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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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Cersei's reign will be short but who cares, I will cherish every second. Tywin disappeared great Houses for a living so it's great to see his only daughter take up that mantle. Roses shouldn't mess with Lions. She tried to warn Margaery...

Last finale the One True King was taken from us and now we get him back, for real this time. Dany will run over the South and the Riverlands but she's going to hit a wall if she tries to take the North. Winter will take care of the Dothraki and Bran will bring Drogon over to the good guys.
Well, going to be a long time until Sunday evenings have anything on this scale of spectacle again---unfortunate that HBO on air had a bit of an audio blurb right at the scene of Jon's father being revealed, but I figured I'd be able to see it on here after the fact.

Definitely a very swaggering way to conduct a season finale!


That was so awesome, Can we start season 7 next week?

People are working their little hearts out on this clearly. Its actually impressive they deliver what they do every year. I think the fact they say the final seasons will be less episodes probably means the VFX guys are going into overdrive.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
No stands in Mad Queen's way. No one.

She even killed her own uncle, she gives no fucks.

I would assume that Arya has her on a list, and if that killing was any indication she's easily able to do it.

Not sure how the bald guy was on that ship though. Wonder if it's the faceless guy.

Eventually I'm assuming Jon and the dragons will need to defeat the walkers. Dragons for the undead, and the swords for the ice king. How everything else plays out is unclear. Wouldn't be surprised if Danny dies and Jon discovers his heritage and summons the dragons somehow.


Jon deciding what to do with Melisandre seemed like a classic Stark moment. For once a Stark didn't decide to behead someone. Maybe Jon actually has a chance!


So, Arya's list is:

King's Landing:
The Mountain

Followers of Lord of Light:
The Red Woman
Beric Dondaryan
Thoros of Myr
Ser Ilyn Payne

With the Followers:
The Hound

I wonder how far she'll get.
That scene was awesome, man.

The scene was cool, I'm just confused about where she stands. Is she no one or is she Arya? If she's Arya then how can she change faces? I still don't know why Jaquen let her go in the first place. Does he not care that she disrespected his God and way of life by training only to get vengeance?
As for the finale itself

Very great way to end the season. This entire season at least payed off for things that were set up in Season 5. No stupid cliff hangers, no cheap thrills or tricks to make sure people come back (cough cough Walking Dead)

We're in the end game, literally all the pieces are in play now and it's going to be interesting how they do the last episodes with the massive battles that are incoming and the fact that White Walkers aren't over the wall yet.

My guess is Walkers go over the wall at the end of the next season, and the last season will simply be the major battles and such.


Jon deciding what to do with Melisandre seemed like a classic Stark moment. For once a Stark didn't decide to behead someone. Maybe Jon actually has a chance!

Sending her away was still a mistake though, I feel. Jon felt she needed to be punished and didn't want to kill her so sent her away because it was "right" but I'm not sure it was the smartest play.

Kid is definitely a Stark.
Jon is the only one not truly playing the game. Maybe that's why he'll win. Seems the story they've been telling all along.

That.....is actually a really good point. And I believe that George has said before he is not a fan of conquerors.

Jon from the beginning has been the only one not concerned at all with ruling and instead facing the true threat.
Lyanna was married to Robert Baratheon. Rhaegar Targaryen, the Mad Kings son and Dany's brother, had an eye for Lyanna and "kidnapped" and "raped" her (at least that's what the stories tell us). This was what essentially caused Roberts Baratheon and the downfall of House Targaryen. She got pregnant by Rhaegar and gave birth to Jon but because Robert Baratheon intended to kill every single Targaryen, she made Ned promise to raise him as his own and keep his Targaryen heritage a secret.

So Jon is Dany's nephew.
I thought she was Jon's brother. Wasn't danys father the one that raped lyanna?
Cersei put in dat work....



Cersei's reign will be short but who cares, I will cherish every second. Tywin disappeared great Houses for a living so it's great to see his only daughter take up that mantle. Roses shouldn't mess with Lions. She tried to warn Margaery...

Last finale the One True King was taken from us and now we get him back, for real this time. Dany will run over the South and the Riverlands but she's going to hit a wall if she tries to take the North. Winter will take care of the Dothraki and Bran will bring Drogon over to the good guys.

Do you think Meli will end up joining Dany?
Lol. That is so bad there.T_T I mean, by not playing, Jon will only received the North here.

Maybe he will survive, but he sure won't get that Iron Throne.

If he has the people behind him, and Dany decides he'd be a better king than she a queen, who can really say? FUCK I'M EXCITED
What a fantastic episode. Shame about Margaery, felt her character could still have been interesting but I guess with the King gone the Tyrell's were fucked anyway.

I still have problems with Arya's storyline. I actually think they botched it really. We haven't seen her grow to be a great assassin, she was still doing stupid shit right at the end of her time with the faceless men. Now shes some wonder assassin capable of destroying a house. Ok it was the Freys but we never saw her anywhere near the level of skill needed to do what she did. Also do you think Hot Pie helped? :D

So Arya has to meet Melisandre as some point, I wonder if shes going to Kings Landing to kill Cersei or Winterfell to see her siblings.

I am also not convinced the Black Fish is dead, his death was so odd by GoT standards and he's been named dropped a few times since his "death".

Cersei is gonna be on the throne a good 5 mins.

I wonder if Sam will have a hard time convincing the maesters that the white walkers are back and if he does, surely they'll do more than just train him?

Jon is the rightful heir to the throne, but I doubt he wants it. If Bran ever reveals the truth and it becomes public knowledge it will be interesting to see what Danny does.

Who is left of house Tyrell? Olena is old, shes gonna have to kick ass fast.

Whoever found the girl playing Lyanna Mormont is a god damn genius.


You seem to hate this show though, lol.


Because I wasn't feeling the finale? C'mon peeps, let's not get defensive. It's a masterfully shot, perfectly executed GOT production; just that I'd rather not have this kind of episode as an end cap.

I can acknowledge that I'm like the only person that feels this way, if it helps.


She gave him his life, would be fucked if he took hers.

I think sending her off was fair.

It fits with the plot.

John is King of the North. He is also part Targaryen. Dany is looking for a husband. The blood exists between them.

Dany has a following of the Lord of Light. John was revived by the Lord of Light's follower. There are what, 3-4 followers of the Lord of Light still in play in the plot?


I just cant get over how that ToJ scene segued into the Winterfell scene right when the Stark theme kicked in. Fucking chills man. CHILLS

I like how they segued from Lyanna Stark being Jon's mother to Lyanna Mormont (named for Lyanna Stark) proclaiming Jon King in the North.

Nice touch.
Miguel Sopachnik is a name I'm definitely going to remember from here on when I watch this show. Episode 9 and now this one were two of the best shot, paced and maybe acting-wise episodes ever. And that's saying something as long as this show has been on.

Now I'm worried we're going to lose him to feature film directing now, lol. The man is talented I'll give him that. And can I say just how good the music has been these last two episodes also? That theme that played last week just as Jon pulls out his sword to take on Bolton's army before both cavalries clashed. And this episode's music was amazing as well.

God damn it's going to be a long wait till next season...

Agree with all of this.

Also, yeah, the visual and music in that scene was amongst my favorite, like we're lucky when such things are pulled off in movies and here it is achieved on TV.
Honestly, all of Arya's pointless scenes are completely forgiven after her scene tonight. I truly did not see that coming. I thought it was Jaime.

Because I wasn't feeling the finale? C'mon peeps, let's not get defensive. It's a masterfully shot, perfectly executed GOT production; just that I'd rather not have this kind of episode as an end cap.

I can acknowledge that I'm like the only person that feels this way, if it helps.

Maybe it's someone else with a Messi avatar but I could swear you come in here every week saying how the episode sucked but it will do, lol. No one is getting defensive, if you hate it, that's cool, lol.


Jon banishing the red witch is going to be his undoing.

He's too fucking nice.

Maybe it's someone else with a Messi avatar but I could swear you come in here every week saying how the episode sucked but it will do, lol. No one is getting defensive, if you hate it, that's cool, lol.

Ha! I won't dispute that I've expressed negativity in the past, but I can assure you, I LOVE this show. Most of my "disappointment" is really just me wanting more, and being pissed I have to wait till next week!


If he has the people behind him, and Dany decides he'd be a better king than she a queen, who can really say? FUCK I'M EXCITED

If Dany suddenly decide that Jon is the King of Westeros after all this seasons, i would rather see Dany and her crew all die immediately there.

Dany whole agenda have been returning to Westeros to reclaim her rightful thrones. If she feel that the throne is such insignificant thing which can be that easy to relinquish for Jon, she should just stay on the other side continent forever. Racking all her stupid titles.


semen stains the mountaintops
Honestly, all of Arya's pointless scenes are completely forgiven after her scene tonight. I truly did not see that coming. I thought it was Jaime.

Yeah, I was saying earlier how her time as a Faceless Men felt pointless but now that we see she gained their power, it was totally worth it.


Agree. Back to back top 5 episodes for me, personally. After season 5 I never *EVER* thought this would be the case, but this might be the shows' best season to date on the strength of these two episodes.

The season did have a few lows points (Arya being the main example here) but the highs were so damn high. #Holdthedoor, Battle of the Bastards, Bran flashbacks, Cersei killing everyone with wildfire, Lyanna Mormont plus a whole lot more.

Definitely one of the strongest seasons with easily the best finale.
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