force (be that burning them alive, crucifying them, slitting their throats, or otherwise).

Jon Snow (barely wants to fight to take Winterfell, I doubt he'll fight Dany)
Sansa Stark (lol)
The Tyrells (Can go either way, but Dragons tends to make knees bend rather quick)
The Lannisters (Bad Guys)
The Freys (Bad Guys)
The Boltons (Who?)
The Iron Born (who aren't in Theon and Yara's group) (Bad Guys)
The Wildlings (Would do what Jon tells them)
Littlefinger (Bad Guy)
Dorne (?) (probably on her side)

So essentially your argument is that Dany should have rolled over and died? No one is shedding any tears for any of those people you've listed, and furthermore, how exactly would you negotiate with any of those people listed? Nothing we've seen shows that the Dothraki would behave different? How about bending the knee collectively to a woman. That's pretty bloody unprecedented. Your entire argument hinges on the Dothraki doing the opposite of what she tells them, which I don't buy. Those Dothraki that left her did so before a single dragon had hatched, man you really are stretching this to try and make your point stick lol.

Sansa just fed a guy to his dogs, and Arya has been poking and stabbing her way across the narrow sea. I look forward to your assessment of the path of darkness these two are taking.

Furthermore, every group of good guys in Westeros hate the Lannisters. They've got enemies in every nook and alley. Who's going to fight on their behalf? lol. Euron and LF and the only two I can see Dany having to have a pitched battle against.
With the current news, I hope it doesn't affect the budget for the next Season. Not looking good

Don't worry, the UK is out in 2 years at the earliest. Shouldn't affect it too much, also the Pound is in a free fall, so everything is cheaper in the UK right now.

As long as they wrap up shooting there in the next 2 years they also won't have to worry about visas and travel expenses to and from Europe.
I don't know, there was something about the way Rheon played Ramsay that I found just as entertaining as Joffrey. His performance was magnetic and I could never pull my eyes away.

Both actors were amazing, but I felt the same growing apathy about both characters, as especially towards the end both just became one note villains that were very predictable.


Junior Member
Well, nothing they can do there sadly. I mean, the movie will flop even worst if they tried to make all the actors speak in Chinese right?T_T Not to mention if the show followed the history completely, they will need to find all those Japanese, Indonesian, Brunei's, Thailand people to speak their language when they attack. And that will cost crazily expensive.T_T

They aren't Chinese they are mongols .... You literally picked all countries but them lol


Unconfirmed Member
Huh. Does it bother you in secondary world stuff like game of thrones, where they really shouldn't be speaking English either but it's narratively convenient?

Not at all.

If the Dothraki all spoke English to one another after establishing they had their own language, then yes, it would bug me. In Marco Polo, from what I remember, the Mongolians were speaking English to one another when they were alone.


lena headey ‏@IAMLenaHeadey 5h5 hours ago

We may as well elect Trump over here

She also tweeted this:



They aren't Chinese they are mongols .... You literally picked all countries but them lol

I know they are Mongols, but isn't the main capital of Kubilai Khan is Beijin. So, his dynasty is more align on Chinese tradition rather than Mongolian tradition.
I very much doubt Jon would oppose Dany. He probably would be ecstatic to hear she is coming for King's Landing since that means wiping out the Lannisters. I'm sure she would be open to let the North stay independent since it really isn't all that valuable nor a climate she is used to. Plus Tyrion is pretty friendly with Jon so he likely advises her in that direction anyway.
Tyrion is on great terms with both Starks. I doubt Littlefinger allows this exchange to go smoothly on the other hand.


Jon's (alleged) father fought to get rid of a Targaryen. He might be a bit hesitant to welcome one with open arms. Though at this point I doubt he has much choice.


A friend of mine does the closed captions for Sky so she gets to see Thrones days early. She's completely loyal and doesn't leak a thing, but has said that episode 10 "delivers"
Can't wait :)


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
It's ok, seasons 7 and 8 can be filmed/edited to be at night. That'll shave millions off.
Time to up the magic quotient and give the white walkers the power of invisibility. Also the dragons go off to lay eggs or something and nymeria reappears for one brief scene where she runs off with ghost.


A friend of mine does the closed captions for Sky so she gets to see Thrones days early. She's completely loyal and doesn't leak a thing, but has said that episode 10 "delivers"
Can't wait :)

Does she have to do the captions for Sky News as well? Poor dear.


The soundtrack of season 6 has been released, unfortunately it does not have the violin version of "The North Remembers" which was played during Hodor's scene :(
Do they release any other soundtracks that do include every song of the season?


The soundtrack of season 6 has been released, unfortunately it does not have the violin version of "The North Remembers" which was played during Hodor's scene :(
Do they release any other soundtracks that do include every song of the season?

It's at the end of track 9 - Hold the Door! Starts at about 5:09.
From Reddit.

Jon's story in 'Battle of the Bastards' isn't what people think.

Pretty decent read if anyone is interested.
Listening to it now, just a few tracks in but oh man Light of the Seven is amazing.
I came here to tell people to listen to this. I'm assuming this song is going to come on to episode 10 for the first time, and I can't imagine how epic shit is going to be when this majestic piece hits. This song has amplified my hype for the finale that much further.


No, I'm not, at all. The show has portrayed Daenerys in a very positive light, and she's in a very positive light because the people she's facing are pretty terrible. However, Daenerys, soon, will not be contrasted with these terrible people, she'll be in Westeros, where her enemies will include (but not be limited to):

Jon Snow
Sansa Stark
The Tyrells
The Lannisters
The Freys
The Boltons
The Iron Born (who aren't in Theon and Yara's group)
The Wildlings
Dorne (?)

And anybody else who won't recognise her as the queen of Westeros, which is the vast majority of the cast). She's made it quite clear as to who and what she is, and that she intends to conquer the land with 'fire and blood', a path she committed to as she burned the Dothraki Khals alive. The lands she sacks? Now rife with Dothraki who, in traditional Dothraki fashion, will begin to plunder the dead and rape the survivors as we've already seen (and perhaps take slaves, at which point Daenerys is now also in conflict with Dothraki tradition). We've already seen Daenerys have followers who've witnessed what she's done and ignore her afterwards; we saw it when the Dothraki abandoned her in season two, we saw it in Qarth, and we've seen her unable to quell an uprising/rule the city effectively in Meereen. We've never seen Daenerys rule effectively, or been shown as a particularly competent ruler. She has a strong adviser in Tyrion (when it comes to politics), but not many otherwise. Nothing we've suggests the Dothraki will behave differently just because they're with Daenerys. And as Daenerys is the self-righteous type, she's not exactly going to be one to make compromises, take a democratic approach, or forgive those who act against her as we've seen when she crucified every Master regardless of the instability that would create in Meereen.

She is being portrayed as highly heroic, yes. She is also being portrayed as somebody who intends on conquering Westeros. She is somebody who literally burns her enemies alive. And she is somebody whose solution to trouble (Qarth Warlocks, witch in season one, Astapor Master, Masters, invading fleet, Dothraki Khals) throughout the show has always been through force (be that burning them alive, crucifying them, slitting their throats, or otherwise).

The correct term for Danaerys is "anti-villain".


From Reddit.

Jon's story in 'Battle of the Bastards' isn't what people think.

Pretty decent read if anyone is interested.
Beautifully put. Loved that read!

I don't know if this is bull or not, but it's a very nice read, so I choose to believe.

I don't think there's an answer to whether this is "right" or "wrong". The nature of art and creative works is that its meaning might not fully be within the grasp of the creator. Even if David and Dan and others never directly intended Jon's story to be as described in that post, it doesn't mean it can't still have that meaning unintentionally or subconsciously.


They really need to step their game up.

Aside from GoT and Curb returning for another season they have nothing I enjoy.

Cannot wait for Masters of the Air to be honest. It seems HBO is really letting Spielberg/Hanks take their time with it. Also the story a single book like Band of Brothers opposed to the multiple books where the Pacific was made from. I have really high hopes for that, though it is a mini-series of course.
From Reddit.

Jon's story in 'Battle of the Bastards' isn't what people think.

Pretty decent read if anyone is interested.
Mrmm. I've been making many of the same arguments for weeks now, but I disagree that Jon was been reborn at the end of that episode. Jon lost his sense of purpose, and this season shows it clearly. Now that he has Winterfell he ESPECIALLY has no purpose.

This season has been about Jon's death. First the death of his body. Then the death of his belief, and the death of his will. Then finally the death of his hope.
Only in the final minutes of 'Battle of the Bastards' has Jon truly returned to life, and now we'll finally see the change that everybody expected back when life returned to his body.
Jon always had the ice. Now he has the fire.
This sounds poetic, but I can't agree with the ending of it at all. Jon doesn't have any fire. What he has is no reason to go on. Nothing to do. The rebirth will occur when he regains this sense of purpose, which will surely be him rallying people against the white walkers.


Mrmm. I've been making many of the same arguments for weeks now, but I disagree that Jon was been reborn at the end of that episode. Jon lost his sense of purpose, and this season shows it clearly. Now that he has Winterfell he ESPECIALLY has no purpose.

This sounds poetic, but I can't agree with the ending of it at all. Jon doesn't have any fire. What he has is no reason to go on. Nothing to do. The rebirth will occur when he regains this sense of purpose, which will surely be him rallying people against the white walkers.

I agree. If the theme has been about Jon slowly losing parts of himself, then I think the ending of this episode is just a continuation of that. What fire is the author talking about? After the battle he just looked absolutely fatigued and lifeless. The only fire I saw is when he is pounding on Ramsay, but I would actually argue that this is just him losing another part of himself. He's lost control.

In this episode he's also lost family. Obviously Rickon, but also Sansa. That stare she gives him when the knights of the Vale arrive, and also at the end of the battle. I believe she was using Jon to take back Winterfell and was completely prepared to sacrifice him. And with the look Jon gives her, he knows it. Just the night before she was coldly talking about how Rickon is dead and held out no hope of seeing him alive again, and shows no grief for her dead brother. So the ending gives me the impression that sure, the Starks took back Winterfell, but they have lost everything in doing so. Sansa is a cold shell of her former self, and Jon is a broken man who has lost his life, only to come back and lose everything else.
Mrmm. I've been making many of the same arguments for weeks now, but I disagree that Jon was been reborn at the end of that episode. Jon lost his sense of purpose, and this season shows it clearly. Now that he has Winterfell he ESPECIALLY has no purpose.

This sounds poetic, but I can't agree with the ending of it at all. Jon doesn't have any fire. What he has is no reason to go on. Nothing to do. The rebirth will occur when he regains this sense of purpose, which will surely be him rallying people against the white walkers.

Yup, Jon have nothing to do now, just recuit people to defend the north for the walkers but still I believe its not his duty anymore. he is just tired and lost now after losing rickon.

The only thing that could refuel his life is sansa being in danger or the other kid and arya returning so he can be their bodyguard
Maybe I misread it. But in terms of Rebirth and Fire I read it differently.

It's not about purpose, not about a fire like yay lets save the world. It's about Jon finally changing, when he beats the piss out of Ramsay he is a changed person, a side of Jon that didn't exist before, Kit says so himself. I think that's what they're getting at, is that when Jon came back we expected him to be filled with hate, we expected him be angry and pissed and on a mission. But he wasn't, he was constantly unsure of himself and even unsure if he wanted to live or not. How many of us thought his drop the mic moment (and now my watch has ended) was badass? We expected that to be his moment of change, but it wasn't, beyond that scene he was still very reserved. When he climbed out of the body pit, he had a look of intent. That was to get revenge, Jon was always about doing what's right, by law, by order, by oath etc. This act was out of pure hatred, a side of Jon we expected after he was brought back to life, his rebirth etc etc.

and now we'll finally see the change that everybody expected back when life returned to his body.
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