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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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I still don't get why the Sparrows weren't allowing anyone to leave. I get Lori's but no one else was on trial why keep them there against their will?


Show really needs those "x hours/days/xx later" cuts from Spongebob. Not something similar to those, but EXACTLY those. With the pseudo-french announcer. Turn a 10/10 show into a 11/10 show.
Show really needs those "x hours/days/xx later" cuts from Spongebob. Not something similar to those, but EXACTLY those. With the pseudo-french announcer. Turn a 10/10 show into a 11/10 show.

I'd say it would be a distraction and also cause unintentional tonal shifts.

With that said, I do agree the passage of time could be better conveyed


How did Varys go from Dorne to Denarys so fast?




"playing" dumb? unpossible
So how are the white walkers getting through? It almost feels like the only way is if they somehow commandeer the dragons to melt it for them.

Sams story will likely have huge implications I believe. He's going to find something else useful to the fight in that library.
Bran with his mark will bring down the wall. I don't know why he doesn't realise it yet.
That was just her saying "I'm still with you" and that the religious fervor was a sham.

But in typical GoT fashion, the expected result was subverted. Boom.

No it did have the intended result. Lady Olenna got the hell out of King's Landing.

I wonder if she'll take credit publicly for blowing up the sept, or if it's supposed to be some big mystery.

From the look of the faces of everyone during Cersei's coronation, I'm guessing everyone knows who was responsible.

I guess the Stark gene is strong? Being the son of Rehgar and not silver haired? I guess it would have made it all too obvious.Also The White Wolf. It was foreshadowed the very first episode. Awesome.
Sansa has her mother's colouring. So Starks aren't super gened or anything.
It's nice that Dany realise she needs good council to keep her doing the right things. And it seems apparent that Sansa will protect Jon from Littlefinger. I can't imagine marriage being appealing to her now and really happy that she already apologised for last week.

Yeah, both of those were great scenes.

And it's great they had her apologize for that, directly addressing those complaining about that last week.

Either her or Arya are going to figure out who betrayed Ned. It's been a long time coming.

Yup. I hope it's as satisfying as it deserves to be. Knowing how they've handled such scenes like that so far I think it will be.

The North remembers (or has to figure it out at least, then it will remember).

Haha :D


Show really needs those "x hours/days/xx later" cuts from Spongebob. Not something similar to those, but EXACTLY those. With the pseudo-french announcer. Turn a 10/10 show into a 11/10 show.

The more details you give, the more wrong you get to be. You know someone is going to sit down and work out exactly how fast things should be.


Lyanna Mormont carries on winning.

i like how in this morally grey dark gritty quasi-realistic medieval world everyone is just like "yeah the 12-year old is fucking right!"

best episode of the series

someone on the kotaku article commented "I know why they call it king's landing now" lmao


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The thing that makes Varys bouncing around weirder is his last scene with Tyrion made it sound like they would only meet again in Westeros. So there was no expectation for him to ever come back. He would arrange plans and meet up when the fleet arrived, not come back to verify things.
They have always been purposefully vague with times because of the magnitude of the sevil. Imagine having to see chatacters riding for weeks or months to get from one place to another.
I suppose it's a necessary evil.


What works in a book doesn't always work on a show. A character taking months to reach a destination in book translates to something incredibly slow and boring on a show. The story is at a point where lots of things start to happen and there is no way a 10 episode season would cover months of traveling.


I have the feeling to have missed something:

Varys appesring on board of Danaerys ship. Was he not at Dorn? Did magically transported him back?

I just do not get it? Help please. XD

It's basically the writers' way of saying, "Hey, notice how GRRM takes forever to make stuff happen, let's establish right now we're not going to fall into that trap. If you don't believe us, here's Varys on Dany's ship within 10 minutes of being in Dorne. Interpret the passage of time however you wish."

I think Varys had to be there, because all the pieces needed to be firmly in place. His presence told us that everything was finalized, and added to the context of that final scene with Dany and her ships.

In general, time is just kind of convoluted now. Cersei burns a bunch of important Tyrells alive, and then we suddenly see grandma Tyrell having tea in Dorne? No mourning? When did she even find out?

The writers have pretty much given themselves the liberty of letting the audience fill in the gaps. How many days, weeks between the Varys in Dorne scene and the Varys on a boat scene? Who knows? Maybe 10, maybe 20, maybe 60? It's up to our imaginations. :p


I can almost guarantee that the finale will end with Dany setting sail, dragons flying over her, and then a cut to black while only drogon's screech remains. They have ended so many episodes like that, and I think they'll do the same here.
Nailed it


How do we know Jons dad is Rhaegar?


Yup. I hope it's as satisfying as it deserves to be. Knowing how they've handled such scenes like that so far I think it will be.

I'm hoping Arya.... but I'm guessing it will be Sansa. Maybe Sansa finds out after the Starks are reunited and tells Arya and Arya finds a way to just borrow Sansa's face without killing her.
yeah, no

Someone is going to spoil someone fierce with that gif soon I wager.

First thing I though of when I saw it...use with caution me thinks.


What works in a book doesn't always work on a show. A character taking months to reach a destination in book translates to something incredibly slow and boring on a show. The story is at a point where lots of things start to happen and there is no way a 10 episode season would cover months of traveling.

It doesn't even always work in the book. Timelines are funky even there.

You know how long book readers have waited for Tyrion to get to Dany? Literally, kids who were born when that plot started are going to be graduating high school.


Water is not wet!
The best episode of the best season of GoT yet. The first third in Kings Landing was real HBO shit. Keep that director happy.

Bran with his mark will bring down the wall. I don't know why he doesn't realise it yet.
A thought occurred to me that Benjen might not be on Team Living. i think we are going to see some subterfuge from the Nights King. im guessing that the wall doesnt immediately collapse or anything but that the magic is nullified and nobody at Castle Black is the wiser because there is no Maester there to check on such things. The Nights Watch will find out the wall can be breached by undead after its already happened.


The music during Cersei's machinations coming to fruition is just amazing.

What a tense scene.

It made me feel a bit sick, as though I knew none of it felt right. To think she would go to such depths.

And now that she has no children left to humanize her, she is going to be the most dangerous threat Westerns has seen on the Iron Throne
i like how in this morally grey dark gritty quasi-realistic medieval world everyone is just like "yeah the 12-year old is fucking right!"

best episode of the series

someone on the kotaku article commented "I know why they call it king's landing now" lmao

Yeah, it was gloriously fitting.

It was utterly amazing and awesome how in such a setting they followed through that it was the 12-year old who was indeed right about it too lol, and that she nailed each of them for being the bastards they were in their hour of need. :D

It's basically the writers' way of saying, "Hey, notice how GRRM takes forever to make stuff happen, let's establish right now we're not going to fall into that trap. If you don't believe us, here's Varys on Dany's ship within 10 minutes of being in Dorne. Interpret the passage of time however you wish."

I think Varys had to be there, because all the pieces needed to be firmly in place. His presence told us that everything was finalized, and added to the context of that final scene with Dany and her ships.

In general, time is just kind of convoluted now. Cersei burns a bunch of important Tyrells alive, and then we suddenly see grandma Tyrell having tea in Dorne? No mourning? When did she even find out?

The writers have pretty much given themselves the liberty of letting the audience fill in the gaps. How many days, weeks between the Varys in Dorne scene and the Varys on a boat scene? Who knows? Maybe 10, maybe 20, maybe 60? It's up to our imaginations. :p

Someone else pointed out hat there are Tyrell ships as well in the final scene. The implication is they picked them up already.
The writers have pretty much given themselves the liberty of letting the audience fill in the gaps. How many days, weeks between the Varys in Dorne scene and the Varys on a boat scene? Who knows? Maybe 10, maybe 20, maybe 60? It's up to our imaginations. :p

Yep. The proper answer to all of those "how much time!?" questions is "enough". However much time feasibly needed is up to the viewer. To be honest, I'm ok with that.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
You guys think Jorah's story is pretty much over? I really liked that last scene he had with Dany, but I'd love for him to still be part of the story moving forward. Great character.

I don't think he will appear again. The entire story in Essos is over and all of the characters in Essos are either in Westeros (Arya) or on a boat to Westeros (Dany, Theon, Yara, Tyrion, Varys, Grey Worm, Missandei)
OMFG this episode was everything, but i see declaring John as king of the north backfiring in the worst way.

From the Tommen suicide, to Arya killing the Freys, this episode was perfect. Although i will miss Dario. Also Cersi made the Tyrell´s her enemy. The alliance is going to crush the Lannisters. Jamie seems in disbelief in his sister´s actions. It´s her he probably will brake with her, especially after he killed the last king who tried to do the same thing.
I laughed so much at the queen of thrones treatment of the sand snakes, haha.

The soundtrack is sublime.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Does anyone think that Daario staying behind, and Dany mentioning that Mereen and Dragon's Bay are now peaceful with the people on the verge of choosing their leaders, that this whole thing was a setup for an escape out of Westeros? I can't for the love of me fathom how the White Walkers can be stopped. Yes dragon glass and Valyrian steel kills the actual White Walkers, but with hundreds of thousands of dead zombies at their disposal, and an ability to raise the dead, the White Walkers never have to personally take to the field.

Jon killing one of them at Hardhome should never have happened. They could have all sat back and the result would have been the same. It was arrogance that caused it, and I doubt they'd make that same mistake.


And it's safe to assume Sam is going to discover the nature of the white walkers and/or how to defeat them

I think it might be more that he finds out how to do something like reproduce dragonglass / Valyrian steel so not just a few scatterred swords can do real damage to them. He already essentially knows how to defeat them, just not on a practical scale.
I'm hoping Arya.... but I'm guessing it will be Sansa. Maybe Sansa finds out after the Starks are reunited and tells Arya and Arya finds a way to just borrow Sansa's face without killing her.
yeah, no

First thing I though of when I saw it...use with caution me thinks.

I'd like it to be Arya too. I guess I'd be okay with it being Arya with a little help from Sansa if they want to do that so she gets some deserved revenge in the end too.

I agree though, I could see it being either of them at this point.


Does anyone think that Daario staying behind, and Dany mentioning that Mereen and Dragon's Bay are now peaceful with the people on the verge of choosing their leaders, that this whole thing was a setup for an escape out of Westeros? I can't for the love of me fathom how the White Walkers can be stopped. Yes dragon glass and Valyrian steel kills the actual White Walkers, but with hundreds of thousands of dead zombies at their disposal, and an ability to raise the dead, the White Walkers never have to personally take to the field.

Jon killing one of them at Hardhome should never have happened. They could have all sat back and the result would have been the same. It was arrogance that caused it, and I doubt they'd make that same mistake.

They already did make that same mistake when they personally attacked the Three Eyed Raven and it cost them another of their brothers.


Hopefully the process of Sam investigating the white walkers isn't carried out too long or they find a way to make him and Gilly more interesting. Guess it was a good break for this episode if nothing else with everything going down, but it really becomes a drag in the middle episodes.


Someone else pointed out hat there are Tyrell ships as well in the final scene. The implication is they picked them up already.

Whoa, really? That's awesome.

Yep. The proper answer to all of those "how much time!?" questions is "enough". However much time feasibly needed is up to the viewer. To be honest, I'm ok with that.

So am I. It threw me off at first, but really, it's a perfectly valid approach. I can definitely see the necessity of it now that we're so close to the end game.
Even if this happens, which I highly doubt, Dany will still have 2 bloodthirsty powerful houses with legit armies that are ready to fight for her.... and THREE fucking Dragons (No way in hell they kill any of those Dragons in a storm). That is still plenty enough to get shit done in the south.

nah, man... this shit is a wrap before it even gets started. Dany has waited all her life for this moment and watch it all be a bore to her.

I mean damn, forget the armies for a second, look at the MINDS she's surrounded with:

Lady Olenna
Tyrion Lannister

God tier intellect in the GoT universe. The only other person alive in that tier is Littlefinger. That's it.

Dany's squad is ridiculously fucking OP from every angle.

lol the way you talk about it, its almost like a videogame. but yea, what you're saying is on point. Dany/Khaleesi has got the most powerful cards in her hands
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