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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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I can almost guarantee that the finale will end with Dany setting sail, dragons flying over her, and then a cut to black while only drogon's screech remains. They have ended so many episodes like that, and I think they'll do the same here.
Down to the screech lol


Does anyone think that Daario staying behind, and Dany mentioning that Mereen and Dragon's Bay are now peaceful with the people on the verge of choosing their leaders, that this whole thing was a setup for an escape out of Westeros? I can't for the love of me fathom how the White Walkers can be stopped. Yes dragon glass and Valyrian steel kills the actual White Walkers, but with hundreds of thousands of dead zombies at their disposal, and an ability to raise the dead, the White Walkers never have to personally take to the field.

Jon killing one of them at Hardhome should never have happened. They could have all sat back and the result would have been the same. It was arrogance that caused it, and I doubt they'd make that same mistake.

Bran and co (meera?) got another after that just by throwing some dragon glass on a stick at him. They seem to have to be there or at least have eyes on what's going on to direct the wights. Strategically, the white walkers seem small in number so they might be vulnerable.


I'm admittedly not the biggest GoT fan but that was one of the best episodes of television I have ever seen. Honestly, this episode is worth sitting through 6 entire seasons for by itself.
Hopefully the process of Sam investigating the white walkers isn't carried out too long or they find a way to make him and Gilly more interesting. Guess it was a good break for this episode if nothing else with everything going down, but it really becomes a drag in the middle episodes.

I loved the look he gave when he got inside and looked around in awe.

RIP unnamed person hit by a fucking church bell lmfao

LOL yeah.
Someone else pointed out hat there are Tyrell ships as well in the final scene. The implication is they picked them up already.

I'd need to rewatch the scene but that wouldn't make sense. Why would Olenna send the Tyrell army to Meereen only for them to sail back to Westeros immediatly?

Unless during that scene Dany is already in Westeros and sailing from Dorne to Kings Landing? I doubt it.


Man...they did not hold back during this episode. Tied up so many loose ends and it was amazing. Cleaned house with the deaths in King's Landing. No more Margaery, Loras or Mace. No more Pycell. No more High Sparrow and his followers. Cersi's Uncle and Lancel. Tommen (unexpectedly for Cersi) offing himself. Jamie back in King's Landing already to reunite. I mean...I could go on. Hot damn. On top of that we get the scoop on Jon finally. Sam is in a place to finally be useful. Arya is slicing necks in Westeros. Dany is making her move. Winter is here. The really went for it with this episode. I know everyone knows this, but I just had to say it myself and get it out. Whew.

Also, people talking about the wall, I think the Horn of winter is still in play? There's a horn in the bundle of Dragon Glass the Brothers find under the marked stone. Did anything specifically happen to it? Is it lost north of the wall in the battles and stuff for the Night King to find?


so was john not expecting to be named king of the north?

Heck no. He just had the conversation with Sansa telling her that she is the lady and master of House Stark. Sansa refused the notion and argued it was his House. Both kind of shrugged off the mantle. Then all the lords followed Lady Mormont's off the cuff claim for Jon as King of the North.

I suppose Jon will march the Northerners to the wall and prepare for the Night King. He'll inevitably find Bran finally, but I wonder if Bran will bother telling Jon about his lineage... He might feel compelled to give his brother-cousin some solace about his mother.


semen stains the mountaintops
I'd need to rewatch the scene but that wouldn't make sense. Why would Olenna send the Tyrell army to Meereen only for them to sail back to Westeros immediatly?

Unless during that scene Dany is already in Westeros and sailing from Dorne to Kings Landing? I doubt it.

If that's the case, when she needed some more ships for her army?


Even if this happens, which I highly doubt, Dany will still have 2 bloodthirsty powerful houses with legit armies that are ready to fight for her.... and THREE fucking Dragons (No way in hell they kill any of those Dragons in a storm). That is still plenty enough to get shit done in the south.

nah, man... this shit is a wrap before it even gets started. Dany has waited all her life for this moment and watch it all be a bore to her.

I mean damn, forget the armies for a second, look at the MINDS she's surrounded with:

Lady Olenna
Tyrion Lannister

God tier intellect in the GoT universe. The only other person alive in that tier is Littlefinger. That's it.

Dany's squad is ridiculously fucking OP from every angle.

I'm not even sure she has to fight hard to get kings landing. Lannisters tend to self destruct when left long enough. The test for Dany for me is when Jon and the north calls to her, maybe via Sam and Tyrion (the only one there who knows Jon?) and then she has to keep the likes of Vengeful Dorne and Olenna in line to see the bigger picture and not get consumed by the personal vendetta against the Lannisters.


Critique her age all you want, but Lady Mormont is simply stealing the show every chance she gets. She is absolutely ruthless, and it makes me want to fight for her.
If you're watching a movie and a scene is edited for suspense (hitman leaves his safehouse at noon, next scene we see him waiting in his target's house at night), do people start questioning where the time went. The implication is always that enough time has passed for the next scene to happen
Man, I love that Dany/Tyrion scene. Tyrion with all those feels after all he's been through.

Heck no. He just had the conversation with Sansa telling her that she is the lady and master of House Stark. Sansa refused the notion and argued it was his House. Both kind of shrugged off the mantle. Then all the lords followed Lady Mormont's off the cuff claim for Jon as King of the North.



Heck no. He just had the conversation with Sansa telling her that she is the lady and master of House Stark. Sansa refused the notion and argued it was his House. Both kind of shrugged off the mantle. Then all the lords followed Lady Mormont's off the cuff claim for Jon as King of the North.

I suppose Jon will march the Northerners to the wall and prepare for the Night King. He'll inevitably find Bran finally, but I wonder if Bran will bother telling Jon about his lineage... He might feel compelled to give his brother-cousin some solace about his mother.

Jon never cares for being King or commander, but he does when needs to been done to fight the White walkers. I am surprised Littlefinger is upfront about wanting the Iron Throne, surely he knows that seat is just vanity and likely to get you killed.


Oh duh. Didn't even realize Jaime would know immediately, exactly what's happened in regards to the wildfire as soon as he returns to King's Landing and sees the aftermath. You'd think at some point he would've tried to move it some place outside of the city itself.


So who's the father of Jon Snow? :/

Christ... Rhaegar Targaryen. The former prince and son of the mad King.

He and Lyanna Stark fell in love and ran away together. Causing the war of the usurper/Robert's rebellion. Lyanna became pregnant and died in a complicated birth that seems to have required a C section.


The war started because Rhaeger kidnapped Ned's sister (and Robert's fiance) so there's really only one person it could be.

The real turning point was Aeyrs II killing Ned's father and older brother, then demanding Ned and Robert be turned over (for killing presumably). Like think about that. 0 -1,000 real damn quick.
If you're watching a movie and a scene is edited for suspense (hitman leaves his safehouse at noon, next scene we see him waiting in his target's house at night), do people start questioning where the time went. The implication is always that enough time has passed for the next scene to happen

Game of Thrones has generally done a good job of transitioning between time jumps, such as showing characters meeting, or en route somewhere, though they've started faltering a bit in recent seasons. This episode seemed to be the most egregious by far though and stands out within the context of being a 60-episode show, and not just a 2-hour movie

While I personally don't think it's a big deal at all, I'm surprised some people don't understand why others might be caught off guard by it.


If you're watching a movie and a scene is edited for suspense (hitman leaves his safehouse at noon, next scene we see him waiting in his target's house at night), do people start questioning where the time went. The implication is always that enough time has passed for the next scene to happen
Six seasons now and people still complain about characters 'teleporting' even though we are given basically zero information on when events take place and how much time is in between events. Blows my mind, really.
I'd need to rewatch the scene but that wouldn't make sense. Why would Olenna send the Tyrell army to Meereen only for them to sail back to Westeros immediatly?

Unless during that scene Dany is already in Westeros and sailing from Dorne to Kings Landing? I doubt it.

Just saw a screenshot. House Tyrell and House Martell are indeed there.



Implied they are close to Kings Landing.


Great season of Game or Thrones, or greatest? I was prepared to despise S6 after the preceding two-season slump, but each and every episode brought it. Damn.

You are forgetting: Winter is Here.

Next season will open with their fleet in a blizzard, ships sinking, battling the iron isles.
Ugh, please no. What a huge downer that would be.


Did Cersi wanted Tommen to die?

She basically tried to isolate him from all influences, but in doing so left him alone, confused, and overwhelmed with loss.

He would have made a great king, but with no court to politically groom him, he was basically a kind hearted child left with ridiculous amounts of responsibility. The pressure broke him and the pavement broke his fall.


Holy shit what an episode.

So the opening of next season?

Jaime: What happened here?
Cersei: I burned them all.

*activates kingslayer mode*

Bye bye Cersei.
After the long summer, darkness will fall heavy on the world. Stars will bleed, the cold breath of winter will freeze the sea's. And the dead shall rise in the North.

If anyone questions Meli, they need to watch this. This was her introduction. She is legit, and end game. I think sending her away was a mistake.

Also answered my question from a few days ago about the the sea's freezing over and if Essos was in danger as well. That coupled with what was Jon said tonight.

"The true enemy won't wait out the storm, he brings the storm." Which also answers my other question, does the winter bring the WW's, or do the WW's bring winter.

Great episode.

Yea, Davos was all emotion, I didn't sympathize with him at all.

But she'll be back, Daenerys' has her red priest with her anyway, and she even has her amulet.

This still begs a bigger question of the gods playing against one another, but we'll see.


I think Cersei had come to terms with Tommen's fate. This season she seemed almost resigned to it, at least during their last interaction.

I think at this point she realizes she can't escape Maggy's prophecy and was just waiting for the shoe to drop.

Holy shit what an episode.

So the opening of next season?

Jaime: What happened here?
Cersei: I burned them all.

*activates kingslayer mode*

Bye bye Cersei.

Won't happen. He will be impaling another monarch though. Hubba Hubba.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
The piano music at the start didn't fit the show, considering I don't recall any other piano pieces.


Short hair -> long hair -> short hair
Where is Dany's fleet gonna land since they picked up the Martell fleet etc? King's Landing?

I can imagine Jaime become the Queenslayer/Sovereignslayer, sitting on the Iron Throne in despair and Dany's fleet lands and Tyrion enters the Red Keep and finds Jaime on the throne.

It's like poetry, it rhymes.


I think Cersei had come to terms with Tommen's fate. This season she seemed almost resigned to it, at least during their last interaction.

I feel like she's conflicted equally in that she wasn't able to show any emotion when seeing Tommen's body because the satisfaction she gained from the bombing was so strong that she couldn't really register that she indirectly caused her son's death.

As of now, it seems to me that Cersei has nothing and no one left to live for but herself. That final look she gave Jaime indicated that even he can do nothing to stop her now and she won't have any problem putting even him in danger if any given situation comes down to that.
Where is Dany's fleet gonna land since they picked up the Martell fleet etc? King's Landing?

I can imagine Jaime become the Queenslayer/Sovereignslayer, sitting on the Iron Throne in despair and Dany's fleet lands and Tyrion enters the Red Keep and finds Jaime on the throne.

It's like poetry, it rhymes.

I was expecting Dorne. Makes sense with the Varys aspect.


semen stains the mountaintops
Where is Dany's fleet gonna land since they picked up the Martell fleet etc? King's Landing?

I can imagine Jaime become the Queenslayer/Sovereignslayer, sitting on the Iron Throne in despair and Dany's fleet lands and Tyrion enters the Red Keep and finds Jaime on the throne.

It's like poetry, it rhymes.

Probably Dorne, it's the closest place to Essos.
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