I kind of expected Euron to be some kind of Blackbeard-esque figure and I'm a little disappointed with how he is now.
I kind of expected Euron to be some kind of Blackbeard-esque figure and I'm a little disappointed with how he is now.
Ain't no time for another major bad guy. We got 13 episodes left, it would be odd if the White Walkers were only the main focus for half of the remaining episodes.
I think the only major bad guys that we might get introduced to are good people we might have assumed to be good, or neutral, or even not completely evil. But even then I doubt it since we pretty much know where most people stand in terms of their personality.
Ain't no time for another major bad guy. We got 13 episodes left, it would be odd if the White Walkers were only the main focus for half of the remaining episodes.
I think Jaime is turning now, that wave at the end is probably the last time he'll be a *good* guy. Him, Cersei, Frey have to get theirs at the end.
Maybe Sam's father too?
Without Euron there wouldn't be #Daenara. Yara would still be in Iron Islands fiddling with her thumbs.
Do people seriously zone out when Dany scenes happen? Every single person Dany has fought has been of the villainous type. You're making it seem as if Dany has been rampaging around in a campaign to kill and subjugate civilians and innocent people. Is freeing people from one of the most brutal depiction of slavery a self-righteous thing that makes her a villain? The Dothraki have seen Dany emerge from fire unburnt, she also has 3 dragons, and she has just told Yara that there will be no more harming of civilians period. But somehow the Dothraki are just going to ignore what she'll tell them?
Sansa just fed a guy to his dogs and walked out of there smirking. Do you see her being a villain as well?
Exactly. The vast majority of people watching this show do not view what Dany is doing as evil. She chose to free people from slavery and had to deal with men who would fight a nasty war to keep people enslaved. Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way and some people do actually root for the masters. From that perspective I can see how she can come across as villainous to you.
Dany will be a villain to many of the main characters from Westeros.
No, I'm not, at all. The show has portrayed Daenerys in a very positive light, and she's in a very positive light because the people she's facing are pretty terrible. However, Daenerys, soon, will not be contrasted with these terrible people, she'll be in Westeros, where her enemies will include (but not be limited to):
Jon Snow
Sansa Stark
The Tyrells
The Lannisters
The Freys
The Boltons
The Iron Born (who aren't in Theon and Yara's group)
The Wildlings
Dorne (?)
And anybody else who won't recognise her as the queen of Westeros, which is the vast majority of the cast). She's made it quite clear as to who and what she is, and that she intends to conquer the land with 'fire and blood', a path she committed to as she burned the Dothraki Khals alive. The lands she sacks? Now rife with Dothraki who, in traditional Dothraki fashion, will begin to plunder the dead and rape the survivors as we've already seen (and perhaps take slaves, at which point Daenerys is now also in conflict with Dothraki tradition). We've already seen Daenerys have followers who've witnessed what she's done and ignore her afterwards; we saw it when the Dothraki abandoned her in season two, we saw it in Qarth, and we've seen her unable to quell an uprising/rule the city effectively in Meereen. And as Daenerys is the self-righteous type, she's not exactly going to be one to make compromises, take a democratic approach, or forgive those who act against her as we've seen when she crucified every Master regardless of the instability that would create in Meereen.
She is being portrayed as highly heroic, yes. She is also being portrayed as somebody who intends on conquering Westeros. She is somebody who literally burns her enemies alive. And she is somebody whose solution to trouble (Qarth Warlocks, witch in season one, Astapor Master, Masters, invading fleet, Dothraki Khals) throughout the show has always been through force (be that burning them alive, crucifying them, slitting their throats, or otherwise).
I think this has been a case of just poor characterization on the show's part. I thought they were going to go down that path when we finally get to see the consequence of igniting an overnight revolution, sure slavery is abolished but what has she done to empower the freed slaves? How and to whom do they sell there services to? I thought Mereen falling apart was to highlight Dany's naivety about actual governance but they never explored that deeply enough and everything is all right again simply because the bad guys have been defeated and religious fanatics have been effective propaganda. The solution to her inexperience (according to the show) has been greater confidence in herself and Tyrion to reign her in where needed.The show isn't subtle at portraying her crazy tendencies and once she's in Westeros and has to realize that there are about 3 people in the whole country who are supportive of her claim, she's going to turn batshit insane.
Listening to the full soundtrack. It's soooo goood!!
How did they kill the dragons whose skulls were in the red keep when the mad king reigned?
anybody know the song that was played during the end battle?
anybody know the song that was played during the end battle?
My favorite score was Jon with the boys looking at Ramsay as it turns into a chase scene. Got me so pumped.
That scene was odd. I don't know how to describe it.
*Oh it's Jon, Tormund and Wun Wun, alone, looking and running at Ramsay, just like a cliche scene in a super hero movie when the good guys look at the bad guy before charging into battle."
Why was it only the 3 of them? It's like everyone else died or didn't care lol.
Track 14 "Let's Play a Game" is the beginning of the battle, Track 15 "Bastard" is up to the Knights of Vale arriving, but I don't think the music from the very end as they run to Winterfell is on the soundtrack.
Everyone else was busy taking out the remainder of Ramsay's men.
Everyone else was busy taking out the remainder of Ramsay's men.
Of course not, Shireen is ash and honestly I think Mom is still up in that tree.I don't think you can really lay Shireen or her mother at Ramsay's feet.
Yeah, but why was it only the 3 of them chasing Ramsay? I dunno, it's like the producers thought "let's just show the guys people know about, who cares about random soldiers?"
It was made even more odd by the fact that there actually was a bunch of random soldiers right there after Wun Wun broke the gate.
Track 14 "Let's Play a Game" is the beginning of the battle, Track 15 "Bastard" is up to the Knights of Vale arriving, but I don't think the music from the very end as they run to Winterfell is on the soundtrack.
Can't post a picture since I'm on mobile but Google Balerion, Drogon might be that someday.
Is 'Valyrian' rubber a thing?
Just imagine the possibilities: Hound talking shit to Brienne about her whooping his ass, and Tormund butting in.Wondering if Beric and co. are headed straight to The Wall or will stop at Winterfell first. Hoping for the latter, a Sansa 2.0/Hound reunion would be great, as would a pow-wow between Jon, Mel, Thoros, and Beric. Arya and Brienne should be getting close too.
Also a Tormund and Hound scene is the stuff dreams are made of.
No, the Knights of Vale track is 'Trust Each Other' and it includes a bit of the end battle as well.
Pretty sure that track is actually from the finale.I assumed that track was from the finale cause the title matches dialog from the preview for episode 10, so I avoided listening to it, but it appears it is the end of the battle as the Vale charges, as Jon runs after Ramsay and Wun Wun's death.
I had the soundtrack open on YouTube and the episode on HBO Go and was listening back and forth, and "Bastard" starts with the montage of Ramsay ordering his archers to loose arrows as the bodies begin piling up on the battlefield, and ends as Jon emerges from the stampede/crush, encompassing the battle up to the Vale arriving.
Wondering if Beric and co. are headed straight to The Wall or will stop at Winterfell first. Hoping for the latter, a Sansa 2.0/Hound reunion would be great, as would a pow-wow between Jon, Mel, Thoros, and Beric. Arya and Brienne should be getting close too.
Also a Tormund and Hound scene is the stuff dreams are made of.
HBO, increase the show's budget 1000% please
HBO is gonna be so sad once season 8 ends.
They really need to step their game up.
Aside from GoT and Curb returning for another season they have nothing I enjoy.
HBO is gonna be so sad once season 8 ends.