Astral Dog
Pycelle is a dick who has always hated Cersei.
so she just decided to get revenge on everyone and make her day, ok.
Pycelle is a dick who has always hated Cersei.
I was wondering about that. Where did the kids come from?
The cinematography really took a step up this season, really incredible stuff particularly the last four episodes.
episodes 7 and 8 sucked really hard
So Arya did walk away from her training with more than just an ability to fight in the dark. She can do the Faceless voodoo. What a perfect way to end Walder Frey.
I don't like her, but watching the rise of Sith Lord Cersei was awesome. Great costume design. She's officially back in the game with her dark maester on one side, and her frankenknight on the other.
I couldn't tell if Sansa was pleased or unsettled with the North siding with Jon as king. At first she seemed ok with it, but I'm wondering if Littlefinger is in her head. The final shot showed her expression change.
Hard to frame when you're stabbed to death in a very obvious murderPycelle was likely killed where he was to frame him for the explosion. He's the only member of the small council from season 2 around besides Cersei to have likely had knowledge of the wildfire so they can pin it on him. Only reason I can think of to single him out and not just let him die in the blast.
I didn't notice a dip in the cinematography in those 2 episodes.
Pycelle was likely killed where he was to frame him for the explosion. He's the only member of the small council from season 2 around besides Cersei to have likely had knowledge of the wildfire so they can pin it on him. Only reason I can think of to single him out and not just let him die in the blast.
Hard to frame when you're stabbed to death in a very obvious murder
That could work, but I assumed he was killed because he was responsible for interpreting the laws and would never crown Cercei
Nah fuck Tommen, it's his own damn fault all this happened.Tommen was literally too good for that world, poor kid
Hard to frame when you're stabbed to death in a very obvious murder
episodes 7 and 8 sucked really hard
Tyrion vs his sis and bro is gonna be omg
I wonder how Dani and Jon will team up
Don't forget Hodor's episode too! That whole episode was amazing.
Btw, has it been confirmed how many seasons are left now? Feels like there is too much to do to wrap it up in just one more season.
Hard to frame when you're stabbed to death in a very obvious murder
Next season the King of the North and the Queen of the known world will March both directions to kings landing.
The last episode will be the white walkers and Night King breaching the wall.
Last season is Dany and Jon facing the mortal threat to man.
There's really not much to do.
About Bran's story line with the tower
It's confirmed that Jon Snow's mother is Lyanna. What about his father?
I thought his father was Ned, but it could be possible that Jon Snow only has Stark blood from Lyanna and not Ned Stark.
Who is Jon Snow's father?
Creators seem to be implying it from their insights on episode 10 on the GOT YouTube channel.How can anyone possibly think that Sansa is going to betray Jon somehow?
Someone earlier in the thread predicted the last scene of the finale down to every detail lol. Dany crossing the narrow sea on her ships. Dragons overhead. Scene fades to black. Dragon screech. Exactly! Who was that?! Come forth and claim your prize!
Creators seem to be implying it from their insights on episode 10 on the GOT YouTube channel.
I said cinematography, not overall quality of the episodes. 7 & 8 had some fantastic establishment shots (Bear Island, etc.) and were generally very good looking, don't know what to tell you if you actually mean they looked bad.
As for the quality of the episodes, I agree with the general consensus of Arya's plot being very poorly done which is rather bad as a conclusion to a two season plot arc for a major character, but other than that had a lot of good stuff.
As to the whole 6-7 episodes a season thing. Has there been any indication a lot of those episodes will be elongated ones like tonight?
If not thats pretty disappointing. Seems like so much ground to still cover in not a lot of space.
Kind of feels like a regression to the early season where they realized they kinda rushed stuff and then slowed it back down.
As to the whole 6-7 episodes a season thing. Has there been any indication a lot of those episodes will be elongated ones like tonight?
If not thats pretty disappointing. Seems like so much ground to still cover in not a lot of space.
Kind of feels like a regression to the early season where they realized they kinda rushed stuff and then slowed it back down.
Apparently the original source was from Reddit, which outlined the major beats of Season 6 well in advance:
Someone earlier in the thread predicted the last scene of the finale down to every detail lol. Dany crossing the narrow sea on her ships. Dragons overhead. Scene fades to black. Dragon screech. Exactly! Who was that?! Come forth and claim your prize!
Man its still crazy thinking about the Tyrells were wiped off the map in one swoop like that. Poor Margaery even saw it coming
I liked when The Sparrow realizes Cersei is playing with a different set of rules than him, very brief moment.
Not enough!
I watched the whole thing and I didn't get that from them at all.
Still rowin'.
About Bran's story line with the tower
It's confirmed that Jon Snow's mother is Lyanna. What about his father?
I thought his father was Ned, but it could be possible that Jon Snow only has Stark blood from Lyanna and not Ned Stark.
Who is Jon Snow's father?
khaleesi's father, the mad king
So who the fuck is gonna stop, Dany? She is about to STEAMROLL her way to the throne.
Unsullied army? Check
Dorneish army? Check
Dothraki army? Check
Tyrell army? Check
Greyjoy fleet? Check
Motherfucking DRAGONS. Triple Check
The only thing Dany is gonna have to really try against is the White Walkers and their "Winter Cometh" fuckery.