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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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semen stains the mountaintops
Speaking of predictability, I always find it weird when people say something is predictable because they've pieced together the clues that show has given and know what will happen next. I think it's much cooler when a show gives you clues and if you piece them together, you might figure out what comes next and that doesn't make the show less or more predictable because you could be wrong. It's better than the alternative, that something just happens out of nowhere without the show first laying out breadcrumbs leading you to that.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
She threatened to burn down Qarth if they turned her away.
That was so early on I totally forgot. Context however is key here. She's in the desert and one of her riders (her most beloved) returns with his head in his satchel. Another returns saying that Qarth has invited her to their city. She makes it to the city walls with her people only to be refused entry unless these strangers see her dragons.

Qarth invited her, and now against all guest customs, they are willing to allow her and her people to die. Some of you complain that Dany isn't a great leader. Well her declaration at that moment that if the 13 after inviting her to their city, will move to abandon her and her khalasar to die in the desert, that she will survive and she will take vengeance upon them. That declaration saved her people from certain death.

Guest rights, as has been numerously established in Game of Thrones, is extremely important. Don't invite someone to your city, leave them dry and hanging at your gates, and expect them to be all jolly about it.

"Please sir, please let me and my khalasar in so we don't die!"

That won't get you anywhere in this part of the world. No, you have to plant your feet and make yourself look bigger and nastier than you are to survive. Dany at that moment had to be the fierce Khaleesi that these Qarth assholes came out with speamen to confront. You don't come out with a contingent of spearmen to come greet a tired girl, and her rag tag group of women and children plus a handful of guards. You do that to intimidate. They were expecting some meek, weak spined Sansa type (circa season 1-5ish), and instead they found a dragon. She had to save her people, and to her credit it worked.

If I ever invite you to my house for shelter, and when you get to the door I tell you that I won't let you in until you do something for me, by all means you may threaten to burn my house down as well. I deserve that for treating you like that.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Speaking of predictability, I always find it weird when people say something is predictable because they've pieced together the clues that show has given and know what will happen next. I think it's much cooler when a show gives you clues and if you piece them together, you might figure out what comes next and that doesn't make the show less or more predictable because you could be wrong. It's better than the alternative, that something just happens out of nowhere without the show first laying out breadcrumbs leading you to that.

I'm about to paint with a broad paintbrush, but I blame people's viewing habits. They're always looking for a major twist, even if it doesn't make sense. Like Arya and the Waif being the same person. There is nothing in the show to indicate that, but people run with the idea because they want to feel smart for "figuring out" what is going on.

Like you said, predictability is the result of things in the world making sense. You can hold back some moments to yourself or have someone ride in at the last moment for dramatic effect but they can't pull flowers out of their ass constantly. Events should be foreshadowed. Characters should act how you would expect them to act.


semen stains the mountaintops
Some stuff that hasn't been brought up that I've been reminded of since I'm doing a re-watch:

1. At the start of season 2, Westerosi weathermen send a letter to King's Landing telling them that Summer is over. That was about 4 years ago in universe time, what happened to Winter?

2. When Jon tried to kill Ser Alliser for talking shit about Ned, Lord Commander Mormont sent Alliser to King's Landing with the arm of the Wight that Jon burned alive. Supposedly he was supposed to drop it in front of Joffrey to show him that the White Walkers were real and that the Night's Watch needed more men, nothing came of that. The small council gets a letter asking them for more men because "the cold winds are wind rising and the dead rise with them" and then this is never brought up again.

Maybe some later scenes will reference this but I'm pretty sure the above was kinda forgotten about.


Haven't seen this yet in the re-watch but I always found it odd that the Night's Watch sent out letters to all the houses in the Seven Kingdom telling them about the White Walkers and how they march south but only Davos seemed to read his letter. Did everyone just ignore the Night's Watch? If they did, it was never made clear why everyone seemed to not give a single fuck.


semen stains the mountaintops
As someone who lives in Phoenix, dragon fire wouldn't make a dent out here. lol Steping outside already feels like you need one of those volcano suits.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Some stuff that hasn't been brought up that I've been reminded of since I'm doing a re-watch:

1. At the start of season 2, Westerosi weathermen send a letter to King's Landing telling them that Summer is over. That was about 4 years ago in universe time, what happened to Winter?

2. When Jon tried to kill Ser Alliser for talking shit about Ned, Lord Commander Mormont sent Alliser to King's Landing with the arm of the Wight that Jon burned alive. Supposedly he was supposed to drop it in front of Joffrey to show him that the White Walkers were real and that the Night's Watch needed more men, nothing came of that. The small council gets a letter asking them for more men because "the cold winds are wind rising and the dead rise with them" and then this is never brought up again.

Maybe some later scenes will reference this but I'm pretty sure the above was kinda forgotten about.
Well if summer is long in this world, and winter is long, I would assume fall could be long too.

Yeah, I figure Stannis invading kinda made everyone forget about that letter. Plus, between Joffrey and Cersei I doubt any help was ever going to be dispatched. I do like however how Tyrion stood up for Lord Mormont's honour in stating that Mormont was not a man who lied. This would make it easier for him to convince Dany when they arrive in Westeros that the North needs defending. I hope we see scenes where Tyrion is explaing Wetseros to Dany and he acts like a Maestor to her. That's one thing she's never had. An actual teacher.


semen stains the mountaintops
I was more wondering about what happened after Ser Alliser brought a Wight's arm to Joffrey, you'd think this would be something that would be worth talking about but I don't recall them ever bringing up. Maybe they do and I just don't remember, though. I brought up the letter cus I believe that's the only other time The Night's Watch need for more men was ever brought up to anyone in King's Landing. You'd think Tyrion would be like, "yeah and remember when Ser Alliser dropped that zombie's arm in front of Joffrey? They're probably not lying about that whole White Walker stuff".


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I was more wondering about what happened after Ser Alliser brought a Wight's arm to Joffrey, you'd think this would be something that would be worth talking about but I don't recall them ever bringing up. Maybe they do and I just don't remember, though.
No one ever brought up anything with the wall in KL past that letter. It makes no sense. I think the war with Robb and Stannis were more immediate, and let's be honest, from their perspective more real threat.

Maybe Ser Allice never actually made it to KL. We never see him talk about it, and I'm pretty sure that hand in KL would have caused quite a stir.


What if she leaves Mereen this epsiode ? Is that even possible?

Absolutely. Now she has the ships, the army, and the allies. It's all set. Maybe they'll wait for Varys to send word from whatever mission he's on, and it'll probably take the entire episode for them to load supplies and get everything ready, but Dany sailing off with her fleet could definitely be one of the final shots of the episode.
Dany leaves Mereen
*To be Continued in Series 7*

Her fleet comes into contact with Euron Greyjoys
7 episodes of a tense stand-off in the ocean
Lots of talking, soul-searching, Tyrion drinking etc....
Jorah swims backs to Dany
Jorah is sent away again
Dany remembers she has dragons and burns Euron's fleet
Dany heads to Westeros
*To Be Continued in Series 8*



Dany leaves Mereen
*To be Continued in Series 7*

Her fleet comes into contact with Euron Greyjoys
7 episodes of a tense stand-off in the ocean
Lots of talking, soul-searching, Tyrion drinking etc....
Jorah swims backs to Dany
Jorah is sent away again

Dany remembers she has dragons and burns Euron's fleet
Dany heads to Westeros
*To Be Continued in Series 8*


That part gave me a good laugh.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Dany leaves Mereen
*To be Continued in Series 7*

Her fleet comes into contact with Euron Greyjoys
7 episodes of a tense stand-off in the ocean
Lots of talking, soul-searching, Tyrion drinking etc....
Jorah swims backs to Dany
Jorah is sent away again
Dany remembers she has dragons and burns Euron's fleet
Dany heads to Westeros
*To Be Continued in Series 8*

Even I'm bored lol

Did Jorah officially get pardoned? That whole letter Tywin sent to separate Dany and Jorah was about that right? So does that mean that Jorah could theoretically claim Bear Island again?
Even I'm bored lol

Did Jorah officially get pardoned? That whole letter Tywin sent to separate Dany and Jorah was about that right? So does that mean that Jorah could theoretically claim Bear Island again?

Wasn't the offer of a pardon on the condition that he helped in her assassination?


semen stains the mountaintops
Even I'm bored lol

Did Jorah officially get pardoned? That whole letter Tywin sent to separate Dany and Jorah was about that right? So does that mean that Jorah could theoretically claim Bear Island again?

Yeah, he did but I believe they also found out that he betrayed them so that's probably null and void.

Wasn't the offer of a pardon on the condition that he helped in her assassination?


He gets pardoned before she's actually assassinated.

So maybe it was just for the info?
Some stuff that hasn't been brought up that I've been reminded of since I'm doing a re-watch:

1. At the start of season 2, Westerosi weathermen send a letter to King's Landing telling them that Summer is over. That was about 4 years ago in universe time, what happened to Winter?

2. When Jon tried to kill Ser Alliser for talking shit about Ned, Lord Commander Mormont sent Alliser to King's Landing with the arm of the Wight that Jon burned alive. Supposedly he was supposed to drop it in front of Joffrey to show him that the White Walkers were real and that the Night's Watch needed more men, nothing came of that. The small council gets a letter asking them for more men because "the cold winds are wind rising and the dead rise with them" and then this is never brought up again.

Maybe some later scenes will reference this but I'm pretty sure the above was kinda forgotten about.


Haven't seen this yet in the re-watch but I always found it odd that the Night's Watch sent out letters to all the houses in the Seven Kingdom telling them about the White Walkers and how they march south but only Davos seemed to read his letter. Did everyone just ignore the Night's Watch? If they did, it was never made clear why everyone seemed to not give a single fuck.
I am assuming everyone either read the letter and ignored it. Since the vast majority doesn't believe in the white walkers and think of them as children ghost stories. Or just ignored it overall.


So does anyone here think they'll finally show what's going on in Dorne or is that basically something they hope we forget all about?


semen stains the mountaintops
So does anyone here think they'll finally show what's going on in Dorne or is that basically something they hope we forget all about?

It wouldn't surprise me if the only scene we get of Dorne is Varys convincing them to align themselves with Dany.
Haven't seen this yet in the re-watch but I always found it odd that the Night's Watch sent out letters to all the houses in the Seven Kingdom telling them about the White Walkers and how they march south but only Davos seemed to read his letter. Did everyone just ignore the Night's Watch? If they did, it was never made clear why everyone seemed to not give a single fuck.
No one in KL gives a fuck about what happens outside KL unless its directly threatening. They are absolutely useless at ruling the realm lol. You will first see them discussing the walkers once the wall has fallen and the Night King is in viewing range of KL.

So does anyone here think they'll finally show what's going on in Dorne or is that basically something they hope we forget all about?
They hope we forgot and I doubt we will see it again anytime soon. They took the season off essentially with the cheap kills in the first episode and probably try to figure out what to do with it now. Consider that the Sand Snakes are currently in KL and could easily try something, like assassinate Cersei. But they are also forgotten about, probably teleported back where they came from


How does Danny even go full Mad King anyways? Show is ending at this point, and I feel like the change should have started by now. The whole burning thing has always been a topic and she gets crazy here and there, but she listened to Tyrion. So.. how? What triggers her descent to madness? I would find her character far more interesting than if she stayed a hero IMO. Arya and Danny were some of my favorite characters and are no longer at that point since their storylines have gotten boring over time.

Hell, Arya's storyline is the only weak point of the season. It looks like the double Ds didn't get enough transcripts from GRRIM, because the writing was generic tv bullshit half the time. Just didn't have the magic that we are used to seeing. The climax was also bad tv. Point is I want the interesting Arya back. Don't know how the double Ds managed to fuck such an incredibly interesting organization, I hope GRRIM makes it a lot more interesting then they did.

We have no idea if D&D fucked up Arya and the Faceless Men or if GRRM did.


Can't flippin' wait for tonight's episode

Any chance we will see Arya? Hated how they handled her departure from the Faceless Men but am definitely excited to finally see her back in Westeros. Also looking forward to any Bran goodness; that Tower of Joy flashback has to be concluded right? RIGHT?!

Plus Davos better not touch Mel.


I don't think anyone but the Night's Watch, Sansa, Davos, Melisandre, the Wildlings and Brienne know.

Ramsay thought Jon had deserted the Night's Watch so...

- Were deserters from the Night's Watch supposed to be killed on sight or was it a one time thing? (ie, Ned's action on S1-E1);

Then if almost noone outside the NW knew Jon had died (and his watch had rightfully ended)*, wouldn't it be risky to be hopping around the north families asking for support?**

I'd believe the Stark name carries far more weight than the desertion (even if he's only a bastard).
Yeah, i know it's a minor/bs point for now.

*and they woudn't believe it anyway.
** Sansa asking for support alone would be even riskier i guess.


- Were deserters from the Night's Watch supposed to be killed on sight or was it a one time thing? (ie, Ned's action on S1-E1);

Then if almost noone outside the NW knew Jon had died (and his watch had rightfully ended)*, wouldn't it be risky to be hopping around the north families asking for support?**

I believe any executions for desertion would be handled by the Warden of the North, which would have been Ramsay when Jon was going around asking for support, so it's a bit of a moot point.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Is there a new episode tonight or was last week the season finale? It felt like a season finale tbh.


All I want is an Arya reunion, Cersei carnage, and Mel to make out a live. Maybe a little Hound/Brohood to sweeten the pot. D&D shat on all my hopes last finale, they owe me one.


I haven't paid any attention to fan reactions this season. Am I in the consensus thinking this season is much better than last year so far?
Oh wow, just noticed the season 6 soundtrack has been posted to Spotify. Definitely giving this a listen (while of course skipping the one entitled "Winds of Winter" lol).


Plus Davos better not touch Mel.

Melisandre's death can't come soon enough. You think I have forgotten about Shireen just because you revived Jon? Nope.

Burn the witch!

Yeah I'm a little worried. Presumably she's safe until she meets Arya again but that could very well be tonight. Perhaps she'd gets a pass for Shireen, but if Davos drops that blood curse bombshell and tells Jon and Sansa what Mel helped Stannis do to the Usurper Robb Stark it's over. She'll be banished or killed.


I haven't paid any attention to fan reactions this season. Am I in the consensus thinking this season is much better than last year so far?

This season is much better than last. This is arguably the best season while last season was arguably the worst. Last year had Hardhome but everything else was just bad.
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