Yep one of the first. I wonder if she'll get cersei and the mountain.Have to rewatch but was Walter Frey even on Arya's list?
Not that it matters just keep doing what you do Arya
Yep one of the first. I wonder if she'll get cersei and the mountain.Have to rewatch but was Walter Frey even on Arya's list?
Not that it matters just keep doing what you do Arya
You guys think this finally where Jaime draws the line? Cersei just murdered her relatives and indirectly killed her son.
That tommen gif is gonna get a lot of use in the future.
Flawless episode outside of the Arya stuff.
You guys think this is finally where Jaime draws the line? Cersei just murdered her relatives and indirectly killed her son.
was thinking a couple episodes ago that natalie dormer seemed way underused for the last season or two and i guess that makes more sense now
idk, but it seemed very deliberate that jon told her to ride south, and not just gtfo
Cersei put in dat work....
Maybe. But I can see her risking coming back to warn Jon of something she sees in the flames, be it a Littlefinger plot or the Night King hitting the The Wall.
Stolen from tumblr:
No stands in Mad Queen's way. No one.
She even killed her own uncle, she gives no fucks.
That look he gave her seems like he is disgusted and scared of what she has become.
BTW someone needs to win an award for Cersie's dress. That was one of the most legit badass pieces of wardrobe I've seen in a minute
Yeah, Darth Cersi looked pretty boss.
So why did Ned's sister whisper the name? Do we know what she said? We know who we think is the father, they jump straight to Jon from the baby, she is presumably the mother. So what is their to hide? Just makes me wonder if Jon's parentage is still up in the air.
Probably already discussed, but they didn't light all of the wildfire that was supposedly under KL. There were allegedly caches under the red keep and elsewhere in the city. Maybe if/when the walkers overrun KL, team living activates their trap card?
Our girl was aware of everything the whole time though :"/ she smart! *cries
So, we will never know what Margery's rose was?
So why did Ned's sister whisper the name? Do we know what she said? We know who we think is the father, they jump straight to Jon from the baby, she is presumably the mother. So what is their to hide? Just makes me wonder if Jon's parentage is still up in the air.
My new Avatar tomorrow when those across the pond are caught up.
So, we will never know what Margery's rose was?
Get this director to direct every episode from here on out, I don't give a shit how much it costs.
Jon KING IN THE NORTH isn't a bastard (how is he going to find out???)
Lady Mormont is bad ass.