I thought she was Jon's brother. Wasn't danys father the one that raped lyanna?
No that was her brother Rhaegar. The Mad King was both Rhaegar's and Dany's father. There was just a big age difference between the two
I thought she was Jon's brother. Wasn't danys father the one that raped lyanna?
Sending her away was still a mistake though, I feel. Jon felt she needed to be punished and didn't want to kill her so sent her away because it was "right" but I'm not sure it was the smartest play.
Kid is definitely a Stark.
I like how they segued from Lyanna Stark being Jon's mother to Lyanna Mormont (named for Lyanna Stark) proclaiming Jon King in the North.
Nice touch.
Dany's father was the Mad King, Aerys. Aerys' son, Dany's older brother, Rhaegar had an affair with Lyanna Stark, resulting in Jon. Which means Dany is Jon's aunt.I thought she was Jon's brother. Wasn't danys father the one that raped lyanna?
Do you think Meli will end up joining Dany?
They were on her list at one time at least. She was pissed at them for betraying Gendry and turning him over to Melisandre.Does Arya want to kill Thoros and Beric? I don't remember her saying their names.
He was in there for sure, sitting on the other side of Mace I think.Did Cersei kill her uncle? Was he in the explosion area, I didn't see?
Did Cersei kill her uncle? Was he in the explosion area, I didn't see?
I wasn't expecting Arya at all this episode.
When she was saying your sons are already here. I was expecting them to be handing in the darkness or something, killed by Jaime since he asked what use they had for them.
More happened this episode than most of last season, the pace everything is moving at is crazy fast.
Ahh thanks. The guy that had the gold put on his head was also danys brother correct?Dany's father was the Mad King, Aerys. Aerys' son, Dany's older brother, Rhaegar had an affair with Lyanna Stark, resulting in Jon. Which means Dany is Jon's aunt.
He was in there for sure, sitting on the other side of Mace I think.
Arya's storyline redeemed
YesAhh thanks. The guy that had the gold put on his head was also danys brother correct?
Well how great an assassin do you need to be if you can perfectly disguise yourself as another person? Important people always need to have common people surrounding them, which is what makes the faceless men so dangerous. That scene completely justified her entire S5 and S6 arc.What a fantastic episode. Shame about Margaery, felt her character could still have been interesting but I guess with the King gone the Tyrell's were fucked anyway.
I still have problems with Arya's storyline. I actually think they botched it really. We haven't seen her grow to be a great assassin, she was still doing stupid shit right at the end of her time with the faceless men. Now shes some wonder assassin capable of destroying a house. Ok it was the Freys but we never saw her anywhere near the level of skill needed to do what she did. Also do you think Hot Pie helped?
So Arya has to meet Melisandre as some point, I wonder if shes going to Kings Landing to kill Cersei or Winterfell to see her siblings.
I am also not convinced the Black Fish is dead, his death was so odd by GoT standards and he's been named dropped a few times since his "death".
Cersei is gonna be on the throne a good 5 mins.
I wonder if Sam will have a hard time convincing the maesters that the white walkers are back and if he does, surely they'll do more than just train him?
Jon is the rightful heir to the throne, but I doubt he wants it. If Bran ever reveals the truth and it becomes public knowledge it will be interesting to see what Danny does.
Who is left of house Tyrell? Olena is old, shes gonna have to kick ass fast.
Whoever found the girl playing Lyanna Mormont is a god damn genius.
I don't think anyone who was inside survived, so yeah, I think he's gone.Did Cersei kill her uncle? Was he in the explosion area, I didn't see?
Nah, it was a twist because i thought they totally botched it.Imagine how much more satisfying that would've been if the Arya storyline had been done well for the past 2 seasons. Oh well, at least she's back in Westoros now.
I think Jon just doesn't want the White Walkers to kill every living thing south of the Wall at the moment. The Iron Throne seems like the farthest thing from his mind.
Yep. Older brother. Jon's uncle.Ahh thanks. The guy that had the gold put on his head was also danys brother correct?
I always get all the names confused. Thanks
She thinks the Lord of Light has a plan for Jon, so I don't think she would turn against him. What might present a problem though, is if Dany brought the other Red Priestess with her. Can't have the followers of the same deity thinking two different people are the Ones Who Were Promised.
Correct. They were only babies when all that shit went down with the Mad King and Robert's Rebellion, which is why they were sent to Essos in the first place, and coincidently why Ned lied about Jon's true parentage. Robert would have killed any Targaryen baby in the Seven Kingdoms.Ahh thanks. The guy that had the gold put on his head was also danys brother correct?
I have some grievances with this episode, mostly due to some amateur dialogue, but otherwise it was pretty great. The season overall was way better than the previous but the boring / stupid episodes in the middle bring it down. The highs were really freakin high.
Dany dumped what's his face to be with Yara.
Oh yeah, holy crap. I legit teared up when she gave him the pin.The amount of amazing scenes in this episode was insane. I actually kind of forgot about the Dany and Tyrion scene until just now but it was a beautiful moment as well
Cersei put in dat work....
Nothing makes me roll my eyes harder than message board script writing experts.
Arya was the one eyeing Jaime, the one Bronn pointed out.
That just clicked for some reason, lol.
Overwatch is outta controlCersei put in dat work....
What if the reason there is three dragons is one for Danarys, Jon Snow, and an unknown Targaryen? All three of them will fly the dragons to take on the white walkers.Fuck. I just had giant realization. The Three Eyed Raven was alive all that time just to tell Bran that Jon is the son of a Targaryen. WHICH IS ALL RELEVANT TO THE WHITE WALKERS AND SOMEHOW BECAUSE HE CAN PROBABLY RIDE DRAGONS AND BURN THEM UP AND SHTI AND FUCK I"M TOO EXCITED. FUCK I REMEMBER DANY'S PREMONITION AT KING'S LANDING AND FUCK I HAVE TO WAIT A YEAR FOR THSI SHIT?
Do you think Meli will end up joining Dany?