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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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Where do we think Arya goes from here? Will she have heard that Jon and Sansa have retaken Winterfell, and would that make her more or less likely to go there?

Also, where the living fuck is Ghost?


There's no Baratheon house anymore at this point really. There's no one to prop Gendry up anymore.

Her suitors are likely Jon (ew), Euron, and I guess maybe Robin (ewwww) if Littlefinger wants to split off from the North and make his move.

Dorne and Tyrell don't have any male heirs otherwise they would have made sense at this point. Lannisters are obviously out. Nobody else of signifigance exists when it comes to the Seven kingdoms at least.

I can see them not even doing marriage though, but using it as an excuse for Dany and Jon to finally meet since he's an obvious candidate at this point.


So basically season 7 will be a Stark/Lannister/Targaryen War and season 8 will be the Fuck everyone's dead white walkers dragons war.


No Scrubs
Where do we think Arya goes from here? Will she have heard that Jon and Sansa have retaken Winterfell, and would that make her more or less likely to go there?

Also, where the living fuck is Ghost?

I think she goes south to try and off Cersei. There's still a few names left on her list, could be she meets up with the Hound again on the way there.
It also makes him a huge hypocrite for doubting Jamie and treating him like shit for killing the mad king.

Because he expects Jamie to be honourable, yet he dishonoured Robert by keeping an heir alive.

Again nobody knows about the Mad King plans to burn everyone right? Jaimie just told Brienne.
Ned just walked in to see Jaimie seating on Iron Throne.
He just doubts that Jaimie is truly loyal when he backs tabbed his own King he was sworn to protect.


So are there any significant ramifications for Walder Frey's death? I never paid that much attention to that family so don't know how they're connected to anything except they were allied with the Lannister's for whatever reason. Also why did Jaime seem so disgusted with him? Was it because he disliked what they did to the Stark's, or something else?

Well I would guess Edmure will be freed and Riverrun + the Twins will revert back to the Tullys/Starks. Jaime was pissed that he equated stabbing Rob in the back w/ what Jaime did to the mad king. Also, the lannisters won all his battles but he was taking credit


Where do we think Arya goes from here? Will she have heard that Jon and Sansa have retaken Winterfell, and would that make her more or less likely to go there?

Also, where the living fuck is Ghost?

She's going to find out Littlefinger betrayed Ned and put him on the list. Might have to shank Littlefinger while wearing her sister's face.


So I've been thinking more about the reveal that Jon is a targaryen. If there's anything that this season of Game of Thrones has shown, it's that everything really matters, all the little details always come back into the play. Theories that book fans have had for almost a decade and TV show fans have had for several years finally started to payoff. It made me think about how everything that we see or hear in this series matters on some level & will eventually serve a higher purpose that we might not initially see.

So now that Jon being a Targaryen is known to the audience, I have to wonder what will come from giving the audience this bit of knowledge. Obviously since we're entering the endgame for this series, it would seem that Jon being a Targaryen will come to play a pivotal point in some form or fashion. It makes me really excited to see what the future holds for him & Dany. From my perspective, I feel like one of these two has to die before the series ends.


No Scrubs
Again nobody knows about the Mad King plans to burn everyone right? Jaimie just told Brienne.
Ned just walked in to see Jaimie seating on Iron Throne.
He just doubts that Jaimie is truly loyal when he backs tabbed his own King he was sworn to protect.

It's definitely not something he's told to a lot of people. If he did the dude would be hailed as a hero, but then again it's not his style.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
That was the best GOT finale episode. Cersei has gone mad. What will Jamie do? I cant seem him on her side anymore.

So I've been thinking more about the reveal that Jon is a targaryen. If there's anything that this season of Game of Thrones has shown, it's that everything really matters, all the little details always come back into the play. Theories that book fans have had for almost a decade and TV show fans have had for several years finally started to payoff. It made me think about how everything that we see or hear in this series matters on some level & will eventually serve a higher purpose that we might not initially see.

So now that Jon being a Targaryen is known to the audience, I have to wonder what will come from giving the audience this bit of knowledge. Obviously since we're entering the endgame for this series, it would seem that Jon being a Targaryen will come to play a pivotal point in some form or fashion. It makes me really excited to see what the future holds for him & Dany. From my perspective, I feel like one of these two has to die before the series ends.

How is it known to the audience? This id still a theory.
Is Howland Reed still even alive? Or did he maybe just die later of his wounds after the Tower of Joy? Even if not I assume he carried that secret to his grave or it doesn't really matter.

Also I would assume that even if the handmaidens said anything it's Ned's word against his.

I'm curious how you think Tyrion knows at all; I've never gotten that impression.

I'm just going off of him being book smart, or able to figure it out.


Is Howland Reed still even alive? Or did he maybe just die later of his wounds after the Tower of Joy? Even if not I assume he carried that secret to his grave or it doesn't really matter.

Also I would assume that even if the handmaidens said anything it's Ned's word against his.

I'm curious how you think Tyrion knows at all; I've never gotten that impression.

Because he drinks and he knows things.


Great finale. Holy shit.

They did a great job of converging a bunch of plots and assuming HBO doesn't convince D&D to go longer than the 8 seasons currently planned, I can see the finish line now for the most part.

I'm not sure why exactly but I have almost no emotional investment Daenerys plot line. When she was sailing towards Westeros and the music was swelling, I just did not have any kind of emotional reaction to it. This should be her big moment, but nothing. It's cool and well done but I didn't feel particularly invested in it. Compare that with the Lords of the North proclaiming Jon as the King in the North, which had me welling up a little bit. I don't hate the Daenerys stuff, I am just not as interested in it as I want to be.

A strange flip-flop from about 3 seasons ago when I didn't give a shit about anything at The Wall and couldn't get enough of Daenrys and her dragons.

Benjen said he couldn't cross with Bran because of magic, which I had assumed was maybe the same magic the Three-Eyed Raven was using on the cave and Bran being marked let them bypass the barrier. I guess that isn't the case though?

Littlefinger probably turns attention south at some point early next season. He wants to sit the Iron Throne and Daenerys is going to throw a big old wrench into that while he plots out his new Northern strategy.

Arya appears to have Littlefinger teleportation skills. Obviously we don't know the exact timeline that is happening but she sure got back to Westeros quickly.

I feel the same way about Dany. For me, part of it lies in the fact that everything this season just seems to have come so easily to her; there really wasn't any kind of suspense or tension surrounding her story. The show is taking every opportunity it can to make her seem like this great Dragon Queen messiah by throwing spectacle after spectacle at us. It was really cathartic in the beginning, but I'm just kind of over it. Now, I'm just waiting for her to reach Westeros so the real struggle can begin.

Dany has had it really easy so far. All her enemies have underestimated her, so she's been able to snatch some low hanging victories. Westeros is a much more dangerous playing ground, so I'm hoping the shift in climate will inject some much needed excitement into her story.


One of Walder's many children will likely take over the Riverlands, I don't expect it to be a major plot point. They are propped up by the Lannisters as Jamie said, they'll just prop up another son. Most of the stories involving that area have come to a close for the most part or had characters like the Hound moving away. I don't expect we'll see much of those areas next season, they've quite consciously been moving the characters into tighter and tighter quarters and areas.


So Dany is John's aunt?



Sucks at poetry
In my humble opinion we just had the best 2 episodes of this series back to back. That alone makes Season 6 the best ever so far for me even if there were some issues and slow parts scattered throughout

Don't forget Hodor's episode too! That whole episode was amazing.

Btw, has it been confirmed how many seasons are left now? Feels like there is too much to do to wrap it up in just one more season.


That was the best GOT finale episode. Cersei has gone mad. What will Jamie do? I cant seem him on her side anymore.

How is it known to the audience? This id still a theory.

Is it? I felt the implication from that scene with Lyanna & Ned is that Jon Snow is the child of Rhaegar Targaryen & Lyanna Stark.


I am Korean.
Littlefinger needs more leverage than just the Vale to take the Iron Throne. That's his end goal and to make it work he needs a much bigger force behind him, which means he needs Winterfel and Sansa.

Which is why the army of the vale becomes a strong bargaining chip for Sansa's hand.
Don't forget Hodor's episode too! That whole episode was amazing.

Btw, has it been confirmed how many seasons are left now? Feels like there is too much to do to wrap it up in just one more season.

Yep that was another phenomenal episode.

We don't have anything set in stone but it for sure looks like we have 2 more seasons. The question is if they will be shortened or full length


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Dany seems unstoppable with all things considered, but it's beyond obvious the white walkers will upset the balance of it all. Once she finds out that Jon has more of a claim to the throne than she does, things will also get very interesting.

They'll marry. I'm absolutely certain of it. Her scene with Daario is the setup. She said she needs to setup marriage alliances. Can you think of any male heirs and/or rulers she would marry? LF is not an option due to Varys and Tyrion being her advisors.

Well guys, congratulations you got what you wanted. You asked for the mantle of the Mad King to be taken, you wanted it to be a woman. Did the show not give you what you wanted? "Dany will be the big bad in Westeros" they sang. Hahahaha.

While they were busy slandering the name of another, the true Dark Lord waited in the shadows. While their eyes were fixated upon a far away horizon worrying about a "villain" who was never to be, closer to home an evil beyond imagination stirred. "Dany will burn King's Landing" they shouted and screamed. "All of Westeros will resist her" they clamoured. "The first queen of Westeros shall make her subjects fear her" they claimed. That they were right about. But Dany isn't the first queen of Westeros is she? The Mad Queen Cersei Lannister is.

Darth Cersei + Euron + Little Finger


Dany & Dream Team (Tyrell, Greyjoy, Martell, Varys, Tyrion, Unsullied, Missandai, Grey Worm, Dothraki, and perhaps Jaime) + the North.

Lady Olenna single handily saved Dorne, and Lady Mormot, wow. How the fuck did Arya do that? There's something we're missing with the whole House of Black. Jon Targaryen :)


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
So if Jon has a legit claim to the Iron Throne, doesn't Winter win? e.g. The Dead would literally be sitting on the Iron Throne.

I feel like we're missing something very obvious right under our noses here. Lord of the light is from beyond the wall, calling it now.


Will Daenerys take the Iron Throne?
Will John rally the north and hold off the invading army beyond the wall?
Will Goku defeat the evil Majin Buu?


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Is it? I felt the implication from that scene with Lyanna & Ned is that Jon Snow is the child of Rhaegar Targaryen & Lyanna Stark.

Just watching today's episode. I cant imagine how anyone can assume that. At what point Rhaegar Targaryen was even mentioned?
I don't think Sands/LF are plotting together, it would also be a pretty silly twist especially after tonights reveal. I think they're setting up Jon to be the hero of the series. What I saw between LF and Sansa was tension because LF realized he fucked up and saw his picture shatter before his eyes along with Sansa not forgiving him for what he'd done to her and really why should she? Sure he helped out Jon but he should've never sold her in the first place and after the abuse she suffered there she's not going to let that go for the sake of power, nor has she ever really been a power hungry character, she just desired to live good before she realized the way she was living was as good as it was going to get, she knows that now and after all they've worked for i don't see her giving it up. I think the time for political power plays are over. All the pieces are in place and now we watch the game finish and come to its conclusion.


So if Jon has a legit claim to the Iron Throne, doesn't Winter win? e.g. The Dead would literally be sitting on the Iron Throne.

I feel like we're missing something very obvious right under our noses here. Lord of the light is from beyond the wall, calling it now.

How are you making this connection?
Just watching today's episode. I cant imagine how anyone can assume that. At what point Rhaegar Targaryen was even mentioned?
Like first episode of season 1 by Robert and how much he hated him
Not sure if 1st but Robert hated the Targaryens bad he mentioned Rhaegar specially a few times I believe


Sweet final scene. Followed by another sweet final scene. And another. And another (lost count at times they could have ended the season)
Could have been arya, johns targaryan face, king in the north chant, LF/Sansa, or Dany's ships/dragons.
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