This was the greatest season finale I have ever seen, and the guy who directed this and the previous episode should direct every forthcoming episode as well, period. In fact, I am so awed by his output that I have to check his name, as I feel ashamed for not knowing it outright.
Checking IMDB, and... Miguel Sapochnik. Did I write that correctly? I have to double-check. Yes. Miguel Sapochnik. Who are you, Miguel, and why haven't you become a household name already? You're absolutely brilliant. My hat is off to you, sir. What a talent!
The whole finale was so beautifully shot that from a visual perspective alone it was masterful, the acting was amazing, the music was bone-chillingly good, and the way the pieces are starting to come together... I might be a bit hyperbolic as I just finished the finale, literally five minutes ago the beauty of it faded to black with white credits I never bother to read but this time I had to stay for the music, but this two-episode gut-punch sealed this season as the best so far, and if this is a sign of things to come... If the last two seasons keep up this level of quality, Game of Thrones will conquer its place as the best television-serie of my lifetime. I seriously can't see anything topping this. This really is the television-event of our times.
Man, I need to calm down. Apologies, all. It's going to be a grueling year, but I'm going to soothe the ache of waiting-forward-to by re-watching the whole saga. At least once. And I'm going to go full-on geek-mode, too. Posters? Gonna get 'em. Coffee-mugs? Sure, why not! T-shirts? Wearing them with pride wherever I go, bro!
Game of Thrones, for a fantasy-geek like me, is the best its going to get.
Sweaty palms punching sweaty keys here. Need to raise my fingers and
go outside.