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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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Any predictions on what will be the shock/horror moment in the finale?
There always is one with Game of Thrones.

I think Tomin will die
Things I can definitely see happening in the final:
-Tommen dying.
-King's Landing burns.
-Bran heads past The Wall and the Night's King destroys it (which I think will be the final shot of the season).
-Daenerys setting sail to Westeros.
-Finish off the flash back of Young Ned rescuing Lyanna (so Jon's birth presumably).
-Sansa, Littlefinger, and Jon talking about the battle.
-Something with The Hound.
-High Sparrow dying.

I think the big 'shock' would be the burning of King's Landing. I don't really know if there's much other shock in store as nothing else (said lightly, that's a lot of stuff in a single episode if it happens) seems to be laid out. Arya, Sansa, Daenerys, and Jon seem relatively safe. Melissandre is safe until she meets Arya. Davos is potentially at risk. Thormund seems to be pretty safe. Brienne is in a dubious position (as I'm not sure where else her story can go). Everybody in King's Landing is in pretty extreme danger. Tommen is destined to die. Cersei is safe until Tommen dies. Tyrion, Grey Worm, Theon, Yara, and Missansei(?) seem to be pretty secure until they get to Westeros. Littlefinger seems to be quite safe as he's not really done much of whatever his plan is aside from his actions with the Knights of the Vale. So I really don't see who they could go to for any additional shocks, and King's Landing burning seems to be fitting of a dramatic and shocking moment.

Edit: Actually Margaery dying from the wildfire would be interesting. It'd spark a war between the Lannister and the Tyrells presumably.


Edit: Actually Margaery dying from the wildfire would be interesting. It'd spark a war between the Lannister and the Tyrells presumably.

Which is why I don't think it'll happen. Too late to start new wars with far-away lands.

I mean if they have less than 20 episodes to finish the story.

Then again, I don't think R.R. cares.


King's Landing explodes. Crash to black. See you next April!

I can almost guarantee that the finale will end with Dany setting sail, dragons flying over her, and then a cut to black while only drogon's screech remains. They have ended so many episodes like that, and I think they'll do the same here.

But man, I can't wait to see what happens in the north and King's Landing tonight, also, the white walkers will have some screen time too i can taste it.

we are getting 70 minutes of GOT in 9 hours! Someone hold me ;_;
I can almost guarantee that the finale will end with Dany setting sail, dragons flying over her, and then a cut to black while only drogon's screech remains. They have ended so many episodes like that, and I think they'll do the same here.

But man, I can't wait to see what happens in the north and King's Landing tonight, also, the white walkers will have some screen time too i can taste it.

we are getting 70 minutes of GOT in 9 hours! Someone hold me ;_;

If I'm being serious, I think it ends on the White Walkers breaching the wall in some capacity. However, I could totally see the Dany thing too.


semen stains the mountaintops
Feels like this will be the biggest final we've had, tons of shit people have been waiting since season 1 to happen will happen in 6 more hours.


Edit: Actually Margaery dying from the wildfire would be interesting. It'd spark a war between the Lannister and the Tyrells presumably.

Eh, probably not. This is a show where the king's sister being murdered didn't spark a war with Dorne, even after Myrcella's murderer staged a coup.
Which is why I don't think it'll happen. Too late to start new wars with far-away lands.

I mean if they have less than 20 episodes to finish the story.

Then again, I don't think R.R. cares.

It is true that with time running out they certainly couldn't show an entire war or start the conflict, but they might declare war, so that by the time Daenerys arrives there's no place in Westeros which is truly united to stand against her (they're pretty bad as it is anyway, but that would fracture the Seven Kingdoms). With a war being declared the Tyrells and Lannisters wouldn't be able to co-ordinate their efforts to repel her, but as you say, given that it's so late maybe they won't go that route.


We need the promised fight to happen

Brother Lancel


Zombie Mountain


semen stains the mountaintops
So if Tommen dies, which I think will happen, legally who becomes the king next? Would it go to Jaime? Robert no longer has any more children, that they know of, or brothers so would it then go on the Lannisters side to find an heir?
So if Tommen dies, which I think will happen, legally who becomes the king next? Would it go to Jaime? Robert no longer has any more children, that they know of, or brothers so would it then go on the Lannisters side to find an heir?
Stannis. No way they gave him that bullshit death. I think he either swoops in end of the season or comes at the end of the series when it won't mean much to be King based on her prophecy.


semen stains the mountaintops
Stannis. No way they gave him that bullshit death. I think he either swoops in end of the season or comes at the end of the series when it won't mean much to be King based on her prophecy.

I don't see Stannis ever coming back since Jon took his place as the guy who would fight the White Walkers.


So if Tommen dies, which I think will happen, legally who becomes the king next? Would it go to Jaime? Robert no longer has any more children, that they know of, or brothers so would it then go on the Lannisters side to find an heir?

I think it would go to Robert's brothers, or their heirs... But everyone's dead, so. I'm not sure if it could legally jump over to the Lannister's. Tommen is a Baratheon, but he doesn't seem all that fussed about being the last one. Maybe it would go to the Tyrell's? Mace! Mace King!


I predict King's Landing will undergo a full "reset" with the majority of characters dying on and off-screen.

I like Margaery but never really rooted for the character as a Cersei fan, so she can go. Ditto for Loras. In fact I'd happily sacrifice both of them to see High Sparrow and Septa Unella get theirs. Tommen and Kevan can go too if it means the Lioness Queen stands triumphant.

Hopefully Pycelle makes it, would love to see him drop his act to flee if things start going to shit around him. Qyburn too for his loyalty to the our Queen.
I don't see Stannis ever coming back since Jon took his place as the guy who would fight the White Walkers.
Except that the entire speech about what Stannis would do makes no damn sense at all if it applies to Jon. Unless Jon does all that in the final season which seems completely against his character in every sense and way.
The only way Stannis returns is if the Night King raises him from the dead and sows his head back on.
He's not dead.
I highly doubt Brienne would lie about killing him. As much as I liked The One True King of Westoros, he's dead.
Brienne told Davos she executed him. He's not coming back lol.
Yes, I cringed a little when I heard it. Stannis and Arya's master are literally the only two people that have died off screen and haven't shown up yet. Every single thing of her visions have come true, and there was literally 0 reason to off screen kill him. None at all.

If they off screened killed Stannis to build tension (make it unsure) or some other bullshit when they had 4-5 other similar instances in the season 5 finale.. I'm going to fly to LA and beat the crap out of the double Ds for being for being garbage F-level writers. He's not one of my favorite characters, but I'd like to see his prophecy come true (I want Littlefinger to end up at the throne even though it won't happen). It just seems weird that everything else follows except for him being killed by a convenient off screen kill. There's no reason at all to not show the death, esp considering what we've seen so far in this story.


semen stains the mountaintops
So, assuming Stannis alive, why hasn't he done anything? It's not like The Hound who just wants to hide and be away from fighting, Stannis whole purpose in life is to take the Throne and fight The White Walkers, why would he just sit by and do nothing for a full year?
So, assuming Stannis alive, why hasn't he done anything? It's not like The Hound who just wants to hide and be away from fighting, Stannis whole purpose in life is to take the Throne and fight The White Walkers, why would he just sit by and do nothing for a full year?

He is dead. Why would Brienne lie ? Stannis is a dead fucker.
So, assuming Stannis alive, why hasn't he done anything? It's not like The Hound who just wants to hide and be away from fighting, Stannis whole purpose in life is to take the Throne and fight The White Walkers, why would he just sit by and do nothing for a full year?
Because his reintroduction might be more interesting if it happens at some climactic event instead of him sulking like a bitch at his shitty castle?


If they off screened killed Stannis to build tension (make it unsure) or some other bullshit when they had 4-5 other similar instances in the season 5 finale.. I'm going to fly to LA and beat the crap out of the double Ds for being for being garbage F-level writers.

Okay internet tough guy. I'm sure everyone here is very impressed with your threats of violence against people making a show you don't like.
Oh god stop the Stannis talk! We are hours away from episode 10 and we bringing up the Lord of L's..............you are going to bring us bad luck, and bring out a Dorne scene tonight.


semen stains the mountaintops
Because his reintroduction might be more interesting if it happens at some climactic event instead of him sulking like a bitch at his shitty castle?

So he's at his castle right now and no one has any idea that he's alive? And he's just gonna show up with at some important battle by himself? Because he no longer has an army and if he did build an army, are you telling me no one noticed?

He's dead, Jim. It's time to move on.


It's funny you complain about bad writing but what you propose would be the silliest plot twist in the whole show, worthy of a soap opera.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
That's a great little scene. Ugh, I miss Tywin so much.

Agreed. He was without a doubt my favorite Lannister, even more so than Tyrion. Guy was a hard ass and could appear cruel at times, but he did anything and everything for the betterment of his family name. If you weren't going to respect him, you were damn better going to fear him.


Agreed. He was without a doubt my favorite Lannister, even more so than Tyrion. Guy was a hard ass and could appear cruel at times, but he did anything and everything for the betterment of his family name. If you weren't going to respect him, you were damn better going to fear him.
Except actually...you know being a father to his children. What good is a legacy that falls apart the moment of your death.
Okay internet tough guy. I'm sure everyone here is very impressed with your threats of violence against people making a show you don't like.
hehe, I love GoT and obviously I'm joking about the fighting bit ;) But it would be some really bad writing if he was offscreened that way due to how completely unnecessary it would be. I'm not giving up to this theory until the final episode of the series. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So he's at his castle right now and no one has any idea that he's alive? And he's just gonna show up with at some important battle by himself? Because he no longer has an army and if he did build an army, are you telling me no one noticed?

He's dead, Jim. It's time to move on.


It's funny you complain about bad writing but what you propose would be the silliest plot twist in the whole show, worthy of a soap opera.
You act like this show and every other show and piece of fiction ever don't leave out important information for certain events. Anyways, only time tells whose right.

Just read above. So thinking a character that was killed off screened is apparently fallacy now. Cringeworthy.
I've seen wet shits I've liked better than Stannis Baratheon.

Good thing he's dead.
1. Brienne mentions she executed him.
2. Roose was informed of his death.
3. It doesn't make sense from a story perspective to have him back. He has no family, no allies, no army, no red woman, no power, no head...

He's dead, Jim.


What exactly is this theory? I read your posts on the page but don't see anything outside of you thinking he's not dead.

The theory that Stannis, the Lord of L's, is sitting in a castle somewhere, hiding, waiting for a dramatic moment to reveal that he survived the battle, and then dramatically... lose again.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Feels like this will be the biggest final we've had, tons of shit people have been waiting since season 1 to happen will happen in 6 more hours.
I've got a feeling it will be mainly setting people in motion for collision next season, although their may be some resolution in kl.
All this is making me wonder..... Did we really see Ned's execution?

Sure, we saw the sword fall.
Sure, we saw his head on a pike.
We never saw the gratuitous shot of his head coming of his body and blood pouring out his neck and the executioner playing keepy-uppy with his severed head.

My guess, he'll turn up in Dorne.
What exactly is this theory? I read your posts on the page but don't see anything outside of you thinking he's not dead.
1:44 and off screen death in a show like GoT. I'm not saying it's true, but it's a solid theory that people here keep acting like it's impossible. Anyways, I didn't intend to sideline the entire thread on Stannis of all people. We will see what happens in the future. We've got an epic episode 10 coming soon.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Except actually...you know being a father to his children. What good is a legacy that falls apart the moment of your death.

His children were shits for the most part. Not one of them cared about the betterment of their family name, only themselves personally. You had one who believed she was god's gift to the world and was entitled to everything in it, you had another one who was constantly pissing away gold and spending a good amount of time in brothels--a fact that was well known among the many nobles in court--and then you have a son who would refuse to take his place as heir because he wanted to stay in KL with his sister/lover.

The fault lies with his children not stepping up to the plate/getting their shit together when the time came for it. Tywin ain't got time for dead weight. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's possible that all of the Stark children are secret Targaryens, since the show writers were too lazy to actually show penetration between Ned and Cat for each kid. Stupid lazy writers.
Here is my theory on Stannis not really being dead going back a year when it just happened, I expand on it over a few pages but this is the basic idea. I've given up on it though.

Post 16310

I agree that it was fucked they did it off screen, especially since they beheaded Slynt the same season on screen in a pretty graphic manner. But, he's gone.
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