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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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The One and Done™;208442124 said:
Game of motherfucking Thrones bitches!!!!! The players are in their final staring positions, King of the North, Mother of Dragons, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. And let's not forget Arya is lurking read to fuck shit up!!!!!!Let's goooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooooo!

And the Hound is still out there ready to make an impact.


Arya's revenge was perfect. Remember when Bran told the story about the lord that murdered guests under his own roof. He got turned into a rat and doomed to eat his children for eternity. Or something like that, it was all the way back in season 2 or 3 or something.

Other than that, great season finale. Loved it.



I get that this episode was awesome and there's a lot to take in but I can't believe I haven't seen anyone mention this yet. How that dude got from Dorne back to Essos in like a day is beyond me.
he could have just not been in that final scene and it woulda been fine imo
I looked it up, Dawn is made from fallen star metal (a meteorite). Who's with me on this crazy train?

It's definitely possible. Not to mention the logo on the sword.

Mad Queen on the Iron Throne
Arya back in Westeros, checking off her hit list
Dany sailing to Westeros, with her all-star team and army
Jon is King of the North & a Targaryen

The stage is set. Next season is going to be amazing
This was the greatest season finale I have ever seen, and the guy who directed this and the previous episode should direct every forthcoming episode as well, period. In fact, I am so awed by his output that I have to check his name, as I feel ashamed for not knowing it outright.

Checking IMDB, and... Miguel Sapochnik. Did I write that correctly? I have to double-check. Yes. Miguel Sapochnik. Who are you, Miguel, and why haven't you become a household name already? You're absolutely brilliant. My hat is off to you, sir. What a talent!

The whole finale was so beautifully shot that from a visual perspective alone it was masterful, the acting was amazing, the music was bone-chillingly good, and the way the pieces are starting to come together... I might be a bit hyperbolic as I just finished the finale, literally five minutes ago the beauty of it faded to black with white credits I never bother to read but this time I had to stay for the music, but this two-episode gut-punch sealed this season as the best so far, and if this is a sign of things to come... If the last two seasons keep up this level of quality, Game of Thrones will conquer its place as the best television-serie of my lifetime. I seriously can't see anything topping this. This really is the television-event of our times.

Man, I need to calm down. Apologies, all. It's going to be a grueling year, but I'm going to soothe the ache of waiting-forward-to by re-watching the whole saga. At least once. And I'm going to go full-on geek-mode, too. Posters? Gonna get 'em. Coffee-mugs? Sure, why not! T-shirts? Wearing them with pride wherever I go, bro!

Game of Thrones, for a fantasy-geek like me, is the best its going to get.

Sweaty palms punching sweaty keys here. Need to raise my fingers and

go outside.
Seems that way. Ned is the real MVP., that honorable bastard.

LOL seriously. That got me thinking though, I wasn't really clear on what Benjen was referring to when he was talking about the "magic" barriers or what-not.

Yeah to both of these.

Wonder what the heck Jaimie is gonna do, He murdered the Mad King for attempting the thing that his love Cersei actually did.

Oh yeah...
Jon KING IN THE NORTH isn't a bastard (how is he going to find out???)

Unless Lyanna and Rheagar were married he's still a bastard in the eyes of the gods and I imagine a majority of Westeros, but he's I guess technically a highborn bastard since both his parents would be highborn? If that's even a thing.

Except Jon is not immune to fire.

Yup. When he's fighting off the White Walker that attacks Jeor Mormont he grabs his sword out of the fireplace and burns his hand.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Walder Frrey seems like the type of person who would continue eating the pie even after he found out it was his own sons.


Fail out bailed

I get that this episode was awesome and there's a lot to take in but I can't believe I haven't seen anyone mention this yet. How that dude got from Dorne back to Essos in like a day is beyond me.
Not to be a dick, just kinda joking around here but...
People always mention stuff like this and it really weird me out. Do people think this show is one day at a time? I assume some episodes condense upwards of month of time.

I mean, ya'll know that they sleep and poop too right?


The Varys scene took place after the news of Margaery's death had alread reached Dorne; you can assume some time had passed right?

The show doesnt necessary show everything exacty chronologically; they occasionally do some wizardy with time, space, and travel but it's silly to get stuck on that IMO and a lot of times it's explainable by just realizing a scene in a totally different location could have taken place in a different time than the scenes before and after that aren't in that same place.


Biggest surprise: Arya already back in Westeros checking off her list. Wish they handled her previous arc better, but glad to see her back in action.

Cersei's plan was crazy, and I did not expect that level of carnage. She has a ton of enemies now, no idea how that will all unfold. I wonder what Jaime will say to her about Tommen, she was very cold about it, but I guess she already mourned his death expecting it via the prediction.

So Jon is Targaryen like we were expecting. I wonder if he has the "fire immunity" like Dany and if we'll ever see that in play.

Oh yea and Lady Mormont was the biggest badass of the episode, once again. That young actor is killin it.


I was somewhat worried going into this season that the quality would drop after the frankly bad (by GoT standards) season 5 and the show leaving the books behind. But season 6 delivered big time, mostly in the form of payoffs a long time coming, especially for the Starks. Can't wait for next season.


So they made a point with the dialogue between Daario and Dany to mention that he wanted to take some men and take Casterly Rock so that the Lannisters don't have anywhere left to run to. I always figured that Dany's army would head east and end up on the west coast of Westeros so that King's Landing was the end game, so the fact that they're traveling west means that King's Landing is essentially their first target.

The start of next season is going to be nuts.
Not to be a dick, just kinda joking around here but...
People always mention stuff like this and it really weird me out. Do people think this show is one day at a time? I assume some episodes condense upwards of month of time.

I mean, ya'll know that they sleep and poop too right?

I only know this because Tyrion kills his pops on the toilet.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Whoever knew about Gendry also believes he died but he IS the true heir to Robert's Iron Throne.

well I figure SOMEONE knows he exists, but what I mean is - who do "people" think is the legitimate heir now. or who WILL be.


Not to be a dick, just kinda joking around here but...
People always mention stuff like this and it really weird me out. Do people think this show is one day at a time? I assume some episodes condense upwards of month of time.

I mean, ya'll know that they sleep and poop too right?

I am being slightly tongue-in-cheek. Obviously it was not literally a day and we are supposed to understand that there was some passage of time.

But when Varys can go travel such great distances in 20 minutes of episode, but the people in King's Landing still don't know about the battle of the bastards (as an example), it raises some eyebrows about the timelines. It's more of a production error than something wrong with the story line but it stands out nonetheless.
Lé Blade Runner;208442508 said:
This was the greatest season finale I have ever seen, and the guy who directed this and the previous episode should direct every forthcoming episode as well, period. In fact, I am so awed by his output that I have to check his name, as I feel ashamed for not knowing it outright.

Checking IMDB, and... Miguel Sapochnik. Did I write that correctly? I have to double-check. Yes. Miguel Sapochnik. Who are you, Miguel, and why haven't you become a household name already? You're absolutely brilliant. My hat is off to you, sir. What a talent!
And he directed Hardhome as well
Many-Faced God dude clearly has a soft spot for her.


And she won in order to leave.


Watching the tower of joy scene again they focused on Sir Arthur Danes sword. Is it made out of something special? Did maybe Ned bring it back to Winterfell? Could John use the sword if he did.........Dawn=Light Bringer?

I looked it up, Dawn is made from fallen star metal (a meteorite). Who's with me on this crazy train?

I like this.
I cant believe you jerks liked Tommen dying.

He was a fucking CHILD who was tormented with responsibility and he committed suicide. How can you not want to comfort him?

And uh, did that nun get raped by the Mountain? I cant imagine that not causing controversy and outrage

I'm still completely uninterested in Daenerys. She continues to be cold hearted and indifferent to her lover and I cant help but think that she's going to turn out like her father.

It seems to me that her arc will end next season, with the season after being the finals howdown between the Night King and Jon.

Are we expecting a season where Danny has hostile takeover and will she kill Cersei? Maybe a season of politics, as opposed to all out madness that the end of this season has? I imagine theyll have to slow it down a bit mid season

And wont Arya kill Jamie? He seems like such a tragic hero, and I see him dying miserably. I cant believe Margy is dead, and Ser Loras. It's remarkable how important some characters are, and how they dwindle into nothing. It's amazingly refreshing.

I dont care if it betrays the whole nature of the show-- I want Jon Snow as king of everything. I want him to win it all. How can you not love his incredible story.
I just liked Tommen's suicide scene because of how it was shot- one single take, he takes his crown off, he walks off-screen, we don't see anything... he jumps.

I also liked that scene happening RIGHT THE FUCK AFTER Cersei gloating to shame chick about how she won- basically saying that Cersei got her last child killed because she was more concerned with fucking up her enemies than consoling her son after his wife died.


-I loved how they took the scene I heard about from the books with Frey getting fed his own sons and adapted it to work with the condensed story of the show, having it be at the hands of Arya, who killed him after the fact.




-I kinda wonder if Arya giving Jamie the eyes before killing Walder will have any meaning going forward. Maybe she'll use the same mask for killing Cersei and Jamie will catch her?

It's not so much the cost, as there literally isn't enough time for him to do so. The episodes are mostly directly and produced simultaneously.

Yeah, but considering the reception of this episode and the last I'm sure they'll put him in charge of The Good Episodes going forward.

In general, I wonder if the idea behind having fewer episodes per season (as has been rumored for the next two) is to have longer episodes per season. As the number of characters/plot threads slims down via deaths, it would certainly make sense from a logistic standpoint to condense episodes as well- fewer plot threads that you have to cover.


semen stains the mountaintops
I thought Cersei was Queen just because there was literally no one left in King's Landing to say no as opposed to any rightful claim.

No one is alive on the Baratheon side anymore and the only person who can rule on the Lannister side is her. So it's both.
I dont care if it betrays the whole nature of the show-- I want Jon Snow as king of everything. I want him to win it all. How can you not love his incredible story.

If Jon actually dies it will be the one thing to really ruin things for me. I don't care if it's cliche, at the end of the day this seems to be his story the most. Well him and Dany's I suppose, and I will be heartbroken if he doesn't make it on the Throne or not


So Arya did walk away from her training with more than just an ability to fight in the dark. She can do the Faceless voodoo. What a perfect way to end Walder Frey.

I don't like her, but watching the rise of Sith Lord Cersei was awesome. Great costume design. She's officially back in the game with her dark maester on one side, and her frankenknight on the other.

I couldn't tell if Sansa was pleased or unsettled with the North siding with Jon as king. At first she seemed ok with it, but I'm wondering if Littlefinger is in her head. The final shot showed her expression change.
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